Improved new HTML format; restored original --no-wrap behavior.

This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2011-02-04 19:27:53 -08:00
parent f9dcea6655
commit 99cb6076f8

View file

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import Data.Char ( ord, toLower )
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, intersperse )
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
import Control.Monad.State
import Text.XHtml.Transitional hiding ( stringToHtml )
import Text.XHtml.Transitional hiding ( stringToHtml, unordList, ordList )
import Text.TeXMath
import Text.XML.Light.Output
@ -64,8 +64,10 @@ stringToHtml :: String -> Html
stringToHtml = primHtml . escapeStringForXML
-- | Hard linebreak.
nl :: Html
nl = primHtml "\n"
nl :: WriterOptions -> Html
nl opts = if writerWrapText opts
then primHtml "\n"
else noHtml
-- | Convert Pandoc document to Html string.
writeHtmlString :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ writeHtmlString opts d =
in if writerStandalone opts
then inTemplate opts tit auths date toc body' newvars
else showHtmlFragment body'
else dropWhile (=='\n') $ showHtmlFragment body'
-- | Convert Pandoc document to Html structure.
writeHtml :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> Html
@ -118,13 +120,13 @@ pandocToHtml opts (Pandoc (Meta title' authors' date') blocks) = do
cutUp xs ++ [endSlide]
_ -> [startSlide] ++ cutUp blocks ++
blocks' <- liftM toHtmlFromList $
blocks' <- liftM (toHtmlFromList . intersperse (nl opts)) $
if writerSlideVariant opts `elem` [SlidySlides, S5Slides]
then mapM (blockToHtml opts) slides
else mapM (elementToHtml opts) sects
st <- get
let notes = reverse (stNotes st)
let thebody = blocks' +++ footnoteSection notes
let thebody = blocks' +++ footnoteSection opts notes
let math = if stMath st
then case writerHTMLMathMethod opts of
LaTeXMathML (Just url) ->
@ -146,7 +148,7 @@ pandocToHtml opts (Pandoc (Meta title' authors' date') blocks) = do
else noHtml
let newvars = [("highlighting-css", defaultHighlightingCss) |
stHighlighting st] ++
[("math", renderHtmlFragment math) | stMath st]
[("math", showHtmlFragment math) | stMath st]
return (tit, auths, date, toc, thebody, newvars)
inTemplate :: TemplateTarget a
@ -165,13 +167,13 @@ inTemplate opts tit auths date toc body' newvars =
date' = stripTags $ showHtmlFragment date
variables = writerVariables opts ++ newvars
context = variables ++
[ ("body", renderHtmlFragment body')
[ ("body", dropWhile (=='\n') $ showHtmlFragment body')
, ("pagetitle", topTitle')
, ("title", renderHtmlFragment tit)
, ("title", dropWhile (=='\n') $ showHtmlFragment tit)
, ("date", date') ] ++
[ ("html5","true") | writerHtml5 opts ] ++
(case toc of
Just t -> [ ("toc", renderHtmlFragment t)]
Just t -> [ ("toc", showHtmlFragment t)]
Nothing -> []) ++
[ ("author", a) | a <- authors ]
in renderTemplate context $ writerTemplate opts
@ -180,6 +182,14 @@ inTemplate opts tit auths date toc body' newvars =
prefixedId :: WriterOptions -> String -> HtmlAttr
prefixedId opts s = identifier $ writerIdentifierPrefix opts ++ s
-- | Replacement for Text.XHtml's unordList.
unordList :: WriterOptions -> ([Html] -> Html)
unordList opts items = ulist << toListItems opts items
-- | Replacement for Text.XHtml's ordList.
ordList :: WriterOptions -> ([Html] -> Html)
ordList opts items = olist << toListItems opts items
-- | Construct table of contents from list of elements.
tableOfContents :: WriterOptions -> [Element] -> State WriterState (Maybe Html)
tableOfContents _ [] = return Nothing
@ -192,9 +202,9 @@ tableOfContents opts sects = do
else Just $
if writerHtml5 opts
then tag "nav" ! [prefixedId opts' "TOC"] $
unordList tocList
nl opts +++ unordList opts tocList
else thediv ! [prefixedId opts' "TOC"] $
unordList tocList
nl opts +++ unordList opts tocList
-- | Convert section number to string
showSecNum :: [Int] -> String
@ -213,7 +223,7 @@ elementToListItem opts (Sec _ num id' headerText subsecs) = do
subHeads <- mapM (elementToListItem opts) subsecs >>= return . catMaybes
let subList = if null subHeads
then noHtml
else unordList subHeads
else unordList opts subHeads
return $ Just $ (anchor ! [href ("#" ++ writerIdentifierPrefix opts ++ id')] $ txt) +++ subList
-- | Convert an Element to Html.
