diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS.hs
index 639961acd..3b33e5a19 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to JATS XML.
 module Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS ( writeJATS ) where
 import Control.Monad.Reader
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ deflistItemToJATS opts term defs = do
   term' <- inlinesToJATS opts term
   def' <- blocksToJATS opts $ concatMap (map plainToPara) defs
   return $ inTagsIndented "def-item" $
-      inTagsIndented "term" term' $$
+      inTagsSimple "term" term' $$
       inTagsIndented "def" def'
 -- | Convert a list of lists of blocks to a list of JATS list items.
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ listItemToJATS :: PandocMonad m
 listItemToJATS opts mbmarker item = do
   contents <- blocksToJATS opts item
   return $ inTagsIndented "list-item" $
-           maybe empty (\lbl -> inTagsIndented "label" (text lbl)) mbmarker
+           maybe empty (\lbl -> inTagsSimple "label" (text lbl)) mbmarker
            $$ contents
 imageMimeType :: String -> [(String, String)] -> (String, String)
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ blockToJATS _ (Para [Image (ident,_,kvs) _ (src, tit)]) = do
   return $ selfClosingTag "graphic" attr
 blockToJATS opts (Para lst) =
-  inTagsIndented "p" <$> inlinesToJATS opts lst
+  inTagsSimple "p" <$> inlinesToJATS opts lst
 blockToJATS opts (LineBlock lns) =
   blockToJATS opts $ linesToPara lns
 blockToJATS opts (BlockQuote blocks) =
@@ -326,10 +326,10 @@ tableItemToJATS :: PandocMonad m
                    -> [Block]
                    -> JATS m Doc
 tableItemToJATS opts isHeader [Plain item] =
-  inTags True (if isHeader then "th" else "td") [] <$>
+  inTags False (if isHeader then "th" else "td") [] <$>
     inlinesToJATS opts item
 tableItemToJATS opts isHeader item =
-  (inTags True (if isHeader then "th" else "td") [] . vcat) <$>
+  (inTags False (if isHeader then "th" else "td") [] . vcat) <$>
     mapM (blockToJATS opts) item
 -- | Convert a list of inline elements to JATS.
diff --git a/test/Tests/Writers/JATS.hs b/test/Tests/Writers/JATS.hs
index 572b16451..723c0e8a8 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Writers/JATS.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Writers/JATS.hs
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ infix 4 =:
 tests :: [TestTree]
 tests = [ testGroup "inline code"
-          [ "basic" =: code "@&" =?> "<p>\n  <monospace>@&amp;</monospace>\n</p>"
-          , "lang" =: codeWith ("", ["c"], []) "@&" =?> "<p>\n  <code language=\"c\">@&amp;</code>\n</p>"
+          [ "basic" =: code "@&" =?> "<p><monospace>@&amp;</monospace></p>"
+          , "lang" =: codeWith ("", ["c"], []) "@&" =?> "<p><code language=\"c\">@&amp;</code></p>"
         , testGroup "block code"
           [ "basic" =: codeBlock "@&" =?> "<preformat>@&amp;</preformat>"
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "inline code"
         , testGroup "inlines"
           [ "Emphasis" =: emph "emphasized"
-            =?> "<p>\n  <italic>emphasized</italic>\n</p>"
+            =?> "<p><italic>emphasized</italic></p>"
         , "bullet list" =: bulletList [ plain $ text "first"
                                       , plain $ text "second"
@@ -52,19 +52,13 @@ tests = [ testGroup "inline code"
             =?> "<list list-type=\"bullet\">\n\
                 \  <list-item>\n\
-                \    <p>\n\
-                \      first\n\
-                \    </p>\n\
+                \    <p>first</p>\n\
                 \  </list-item>\n\
                 \  <list-item>\n\
-                \    <p>\n\
-                \      second\n\
-                \    </p>\n\
+                \    <p>second</p>\n\
                 \  </list-item>\n\
                 \  <list-item>\n\
-                \    <p>\n\
-                \      third\n\
-                \    </p>\n\
+                \    <p>third</p>\n\
                 \  </list-item>\n\
         , testGroup "definition lists"
@@ -72,24 +66,18 @@ tests = [ testGroup "inline code"
              [plain (text "hi there")])] =?>
             \  <def-item>\n\
-            \    <term>\n\
-            \      <xref alt=\"testing\" rid=\"go\">testing</xref>\n\
-            \    </term>\n\
+            \    <term><xref alt=\"testing\" rid=\"go\">testing</xref></term>\n\
             \    <def>\n\
-            \      <p>\n\
-            \        hi there\n\
-            \      </p>\n\
+            \      <p>hi there</p>\n\
             \    </def>\n\
             \  </def-item>\n\
         , testGroup "math"
           [ "escape |" =: para (math "\\sigma|_{\\{x\\}}") =?>
-            "<p>\n\
-            \  <inline-formula><alternatives>\n\
-            \  <tex-math><![CDATA[\\sigma|_{\\{x\\}}]]></tex-math>\n\
-            \  <mml:math display=\"inline\" xmlns:mml=\"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML\"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi><mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\" form=\"prefix\">|</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\" form=\"prefix\">{</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\" form=\"postfix\">}</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>\n\
-            \</p>"
+            "<p><inline-formula><alternatives>\n\
+            \<tex-math><![CDATA[\\sigma|_{\\{x\\}}]]></tex-math>\n\
