Split out T.P.Writers.LaTeX.Lang.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 204 additions and 180 deletions
@ -664,6 +664,7 @@ library
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Walk (query, walk, walkM)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Caption (getCaption)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Table (tableToLaTeX)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Types (LW, WriterState (..), startingState)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Lang (toPolyglossiaEnv, toPolyglossia,
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Data.Text.Normalize as Normalize
@ -926,6 +928,16 @@ labelFor ident = do
ref <- literal `fmap` toLabel ident
return $ text "\\label" <> braces ref
-- Determine listings language from list of class attributes.
getListingsLanguage :: [Text] -> Maybe Text
getListingsLanguage xs
= foldr ((<|>) . toListingsLanguage) Nothing xs
mbBraced :: Text -> Text
mbBraced x = if not (T.all isAlphaNum x)
then "{" <> x <> "}"
else x
-- | Convert list of inline elements to LaTeX.
inlineListToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m
=> [Inline] -- ^ Inlines to convert
@ -1363,16 +1375,6 @@ citationsToBiblatex (c:cs)
citationsToBiblatex _ = return empty
-- Determine listings language from list of class attributes.
getListingsLanguage :: [Text] -> Maybe Text
getListingsLanguage xs
= foldr ((<|>) . toListingsLanguage) Nothing xs
mbBraced :: Text -> Text
mbBraced x = if not (T.all isAlphaNum x)
then "{" <> x <> "}"
else x
-- Extract a key from divs and spans
extract :: Text -> Block -> [Text]
extract key (Div attr _) = lookKey key attr
@ -1390,174 +1392,4 @@ extractInline _ _ = []
lookKey :: Text -> Attr -> [Text]
lookKey key (_,_,kvs) = maybe [] T.words $ lookup key kvs
-- In environments \Arabic instead of \arabic is used
toPolyglossiaEnv :: Lang -> (Text, Text)
toPolyglossiaEnv l =
case toPolyglossia l of
("arabic", o) -> ("Arabic", o)
x -> x
-- Takes a list of the constituents of a BCP 47 language code and
-- converts it to a Polyglossia (language, options) tuple
-- http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/polyglossia/polyglossia.pdf
toPolyglossia :: Lang -> (Text, Text)
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "DZ" _) = ("arabic", "locale=algeria")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "IQ" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "JO" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "LB" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "LY" _) = ("arabic", "locale=libya")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "MA" _) = ("arabic", "locale=morocco")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "MR" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mauritania")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "PS" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "SY" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "TN" _) = ("arabic", "locale=tunisia")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ _ vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = ("german", "spelling=old")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ "AT" vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = ("german", "variant=austrian, spelling=old")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ "AT" _) = ("german", "variant=austrian")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ "CH" vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = ("german", "variant=swiss, spelling=old")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ "CH" _) = ("german", "variant=swiss")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ _ _) = ("german", "")
toPolyglossia (Lang "dsb" _ _ _) = ("lsorbian", "")
toPolyglossia (Lang "el" _ "polyton" _) = ("greek", "variant=poly")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "AU" _) = ("english", "variant=australian")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "CA" _) = ("english", "variant=canadian")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "GB" _) = ("english", "variant=british")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "NZ" _) = ("english", "variant=newzealand")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "UK" _) = ("english", "variant=british")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "US" _) = ("english", "variant=american")
toPolyglossia (Lang "grc" _ _ _) = ("greek", "variant=ancient")
toPolyglossia (Lang "hsb" _ _ _) = ("usorbian", "")
toPolyglossia (Lang "la" _ _ vars)
| "x-classic" `elem` vars = ("latin", "variant=classic")
toPolyglossia (Lang "pt" _ "BR" _) = ("portuguese", "variant=brazilian")
toPolyglossia (Lang "sl" _ _ _) = ("slovenian", "")
toPolyglossia x = (commonFromBcp47 x, "")
-- Takes a list of the constituents of a BCP 47 language code and
-- converts it to a Babel language string.