@ -229,21 +239,23 @@ elementToHtml opts (Sec level num id' title' elements) = do
writerSectionDivs opts || slides)]
let stuff = header'' : innerContents
return $ if slides -- S5 gets confused by the extra divs around sections
then toHtmlFromList stuff
then toHtmlFromList $ intersperse (nl opts) stuff
else if writerSectionDivs opts
then if writerHtml5 opts
then tag "section" ! [prefixedId opts id']
<< stuff
else thediv ! [prefixedId opts id'] << stuff
else toHtmlFromList stuff
<< intersperse (nl opts) stuff
else thediv ! [prefixedId opts id'] <<
intersperse (nl opts) stuff
else toHtmlFromList $ intersperse (nl opts) stuff
-- | Convert list of Note blocks to a footnote <div>.
-- Assumes notes are sorted.
footnoteSection :: [Html] -> Html
footnoteSection notes =
footnoteSection :: WriterOptions -> [Html] -> Html
footnoteSection opts notes =
if null notes
then noHtml
else thediv ! [theclass "footnotes"] $ hr +++ (olist << notes)
else thediv ! [theclass "footnotes"]
$ nl opts +++ hr +++ nl opts +++ olist << (notes ++ [nl opts])
-- | Parse a mailto link; return Just (name, domain) or Nothing.
@ -305,23 +317,27 @@ attrsToHtml opts (id',classes',keyvals) =
-- | Convert Pandoc block element to HTML.
blockToHtml :: WriterOptions -> Block -> State WriterState Html
blockToHtml _ Null = return noHtml
blockToHtml opts (Plain lst) = inlineListToHtml opts lst
blockToHtml opts (Para [Image txt (s,tit)]) = do
blockToHtml opts b = blockToHtml' opts b >>= return . (nl opts +++)
blockToHtml' :: WriterOptions -> Block -> State WriterState Html
blockToHtml' _ Null = return noHtml
blockToHtml' opts (Plain lst) = inlineListToHtml opts lst
blockToHtml' opts (Para [Image txt (s,tit)]) = do
img <- inlineToHtml opts (Image txt (s,tit))
capt <- inlineListToHtml opts txt
return $ if writerHtml5 opts
then tag "figure" <<
[img, tag "figcaption" << capt] +++ nl
[nl opts, img, tag "figcaption" << capt, nl opts]
else thediv ! [theclass "figure"] <<
[img, paragraph ! [theclass "caption"] << capt] +++ nl
blockToHtml opts (Para lst) = do
[nl opts, img, paragraph ! [theclass "caption"] << capt,
nl opts]
blockToHtml' opts (Para lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToHtml opts lst
return $ paragraph contents +++ nl
blockToHtml _ (RawBlock "html" str) = return $ primHtml str
blockToHtml _ (RawBlock _ _) = return noHtml
blockToHtml _ (HorizontalRule) = return $ hr +++ nl
blockToHtml opts (CodeBlock (id',classes,keyvals) rawCode) = do
return $ paragraph contents
blockToHtml' _ (RawBlock "html" str) = return $ primHtml str
blockToHtml' _ (RawBlock _ _) = return noHtml
blockToHtml' _ (HorizontalRule) = return hr
blockToHtml' opts (CodeBlock (id',classes,keyvals) rawCode) = do
let classes' = if writerLiterateHaskell opts
then classes
else filter (/= "literate") classes
@ -335,10 +351,10 @@ blockToHtml opts (CodeBlock (id',classes,keyvals) rawCode) = do
else unlines . lines
in return $ pre ! attrs $ thecode <<
(replicate (length leadingBreaks) br +++
[stringToHtml $ addBird rawCode']) +++ nl
[stringToHtml $ addBird rawCode'])
Right h -> modify (\st -> st{ stHighlighting = True }) >>
return (h +++ nl)
blockToHtml opts (BlockQuote blocks) =
return h
blockToHtml' opts (BlockQuote blocks) =
-- in S5, treat list in blockquote specially
-- if default is incremental, make it nonincremental;
-- otherwise incremental
@ -354,8 +370,8 @@ blockToHtml opts (BlockQuote blocks) =
(return . blockquote)
else do
contents <- blockListToHtml opts blocks
return $ blockquote contents +++ nl
blockToHtml opts (Header level lst) = do
return $ blockquote contents
blockToHtml' opts (Header level lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToHtml opts lst
secnum <- liftM stSecNum get
let contents' = if writerNumberSections opts