+            \<mml:math display=\"inline\" xmlns:mml=\"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML\"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi><mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\" form=\"prefix\">|</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\" form=\"prefix\">{</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\" form=\"postfix\">}</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula></p>"
         , testGroup "headers"
           [ "unnumbered header" =:
@@ -97,9 +85,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "inline code"
               (text "Header 1" <> note (plain $ text "note")) =?>
             "<sec id=\"foo\">\n\
             \  <title>Header 1<fn>\n\
-            \    <p>\n\
-            \      note\n\
-            \    </p>\n\
+            \    <p>note</p>\n\
             \  </fn></title>\n\
           , "unnumbered sub header" =:
diff --git a/test/jats-reader.native b/test/jats-reader.native
index a7c349149..83feeeffd 100644
--- a/test/jats-reader.native
+++ b/test/jats-reader.native
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "John",Space,Str "MacFarlane"]]),("title",MetaInlines [Str "Pandoc",Space,Str "Test",Space,Str "Suite"])]})
-[Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "set",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "tests",Space,Str "for",Space,Str "pandoc.",Space,Str "Most",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "them",Space,Str "are",Space,Str "adapted",Space,Str "from",Space,Str "John",SoftBreak,Str "Gruber's",Space,Str "markdown",Space,Str "test",Space,Str "suite."]
+[Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "set",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "tests",Space,Str "for",Space,Str "pandoc.",Space,Str "Most",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "them",Space,Str "are",Space,Str "adapted",Space,Str "from",Space,Str "John",Space,Str "Gruber's",Space,Str "markdown",Space,Str "test",Space,Str "suite."]
 ,Header 1 ("headers",[],[]) [Str "Headers"]
 ,Header 2 ("level-2-with-an-embedded-link",[],[]) [Str "Level",Space,Str "2",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "an",SoftBreak,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "embedded",SoftBreak,Str "link"] ("/url","")]
 ,Header 3 ("level-3-with-emphasis",[],[]) [Str "Level",Space,Str "3",Space,Str "with",Space,Emph [Str "emphasis"]]
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "John",Spa
 ,Para [Str "with",Space,Str "no",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line"]
 ,Header 1 ("paragraphs",[],[]) [Str "Paragraphs"]
 ,Para [Str "Here's",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "regular",Space,Str "paragraph."]
-,Para [Str "In",Space,Str "Markdown",Space,Str "1.0.0",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "earlier.",Space,Str "Version",Space,Str "8.",Space,Str "This",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "turns",Space,Str "into",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "list",Space,Str "item.",Space,Str "Because",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "hard-wrapped",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "middle",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "paragraph",SoftBreak,Str "looked",Space,Str "like",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "list",Space,Str "item."]
+,Para [Str "In",Space,Str "Markdown",Space,Str "1.0.0",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "earlier.",Space,Str "Version",Space,Str "8.",Space,Str "This",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "turns",Space,Str "into",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "list",Space,Str "item.",Space,Str "Because",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "hard-wrapped",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "middle",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "paragraph",Space,Str "looked",Space,Str "like",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "list",Space,Str "item."]
 ,Para [Str "Here's",Space,Str "one",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "bullet.",Space,Str "*",Space,Str "criminey."]
 ,Para [Str "There",Space,Str "should",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "hard",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "break",LineBreak,Str "here."]
 ,Header 1 ("block-quotes",[],[]) [Str "Block",Space,Str "Quotes"]
diff --git a/test/jats-reader.xml b/test/jats-reader.xml
index f98caa46e..bfbfdc6a0 100644
--- a/test/jats-reader.xml
+++ b/test/jats-reader.xml
@@ -29,10 +29,7 @@
-  This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from John
-  Gruber's markdown test suite.
+<p>This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from John Gruber's markdown test suite.</p>
 <sec id="headers">
   <sec id="level-2-with-an-embedded-link">
@@ -56,91 +53,53 @@
     <title>Level 2 with <italic>emphasis</italic></title>
     <sec id="level-3">
       <title>Level 3</title>
-      <p>
-        with no blank line
-      </p>
+      <p>with no blank line</p>
   <sec id="level-2">
     <title>Level 2</title>
-    <p>
-      with no blank line
-    </p>
+    <p>with no blank line</p>
 <sec id="paragraphs">
-  <p>
-    Here's a regular paragraph.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a
-    list item. Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph
-    looked like a list item.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Here's one with a bullet. * criminey.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    There should be a hard line break<break />here.