-- http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/required/babel/base/babel.pdf
-- List of supported languages (slightly outdated):
-- http://tug.ctan.org/language/hyph-utf8/doc/generic/hyph-utf8/hyphenation.pdf
toBabel :: Lang -> Text
toBabel (Lang "de" _ "AT" vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = "austrian"
| otherwise = "naustrian"
toBabel (Lang "de" _ "CH" vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = "swissgerman"
| otherwise = "nswissgerman"
toBabel (Lang "de" _ _ vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = "german"
| otherwise = "ngerman"
toBabel (Lang "dsb" _ _ _) = "lowersorbian"
toBabel (Lang "el" _ _ vars)
| "polyton" `elem` vars = "polutonikogreek"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "AU" _) = "australian"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "CA" _) = "canadian"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "GB" _) = "british"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "NZ" _) = "newzealand"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "UK" _) = "british"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "US" _) = "american"
toBabel (Lang "fr" _ "CA" _) = "canadien"
toBabel (Lang "fra" _ _ vars)
| "aca" `elem` vars = "acadian"
toBabel (Lang "grc" _ _ _) = "polutonikogreek"
toBabel (Lang "hsb" _ _ _) = "uppersorbian"
toBabel (Lang "la" _ _ vars)
| "x-classic" `elem` vars = "classiclatin"
toBabel (Lang "pt" _ "BR" _) = "brazilian"
toBabel (Lang "sl" _ _ _) = "slovene"
toBabel x = commonFromBcp47 x
-- Takes a list of the constituents of a BCP 47 language code
-- and converts it to a string shared by Babel and Polyglossia.
-- https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47#section-2.1
commonFromBcp47 :: Lang -> Text
commonFromBcp47 (Lang "sr" "Cyrl" _ _) = "serbianc"
commonFromBcp47 (Lang "zh" "Latn" _ vars)
| "pinyin" `elem` vars = "pinyin"
commonFromBcp47 (Lang l _ _ _) = fromIso l
fromIso "af" = "afrikaans"
fromIso "am" = "amharic"
fromIso "ar" = "arabic"
fromIso "as" = "assamese"
fromIso "ast" = "asturian"
fromIso "bg" = "bulgarian"
fromIso "bn" = "bengali"
fromIso "bo" = "tibetan"
fromIso "br" = "breton"
fromIso "ca" = "catalan"
fromIso "cy" = "welsh"
fromIso "cs" = "czech"
fromIso "cop" = "coptic"
fromIso "da" = "danish"
fromIso "dv" = "divehi"
fromIso "el" = "greek"
fromIso "en" = "english"
fromIso "eo" = "esperanto"
fromIso "es" = "spanish"
fromIso "et" = "estonian"
fromIso "eu" = "basque"
fromIso "fa" = "farsi"
fromIso "fi" = "finnish"
fromIso "fr" = "french"
fromIso "fur" = "friulan"
fromIso "ga" = "irish"
fromIso "gd" = "scottish"
fromIso "gez" = "ethiopic"
fromIso "gl" = "galician"
fromIso "he" = "hebrew"
fromIso "hi" = "hindi"
fromIso "hr" = "croatian"
fromIso "hu" = "magyar"
fromIso "hy" = "armenian"
fromIso "ia" = "interlingua"
fromIso "id" = "indonesian"
fromIso "ie" = "interlingua"
fromIso "is" = "icelandic"
fromIso "it" = "italian"
fromIso "ja" = "japanese"
fromIso "km" = "khmer"
fromIso "kmr" = "kurmanji"
fromIso "kn" = "kannada"
fromIso "ko" = "korean"
fromIso "la" = "latin"
fromIso "lo" = "lao"
fromIso "lt" = "lithuanian"
fromIso "lv" = "latvian"
fromIso "ml" = "malayalam"
fromIso "mn" = "mongolian"
fromIso "mr" = "marathi"
fromIso "nb" = "norsk"
fromIso "nl" = "dutch"
fromIso "nn" = "nynorsk"
fromIso "no" = "norsk"
fromIso "nqo" = "nko"
fromIso "oc" = "occitan"
fromIso "pa" = "panjabi"
fromIso "pl" = "polish"
fromIso "pms" = "piedmontese"
fromIso "pt" = "portuguese"
fromIso "rm" = "romansh"
fromIso "ro" = "romanian"
fromIso "ru" = "russian"
fromIso "sa" = "sanskrit"
fromIso "se" = "samin"
fromIso "sk" = "slovak"
fromIso "sq" = "albanian"
fromIso "sr" = "serbian"
fromIso "sv" = "swedish"
fromIso "syr" = "syriac"
fromIso "ta" = "tamil"
fromIso "te" = "telugu"
fromIso "th" = "thai"
fromIso "ti" = "ethiopic"
fromIso "tk" = "turkmen"
fromIso "tr" = "turkish"
fromIso "uk" = "ukrainian"
fromIso "ur" = "urdu"
fromIso "vi" = "vietnamese"
fromIso _ = ""
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Lang
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006-2021 John MacFarlane
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Lang
( toPolyglossiaEnv,
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.Pandoc.BCP47 (Lang (..))
