Replace old sample custom reader with a full-featured reader for creole.
This is better as an example. And it is faster than pandoc's regular creole parser, which shows that high-performance readers can be developed this way.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 200 additions and 88 deletions
@ -6594,7 +6594,7 @@ of the functions that are available for creating pandoc
AST elements. For parsing, the [lpeg] parsing library
AST elements. For parsing, the [lpeg] parsing library
is available by default. To see a sample custom reader:
is available by default. To see a sample custom reader:
pandoc --print-default-data-file reader.lua
pandoc --print-default-data-file creole.lua
If you want your custom reader to have access to reader options
If you want your custom reader to have access to reader options
(e.g. the tab stop setting), you give your Reader function a
(e.g. the tab stop setting), you give your Reader function a
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
-- A sample custom reader for Creole 1.0 (common wiki markup)
-- For better performance we put these functions in local variables:
local P, S, R, Cf, Cc, Ct, V, Cs, Cg, Cb, B, C, Cmt =
lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.V,
lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.B, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt
local whitespacechar = S(" \t\r\n")
local specialchar = S("/*~[]\\{}|")
local wordchar = (1 - (whitespacechar + specialchar))
local spacechar = S(" \t")
local newline = P"\r"^-1 * P"\n"
local blankline = spacechar^0 * newline
local endline = newline * #-blankline
local endequals = spacechar^0 * P"="^0 * spacechar^0 * newline
local cellsep = spacechar^0 * P"|"
local function trim(s)
return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
local function ListItem(lev, ch)
local start
if ch == nil then
start = S"*#"
start = P(ch)
local subitem = function(c)
if lev < 6 then
return ListItem(lev + 1, c)
return (1 - 1) -- fails
local parser = spacechar^0
* start^lev
* #(- start)
* spacechar^0
* Ct((V"Inline" - (newline * spacechar^0 * S"*#"))^0)
* newline
* (Ct(subitem("*")^1) / pandoc.BulletList
Ct(subitem("#")^1) / pandoc.OrderedList
/ function (ils, sublist)
return { pandoc.Plain(ils), sublist }
return parser
local re = require're'
x = re.compile[[
listname <- {| {:tag: '' -> 'list':} (name s)* |}
name <- {| {:tag: '' -> 'id':} {[a-z][a-z]*} |}
s <- ' '*
-- Grammar
G = P{ "Doc",
Doc = Ct(V"Block"^0)
/ pandoc.Pandoc ;
Block = blankline^0
* ( V"Header"
+ V"HorizontalRule"
+ V"CodeBlock"
+ V"List"
+ V"Table"
+ V"Para") ;
Para = Ct(V"Inline"^1)
* newline
/ pandoc.Para ;
HorizontalRule = spacechar^0
* P"----"
* spacechar^0
* newline
/ pandoc.HorizontalRule;
Header = (P("=")^1 / string.len)
* spacechar^1
* Ct((V"Inline" - endequals)^1)
* endequals
/ pandoc.Header;
CodeBlock = P"{{{"
* blankline
* C((1 - (newline * P"}}}"))^0)
* newline
* P"}}}"
/ pandoc.CodeBlock;
Placeholder = P"<<<"
* C(P(1) - P">>>")^0
* P">>>"
/ function() return pandoc.Div({}) end;
List = V"BulletList"
+ V"OrderedList" ;
BulletList = Ct(ListItem(1,'*')^1)
/ pandoc.BulletList ;
OrderedList = Ct(ListItem(1,'#')^1)
/ pandoc.OrderedList ;
Table = (V"TableHeader" + Cc{})
* Ct(V"TableRow"^1)
/ function(headrow, bodyrows)
local numcolumns = #(bodyrows[1])
local aligns = {}
local widths = {}
for i = 1,numcolumns do
aligns[i] = pandoc.AlignDefault
widths[i] = 0
return pandoc.utils.from_simple_table(
pandoc.SimpleTable({}, aligns, widths, headrow, bodyrows))
end ;
TableHeader = Ct(V"HeaderCell"^1)
* cellsep^-1
* spacechar^0
* newline ;
TableRow = Ct(V"BodyCell"^1)
* cellsep^-1
* spacechar^0
* newline ;
HeaderCell = cellsep
* P"="
* spacechar^0
* Ct((V"Inline" - (newline + cellsep))^0)
/ function(ils) return { pandoc.Plain(ils) } end ;
BodyCell = cellsep
* spacechar^0
* Ct((V"Inline" - (newline + cellsep))^0)
/ function(ils) return { pandoc.Plain(ils) } end ;
Inline = V"Emph"
+ V"Strong"
+ V"LineBreak"
+ V"Link"
+ V"URL"
+ V"Image"