-  </p>
+  <p>Here's a regular paragraph.</p>
+  <p>In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a list item. Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph looked like a list item.</p>
+  <p>Here's one with a bullet. * criminey.</p>
+  <p>There should be a hard line break<break />here.</p>
 <sec id="block-quotes">
   <title>Block Quotes</title>
-  <p>
-    E-mail style:
-  </p>
+  <p>E-mail style:</p>
-    <p>
-      This is a block quote. It is pretty short.
-    </p>
+    <p>This is a block quote. It is pretty short.</p>
-    <p>
-      Code in a block quote:
-    </p>
+    <p>Code in a block quote:</p>
     <preformat>sub status {
     print &quot;working&quot;;
-    <p>
-      A list:
-    </p>
+    <p>A list:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          item one
-        </p>
+        <p>item one</p>
-        <p>
-          item two
-        </p>
+        <p>item two</p>
-    <p>
-      Nested block quotes:
-    </p>
+    <p>Nested block quotes:</p>
-      <p>
-        nested
-      </p>
+      <p>nested</p>
-      <p>
-        nested
-      </p>
+      <p>nested</p>
-  <p>
-    This should not be a block quote: 2 &gt; 1.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Box-style:
-  </p>
+  <p>This should not be a block quote: 2 &gt; 1.</p>
+  <p>Box-style:</p>
-    <p>
-      Example:
-    </p>
+    <p>Example:</p>
     <preformat>sub status {
     print &quot;working&quot;;
@@ -148,39 +107,25 @@
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          do laundry
-        </p>
+        <p>do laundry</p>
-        <p>
-          take out the trash
-        </p>
+        <p>take out the trash</p>
-  <p>
-    Here's a nested one:
-  </p>
+  <p>Here's a nested one:</p>
-    <p>
-      Joe said:
-    </p>
+    <p>Joe said:</p>
-      <p>
-        Don't quote me.
-      </p>
+      <p>Don't quote me.</p>
-  <p>
-    And a following paragraph.
-  </p>
+  <p>And a following paragraph.</p>
 <sec id="code-blocks">
   <title>Code Blocks</title>
-  <p>
-    Code:
-  </p>
+  <p>Code:</p>
   <preformat>---- (should be four hyphens)
 sub status {
@@ -188,9 +133,7 @@ sub status {
 this code block is indented by one tab</preformat>
-  <p>
-    And:
-  </p>
+  <p>And:</p>
   <preformat>    this code block is indented by two tabs
 These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
@@ -199,236 +142,144 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
   <sec id="unordered">
-    <p>
-      Asterisks tight:
-    </p>
+    <p>Asterisks tight:</p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          asterisk 1
-        </p>
+        <p>asterisk 1</p>
-        <p>
-          asterisk 2
-        </p>
+        <p>asterisk 2</p>
-        <p>
-          asterisk 3
-        </p>
+        <p>asterisk 3</p>
-    <p>
-      Asterisks loose:
-    </p>
+    <p>Asterisks loose:</p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          asterisk 1
-        </p>
+        <p>asterisk 1</p>
-        <p>
-          asterisk 2
-        </p>
+        <p>asterisk 2</p>
-        <p>
-          asterisk 3
-        </p>
+        <p>asterisk 3</p>
-    <p>
-      Pluses tight:
-    </p>
+    <p>Pluses tight:</p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          Plus 1
-        </p>
+        <p>Plus 1</p>
-        <p>
-          Plus 2
-        </p>
+        <p>Plus 2</p>
-        <p>
-          Plus 3
-        </p>
+        <p>Plus 3</p>
-    <p>
-      Pluses loose:
-    </p>
+    <p>Pluses loose:</p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          Plus 1
-        </p>
+        <p>Plus 1</p>
-        <p>
-          Plus 2
-        </p>
+        <p>Plus 2</p>
-        <p>
-          Plus 3
-        </p>
+        <p>Plus 3</p>
-    <p>
-      Minuses tight:
-    </p>
+    <p>Minuses tight:</p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          Minus 1
-        </p>
+        <p>Minus 1</p>
-        <p>
-          Minus 2
-        </p>
+        <p>Minus 2</p>
-        <p>
-          Minus 3
-        </p>
+        <p>Minus 3</p>
-    <p>
-      Minuses loose:
-    </p>
+    <p>Minuses loose:</p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          Minus 1
-        </p>
+        <p>Minus 1</p>
-        <p>
-          Minus 2
-        </p>
+        <p>Minus 2</p>
-        <p>
-          Minus 3
-        </p>
+        <p>Minus 3</p>
   <sec id="ordered">
-    <p>
-      Tight:
-    </p>
+    <p>Tight:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          First
-        </p>
+        <p>First</p>
-        <p>
-          Second
-        </p>
+        <p>Second</p>
-        <p>
-          Third
-        </p>
+        <p>Third</p>
-    <p>
-      and:
-    </p>
+    <p>and:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          One
-        </p>
+        <p>One</p>
-        <p>
-          Two
-        </p>
+        <p>Two</p>
-        <p>
-          Three
-        </p>
+        <p>Three</p>
-    <p>
-      Loose using tabs:
-    </p>
+    <p>Loose using tabs:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          First
-        </p>
+        <p>First</p>
-        <p>
-          Second
-        </p>
+        <p>Second</p>
-        <p>
-          Third
-        </p>
+        <p>Third</p>
-    <p>
-      and using spaces:
-    </p>
+    <p>and using spaces:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          One
-        </p>
+        <p>One</p>
-        <p>
-          Two
-        </p>
+        <p>Two</p>
-        <p>
-          Three
-        </p>
+        <p>Three</p>
-    <p>
-      Multiple paragraphs:
-    </p>
+    <p>Multiple paragraphs:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          Item 1, graf one.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
-          dog's back.
