From 8ddc2fc79a45283e7b90f59e9a7763e877d4c044 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John MacFarlane <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2022 16:27:31 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Integrate server into main pandoc.

- Remove server flag.
- Remove pandoc-server executable.
- Add Text.Pandoc.Server as exposed module. [API change]
- Re-use Opt (and our existing FromJSON instance) for Params.
- Document.
 .github/workflows/ci.yml                |   2 +-
 .github/workflows/release-candidate.yml |   9 +-
 Makefile                                |   2 +-
 app/pandoc.hs                           |  15 +-
 {server => doc}/        | 334 ++++++++++++----------
 linux/{ =>} |   0
 linux/                 |  52 ++--
 linux/          |   9 -
 pandoc.cabal                            |  38 +--
 server/Main.hs                          |  54 ----
 server/PandocServer.hs                  | 301 --------------------
 src/Text/Pandoc/Server.hs               | 357 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 stack.yaml                              |   1 -
 13 files changed, 604 insertions(+), 570 deletions(-)
 rename {server => doc}/ (73%)
 rename linux/{ =>} (100%)
 delete mode 100644 linux/
 delete mode 100644 server/Main.hs
 delete mode 100644 server/PandocServer.hs
 create mode 100644 src/Text/Pandoc/Server.hs

diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index cdf4345d5..fe65baa6e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ jobs:
             testopts: '--test-option=--hide-successes --test-option=--ansi-tricks=false'
           - ghc: '8.10.7'
             cabal: '3.2'
-            cabalopts: '-fserver'
+            cabalopts: ''
             testopts: '--test-option=--hide-successes --test-option=--ansi-tricks=false'
           - ghc: '9.0.2'
             cabal: '3.4'
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release-candidate.yml b/.github/workflows/release-candidate.yml
index 1c5d764e1..c536e5a74 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release-candidate.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release-candidate.yml
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ jobs:
       run: |
           stack --no-terminal setup
           stack --no-terminal update
-          stack --no-terminal install
+          stack --no-terminal install --ghc-options='-j4 +RTS -A256m -RTS -split-sections'
     - name: Create artifacts
       run: |
@@ -112,8 +112,13 @@ jobs:
           mkdir -p ${DEST}/bin
           mkdir -p ${DEST}/share/man/man1
           cp ~/.local/bin/pandoc ${DEST}/bin/
-          strip ${DEST}/bin/pandoc
+          SRCDIR=$(pwd)
+          cd ${DEST}/bin
+          strip pandoc
+          ln -s pandoc pandoc-server
+          cd ${SRCDIR}
           cp man/pandoc.1 ${DEST}/share/man/man1/pandoc.1
+          cp man/pandoc-server.1 ${DEST}/share/man/man1/pandoc-server.1
           ~/.local/bin/pandoc -s -Vpagetitle=License -o ${RESOURCES}/license.html
           chown -R $ME:staff ${ROOT}
           sed -e "s/PANDOCVERSION/${VERSION}/" macos/ > ${ARTIFACTS}/distribution.xml
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index df2d9cc44..fbd3c0eb6 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ man/pandoc.1: MANUAL.txt man/pandoc.1.before man/pandoc.1.after
 		--variable footer="pandoc $(version)" \
 		-o $@
-man/pandoc-server.1: server/
+man/pandoc-server.1: doc/
 	pandoc $< -f markdown -t man -s \
 		--lua-filter man/manfilter.lua \
 		--variable footer="pandoc-server $(version)" \
diff --git a/app/pandoc.hs b/app/pandoc.hs
index 24c7c5adc..753bea399 100644
--- a/app/pandoc.hs
+++ b/app/pandoc.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,18 @@ module Main where
 import qualified Control.Exception as E
 import Text.Pandoc.App (convertWithOpts, defaultOpts, options, parseOptions)
 import Text.Pandoc.Error (handleError)
+import Text.Pandoc.Server (ServerOpts(..), parseServerOpts, app)
+import System.Environment (getProgName)
+import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.CGI as CGI
+import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
+import Network.Wai.Middleware.Timeout (timeout)
 main :: IO ()
-main = E.catch (parseOptions options defaultOpts >>= convertWithOpts)
-          (handleError . Left)
+main = E.handle (handleError . Left) $ do
+  prg <- getProgName
+  case prg of
+    "pandoc-server.cgi" -> (timeout 2 app)
+    "pandoc-server" -> do
+      sopts <- parseServerOpts
+ (serverPort sopts) (timeout (serverTimeout sopts) app)
+    _ -> parseOptions options defaultOpts >>= convertWithOpts
diff --git a/server/ b/doc/
similarity index 73%
rename from server/
rename to doc/
index e22063fa8..b5c68d564 100644
--- a/server/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -12,16 +12,17 @@ date: August 15, 2022
 `pandoc-server` is a web server that can perform pandoc
 conversions.  It can be used either as a running server
-or as a CGI program.  To use `pandoc-server` as a CGI
-program, rename it (or symlink it) as `pandoc-server.cgi`.
-(Note: if you symlink it, you may need to adjust your
-webserver's configuration in order to allow it to follow
-symlinks for the CGI script.)
+or as a CGI program.
+To use `pandoc-server` as a CGI program, rename it (or symlink
+it) as `pandoc-server.cgi`. (Note: if you symlink it, you may
+need to adjust your webserver's configuration in order to allow
+it to follow symlinks for the CGI script.)
 All pandoc functions are run in the PandocPure monad, which
 ensures that they can do no I/O operations on the server.
-This should provide a high degree of security.  It does,
-however, impose certain limitations:
+This should provide a high degree of security. This security
+does, however, impose certain limitations:
 - PDFs cannot be produced.
@@ -85,17 +86,38 @@ the first one given is the default.
 :   The output format, possibly with extensions, just as it is
     specified on the pandoc command line.
-`wrapText` (`"auto"|"preserve"|"none"`)
+`shift-heading-level-by` (integer, default 0)
-:   Text wrapping option: either `"auto"` (automatic
-    hard-wrapping to fit within a column width), `"preserve"`
-    (insert newlines where they are present in the source),
-    or `"none"` (don't insert any unnecessary newlines at all).
+:   Increase or decrease the level of all headings.
-`columns` (integer, default 72)
+`indented-code-classes` (array of strings)
-:   Column width (affects text wrapping and calculation of
-    table column widths in plain text formats)
+:   List of classes to be applied to indented Markdown code blocks.