-- In environments \Arabic instead of \arabic is used
toPolyglossiaEnv :: Lang -> (Text, Text)
toPolyglossiaEnv l =
case toPolyglossia l of
("arabic", o) -> ("Arabic", o)
x -> x
-- Takes a list of the constituents of a BCP 47 language code and
-- converts it to a Polyglossia (language, options) tuple
-- http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/polyglossia/polyglossia.pdf
toPolyglossia :: Lang -> (Text, Text)
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "DZ" _) = ("arabic", "locale=algeria")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "IQ" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "JO" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "LB" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "LY" _) = ("arabic", "locale=libya")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "MA" _) = ("arabic", "locale=morocco")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "MR" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mauritania")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "PS" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "SY" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "TN" _) = ("arabic", "locale=tunisia")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ _ vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = ("german", "spelling=old")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ "AT" vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = ("german", "variant=austrian, spelling=old")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ "AT" _) = ("german", "variant=austrian")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ "CH" vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = ("german", "variant=swiss, spelling=old")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ "CH" _) = ("german", "variant=swiss")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ _ _) = ("german", "")
toPolyglossia (Lang "dsb" _ _ _) = ("lsorbian", "")
toPolyglossia (Lang "el" _ "polyton" _) = ("greek", "variant=poly")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "AU" _) = ("english", "variant=australian")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "CA" _) = ("english", "variant=canadian")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "GB" _) = ("english", "variant=british")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "NZ" _) = ("english", "variant=newzealand")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "UK" _) = ("english", "variant=british")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "US" _) = ("english", "variant=american")
toPolyglossia (Lang "grc" _ _ _) = ("greek", "variant=ancient")
toPolyglossia (Lang "hsb" _ _ _) = ("usorbian", "")
toPolyglossia (Lang "la" _ _ vars)
| "x-classic" `elem` vars = ("latin", "variant=classic")
toPolyglossia (Lang "pt" _ "BR" _) = ("portuguese", "variant=brazilian")
toPolyglossia (Lang "sl" _ _ _) = ("slovenian", "")
toPolyglossia x = (commonFromBcp47 x, "")
-- Takes a list of the constituents of a BCP 47 language code and
-- converts it to a Babel language string.
-- http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/required/babel/base/babel.pdf
-- List of supported languages (slightly outdated):
-- http://tug.ctan.org/language/hyph-utf8/doc/generic/hyph-utf8/hyphenation.pdf
toBabel :: Lang -> Text
toBabel (Lang "de" _ "AT" vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = "austrian"
| otherwise = "naustrian"
toBabel (Lang "de" _ "CH" vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = "swissgerman"
| otherwise = "nswissgerman"
toBabel (Lang "de" _ _ vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = "german"
| otherwise = "ngerman"
toBabel (Lang "dsb" _ _ _) = "lowersorbian"
toBabel (Lang "el" _ _ vars)
| "polyton" `elem` vars = "polutonikogreek"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "AU" _) = "australian"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "CA" _) = "canadian"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "GB" _) = "british"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "NZ" _) = "newzealand"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "UK" _) = "british"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "US" _) = "american"
toBabel (Lang "fr" _ "CA" _) = "canadien"
toBabel (Lang "fra" _ _ vars)
| "aca" `elem` vars = "acadian"
toBabel (Lang "grc" _ _ _) = "polutonikogreek"
toBabel (Lang "hsb" _ _ _) = "uppersorbian"
toBabel (Lang "la" _ _ vars)
| "x-classic" `elem` vars = "classiclatin"
toBabel (Lang "pt" _ "BR" _) = "brazilian"
toBabel (Lang "sl" _ _ _) = "slovene"
toBabel x = commonFromBcp47 x
-- Takes a list of the constituents of a BCP 47 language code
-- and converts it to a string shared by Babel and Polyglossia.