+ V"Str"
+ V"Space"
+ V"SoftBreak"
+ V"Escaped"
+ V"Placeholder"
+ V"Code"
+ V"Special" ;
Str = wordchar^1
/ pandoc.Str;
Escaped = P"~"
* C(P(1))
/ pandoc.Str ;
Special = specialchar
/ pandoc.Str;
Space = spacechar^1
/ pandoc.Space ;
SoftBreak = endline
* # -(V"HorizontalRule" + V"CodeBlock")
/ pandoc.SoftBreak ;
LineBreak = P"\\\\"
/ pandoc.LineBreak ;
Code = P"{{{"
* C((1 - P"}}}")^0)
* P"}}}"
/ trim / pandoc.Code ;
Link = P"[["
* C((1 - (P"]]" + P"|"))^0)
* (P"|" * Ct((V"Inline" - P"]]")^1))^-1 * P"]]"
/ function(url, desc)
local txt = desc or {pandoc.Str(url)}
return pandoc.Link(txt, url)
end ;
Image = P"{{"
* #-P"{"
* C((1 - (S"}"))^0)
* (P"|" * Ct((V"Inline" - P"}}")^1))^-1
* P"}}"
/ function(url, desc)
local txt = desc or ""
return pandoc.Image(txt, url)
end ;
URL = P"http"
* P"s"^-1
* P":"
* (1 - (whitespacechar + (S",.?!:;\"'" * #whitespacechar)))^1
/ function(url)
return pandoc.Link(pandoc.Str(url), url)
end ;
Emph = P"//"
* Ct((V"Inline" - P"//")^1)
* P"//"
/ pandoc.Emph ;
Strong = P"**"
* Ct((V"Inline" -P"**")^1)
* P"**"
/ pandoc.Strong ;
function Reader(input, reader_options)
return lpeg.match(G, input)
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-- A sample custom reader for a very simple markup language.
-- This parses a document into paragraphs separated by blank lines.
-- This is /italic/ and this is *boldface* and this is `code`
-- and `code``with backtick` (doubled `` = ` inside backticks).
-- This is an escaped special character: \_, \*, \\
-- == text makes a level-2 heading
-- That's it!
-- For better performance we put these functions in local variables:
local P, S, R, Cf, Cc, Ct, V, Cs, Cg, Cb, B, C, Cmt =
lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.V,
lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.B, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt
--- if item is a table, concatenate it to acc;
-- otherwise insert it at the end.
local function add_item(acc, item)
if acc == nil then
acc = {}
if type(item) == "table" then
for i = 1,#item do
add_item(acc, item[i])
acc[#acc + 1] = item
return acc
local function Many1(parser)
return Cf(Cc(nil) * parser^1 , add_item)
local function Many(parser)
return (Many1(parser) + Cc{})
local whitespacechar = S(" \t\r\n")
local specialchar = S("/*\\`")
local wordchar = (1 - (whitespacechar + specialchar))
local spacechar = S(" \t")
local newline = P"\r"^-1 * P"\n"
local blanklines = newline * (spacechar^0 * newline)^1
local endline = newline - blanklines
local function BetweenDelims(c, parser, constructor)
local starter = P(c) * #(- whitespacechar)
local ender = B(1 - whitespacechar) * P(c)
return starter * Many(parser - ender) * C(ender^-1) /
function(contents, ender)
if ender == "" then -- fallback
return { pandoc.Str(c) , contents }
return constructor(contents)
-- Grammar
G = P{ "Pandoc",
Pandoc = Many(V"Block") / pandoc.Pandoc;
Block = blanklines^0 * (V"Header" + V"Para") ;
Para = Many1(V"Inline") * blanklines^-1 / pandoc.Para;
Header = (P("=")^1 / string.len)
* spacechar^1
* Many(V"Inline" - (spacechar^0 * P("=")^0 * blanklines))
* spacechar^0
* P("=")^0
* blanklines^-1 /
function(lev, contents) return pandoc.Header(lev, contents) end;
Inline = V"Emph" + V"Strong" + V"Str" + V"Space" + V"SoftBreak" +
V"Code" + V"Escaped" + V"Special";
Str = wordchar^1 / pandoc.Str;
Escaped = "\\" * C(specialchar) / function(s) return pandoc.Str(s) end;
Space = spacechar^1 / pandoc.Space;
SoftBreak = endline / pandoc.SoftBreak;
Emph = BetweenDelims("/", V"Inline", pandoc.Emph);
Strong = BetweenDelims("*", V"Inline", pandoc.Strong);
Code = P"`" * Ct(( (P"``" / "`") + (C(1) - S"`"))^1) * P"`"
/ table.concat / pandoc.Code;
Special = S"`\\" / pandoc.Str;
function Reader(input, opts)
return lpeg.match(G, input)
@ -174,6 +174,8 @@ data-files:
-- sample lua custom writer
-- sample lua custom writer
-- sample lua custom reader
-- lua init script
-- lua init script
-- pandoc lua module
-- pandoc lua module
Add table
Reference in a new issue