+`default-image-extension` (string)
+:   Extension to be applied to image sources that lack extensions
+    (e.g. `".jpg"`).
+`metadata` (JSON map)
+:   String-valued metadata.
+`tab-stop` (integer, default 4)
+:   Tab stop (spaces per tab).
+`track-changes` (`"accept"|"reject"|"all"`)
+:   Specifies what to do with insertions, deletions, and
+    comments produced by the MS Word "Track Changes" feature. Only
+    affects docx input.
+`abbreviations` (file path)
+:   List of strings to be regarded as abbreviations when
+    parsing Markdown. See `--abbreviations` in `pandoc(1)` for
+    details.
 `standalone` (boolean, default false)
@@ -108,119 +130,7 @@ the first one given is the default.
 :   String contents of a document template (see Templates in
     `pandoc(1)` for the format).
-`tabStop` (integer, default 4)
-:   Tab stop (spaces per tab).
-`indentedCodeClasses` (array of strings)
-:   List of classes to be applied to indented Markdown code blocks.
-`abbreviations` (array of strings)
-:   List of strings to be regarded as abbreviations when
-    parsing Markdown. See `--abbreviations` in `pandoc(1)` for
-    details.
-`defaultImageExtension` (string)
-:   Extension to be applied to image sources that lack extensions
-    (e.g. `".jpg"`).
-`trackChanges` (`"accept"|"reject"|"all"`)
-:   Specifies what to do with insertions, deletions, and
-    comments produced by the MS Word "Track Changes" feature. Only
-    affects docx input.
-`stripComments` (boolean, default false)
-:   Causes HTML comments to be stripped in Markdown or Textile
-    source, instead of being passed through to the output format.
-`citeproc` (boolean, default false)
-:   Causes citations to be processed using citeproc.  See
-    Citations in `pandoc(1)` for details.
-`citeMethod` (`"citeproc"|"natbib"|"biblatex"`)
-:   Determines how citations are formatted in LaTeX output.
-`tableOfContents` (boolean, default false)
-:   Include a table of contents (in supported formats).
-`tocDepth` (integer, default 3)
-:   Depth of sections to include in the table of contents.
-`numberSections` (boolean, default false)
-:   Automatically number sections (in supported formats).
-`numberOffset` (array of integers)
-:   Offsets to be added to each component of the section number.
-    For example, `[1]` will cause the first section to be
-    numbered "2" and the first subsection "2.1"; `[0,1]` will
-    cause the first section to be numbered "1" and the first
-    subsection "1.2."
-`identifierPrefix` (string)
-:   Prefix to be added to all automatically-generated identifiers.
-`sectionDivs` (boolean, default false)
-:   Arrange the document into a hierarchy of nested sections
-    based on the headings.
-`htmlQTags` (boolean, default false)
-:   Use `<q>` elements in HTML instead of literal quotation marks.
-`listings` (boolean, default false)
-:   Use the `listings` package to format code in LaTeX output.
-`referenceLinks` (boolean, default false)
-:   Create reference links rather than inline links in Markdown output.
-`setextHeaders` (boolean, default false)
-:   Use Setext (underlined) headings instead of ATX (`#`-prefixed)
-    in Markdown output.
-`preferAscii` (boolean, default false)
-:   Use entities and escapes when possible to avoid non-ASCII
-    characters in the output.
-`referenceLocation` (`"document"|"section"|"block"`)
-:   Determines whether link references and footnotes are placed
-    at the end of the document, the end of the section, or the
-    end of the block (e.g. paragraph), in
-    certain formats. (See `pandoc(1)` under `--reference-location`.)
-`topLevelDivision` (`"default"|"part"|"chapter"|"section"`)
-:   Determines how top-level headings are interpreted in
-    LaTeX, ConTeXt, DocBook, and TEI.  The `"default"` value
-    tries to choose the best interpretation based on heuristics.
-`emailObfuscation` (`"none"|"references"|"javascript"`)
-:   Determines how email addresses are obfuscated in HTML.
-`htmlMathMethod` (`"plain"|"webtex"|"gladtex"|"mathml"|"mathjax"|"katex"`)
-:   Determines how math is represented in HTML.
-`variables` (JSON mapping)
+`variables` (JSON map)
 :   Variables to be interpolated in the template. (See Templates
     in `pandoc(1)`.)
@@ -230,17 +140,32 @@ the first one given is the default.
 :   Dots-per-inch to use for conversions between pixels and
     other measurements (for image sizes).
-`incremental` (boolean, default false)
+`wrap` (`"auto"|"preserve"|"none"`)
-:   If true, lists appear incrementally by default in slide shows.
+:   Text wrapping option: either `"auto"` (automatic
+    hard-wrapping to fit within a column width), `"preserve"`
+    (insert newlines where they are present in the source),
+    or `"none"` (don't insert any unnecessary newlines at all).
-`slideLevel` (integer)
+`columns` (integer, default 72)
-:   Heading level that deterimes slide divisions in slide shows.
-    The default is to pick the highest heading level under which
-    there is body text.
+:   Column width (affects text wrapping and calculation of
+    table column widths in plain text formats)
-`highlightStyle` (string, default `"pygments"`)
+`table-of-contents` (boolean, default false)
+:   Include a table of contents (in supported formats).
+`toc-depth` (integer, default 3)
+:   Depth of sections to include in the table of contents.
+`strip-comments` (boolean, default false)
+:   Causes HTML comments to be stripped in Markdown or Textile
+    source, instead of being passed through to the output format.
+`highlight-style` (string, default `"pygments"`)
 :   Specify the style to use for syntax highlighting of code.
     Standard styles are `"pygments"` (the default), `"kate"`,
@@ -250,27 +175,149 @@ the first one given is the default.
     case, the relevant file contents must also be included
     in `files`, see below).
-`epubMetadata` (string)
-:   Dublin core XML elements to be used for EPUB metadata.
+:   Embed images, scripts, styles and other resources in an HTML
+    document using `data` URIs.  Note that this will not work
+    unless the contents of all external resources are included
+    under `files`.
-`epubChapterLevel` (integer, default 1)
+`html-q-tags` (boolean, default false)
+:   Use `<q>` elements in HTML instead of literal quotation marks.
+`ascii` (boolean, default false)
+:   Use entities and escapes when possible to avoid non-ASCII
+    characters in the output.
+`reference-links` (boolean, default false)
+:   Create reference links rather than inline links in Markdown output.
