RST reader: cleaned up parsing of reference names in key blocks and links.
Allow nonquoted reference links to contain isolated '.', '-', '_', so so that strings like 'a_b_' count as links. git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 25 additions and 24 deletions
@ -433,9 +433,29 @@ unknownDirective = try $ do
-- reference key
quotedReferenceName = try $ do
char '`' >> notFollowedBy (char '`') -- `` means inline code!
label <- many1Till inline (char '`')
return label
unquotedReferenceName = try $ do
label <- many1Till inline (lookAhead $ char ':')
return label
isolated ch = try $ char ch >>~ notFollowedBy (char ch)
simpleReferenceName = do
raw <- many1 (alphaNum <|> isolated '-' <|> isolated '.' <|>
(try $ char '_' >>~ lookAhead alphaNum))
return [Str raw]
referenceName = quotedReferenceName <|>
(try $ simpleReferenceName >>~ lookAhead (char ':')) <|>
referenceKey = do
startPos <- getPosition
key <- choice [imageKey, anonymousKey, regularKeyQuoted, regularKey]
key <- choice [imageKey, anonymousKey, regularKey]
st <- getState
let oldkeys = stateKeys st
updateState $ \st -> st { stateKeys = key : oldkeys }
@ -466,16 +486,10 @@ anonymousKey = try $ do
state <- getState
return ([Str "_"], (removeLeadingTrailingSpace src, ""))
regularKeyQuoted = try $ do
string ".. _`"
ref <- manyTill inline (char '`')
char ':'
src <- targetURI
return (normalizeSpaces ref, (removeLeadingTrailingSpace src, ""))
regularKey = try $ do
string ".. _"
ref <- manyTill inline (char ':')
ref <- referenceName
char ':'
src <- targetURI
return (normalizeSpaces ref, (removeLeadingTrailingSpace src, ""))
@ -557,27 +571,14 @@ link = choice [explicitLink, referenceLink, autoLink] <?> "link"
explicitLink = try $ do
char '`'
notFollowedBy (char '`') -- `` is marks start of inline code
label <- manyTill inline (try (do {spaces; char '<'}))
label <- manyTill inline (try (spaces >> char '<'))
src <- manyTill (noneOf ">\n ") (char '>')
string "`_"
return $ Link (normalizeSpaces label) (removeLeadingTrailingSpace src, "")
reference = try $ do
char '`'
notFollowedBy (char '`')
label <- many1Till inline (char '`')
char '_'
return label
oneWordReference = do
raw <- many1 alphaNum
char '_'
notFollowedBy alphaNum -- because this_is_not a link
return [Str raw]
referenceLink = try $ do
label <- reference <|> oneWordReference
label <- (quotedReferenceName <|> simpleReferenceName) >>~ char '_'
key <- option label (do{char '_'; return [Str "_"]}) -- anonymous link
state <- getState
let keyTable = stateKeys state
Add table
Reference in a new issue