-        </p>
+        <p>Item 1, graf one.</p>
+        <p>Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
+          dog's back.</p>
-        <p>
-          Item 2.
-        </p>
+        <p>Item 2.</p>
-        <p>
-          Item 3.
-        </p>
+        <p>Item 3.</p>
-    <p>
-      List styles:
-    </p>
+    <p>List styles:</p>
     <list list-type="order"></list>
     <list list-type="roman-lower"></list>
@@ -436,97 +287,63 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          Tab
-        </p>
+        <p>Tab</p>
         <list list-type="bullet">
-            <p>
-              Tab
-            </p>
+            <p>Tab</p>
             <list list-type="bullet">
-                <p>
-                  Tab
-                </p>
+                <p>Tab</p>
-    <p>
-      Here's another:
-    </p>
+    <p>Here's another:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          First
-        </p>
+        <p>First</p>
-        <p>
-          Second:
-        </p>
+        <p>Second:</p>
         <list list-type="bullet">
-            <p>
-              Fee
-            </p>
+            <p>Fee</p>
-            <p>
-              Fie
-            </p>
+            <p>Fie</p>
-            <p>
-              Foe
-            </p>
+            <p>Foe</p>
-        <p>
-          Third
-        </p>
+        <p>Third</p>
-    <p>
-      Same thing but with paragraphs:
-    </p>
+    <p>Same thing but with paragraphs:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          First
-        </p>
+        <p>First</p>
-        <p>
-          Second:
-        </p>
+        <p>Second:</p>
         <list list-type="bullet">
-            <p>
-              Fee
-            </p>
+            <p>Fee</p>
-            <p>
-              Fie
-            </p>
+            <p>Fie</p>
-            <p>
-              Foe
-            </p>
+            <p>Foe</p>
-        <p>
-          Third
-        </p>
+        <p>Third</p>
@@ -534,24 +351,16 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
     <title>Tabs and spaces</title>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          this is a list item indented with tabs
-        </p>
+        <p>this is a list item indented with tabs</p>
-        <p>
-          this is a list item indented with spaces
-        </p>
+        <p>this is a list item indented with spaces</p>
         <list list-type="bullet">
-            <p>
-              this is an example list item indented with tabs
-            </p>
+            <p>this is an example list item indented with tabs</p>
-            <p>
-              this is an example list item indented with spaces
-            </p>
+            <p>this is an example list item indented with spaces</p>
@@ -559,24 +368,16 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
   <sec id="fancy-list-markers">
     <title>Fancy list markers</title>
-    <p>
-      Autonumbering:
-    </p>
+    <p>Autonumbering:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          Autonumber.
-        </p>
+        <p>Autonumber.</p>
-        <p>
-          More.
-        </p>
+        <p>More.</p>
         <list list-type="order">
-            <p>
-              Nested.
-            </p>
+            <p>Nested.</p>
@@ -590,12 +391,8 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-          <p>
-            Stringed musical instrument.
-          </p>
-          <p>
-            Torture device.
-          </p>
+          <p>Stringed musical instrument.</p>
+          <p>Torture device.</p>
@@ -603,9 +400,7 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
           Cello<break />Violoncello
-          <p>
-            Low-voiced stringed instrument.