+`referenceLocation` (`"document"|"section"|"block"`)
+:   Determines whether link references and footnotes are placed
+    at the end of the document, the end of the section, or the
+    end of the block (e.g. paragraph), in
+    certain formats. (See `pandoc(1)` under `--reference-location`.)
+`setext-headers` (boolean, default false)
+:   Use Setext (underlined) headings instead of ATX (`#`-prefixed)
+    in Markdown output.
+`top-level-division` (`"default"|"part"|"chapter"|"section"`)
+:   Determines how top-level headings are interpreted in
+    LaTeX, ConTeXt, DocBook, and TEI.  The `"default"` value
+    tries to choose the best interpretation based on heuristics.
+`number-sections` (boolean, default false)
+:   Automatically number sections (in supported formats).
+`number-offset` (array of integers)
+:   Offsets to be added to each component of the section number.
+    For example, `[1]` will cause the first section to be
+    numbered "2" and the first subsection "2.1"; `[0,1]` will
+    cause the first section to be numbered "1" and the first
+    subsection "1.2."
+`html-math-method` (`"plain"|"webtex"|"gladtex"|"mathml"|"mathjax"|"katex"`)
+:   Determines how math is represented in HTML.
+`listings` (boolean, default false)
+:   Use the `listings` package to format code in LaTeX output.
+`incremental` (boolean, default false)
+:   If true, lists appear incrementally by default in slide shows.
+`slide-level` (integer)
+:   Heading level that deterimes slide divisions in slide shows.
+    The default is to pick the highest heading level under which
+    there is body text.
+`section-divs` (boolean, default false)
+:   Arrange the document into a hierarchy of nested sections
+    based on the headings.
+`email-obfuscation` (`"none"|"references"|"javascript"`)
+:   Determines how email addresses are obfuscated in HTML.
+`identifier-prefix` (string)
+:   Prefix to be added to all automatically-generated identifiers.
+`title-prefix` (string)
+:   Prefix to be added to the title in the HTML header.
+`reference-doc` (file path)
+:   Reference doc to use in creating `docx` or `odt` or `pptx`.
+    See `pandoc(1)` under `--reference-doc` for details.
+    The contents of the file must be included under `files`.
+`epub-cover-image` (file path)
+:   Cover image for EPUB.
+    The contents of the file must be included under `files`.
+`epub-metadata` (file path)
+:   Path of file containing Dublin core XML elements to be used for
+    EPUB metadata.  The contents of the file must be included
+    under `files`.
+`epub-chapter-level` (integer, default 1)
 :   Heading level at which chapter splitting occurs in EPUBs.
-`epubSubdirectory` (string, default "EPUB")
+`epub-subdirectory` (string, default "EPUB")
 :   Name of content subdirectory in the EPUB container.
-`epubFonts` (array of file paths)
+`epub-fonts` (array of file paths)
 :   Fonts to include in the EPUB. The fonts themselves must be
     included in `files` (see below).
-`referenceDoc` (file path)
+`ipynb-output` (`"best"|"all"|"none"`)
-:   Reference doc to use in creating `docx` or `odt` or `pptx`.
-    See `pandoc(1)` under `--reference-doc` for details.
+:   Determines how ipynb output cells are treated. `all` means
+    that all of the data formats included in the original are
+    preserved.  `none` means that the contents of data cells
+    are omitted.  `best` causes pandoc to try to pick the
+    richest data block in each output cell that is compatible
+    with the output format.
+`citeproc` (boolean, default false)
+:   Causes citations to be processed using citeproc.  See
+    Citations in `pandoc(1)` for details.
+`bibliography` (array of file paths)
+:   Files containing bibliographic data. The contents of the
+    files must be included in `files`.
+`csl` (file path)
+:   CSL style file. The contents of the file must be included
+    in `files`.
+`cite-method` (`"citeproc"|"natbib"|"biblatex"`)
+:   Determines how citations are formatted in LaTeX output.
 `files` (JSON mapping of file paths to base64-encoded strings)
@@ -280,7 +327,6 @@ the first one given is the default.
     left as it is, unless it is *also* valid base 64 data,
     in which case it will be interpreted that way.
 ## `/batch` endpoint
 The `/batch` endpoint behaves like the root endpoint,
diff --git a/linux/ b/linux/
similarity index 100%
rename from linux/
rename to linux/
diff --git a/linux/ b/linux/
index 5e594b569..4653a0c19 100644
--- a/linux/
+++ b/linux/
@@ -27,42 +27,44 @@ ghc --version
 cabal update
 cabal clean
-cabal configure -fserver -f-export-dynamic -fembed_data_files --enable-executable-static --ghc-options '-j4 +RTS -A256m -RTS -split-sections -optc-Os -optl=-pthread' pandoc pandoc-server
+cabal configure -f-export-dynamic -fembed_data_files --enable-executable-static --ghc-options '-j4 +RTS -A256m -RTS -split-sections -optc-Os -optl=-pthread' pandoc
 cabal build -j4
 for f in $(find dist-newstyle -name 'pandoc' -type f -perm /400); do cp $f $ARTIFACTS/; done
-for f in $(find dist-newstyle -name 'pandoc-server' -type f -perm /400); do cp $f /$ARTIFACTS/; done
 # Confirm that we have static builds
 file $ARTIFACTS/pandoc | grep "statically linked"
-file $ARTIFACTS/pandoc-server | grep "statically linked"
-# make deb for EXE
 make_deb() {
-  VERSION=`$ARTIFACTS/$EXE --version | awk '{print $2; exit;}'`
+  VERSION=`$ARTIFACTS/pandoc --version | awk '{print $2; exit;}'`
-  COPYRIGHT=$DEST/share/doc/$EXE/copyright
+  COPYRIGHT=$DEST/share/doc/pandoc/copyright
   cd /mnt
   mkdir -p $DEST/bin
   mkdir -p $DEST/share/man/man1
-  mkdir -p $DEST/share/doc/$EXE
+  mkdir -p $DEST/share/doc/pandoc
   find $DIST -type d | xargs chmod 755
-  cp $ARTIFACTS/$EXE $DEST/bin/
-  strip $DEST/bin/$EXE
-  cp /mnt/man/$EXE.1 $DEST/share/man/man1/$EXE.1
-  gzip -9 $DEST/share/man/man1/$EXE.1
+  cp $ARTIFACTS/pandoc $DEST/bin/
+  cd $DEST/bin
+  strip pandoc
