diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc/BibTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc/BibTeX.hs
index 10730a1e9..5b9068378 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc/BibTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc/BibTeX.hs
@@ -750,41 +750,10 @@ blocksToInlines bs =
        _          -> B.fromList $ Walk.query (:[]) bs
 adjustSpans :: Lang -> Inline -> Inline
-adjustSpans lang (RawInline (Format "latex") s)
-  | s == "\\hyphen" || s == "\\hyphen " = Str "-"
-  | otherwise = parseRawLaTeX lang s
+adjustSpans lang (Span ("",[],[("bibstring",s)]) _) = Str $ resolveKey' lang s
 adjustSpans _ SoftBreak = Space
 adjustSpans _ x = x
-parseRawLaTeX :: Lang -> Text -> Inline
-parseRawLaTeX lang t@(T.stripPrefix "\\" -> Just xs) =
-  case parseLaTeX lang contents of
-          Right [Para ys]  -> f command ys
-          Right [Plain ys] -> f command ys
-          Right []         -> f command []
-          _                -> RawInline (Format "latex") t
-   where (command', contents') = T.break (\c -> c =='{' || c =='\\') xs
-         command  = T.strip command'
-         contents = T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 1 contents'
-         f "mkbibquote"    ils = Span nullAttr [Quoted DoubleQuote ils]
-         f "mkbibemph"     ils = Span nullAttr [Emph ils]
-         f "mkbibitalic"   ils = Span nullAttr [Emph ils]
-         f "mkbibbold"     ils = Span nullAttr [Strong ils]
-         f "mkbibparens"   ils = Span nullAttr $
-                                  [Str "("] ++ ils ++ [Str ")"]
-         f "mkbibbrackets" ils = Span nullAttr $
-                                  [Str "["] ++ ils ++ [Str "]"]
-         -- ... both should be nestable & should work in year fields
-         f "autocap"    ils    = Span nullAttr ils
-           -- TODO: should work in year fields
-         f "textnormal" ils    = Span ("",["nodecor"],[]) ils
-         f "bibstring" [Str s] = Str $ resolveKey' lang s
-         f "adddot"    []      = Str "."
-         f "adddotspace" []    = Span nullAttr [Str ".", Space]
-         f "addabbrvspace" []  = Space
-         f _            ils    = Span nullAttr ils
-parseRawLaTeX _ t = RawInline (Format "latex") t
 latex' :: Text -> Bib [Block]
 latex' t = do
   lang <- gets localeLang
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
index f49323996..91c71c000 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -940,6 +940,24 @@ inlineCommands = M.union inlineLanguageCommands $ M.fromList
   , ("uline", underline <$> tok)
   -- plain tex stuff that should just be passed through as raw tex
   , ("ifdim", ifdim)
+  -- bibtex
+  , ("mkbibquote", spanWith nullAttr . doubleQuoted <$> tok)
+  , ("mkbibemph", spanWith nullAttr . emph <$> tok)
+  , ("mkbibitalic", spanWith nullAttr . emph <$> tok)
+  , ("mkbibbold", spanWith nullAttr . strong <$> tok)
+  , ("mkbibparens",
+       spanWith nullAttr . (\x -> str "(" <> x <> str ")") <$> tok)
+  , ("mkbibbrackets",
+       spanWith nullAttr . (\x -> str "[" <> x <> str "]") <$> tok)
+  , ("autocap", spanWith nullAttr <$> tok)
+  , ("textnormal", spanWith ("",["nodecor"],[]) <$> tok)
+  , ("bibstring",
+       (\x -> spanWith ("",[],[("bibstring",x)]) (str x)) . untokenize
+         <$> braced)
+  , ("adddot", pure (str "."))
+  , ("adddotspace", pure (spanWith nullAttr (str "." <> space)))
+  , ("addabbrvspace", pure space)
+  , ("hyphen", pure (str "-"))
 accent :: PandocMonad m => Char -> Maybe Char -> LP m Inlines
diff --git a/test/command/biblatex-cotton.md b/test/command/biblatex-cotton.md
index 51c3ee2f4..7a7a2e296 100644
--- a/test/command/biblatex-cotton.md
+++ b/test/command/biblatex-cotton.md
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ Cotton, F. A., Wilkinson, G., Murillio, C. A., & Bochmann, M. (1999).
 nocite: "[@*]"
-- annote: A book entry with author authors and an edition field. By
-    default, long author and editor lists are automatically truncated.
-    This is configurable
+- annote: A book entry with `\arabic{author}`{=latex} authors and an
+    edition field. By default, long author and editor lists are
+    automatically truncated. This is configurable
   - family: Cotton
     given: Frank Albert
diff --git a/test/command/biblatex-murray.md b/test/command/biblatex-murray.md
index 78081c6fe..8242e4822 100644
--- a/test/command/biblatex-murray.md
+++ b/test/command/biblatex-murray.md
@@ -55,8 +55,9 @@ properties as a function of core size. *Langmuir*, *14*(1), 17–30.
 nocite: "[@*]"
-- annote: An article entry with author authors. By default, long author
-    and editor lists are automatically truncated. This is configurable
+- annote: An article entry with `\arabic{author}`{=latex} authors. By
+    default, long author and editor lists are automatically truncated.
+    This is configurable
   - family: Hostetler
     given: Michael J.