-          </p>
+          <p>Low-voiced stringed instrument.</p>
@@ -613,452 +408,244 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
 <sec id="inline-markup">
   <title>Inline Markup</title>
-  <p>
-    This is <italic>emphasized</italic>, and so <italic>is
-    this</italic>.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    This is <bold role="strong">strong</bold>, and so
-    <bold role="strong">is this</bold>.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Empty <bold role="strong"></bold> and <italic></italic>.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    An
+  <p>This is <italic>emphasized</italic>, and so <italic>is
+    this</italic>.</p>
+  <p>This is <bold role="strong">strong</bold>, and so
+    <bold role="strong">is this</bold>.</p>
+  <p>Empty <bold role="strong"></bold> and <italic></italic>.</p>
+  <p>An
     <italic><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">emphasized
-    link</ext-link></italic>.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    <bold role="strong"><italic>This is strong and em.</italic></bold>
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    So is <bold role="strong"><italic>this</italic></bold> word.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    <bold role="strong"><italic>This is strong and em.</italic></bold>
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    So is <bold role="strong"><italic>this</italic></bold> word.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    This is code: <monospace>&gt;</monospace>, <monospace>$</monospace>,
+    link</ext-link></italic>.</p>
+  <p><bold role="strong"><italic>This is strong and em.</italic></bold></p>
+  <p>So is <bold role="strong"><italic>this</italic></bold> word.</p>
+  <p><bold role="strong"><italic>This is strong and em.</italic></bold></p>
+  <p>So is <bold role="strong"><italic>this</italic></bold> word.</p>
+  <p>This is code: <monospace>&gt;</monospace>, <monospace>$</monospace>,
     <monospace>\</monospace>, <monospace>\$</monospace>,
-    <monospace>&lt;html&gt;</monospace>.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    This is <sc role="smallcaps">small caps</sc>.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    These are all underlined: foo and bar.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    These are all strikethrough: <strike>foo</strike>,
-    <strike>bar</strike>, and <strike>baz</strike>.
-  </p>
+    <monospace>&lt;html&gt;</monospace>.</p>
+  <p>This is <sc role="smallcaps">small caps</sc>.</p>
+  <p>These are all underlined: foo and bar.</p>
+  <p>These are all strikethrough: <strike>foo</strike>,
+    <strike>bar</strike>, and <strike>baz</strike>.</p>
 <sec id="smart-quotes-ellipses-dashes">
   <title>Smart quotes, ellipses, dashes</title>
-  <p>
-    &quot;Hello,&quot; said the spider. &quot;'Shelob' is my name.&quot;
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    'A', 'B', and 'C' are letters.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    'Oak,' 'elm,' and 'beech' are names of trees. So is 'pine.'
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    'He said, &quot;I want to go.&quot;' Were you alive in the 70's?
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Here is some quoted '<monospace>code</monospace>' and a
+  <p>&quot;Hello,&quot; said the spider. &quot;'Shelob' is my name.&quot;</p>
+  <p>'A', 'B', and 'C' are letters.</p>
+  <p>'Oak,' 'elm,' and 'beech' are names of trees. So is 'pine.'</p>
+  <p>'He said, &quot;I want to go.&quot;' Were you alive in the 70's?</p>
+  <p>Here is some quoted '<monospace>code</monospace>' and a
     &quot;<ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2">quoted
-    link</ext-link>&quot;.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Some dashes: one---two --- three--four -- five.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Dashes between numbers: 5-7, 255-66, 1987-1999.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Ellipses...and. . .and . . . .
-  </p>
+    link</ext-link>&quot;.</p>
+  <p>Some dashes: one---two --- three--four -- five.</p>
+  <p>Dashes between numbers: 5-7, 255-66, 1987-1999.</p>
+  <p>Ellipses...and. . .and . . . .</p>
 <sec id="latex">
   <list list-type="bullet">
-      <p>
-        \cite[22-23]{smith.1899}
-      </p>
+      <p>\cite[22-23]{smith.1899}</p>
-      <p>
-        \doublespacing
-      </p>
+      <p>\doublespacing</p>
-      <p>
-        $2+2=4$
-      </p>
+      <p>$2+2=4$</p>
-      <p>
-        $x \in y$
-      </p>
+      <p>$x \in y$</p>
-      <p>
-        $\alpha \wedge \omega$
-      </p>
+      <p>$\alpha \wedge \omega$</p>
-      <p>
-        $223$
-      </p>
+      <p>$223$</p>
-      <p>
-        $p$-Tree
-      </p>
+      <p>$p$-Tree</p>
-      <p>
-        $\frac{d}{dx}f(x)=\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$
-      </p>
+      <p>$\frac{d}{dx}f(x)=\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$</p>
-      <p>
-        Here's one that has a line break in it: $\alpha + \omega \times
-        x^2$.
-      </p>
+      <p>Here's one that has a line break in it: $\alpha + \omega \times
+        x^2$.</p>
-  <p>
-    These shouldn't be math:
-  </p>
+  <p>These shouldn't be math:</p>
   <list list-type="bullet">
-      <p>
-        To get the famous equation, write
-        <monospace>$e = mc^2$</monospace>.
-      </p>
+      <p>To get the famous equation, write
+        <monospace>$e = mc^2$</monospace>.</p>
-      <p>
-        $22,000 is a <italic>lot</italic> of money. So is $34,000. (It
-        worked if &quot;lot&quot; is emphasized.)
-      </p>
+      <p>$22,000 is a <italic>lot</italic> of money. So is $34,000. (It
+        worked if &quot;lot&quot; is emphasized.)</p>
-      <p>
-        Escaped <monospace>$</monospace>: $73 <italic>this should be
-        emphasized</italic> 23$.