+  ln -s pandoc pandoc-server
+  cd /mnt
+  cp /mnt/man/pandoc.1 $DEST/share/man/man1/pandoc.1
+  gzip -9 $DEST/share/man/man1/pandoc.1
+  cp /mnt/man/pandoc-server.1 $DEST/share/man/man1/pandoc-server.1
+  gzip -9 $DEST/share/man/man1/pandoc-server.1
   echo "" >> $COPYRIGHT
   INSTALLED_SIZE=$(du -k -s $DEST | awk '{print $1}')
   mkdir $DIST/DEBIAN
-  perl -pe "s/VERSION/$DEBVER/" /mnt/linux/$ | \
+  perl -pe "s/VERSION/$DEBVER/" /mnt/linux/ | \
     perl -pe "s/ARCHITECTURE/$ARCHITECTURE/" | \
     > $DIST/DEBIAN/control
@@ -73,26 +75,28 @@ make_deb() {
   cp $BASE.deb $ARTIFACTS/
-# Make tarball for EXE
+# Make tarball for pandoc
 make_tarball() {
   rm -rf $TARGET
   mkdir $TARGET
   mkdir $TARGET/bin $TARGET/share $TARGET/share/man $TARGET/share/man/man1
-  cp /mnt/man/$EXE.1 $TARGET/share/man/man1
-  mv $EXE $TARGET/bin
-  strip $TARGET/bin/$EXE
-  gzip -9 $TARGET/share/man/man1/$EXE.1
+  cp /mnt/man/pandoc.1 $TARGET/share/man/man1
+  cp /mnt/man/pandoc-server.1 $TARGET/share/man/man1
+  mv pandoc $TARGET/bin
+  cd $TARGET/bin
+  strip pandoc
+  ln -s pandoc pandoc-server
+  gzip -9 $TARGET/share/man/man1/pandoc.1
+  gzip -9 $TARGET/share/man/man1/pandoc-server.1
   tar cvzf $TARGET-linux-$ARCHITECTURE.tar.gz $TARGET
   rm -r $TARGET
-for EXE in pandoc pandoc-server
-  make_deb
-  make_tarball
 exit 0
diff --git a/linux/ b/linux/
deleted file mode 100644
index 348fd21c4..000000000
--- a/linux/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Package: pandoc-server
-Version: VERSION
-Section: text
-Priority: optional
-Architecture: ARCHITECTURE
-Installed-Size: INSTALLED_SIZE
-Depends: libc6 (>= 2.13), libgmp10, zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4)
-Maintainer: John MacFarlane <>
-Description: HTTP server for pandoc document format converter
diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index 275e87f90..592956c55 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -429,10 +429,6 @@ flag lua53
   Description:   Embed Lua 5.3 instead of 5.4.
   Default:       False
-flag server
-  Description:   Build pandoc-server executable.
-  Default:       False
 flag nightly
   Description:   Add '-nightly-COMPILEDATE' to the output of '--version'.
   Default:       False
@@ -538,7 +534,10 @@ library
                  xml-types             >= 0.3      && < 0.4,
                  yaml                  >= 0.11     && < 0.12,
                  zip-archive           >=  && < 0.5,
-                 zlib                  >= 0.5      && < 0.7
+                 zlib                  >= 0.5      && < 0.7,
+                 servant-server,
+                 wai                   >= 0.3
   if !os(windows)
     build-depends:  unix >= 2.4 && < 2.8
   if flag(nightly)
@@ -564,6 +563,7 @@ library
+                   Text.Pandoc.Server,
@@ -789,32 +789,8 @@ executable pandoc
   main-is:         pandoc.hs
   buildable:       True
   other-modules:   Paths_pandoc
-executable pandoc-server
-  import:          common-executable
-  main-is:         Main.hs
-  other-modules:   PandocServer
-  hs-source-dirs:  server
-  if flag(server)
-    build-depends: base,
-                   pandoc,
-                   aeson,
-                   text,
-                   containers,
-                   data-default,
-                   bytestring,
-                   skylighting,
-                   base64 >= 0.4,
-                   doctemplates,
-                   servant-server,
-                   wai >= 0.3,
-                   wai-extra >= 3.0.24,
-                   warp,
-                   optparse-applicative
-    buildable:     True
-  else
-    buildable:     False
+  build-depends:   wai-extra             >= 3.0.24,
+                   warp
 test-suite test-pandoc
   import:         common-executable
diff --git a/server/Main.hs b/server/Main.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 531a0b0a0..000000000
--- a/server/Main.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-module Main where
-import PandocServer (app)
-import Text.Pandoc (pandocVersion)
-import Control.Monad (when)
-import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.CGI as CGI
-import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
-import Network.Wai.Middleware.Timeout (timeout)
-import System.Environment (getProgName)
-import Options.Applicative
-import System.Exit (exitWith, ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
-import Data.Text as T
-data Opts = Opts
-  { optPort :: Warp.Port,
-    optTimeout :: Int, -- seconds
-    optVersion :: Bool }
-options :: Parser Opts
-options = Opts
-  <$> option auto
-         ( long "port"
-         <> value 3030
-         <> metavar "PORT"
-         <> help "Port to serve on" )
-  <*> option auto
-         ( long "timeout"
-         <> value 2
-         <> metavar "SECONDS"
-         <> help "Seconds timeout" )
-  <*> flag False True
-         ( long "version"
-         <> help "Print version" )
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
-  progname <- getProgName
-  let optspec = info (options <**> helper)
-       ( fullDesc
-       <> progDesc "Run a pandoc server"
-       <> header "pandoc-server - text conversion server" )
-  opts <- execParser optspec
-  when (optVersion opts) $ do
-    putStrLn $ progname <> " " <> T.unpack pandocVersion
-    exitWith ExitSuccess
-  let port = optPort opts
-  let app' = timeout (optTimeout opts) app
-  if progname == "pandoc-server.cgi"
-     then -- operate as a CGI script
- app'
-     else -- operate as a persistent server
- port app'
diff --git a/server/PandocServer.hs b/server/PandocServer.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 295412c6d..000000000
--- a/server/PandocServer.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds       #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators   #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-module PandocServer
-    ( app
-    , Params(..)