-- https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47#section-2.1
commonFromBcp47 :: Lang -> Text
commonFromBcp47 (Lang "sr" "Cyrl" _ _) = "serbianc"
commonFromBcp47 (Lang "zh" "Latn" _ vars)
| "pinyin" `elem` vars = "pinyin"
commonFromBcp47 (Lang l _ _ _) = fromIso l
fromIso "af" = "afrikaans"
fromIso "am" = "amharic"
fromIso "ar" = "arabic"
fromIso "as" = "assamese"
fromIso "ast" = "asturian"
fromIso "bg" = "bulgarian"
fromIso "bn" = "bengali"
fromIso "bo" = "tibetan"
fromIso "br" = "breton"
fromIso "ca" = "catalan"
fromIso "cy" = "welsh"
fromIso "cs" = "czech"
fromIso "cop" = "coptic"
fromIso "da" = "danish"
fromIso "dv" = "divehi"
fromIso "el" = "greek"
fromIso "en" = "english"
fromIso "eo" = "esperanto"
fromIso "es" = "spanish"
fromIso "et" = "estonian"
fromIso "eu" = "basque"
fromIso "fa" = "farsi"
fromIso "fi" = "finnish"
fromIso "fr" = "french"
fromIso "fur" = "friulan"
fromIso "ga" = "irish"
fromIso "gd" = "scottish"
fromIso "gez" = "ethiopic"
fromIso "gl" = "galician"
fromIso "he" = "hebrew"
fromIso "hi" = "hindi"
fromIso "hr" = "croatian"
fromIso "hu" = "magyar"
fromIso "hy" = "armenian"
fromIso "ia" = "interlingua"
fromIso "id" = "indonesian"
fromIso "ie" = "interlingua"
fromIso "is" = "icelandic"
fromIso "it" = "italian"
fromIso "ja" = "japanese"
fromIso "km" = "khmer"
fromIso "kmr" = "kurmanji"
fromIso "kn" = "kannada"
fromIso "ko" = "korean"
fromIso "la" = "latin"
fromIso "lo" = "lao"
fromIso "lt" = "lithuanian"
fromIso "lv" = "latvian"
fromIso "ml" = "malayalam"
fromIso "mn" = "mongolian"
fromIso "mr" = "marathi"
fromIso "nb" = "norsk"
fromIso "nl" = "dutch"
fromIso "nn" = "nynorsk"
fromIso "no" = "norsk"
fromIso "nqo" = "nko"
fromIso "oc" = "occitan"
fromIso "pa" = "panjabi"
fromIso "pl" = "polish"
fromIso "pms" = "piedmontese"
fromIso "pt" = "portuguese"
fromIso "rm" = "romansh"
fromIso "ro" = "romanian"
fromIso "ru" = "russian"
fromIso "sa" = "sanskrit"
fromIso "se" = "samin"
fromIso "sk" = "slovak"
fromIso "sq" = "albanian"
fromIso "sr" = "serbian"
fromIso "sv" = "swedish"
fromIso "syr" = "syriac"
fromIso "ta" = "tamil"
fromIso "te" = "telugu"
fromIso "th" = "thai"
fromIso "ti" = "ethiopic"
fromIso "tk" = "turkmen"
fromIso "tr" = "turkish"
fromIso "uk" = "ukrainian"
fromIso "ur" = "urdu"
fromIso "vi" = "vietnamese"
fromIso _ = ""
Add table
Reference in a new issue