-      </p>
+      <p>Escaped <monospace>$</monospace>: $73 <italic>this should be
+        emphasized</italic> 23$.</p>
-  <p>
-    Here's a LaTeX table:
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline Animal &amp; Number \\ \hline Dog &amp;
-    2 \\ Cat &amp; 1 \\ \hline \end{tabular}
-  </p>
+  <p>Here's a LaTeX table:</p>
+  <p>\begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline Animal &amp; Number \\ \hline Dog &amp;
+    2 \\ Cat &amp; 1 \\ \hline \end{tabular}</p>
 <sec id="special-characters">
   <title>Special Characters</title>
-  <p>
-    Here is some unicode:
-  </p>
+  <p>Here is some unicode:</p>
   <list list-type="bullet">
-      <p>
-        I hat: Î
-      </p>
+      <p>I hat: Î</p>
-      <p>
-        o umlaut: ö
-      </p>
+      <p>o umlaut: ö</p>
-      <p>
-        section: §
-      </p>
+      <p>section: §</p>
-      <p>
-        set membership: elem
-      </p>
+      <p>set membership: elem</p>
-      <p>
-        copyright: ©
-      </p>
+      <p>copyright: ©</p>
-  <p>
-    AT&amp;T has an ampersand in their name.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    AT&amp;T is another way to write it.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    This &amp; that.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    4 &lt; 5.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    6 &gt; 5.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Backslash: \
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Backtick: `
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Asterisk: *
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Underscore: _
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Left brace: {
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Right brace: }
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Left bracket: [
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Right bracket: ]
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Left paren: (
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Right paren: )
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Greater-than: &gt;
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Hash: #
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Period: .
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Bang: !
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Plus: +
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Minus: -
-  </p>
+  <p>AT&amp;T has an ampersand in their name.</p>
+  <p>AT&amp;T is another way to write it.</p>
+  <p>This &amp; that.</p>
+  <p>4 &lt; 5.</p>
+  <p>6 &gt; 5.</p>
+  <p>Backslash: \</p>
+  <p>Backtick: `</p>
+  <p>Asterisk: *</p>
+  <p>Underscore: _</p>
+  <p>Left brace: {</p>
+  <p>Right brace: }</p>
+  <p>Left bracket: [</p>
+  <p>Right bracket: ]</p>
+  <p>Left paren: (</p>
+  <p>Right paren: )</p>
+  <p>Greater-than: &gt;</p>
+  <p>Hash: #</p>
+  <p>Period: .</p>
+  <p>Bang: !</p>
+  <p>Plus: +</p>
+  <p>Minus: -</p>
 <sec id="links">
   <sec id="explicit">
-    <p>
-      Just a
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">URL</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title">URL
-      and title</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title preceded by two spaces">URL
-      and title</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title preceded by a tab">URL
-      and title</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title with &quot;quotes&quot; in it">URL
-      and title</ext-link>
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title with single quotes">URL
-      and title</ext-link>
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Email link (nobody [at] nowhere.net)
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="">Empty</ext-link>.
-    </p>
+    <p>Just a
+      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">URL</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title">URL
+      and title</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title preceded by two spaces">URL
+      and title</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title preceded by a tab">URL
+      and title</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title with &quot;quotes&quot; in it">URL
+      and title</ext-link></p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title with single quotes">URL
+      and title</ext-link></p>
+    <p>Email link (nobody [at] nowhere.net)</p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="">Empty</ext-link>.</p>
   <sec id="reference">
-    <p>
-      Foo
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">bar</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Foo
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">bar</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Foo
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">bar</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      With <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">embedded
-      [brackets]</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">b</ext-link> by
-      itself should be a link.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Indented
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">once</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Indented
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">twice</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Indented
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">thrice</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      This should [not] be a link.
-    </p>
+    <p>Foo
+      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">bar</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Foo
+      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">bar</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Foo
+      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">bar</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>With <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">embedded
+      [brackets]</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">b</ext-link> by
+      itself should be a link.</p>
+    <p>Indented
+      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">once</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Indented
+      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">twice</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Indented
+      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">thrice</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>This should [not] be a link.</p>
     <preformat>[not]: /url</preformat>
-    <p>
-      Foo
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="Title with &quot;quotes&quot; inside">bar</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Foo
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="Title with &quot;quote&quot; inside">biz</ext-link>.
-    </p>
+    <p>Foo
+      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="Title with &quot;quotes&quot; inside">bar</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Foo
+      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="Title with &quot;quote&quot; inside">biz</ext-link>.</p>
   <sec id="with-ampersands">
     <title>With ampersands</title>
-    <p>
-      Here's a
+    <p>Here's a
       <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2">link
-      with an ampersand in the URL</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Here's a link with an amersand in the link text:
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://att.com/" xlink:title="AT&amp;T">AT&amp;T</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Here's an
+      with an ampersand in the URL</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Here's a link with an amersand in the link text:
+      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://att.com/" xlink:title="AT&amp;T">AT&amp;T</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Here's an
       <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2">inline
-      link</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Here's an
+      link</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Here's an
       <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2">inline
-      link in pointy braces</ext-link>.