-    ) where
-import Data.Aeson
-import Data.Aeson.TH
-import Network.Wai
-import Servant
-import Text.DocTemplates as DocTemplates
-import Text.Pandoc
-import Text.Pandoc.Citeproc (processCitations)
-import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (lookupHighlightingStyle)
-import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
-import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
-import Data.ByteString.Base64 (decodeBase64, encodeBase64)
-import Data.Default
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import Data.Set (Set)
-import Skylighting (defaultSyntaxMap)
-newtype Blob = Blob BL.ByteString
-  deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance ToJSON Blob where
-  toJSON (Blob bs) = toJSON (encodeBase64 $ BL.toStrict bs)
-instance FromJSON Blob where
- parseJSON = withText "Blob" $ \t -> do
-   let inp = UTF8.fromText t
-   case decodeBase64 inp of
-        Right bs -> return $ Blob $ BL.fromStrict bs
-        Left _ -> -- treat as regular text
-                    return $ Blob $ BL.fromStrict inp
--- This is the data to be supplied by the JSON payload
--- of requests.  Maybe values may be omitted and will be
--- given default values.
-data Params = Params
-  { text                  :: Text
-  , from                  :: Maybe Text
-  , to                    :: Maybe Text
-  , wrapText              :: Maybe WrapOption
-  , columns               :: Maybe Int
-  , standalone            :: Maybe Bool
-  , template              :: Maybe Text
-  , tabStop               :: Maybe Int
-  , indentedCodeClasses   :: Maybe [Text]
-  , abbreviations         :: Maybe (Set Text)
-  , defaultImageExtension :: Maybe Text
-  , trackChanges          :: Maybe TrackChanges
-  , stripComments         :: Maybe Bool
-  , citeproc              :: Maybe Bool
-  , variables             :: Maybe (DocTemplates.Context Text)
-  , tableOfContents       :: Maybe Bool
-  , incremental           :: Maybe Bool
-  , htmlMathMethod        :: Maybe HTMLMathMethod
-  , numberSections        :: Maybe Bool
-  , numberOffset          :: Maybe [Int]
-  , sectionDivs           :: Maybe Bool
-  , referenceLinks        :: Maybe Bool
-  , dpi                   :: Maybe Int
-  , emailObfuscation      :: Maybe ObfuscationMethod
-  , identifierPrefix      :: Maybe Text
-  , citeMethod            :: Maybe CiteMethod
-  , htmlQTags             :: Maybe Bool
-  , slideLevel            :: Maybe Int
-  , topLevelDivision      :: Maybe TopLevelDivision
-  , listings              :: Maybe Bool
-  , highlightStyle        :: Maybe Text
-  , setextHeaders         :: Maybe Bool
-  , epubSubdirectory      :: Maybe Text
-  , epubFonts             :: Maybe [FilePath]
-  , epubMetadata          :: Maybe Text
-  , epubChapterLevel      :: Maybe Int
-  , tocDepth              :: Maybe Int
-  , referenceDoc          :: Maybe FilePath
-  , referenceLocation     :: Maybe ReferenceLocation
-  , preferAscii           :: Maybe Bool
-  , files                 :: Maybe (Map FilePath Blob)
-  } deriving (Show)
-instance Default Params where
-  def = Params
-    { text = ""
-    , from = Nothing
-    , to = Nothing
-    , wrapText = Nothing
-    , columns = Nothing
-    , standalone = Nothing
-    , template = Nothing
-    , tabStop = Nothing
-    , indentedCodeClasses = Nothing
-    , abbreviations = Nothing
-    , defaultImageExtension = Nothing
-    , trackChanges = Nothing
-    , stripComments = Nothing
-    , citeproc = Nothing
-    , variables = Nothing
-    , tableOfContents = Nothing
-    , incremental = Nothing
-    , htmlMathMethod = Nothing
-    , numberSections = Nothing
-    , numberOffset = Nothing
-    , sectionDivs = Nothing
-    , referenceLinks = Nothing
-    , dpi = Nothing
-    , emailObfuscation = Nothing
-    , identifierPrefix = Nothing
-    , citeMethod = Nothing
-    , htmlQTags = Nothing
-    , slideLevel = Nothing
-    , topLevelDivision = Nothing
-    , listings = Nothing
-    , highlightStyle = Nothing
-    , setextHeaders = Nothing
-    , epubSubdirectory = Nothing
-    , epubMetadata = Nothing
-    , epubChapterLevel = Nothing
-    , epubFonts = Nothing
-    , tocDepth = Nothing
-    , referenceDoc = Nothing
-    , referenceLocation = Nothing
-    , preferAscii = Nothing
-    , files = Nothing
-    }
-    -- TODO:
-    -- shiftHeadingLevelBy
-    -- metadata
-    -- selfContained
-    -- embedResources
-    -- epubCoverImage
-    -- stripEmptyParagraphs
-    -- titlePrefix
-    -- ipynbOutput
-    -- eol
-    -- csl
-    -- bibliography
-    -- citationAbbreviations
--- Automatically derive code to convert to/from JSON.
-$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Params)
--- This is the API.  The "/convert" endpoint takes a request body
--- consisting of a JSON-encoded Params structure and responds to
--- Get requests with either plain text or JSON, depending on the
--- Accept header.
-type API =
-  ReqBody '[JSON] Params :> Post '[PlainText, JSON] Text
-  :<|>
-  ReqBody '[JSON] Params :> Post '[OctetStream] BS.ByteString
-  :<|>
-  "batch" :> ReqBody '[JSON] [Params] :> Post '[JSON] [Text]
-  :<|>
-  "babelmark" :> QueryParam' '[Required] "text" Text :> QueryParam "from" Text :> QueryParam "to" Text :> QueryFlag "standalone" :> Get '[JSON] Value
-  :<|>
-  "version" :> Get '[PlainText, JSON] Text
-app :: Application
-app = serve api server
-api :: Proxy API
-api = Proxy
-server :: Server API
-server = convert
-    :<|> convertBytes
-    :<|> mapM convert
-    :<|> babelmark  -- for babelmark which expects {"html": "", "version": ""}
-    :<|> pure pandocVersion
- where
-  babelmark text' from' to' standalone' = do
-    res <- convert def{ text = text',
-                        from = from', to = to',
-                        standalone = Just standalone' }
-    return $ toJSON $ object [ "html" .= res, "version" .= pandocVersion ]
-  -- We use runPure for the pandoc conversions, which ensures that
-  -- they will do no IO.  This makes the server safe to use.  However,
-  -- it will mean that features requiring IO, like RST includes, will not work.
-  -- Changing this to
-  --    handleErr =<< liftIO (runIO (convert' params))
-  -- will allow the IO operations.
