Logging: added ToJSON instance and showLogMessage.

This gives us the possibility of both machine-readable
and human-readable output for log messages.

See #3392.
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2017-02-10 22:05:38 +01:00
parent 5e1249481b
commit 8ad7e2c21f

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings #-}
Copyright (C) 2016-17 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ and info messages.
module Text.Pandoc.Logging (
, LogMessage(..)
, showLogMessage
, messageVerbosity
) where
@ -39,18 +40,25 @@ import Text.Parsec.Pos
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Generics (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Aeson
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-- | Verbosity level.
data Verbosity = ERROR | WARNING | INFO | DEBUG
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Data, Enum, Ord, Bounded, Typeable, Generic)
instance ToJSON Verbosity where
toJSON x = toJSON (show x)
data LogMessage =
SkippedInput String SourcePos
| NotRendered String
| YamlSectionNotAnObject SourcePos
| DuplicateLinkReference String SourcePos
| DuplicateNoteReference String SourcePos
| ParsingUnescaped String SourcePos
| InlineNotRendered Inline
| BlockNotRendered Block
| DocxCommentWillNotRetainFormatting String
| CouldNotFetchResource String String
| CouldNotDetermineImageSize String
@ -58,15 +66,100 @@ data LogMessage =
| CouldNotConvertTeXMath String
deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
instance ToJSON LogMessage where
toJSON x = object $ "verbosity" .= toJSON (messageVerbosity x) :
case x of
SkippedInput s pos ->
["type" .= String "SkippedInput",
"contents" .= Text.pack s,
"source" .= Text.pack (sourceName pos),
"line" .= sourceLine pos,
"column" .= sourceColumn pos]
YamlSectionNotAnObject pos ->
["type" .= String "YamlSectionNotAnObject",
"source" .= Text.pack (sourceName pos),
"line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos),
"column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)]
DuplicateLinkReference s pos ->
["type" .= String "DuplicateLinkReference",
"contents" .= Text.pack s,
"source" .= Text.pack (sourceName pos),
"line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos),
"column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)]
DuplicateNoteReference s pos ->
["type" .= String "DuplicateNoteReference",
"contents" .= Text.pack s,
"source" .= Text.pack (sourceName pos),
"line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos),
"column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)]
ParsingUnescaped s pos ->
["type" .= String "ParsingUnescaped",
"contents" .= Text.pack s,
"source" .= Text.pack (sourceName pos),
"line" .= toJSON (sourceLine pos),
"column" .= toJSON (sourceColumn pos)]
InlineNotRendered il ->
["type" .= String "InlineNotRendered",
"contents" .= toJSON il]
BlockNotRendered bl ->
["type" .= String "BlockNotRendered",
"contents" .= toJSON bl]
DocxCommentWillNotRetainFormatting s ->
["type" .= String "DocxCommentWillNotRetainFormatting",
"commentId" .= Text.pack s]
CouldNotFetchResource fp s ->
["type" .= String "CouldNotFetchResource",
"path" .= Text.pack fp,
"message" .= Text.pack s]
CouldNotDetermineImageSize fp ->
["type" .= String "CouldNotDetermineImageSize",
"path" .= Text.pack fp]
CouldNotDetermineMimeType fp ->
["type" .= String "CouldNotDetermineMimeType",
"path" .= Text.pack fp]
CouldNotConvertTeXMath s ->
["type" .= String "CouldNotConvertTeXMath",
"contents" .= Text.pack s]
showLogMessage :: LogMessage -> String
showLogMessage msg =
case msg of
SkippedInput s pos ->
"Skipped '" ++ s ++ "' at " ++ show pos
YamlSectionNotAnObject pos ->
"YAML metadata section is not an object at " ++ show pos
DuplicateLinkReference s pos ->
"Duplicate link reference '" ++ s ++ "' at " ++ show pos
DuplicateNoteReference s pos ->
"Duplicate note reference '" ++ s ++ "' at " ++ show pos
ParsingUnescaped s pos ->
"Parsing unescaped '" ++ s ++ "' at " ++ show pos
InlineNotRendered il ->
"Not rendering " ++ show il
BlockNotRendered bl ->
"Not rendering " ++ show bl
DocxCommentWillNotRetainFormatting s ->
"Docx comment with id '" ++ s ++ "' will not retain formatting"
CouldNotFetchResource fp s ->
"Could not fetch resource '" ++ fp ++ "'" ++
if null s then "" else (": " ++ s)
CouldNotDetermineImageSize fp ->
"Could not determine image size for '" ++ fp ++ "'"
CouldNotDetermineMimeType fp ->
"Could not determine mime type for '" ++ fp ++ "'"
CouldNotConvertTeXMath s ->
"Could not convert TeX math '" ++ s ++ "', rendering as TeX"
messageVerbosity:: LogMessage -> Verbosity
messageVerbosity msg =
case msg of
SkippedInput{} -> INFO
NotRendered{} -> INFO
YamlSectionNotAnObject{} -> WARNING
DuplicateLinkReference{} -> WARNING
DuplicateNoteReference{} -> WARNING
ParsingUnescaped{} -> INFO
InlineNotRendered{} -> INFO
BlockNotRendered{} -> INFO
DocxCommentWillNotRetainFormatting{} -> INFO
CouldNotFetchResource{} -> WARNING
CouldNotDetermineImageSize{} -> WARNING