-    </p>
+      link in pointy braces</ext-link>.</p>
   <sec id="autolinks">
-    <p>
-      With an ampersand:
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2">http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2</ext-link>
-    </p>
+    <p>With an ampersand:
+      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2">http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2</ext-link></p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          In a list?
-        </p>
+        <p>In a list?</p>
-        <p>
-          <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/">http://example.com/</ext-link>
-        </p>
+        <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/">http://example.com/</ext-link></p>
-        <p>
-          It should.
-        </p>
+        <p>It should.</p>
-    <p>
-      An e-mail address: nobody [at] nowhere.net
-    </p>
+    <p>An e-mail address: nobody [at] nowhere.net</p>
-      <p>
-        Blockquoted:
-        <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/">http://example.com/</ext-link>
-      </p>
+      <p>Blockquoted:
+        <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/">http://example.com/</ext-link></p>
-    <p>
-      Auto-links should not occur here:
-      <monospace>&lt;http://example.com/&gt;</monospace>
-    </p>
+    <p>Auto-links should not occur here:
+      <monospace>&lt;http://example.com/&gt;</monospace></p>
     <preformat>or here: &lt;http://example.com/&gt;</preformat>
 <sec id="images">
-  <p>
-    From &quot;Voyage dans la Lune&quot; by Georges Melies (1902):
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    <inline-graphic mimetype="image" mime-subtype="jpeg" xlink:href="lalune.jpg" xlink:title="Voyage dans la Lune" />
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Here is a movie
+  <p>From &quot;Voyage dans la Lune&quot; by Georges Melies (1902):</p>
+  <p><inline-graphic mimetype="image" mime-subtype="jpeg" xlink:href="lalune.jpg" xlink:title="Voyage dans la Lune" /></p>
+  <p>Here is a movie
     <inline-graphic mimetype="image" mime-subtype="jpeg" xlink:href="movie.jpg" />
-    icon.
-  </p>
+    icon.</p>
 <sec id="footnotes">
-  <p>
-    Here is a footnote reference<xref alt="(1)" rid="note_1">(1)</xref>,
+  <p>Here is a footnote reference<xref alt="(1)" rid="note_1">(1)</xref>,
     another<xref alt="(longnote)" rid="note_longnote">(longnote)</xref>.
     This should <italic>not</italic> be a footnote reference, because it
-    contains a space^(my note).
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    <xref alt="(1)" rid="ref_1">(1)</xref> Here is the footnote. It can
-    go anywhere in the document, not just at the end.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    <xref alt="(longnote)" rid="ref_longnote">(longnote)</xref> Here's
-    the other note. This one contains multiple blocks.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Caret characters are used to indicate that the blocks all belong to
-    a single footnote (as with block quotes).
-  </p>
+    contains a space^(my note).</p>
+  <p><xref alt="(1)" rid="ref_1">(1)</xref> Here is the footnote. It can
+    go anywhere in the document, not just at the end.</p>
+  <p><xref alt="(longnote)" rid="ref_longnote">(longnote)</xref> Here's
+    the other note. This one contains multiple blocks.</p>
+  <p>Caret characters are used to indicate that the blocks all belong to
+    a single footnote (as with block quotes).</p>
   <preformat>  { &lt;code&gt; }</preformat>
-  <p>
-    If you want, you can use a caret at the beginning of every line, as
+  <p>If you want, you can use a caret at the beginning of every line, as
     with blockquotes, but all that you need is a caret at the beginning
-    of the first line of the block and any preceding blank lines.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    text <italic>Leading space</italic>
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    <italic>Trailing space</italic> text
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    text <italic>Leading spaces</italic>
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    <italic>Trailing spaces</italic> text
-  </p>
+    of the first line of the block and any preceding blank lines.</p>
+  <p>text <italic>Leading space</italic></p>
+  <p><italic>Trailing space</italic> text</p>
+  <p>text <italic>Leading spaces</italic></p>
+  <p><italic>Trailing spaces</italic> text</p>
 <sec id="tables">
@@ -1071,55 +658,37 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              X
-            </p>
+            <p>X</p>
-            <p>
-              Y
-            </p>
+            <p>Y</p>
-            <p>
-              Z
-            </p>
+            <p>Z</p>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1131,55 +700,37 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              X
-            </p>
+            <p>X</p>
-            <p>
-              Y
-            </p>
+            <p>Y</p>
-            <p>
-              Z
-            </p>
+            <p>Z</p>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1191,55 +742,37 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              X
-            </p>
+            <p>X</p>
-            <p>
-              Y
-            </p>
+            <p>Y</p>
-            <p>
-              Z
-            </p>
+            <p>Z</p>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1251,55 +784,37 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              X
-            </p>
+            <p>X</p>
-            <p>
-              Y
-            </p>
+            <p>Y</p>
-            <p>
-              Z
-            </p>
+            <p>Z</p>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1311,55 +826,37 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              X
-            </p>
+            <p>X</p>
-            <p>
-              Y
-            </p>
+            <p>Y</p>
-            <p>
-              Z
-            </p>
+            <p>Z</p>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1371,55 +868,37 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              X
-            </p>
+            <p>X</p>
-            <p>
-              Y