-  convert params = handleErr $
-    runPure (convert' id (encodeBase64 . BL.toStrict) params)
-  convertBytes params = handleErr $
-    runPure (convert' UTF8.fromText BL.toStrict params)
-  convert' :: PandocMonad m
-           => (Text -> a) -> (BL.ByteString -> a) -> Params -> m a
-  convert' textHandler bsHandler params = do
-    let readerFormat = fromMaybe "markdown" $ from params
-    let writerFormat = fromMaybe "html" $ to params
-    (readerSpec, readerExts) <- getReader readerFormat
-    (writerSpec, writerExts) <- getWriter writerFormat
-    let binaryOutput = case writerSpec of
-                         ByteStringWriter{} -> True
-                         _ -> False
-    let isStandalone = fromMaybe binaryOutput (standalone params)
-    let toformat = T.toLower $ T.takeWhile isAlphaNum $ writerFormat
-    hlStyle <- traverse (lookupHighlightingStyle . T.unpack)
-                  $ highlightStyle params
-    mbTemplate <- if isStandalone
-                     then case template params of
-                            Nothing -> Just <$>
-                              compileDefaultTemplate toformat
-                            Just t  -> Just <$>
-                              compileCustomTemplate toformat t
-                     else return Nothing
-    let readeropts = def{ readerExtensions = readerExts
-                        , readerStandalone = isStandalone
-                        , readerTabStop = fromMaybe 4 (tabStop params)
-                        , readerIndentedCodeClasses = fromMaybe []
-                            (indentedCodeClasses params)
-                        , readerAbbreviations =
-                            fromMaybe mempty (abbreviations params)
-                        , readerDefaultImageExtension =
-                            fromMaybe mempty (defaultImageExtension params)
-                        , readerTrackChanges =
-                            fromMaybe AcceptChanges (trackChanges params)
-                        , readerStripComments =
-                            fromMaybe False (stripComments params)
-                        }
-    let writeropts =
-          def{ writerExtensions = writerExts
-             , writerTabStop = fromMaybe 4 (tabStop params)
-             , writerWrapText = fromMaybe WrapAuto (wrapText params)
-             , writerColumns = fromMaybe 72 (columns params)
-             , writerTemplate = mbTemplate
-             , writerSyntaxMap = defaultSyntaxMap
-             , writerVariables = fromMaybe mempty (variables params)
-             , writerTableOfContents = fromMaybe False (tableOfContents params)
-             , writerIncremental = fromMaybe False (incremental params)
-             , writerHTMLMathMethod =
-                 fromMaybe PlainMath (htmlMathMethod params)
-             , writerNumberSections = fromMaybe False (numberSections params)
-             , writerNumberOffset = fromMaybe [] (numberOffset params)
-             , writerSectionDivs = fromMaybe False (sectionDivs params)
-             , writerReferenceLinks = fromMaybe False (referenceLinks params)
-             , writerDpi = fromMaybe 96 (dpi params)
-             , writerEmailObfuscation =
-                 fromMaybe NoObfuscation (emailObfuscation params)
-             , writerIdentifierPrefix =
-                 fromMaybe mempty (identifierPrefix params)
-             , writerCiteMethod = fromMaybe Citeproc (citeMethod params)
-             , writerHtmlQTags = fromMaybe False (htmlQTags params)
-             , writerSlideLevel = slideLevel params
-             , writerTopLevelDivision =
-                 fromMaybe TopLevelDefault (topLevelDivision params)
-             , writerListings = fromMaybe False (listings params)
-             , writerHighlightStyle = hlStyle
-             , writerSetextHeaders = fromMaybe False (setextHeaders params)
-             , writerEpubSubdirectory =
-                 fromMaybe "EPUB" (epubSubdirectory params)
-             , writerEpubMetadata = epubMetadata params
-             , writerEpubFonts = fromMaybe [] (epubFonts params)
-             , writerEpubChapterLevel = fromMaybe 1 (epubChapterLevel params)
-             , writerTOCDepth = fromMaybe 3 (tocDepth params)
-             , writerReferenceDoc = referenceDoc params
-             , writerReferenceLocation =
-                 fromMaybe EndOfDocument (referenceLocation params)
-             , writerPreferAscii = fromMaybe False (preferAscii params)
-             }
-    let reader = case readerSpec of
-                TextReader r -> r readeropts
-                ByteStringReader r -> \t -> do
-                  let eitherbs = decodeBase64 $ UTF8.fromText t
-                  case eitherbs of
-                    Left errt -> throwError $ PandocSomeError errt
-                    Right bs -> r readeropts $ BL.fromStrict bs
-    let writer = case writerSpec of
-                TextWriter w -> fmap textHandler . w writeropts
-                ByteStringWriter w -> fmap bsHandler . w writeropts
-    reader (text params) >>=
-      (if citeproc params == Just True
-          then processCitations
-          else return) >>=
-      writer
-  handleErr (Right t) = return t
-  handleErr (Left err) = throwError $
-    err500 { errBody = TLE.encodeUtf8 $ TL.fromStrict $ renderError err }
-  compileCustomTemplate toformat t = do
-    res <- runWithPartials $ compileTemplate ("custom." <> T.unpack toformat) t
-    case res of
-      Left e -> throwError $ PandocTemplateError (T.pack e)
-      Right tpl -> return tpl
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Server.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Server.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7c46f93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Server.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds       #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators   #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Text.Pandoc.Server
+    ( app
+    , ServerOpts(..)
+    , Params(..)
+    , Blob(..)
+    , parseServerOpts
+    ) where
+import Data.Aeson
+import Network.Wai
+import Servant
+import Text.DocTemplates as DocTemplates
+import Text.Pandoc
+import Text.Pandoc.Citeproc (processCitations)
+import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (lookupHighlightingStyle)
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import Data.ByteString.Base64 (decodeBase64, encodeBase64)
+import Data.Default
+import Control.Monad (when, foldM)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Skylighting (defaultSyntaxMap)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import System.Console.GetOpt
+import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeStrRead, headerShift, filterIpynbOutput,
+                           eastAsianLineBreakFilter, stripEmptyParagraphs)
+import Text.Pandoc.App.Opt ( IpynbOutput (..), Opt(..), defaultOpts )
+import Text.Pandoc.Filter (Filter(..))
