Ms writer: font improvements.
* Use `\f[R]` rather than `\f[]` to reset. The latter returns to the previous font, which gives unintended results in some cases. * Use `\f[BI]` and `\f[CB]` in headers, instead of `\f[I]` and `\f[C]`, since the header font is automatically bold. * Use `\f[CB]` rather than `\f[BC]` for monospace bold. Closes #4552.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 39 additions and 28 deletions
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Ms ( writeMs ) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Char (isLower, isUpper, toUpper, ord)
import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse, sort)
import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ data WriterState = WriterState { stHasInlineMath :: Bool
, stNotes :: [Note]
, stSmallCaps :: Bool
, stHighlighting :: Bool
, stInHeader :: Bool
, stFontFeatures :: Map.Map Char Bool
@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ defaultWriterState = WriterState{ stHasInlineMath = False
, stNotes = []
, stSmallCaps = False
, stHighlighting = False
, stInHeader = False
, stFontFeatures = Map.fromList [
, ('B',False)
@ -264,7 +266,9 @@ blockToMs _ HorizontalRule = do
return $ text ".HLINE"
blockToMs opts (Header level (ident,classes,_) inlines) = do
modify $ \st -> st{ stInHeader = True }
contents <- inlineListToMs' opts $ map breakToSpace inlines
modify $ \st -> st{ stInHeader = False }
let (heading, secnum) = if writerNumberSections opts &&
"unnumbered" `notElem` classes
then (".NH", "\\*[SN]")
@ -559,8 +563,15 @@ handleNote opts bs = do
fontChange :: PandocMonad m => MS m Doc
fontChange = do
features <- gets stFontFeatures
let filling = sort [c | (c,True) <- Map.toList features]
return $ text $ "\\f[" ++ filling ++ "]"
inHeader <- gets stInHeader
let filling = ['C' | fromMaybe False $ Map.lookup 'C' features] ++
['B' | inHeader ||
fromMaybe False (Map.lookup 'B' features)] ++
['I' | fromMaybe False $ Map.lookup 'I' features]
return $
if null filling
then text "\\f[R]"
else text $ "\\f[" ++ filling ++ "]"
withFontFeature :: PandocMonad m => Char -> MS m Doc -> MS m Doc
withFontFeature c action = do
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Level 2 with an \c
.pdfhref O 2 "Level 2 with an embedded link"
.pdfhref M "level-2-with-an-embedded-link"
.SH 3
Level 3 with \f[I]emphasis\f[]
Level 3 with \f[BI]emphasis\f[B]
.pdfhref O 3 "Level 3 with emphasis"
.pdfhref M "level-3-with-emphasis"
.SH 4
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Level 1
.pdfhref O 1 "Level 1"
.pdfhref M "level-1"
.SH 2
Level 2 with \f[I]emphasis\f[]
Level 2 with \f[BI]emphasis\f[B]
.pdfhref O 2 "Level 2 with emphasis"
.pdfhref M "level-2-with-emphasis"
.SH 3
@ -481,13 +481,13 @@ yellow fruit
Multiple blocks with italics:
.IP "\f[I]apple\f[]"
.IP "\f[I]apple\f[R]"
red fruit
contains seeds, crisp, pleasant to taste
.IP "\f[I]orange\f[]"
.IP "\f[I]orange\f[R]"
orange fruit
@ -564,8 +564,8 @@ foo
Interpreted markdown in a table:
This is \f[I]emphasized\f[]
And this is \f[B]strong\f[]
This is \f[I]emphasized\f[R]
And this is \f[B]strong\f[R]
Here’s a simple block:
@ -621,29 +621,29 @@ Inline Markup
.pdfhref O 1 "Inline Markup"
.pdfhref M "inline-markup"
This is \f[I]emphasized\f[], and so \f[I]is this\f[].
This is \f[I]emphasized\f[R], and so \f[I]is this\f[R].
This is \f[B]strong\f[], and so \f[B]is this\f[].
This is \f[B]strong\f[R], and so \f[B]is this\f[R].
An \f[I]\c
.pdfhref W -D "/url" -A "\c" \
-- "emphasized link"
\f[B]\f[BI]This is strong and em.\f[B]\f[]
\f[B]\f[BI]This is strong and em.\f[B]\f[R]
So is \f[B]\f[BI]this\f[B]\f[] word.
So is \f[B]\f[BI]this\f[B]\f[R] word.
\f[B]\f[BI]This is strong and em.\f[B]\f[]
\f[B]\f[BI]This is strong and em.\f[B]\f[R]
So is \f[B]\f[BI]this\f[B]\f[] word.
So is \f[B]\f[BI]this\f[B]\f[R] word.
This is code: \f[C]>\f[], \f[C]$\f[], \f[C]\\\f[], \f[C]\\$\f[],
This is code: \f[C]>\f[R], \f[C]$\f[R], \f[C]\\\f[R], \f[C]\\$\f[R],
\m[strikecolor]This is \f[I]strikeout\f[].\m[]
\m[strikecolor]This is \f[I]strikeout\f[R].\m[]
Superscripts: a\*{bc\*}d a\*{\f[I]hello\f[]\*} a\*{hello\~there\*}.
Superscripts: a\*{bc\*}d a\*{\f[I]hello\f[R]\*} a\*{hello\~there\*}.
Subscripts: H\*<2\*>O, H\*<23\*>O, H\*<many\~of\~them\*>O.
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ So is `pine.'
`He said, \[lq]I want to go.\[rq]' Were you alive in the 70’s?
Here is some quoted `\f[C]code\f[]' and a \[lq]\c
Here is some quoted `\f[C]code\f[R]' and a \[lq]\c
.pdfhref W -D "" -A "\c" \
-- "quoted link"
@ -701,15 +701,15 @@ Here’s one that has a line break in it: @alpha + omega times x sup 2@.
These shouldn’t be math:
.IP \[bu] 3
To get the famous equation, write \f[C]$e\ =\ mc\[ha]2$\f[].
To get the famous equation, write \f[C]$e\ =\ mc\[ha]2$\f[R].
.IP \[bu] 3
$22,000 is a \f[I]lot\f[] of money.
$22,000 is a \f[I]lot\f[R] of money.
So is $34,000.
(It worked if \[lq]lot\[rq] is emphasized.)
.IP \[bu] 3
Shoes ($20) and socks ($5).
.IP \[bu] 3
Escaped \f[C]$\f[]: $73 \f[I]this should be emphasized\f[] 23$.
Escaped \f[C]$\f[R]: $73 \f[I]this should be emphasized\f[R] 23$.
Here’s a LaTeX table:
@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ Blockquoted: \c
Auto-links should not occur here: \f[C]<>\f[]
Auto-links should not occur here: \f[C]<>\f[R]
@ -979,14 +979,14 @@ with list items).
If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy and just
indent the first line of each block.
This should \f[I]not\f[] be a footnote reference, because it contains a
This should \f[I]not\f[R] be a footnote reference, because it contains a
space.[\[ha]my note] Here is an inline note.\**
This is \f[I]easier\f[] to type.
This is \f[I]easier\f[R] to type.
Inline notes may contain \c
.pdfhref W -D "" -A "\c" \
-- "links"
\& and \f[C]]\f[] verbatim characters, as well as [bracketed text].
\& and \f[C]]\f[R] verbatim characters, as well as [bracketed text].
Add table
Reference in a new issue