@ -372,14 +388,14 @@ blockToHtml opts (Header level lst) = do
4 -> h4 contents''
5 -> h5 contents''
6 -> h6 contents''
_ -> paragraph contents'') +++ nl
blockToHtml opts (BulletList lst) = do
_ -> paragraph contents'')
blockToHtml' opts (BulletList lst) = do
contents <- mapM (blockListToHtml opts) lst
let attribs = if writerIncremental opts
then [theclass "incremental"]
else []
return $ (unordList ! attribs) contents +++ nl
blockToHtml opts (OrderedList (startnum, numstyle, _) lst) = do
return $ (unordList opts contents) ! attribs
blockToHtml' opts (OrderedList (startnum, numstyle, _) lst) = do
contents <- mapM (blockListToHtml opts) lst
let numstyle' = camelCaseToHyphenated $ show numstyle
let attribs = (if writerIncremental opts
@ -401,17 +417,18 @@ blockToHtml opts (OrderedList (startnum, numstyle, _) lst) = do
else [thestyle $ "list-style-type: " ++
else [])
return $ (ordList ! attribs) contents +++ nl
blockToHtml opts (DefinitionList lst) = do
return $ (ordList opts contents) ! attribs
blockToHtml' opts (DefinitionList lst) = do
contents <- mapM (\(term, defs) ->
do term' <- liftM (dterm <<) $ inlineListToHtml opts term
defs' <- mapM (liftM (ddef <<) . blockListToHtml opts) defs
return $ nl : term' : nl : defs') lst
defs' <- mapM ((liftM (\x -> ddef << (x +++ nl opts))) .
blockListToHtml opts) defs
return $ nl opts : term' : nl opts : defs') lst
let attribs = if writerIncremental opts
then [theclass "incremental"]
else []
return $ (dlist ! attribs << concat contents) +++ nl
blockToHtml opts (Table capt aligns widths headers rows') = do
return $ dlist ! attribs << (concat contents +++ nl opts)
blockToHtml' opts (Table capt aligns widths headers rows') = do
captionDoc <- if null capt
then return noHtml
else inlineListToHtml opts capt >>= return . caption
@ -428,7 +445,7 @@ blockToHtml opts (Table capt aligns widths headers rows') = do
else liftM (thead <<) $ tableRowToHtml opts aligns 0 headers
body' <- liftM (tbody <<) $
zipWithM (tableRowToHtml opts aligns) [1..] rows'
return $ table $ captionDoc +++ coltags +++ head' +++ body' +++ nl
return $ table $ captionDoc +++ coltags +++ head' +++ body'
tableRowToHtml :: WriterOptions
-> [Alignment]
@ -444,7 +461,7 @@ tableRowToHtml opts aligns rownum cols' = do
cols'' <- sequence $ zipWith
(\alignment item -> tableItemToHtml opts mkcell alignment item)
aligns cols'
return $ (tr ! [theclass rowclass] $ toHtmlFromList cols'') +++ nl
return $ (tr ! [theclass rowclass] $ toHtmlFromList cols'') +++ nl opts
alignmentToString :: Alignment -> [Char]
alignmentToString alignment = case alignment of
@ -463,11 +480,18 @@ tableItemToHtml opts tag' align' item = do
let alignAttrs = if writerHtml5 opts
then [thestyle $ "align: " ++ alignmentToString align']
else [align $ alignmentToString align']
return $ (tag' ! alignAttrs) contents +++ nl
return $ (tag' ! alignAttrs) contents +++ nl opts
toListItems :: WriterOptions -> [Html] -> [Html]
toListItems opts items = map (toListItem opts) items ++ [nl opts]
toListItem :: WriterOptions -> Html -> Html
toListItem opts item = nl opts +++ li item
blockListToHtml :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> State WriterState Html
blockListToHtml opts lst =
mapM (blockToHtml opts) lst >>= return . toHtmlFromList
blockListToHtml opts lst =
mapM (blockToHtml opts) lst >>=
return . toHtmlFromList . intersperse (nl opts)
-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to HTML.
inlineListToHtml :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Html
@ -614,5 +638,5 @@ blockListToNote opts ref blocks =
_ -> otherBlocks ++ [lastBlock,
Plain backlink]
in do contents <- blockListToHtml opts blocks'
return $ nl +++ (li ! [prefixedId opts ("fn" ++ ref)]) contents
return $ nl opts +++ (li ! [prefixedId opts ("fn" ++ ref)]) contents