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder (setMeta)
+import Text.Pandoc.SelfContained (makeSelfContained)
+import System.Exit
+data ServerOpts =
+  ServerOpts
+    { serverPort    :: Int
+    , serverTimeout :: Int }
+  deriving (Show)
+defaultServerOpts :: ServerOpts
+defaultServerOpts = ServerOpts { serverPort = 3030, serverTimeout = 2 }
+cliOptions :: [OptDescr (ServerOpts -> IO ServerOpts)]
+cliOptions =
+  [ Option ['p'] ["port"]
+      (ReqArg (\s opts -> case safeStrRead s of
+                            Just i -> return opts{ serverPort = i }
+                            Nothing ->
+                              E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError $ T.pack
+                                s <> " is not a number") "NUMBER")
+      "port number"
+  , Option ['t'] ["timeout"]
+      (ReqArg (\s opts -> case safeStrRead s of
+                            Just i -> return opts{ serverTimeout = i }
+                            Nothing ->
+                              E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError $ T.pack
+                                s <> " is not a number") "NUMBER")
+      "timeout (seconds)"
+  , Option ['h'] ["help"]
+      (NoArg (\_ -> do
+        prg <- getProgName
+        let header = "Usage: " <> prg <> " [OPTION...]"
+        putStrLn $ usageInfo header cliOptions
+        exitWith ExitSuccess))
+      "help message"
+  , Option ['v'] ["version"]
+      (NoArg (\_ -> do
+        prg <- getProgName
+        putStrLn $ prg <> " " <> T.unpack pandocVersion
+        exitWith ExitSuccess))
+      "version info"
+  ]
+parseServerOpts :: IO ServerOpts
+parseServerOpts = do
+  args <- getArgs
+  let handleUnknownOpt x = "Unknown option: " <> x
+  case getOpt' Permute cliOptions args of
+    (os, ns, unrecognizedOpts, es) -> do
+      when (not (null es) || not (null unrecognizedOpts)) $
+        E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError $ T.pack $
+          concat es ++ unlines (map handleUnknownOpt unrecognizedOpts) ++
+          ("Try --help for more information.")
+      when (not (null ns)) $
+        E.throwIO $ PandocOptionError $ T.pack $
+                     "Unknown arguments: " <> unwords ns
+      foldM (flip ($)) defaultServerOpts os
+newtype Blob = Blob BL.ByteString
+  deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance ToJSON Blob where
+  toJSON (Blob bs) = toJSON (encodeBase64 $ BL.toStrict bs)
+instance FromJSON Blob where
+ parseJSON = withText "Blob" $ \t -> do
+   let inp = UTF8.fromText t
+   case decodeBase64 inp of
+        Right bs -> return $ Blob $ BL.fromStrict bs
+        Left _ -> -- treat as regular text
+                    return $ Blob $ BL.fromStrict inp
+-- This is the data to be supplied by the JSON payload
+-- of requests.  Maybe values may be omitted and will be
+-- given default values.
+data Params = Params
+  { options               :: Opt
+  , text                  :: Text
+  , files                 :: Maybe (M.Map FilePath Blob)
+  } deriving (Show)
+instance Default Params where
+  def = Params
+    { options = defaultOpts
+    , text = mempty
+    , files = Nothing
+    }
+-- Automatically derive code to convert to/from JSON.
+instance FromJSON Params where
+ parseJSON = withObject "Params" $ \o ->
+   Params
+     <$> parseJSON (Object o)
+     <*> o .: "text"
+     <*> o .:? "files"
+-- This is the API.  The "/convert" endpoint takes a request body
+-- consisting of a JSON-encoded Params structure and responds to
+-- Get requests with either plain text or JSON, depending on the
+-- Accept header.
+type API =
+  ReqBody '[JSON] Params :> Post '[PlainText, JSON] Text
+  :<|>
+  ReqBody '[JSON] Params :> Post '[OctetStream] BS.ByteString
+  :<|>
+  "batch" :> ReqBody '[JSON] [Params] :> Post '[JSON] [Text]
+  :<|>
+  "babelmark" :> QueryParam' '[Required] "text" Text :> QueryParam "from" Text :> QueryParam "to" Text :> QueryFlag "standalone" :> Get '[JSON] Value
+  :<|>
+  "version" :> Get '[PlainText, JSON] Text
+app :: Application
+app = serve api server
+api :: Proxy API
+api = Proxy
+server :: Server API
+server = convert
+    :<|> convertBytes
+    :<|> mapM convert
+    :<|> babelmark  -- for babelmark which expects {"html": "", "version": ""}
+    :<|> pure pandocVersion
+ where
+  babelmark text' from' to' standalone' = do
+    res <- convert def{ text = text',
+                        options = defaultOpts{
+                          optFrom = from',
+                          optTo = to',
+                          optStandalone = standalone' }
+                      }
+    return $ toJSON $ object [ "html" .= res, "version" .= pandocVersion ]
+  -- We use runPure for the pandoc conversions, which ensures that
+  -- they will do no IO.  This makes the server safe to use.  However,
+  -- it will mean that features requiring IO, like RST includes, will not work.
+  -- Changing this to
+  --    handleErr =<< liftIO (runIO (convert' params))
+  -- will allow the IO operations.
+  convert params = handleErr $
+    runPure (convert' id (encodeBase64 . BL.toStrict) params)
+  convertBytes params = handleErr $
+    runPure (convert' UTF8.fromText BL.toStrict params)
+  convert' :: (Text -> a) -> (BL.ByteString -> a) -> Params -> PandocPure a
+  convert' textHandler bsHandler params = do
+    curtime <- getCurrentTime
+    -- put files params in ersatz file system
+    let addFile :: FilePath -> Blob -> FileTree -> FileTree
+        addFile fp (Blob lbs) =
+          insertInFileTree fp FileInfo{ infoFileMTime = curtime
+                                      , infoFileContents = BL.toStrict lbs }
+    case files params of
+      Nothing -> return ()
+      Just fs -> do
+        let filetree = M.foldrWithKey addFile mempty fs
+        modifyPureState $ \st -> st{ stFiles = filetree }
+    let opts = options params
+    let readerFormat = fromMaybe "markdown" $ optFrom opts
+    let writerFormat = fromMaybe "html" $ optTo opts
+    (readerSpec, readerExts) <- getReader readerFormat
+    (writerSpec, writerExts) <- getWriter writerFormat
+    let isStandalone = optStandalone opts
+    let toformat = T.toLower $ T.takeWhile isAlphaNum $ writerFormat
+    hlStyle <- traverse (lookupHighlightingStyle . T.unpack)
+                  $ optHighlightStyle opts
+    mbTemplate <- if isStandalone
+                     then case optTemplate opts of
+                            Nothing -> Just <$>
+                              compileDefaultTemplate toformat
+                            Just t  -> Just <$>
+                              compileCustomTemplate toformat t
+                     else return Nothing
+    abbrevs <- Set.fromList . filter (not . T.null) . T.lines . UTF8.toText <$>
+                 case optAbbreviations opts of
+                      Nothing -> readDataFile "abbreviations"
+                      Just f  -> readFileStrict f
+    let readeropts = def{ readerExtensions = readerExts
+                        , readerStandalone = isStandalone
+                        , readerTabStop = optTabStop opts
+                        , readerIndentedCodeClasses =
+                            optIndentedCodeClasses opts
+                        , readerAbbreviations = abbrevs
+                        , readerDefaultImageExtension =
+                            optDefaultImageExtension opts
+                        , readerTrackChanges = optTrackChanges opts
+                        , readerStripComments = optStripComments opts
+                        }
+    let writeropts =
+          def{ writerExtensions = writerExts
+             , writerTabStop = optTabStop opts
+             , writerWrapText = optWrap opts
+             , writerColumns = optColumns opts
+             , writerTemplate = mbTemplate
+             , writerSyntaxMap = defaultSyntaxMap
+             , writerVariables = optVariables opts
+             , writerTableOfContents = optTableOfContents opts
+             , writerIncremental = optIncremental opts
+             , writerHTMLMathMethod = optHTMLMathMethod opts
+             , writerNumberSections = optNumberSections opts
+             , writerNumberOffset = optNumberOffset opts
+             , writerSectionDivs = optSectionDivs opts
+             , writerReferenceLinks = optReferenceLinks opts
+             , writerDpi = optDpi opts
+             , writerEmailObfuscation = optEmailObfuscation opts
+             , writerIdentifierPrefix = optIdentifierPrefix opts
+             , writerCiteMethod = optCiteMethod opts
+             , writerHtmlQTags = optHtmlQTags opts
+             , writerSlideLevel = optSlideLevel opts
+             , writerTopLevelDivision = optTopLevelDivision opts
+             , writerListings = optListings opts
+             , writerHighlightStyle = hlStyle
+             , writerSetextHeaders = optSetextHeaders opts
+             , writerEpubSubdirectory = T.pack $ optEpubSubdirectory opts
+             , writerEpubMetadata = T.pack <$> optEpubMetadata opts
+             , writerEpubFonts = optEpubFonts opts
+             , writerEpubChapterLevel = optEpubChapterLevel opts
+             , writerTOCDepth = optTOCDepth opts
+             , writerReferenceDoc = optReferenceDoc opts
+             , writerReferenceLocation = optReferenceLocation opts
+             , writerPreferAscii = optAscii opts
+             }
+    let reader = case readerSpec of
+                TextReader r -> r readeropts
+                ByteStringReader r -> \t -> do
+                  let eitherbs = decodeBase64 $ UTF8.fromText t
+                  case eitherbs of
+                    Left errt -> throwError $ PandocSomeError errt
+                    Right bs -> r readeropts $ BL.fromStrict bs
+    let writer = case writerSpec of
+                TextWriter w ->
+                  fmap textHandler .
+                  (\d -> w writeropts d >>=
+                         if optEmbedResources opts && htmlFormat (optTo opts)
+                            then makeSelfContained
+                            else return)
+                ByteStringWriter w -> fmap bsHandler . w writeropts
+    let transforms :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
+        transforms = (case optShiftHeadingLevelBy opts of
+                        0             -> id
+                        x             -> headerShift x) .
+                   (case optStripEmptyParagraphs opts of
+                        True          -> stripEmptyParagraphs
+                        False         -> id) .
+                   (if extensionEnabled Ext_east_asian_line_breaks
+                          readerExts &&
+                       not (extensionEnabled Ext_east_asian_line_breaks
+                              writerExts &&
+                            optWrap opts == WrapPreserve)
+                       then eastAsianLineBreakFilter
+                       else id) .
+                   (case optIpynbOutput opts of
+                     IpynbOutputAll  -> id
+                     IpynbOutputNone -> filterIpynbOutput Nothing
+                     IpynbOutputBest -> filterIpynbOutput (Just $
+                       case optTo opts of
+                            Just "latex"  -> Format "latex"
+                            Just "beamer" -> Format "latex"
+                            Nothing       -> Format "html"
+                            Just f
+                              | htmlFormat (optTo opts) -> Format "html"
+                              | otherwise -> Format f))
+    let meta =   (case optBibliography opts of
+                   [] -> id
+                   fs -> setMeta "bibliography" (MetaList
+                            (map (MetaString . T.pack) fs))) .
+                 maybe id (setMeta "csl" . MetaString . T.pack)
+                   (optCSL opts) .
+                 maybe id (setMeta "citation-abbreviations" . MetaString .
+                              T.pack)
+                   (optCitationAbbreviations opts) $
+                 optMetadata opts
+    let addMetadata m' (Pandoc m bs) = Pandoc (m <> m') bs
+    let hasCiteprocFilter [] = False
+        hasCiteprocFilter (CiteprocFilter:_) = True
+        hasCiteprocFilter (_:xs) = hasCiteprocFilter xs
+    reader (text params) >>=
+      return . transforms . addMetadata meta >>=
+      (if hasCiteprocFilter (optFilters opts)
+          then processCitations
+          else return) >>=
+      writer
+  htmlFormat :: Maybe Text -> Bool
+  htmlFormat Nothing = True
+  htmlFormat (Just f) =
+    any (`T.isPrefixOf` f)
+      ["html","html4","html5","s5","slidy", "slideous","dzslides","revealjs"]
+  handleErr (Right t) = return t
+  handleErr (Left err) = throwError $
+    err500 { errBody = TLE.encodeUtf8 $ TL.fromStrict $ renderError err }
+  compileCustomTemplate toformat t = do
+    res <- runWithPartials $ compileTemplate ("custom." <> T.unpack toformat)
+               (T.pack t)
+    case res of
+      Left e -> throwError $ PandocTemplateError (T.pack e)
+      Right tpl -> return tpl
diff --git a/stack.yaml b/stack.yaml
index b0558fbb9..d0c551a8d 100644
--- a/stack.yaml
+++ b/stack.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-    server: false
     embed_data_files: true
     old-random: false