-            </p>
+            <p>Y</p>
-            <p>
-              Z
-            </p>
+            <p>Z</p>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1431,55 +910,37 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              X
-            </p>
+            <p>X</p>
-            <p>
-              Y
-            </p>
+            <p>Y</p>
-            <p>
-              Z
-            </p>
+            <p>Z</p>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1491,55 +952,37 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              X
-            </p>
+            <p>X</p>
-            <p>
-              Y
-            </p>
+            <p>Y</p>
-            <p>
-              Z
-            </p>
+            <p>Z</p>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1551,55 +994,37 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              X
-            </p>
+            <p>X</p>
-            <p>
-              Y
-            </p>
+            <p>Y</p>
-            <p>
-              Z
-            </p>
+            <p>Z</p>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1614,36 +1039,24 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1655,36 +1068,24 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1696,36 +1097,24 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1737,36 +1126,24 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-            <p>
-              1
-            </p>
+            <p>1</p>
-            <p>
-              2
-            </p>
+            <p>2</p>
-            <p>
-              3
-            </p>
+            <p>3</p>
-            <p>
-              4
-            </p>
+            <p>4</p>
-            <p>
-              5
-            </p>
+            <p>5</p>
-            <p>
-              6
-            </p>
+            <p>6</p>
@@ -1774,9 +1151,7 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
   <sec id="empty-tables">
     <title>Empty Tables</title>
-    <p>
-      This section should be empty.
-    </p>
+    <p>This section should be empty.</p>
diff --git a/test/tables.jats b/test/tables.jats
index 46af61635..50e8498f4 100644
--- a/test/tables.jats
+++ b/test/tables.jats
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
-  Simple table with caption:
+<p>Simple table with caption:</p>
-    <p>
-      Demonstration of simple table syntax.
-    </p>
+    <p>Demonstration of simple table syntax.</p>
     <col align="right" />
@@ -14,69 +10,35 @@
     <col align="left" />
-        <th>
-          Right
-        </th>
-        <th>
-          Left
-        </th>
-        <th>
-          Center
-        </th>
-        <th>
-          Default
-        </th>
+        <th>Right</th>
+        <th>Left</th>
+        <th>Center</th>
+        <th>Default</th>
-        <td>
-          12
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          12
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          12
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          12
-        </td>
+        <td>12</td>
+        <td>12</td>
+        <td>12</td>
+        <td>12</td>
-        <td>
-          123
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          123
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          123
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          123
-        </td>
+        <td>123</td>
+        <td>123</td>
+        <td>123</td>
+        <td>123</td>
-        <td>
-          1
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          1
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          1
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          1
-        </td>
+        <td>1</td>
+        <td>1</td>
+        <td>1</td>
+        <td>1</td>
-  Simple table without caption:
+<p>Simple table without caption:</p>
   <col align="right" />
   <col align="left" />
@@ -84,73 +46,37 @@
   <col align="left" />
-      <th>
-        Right
-      </th>
-      <th>
-        Left
-      </th>
-      <th>
-        Center
-      </th>
-      <th>
-        Default
-      </th>
+      <th>Right</th>
+      <th>Left</th>
+      <th>Center</th>
+      <th>Default</th>
-      <td>
-        12
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        12
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        12
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        12
-      </td>
+      <td>12</td>
+      <td>12</td>
+      <td>12</td>
+      <td>12</td>
-      <td>
-        123
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        123
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        123
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        123
-      </td>
+      <td>123</td>
+      <td>123</td>
+      <td>123</td>
+      <td>123</td>
-      <td>
-        1
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        1
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        1
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        1
-      </td>
+      <td>1</td>
+      <td>1</td>
+      <td>1</td>
+      <td>1</td>
-  Simple table indented two spaces:
+<p>Simple table indented two spaces:</p>
-    <p>
-      Demonstration of simple table syntax.
-    </p>
+    <p>Demonstration of simple table syntax.</p>
     <col align="right" />
@@ -159,74 +85,38 @@
     <col align="left" />
-        <th>
-          Right
-        </th>
-        <th>
-          Left
-        </th>
-        <th>
-          Center
-        </th>
-        <th>
-          Default
-        </th>
+        <th>Right</th>
+        <th>Left</th>
+        <th>Center</th>
+        <th>Default</th>
-        <td>
-          12
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          12
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          12
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          12
-        </td>
+        <td>12</td>
+        <td>12</td>
+        <td>12</td>
+        <td>12</td>
-        <td>
-          123
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          123
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          123
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          123
-        </td>
+        <td>123</td>
+        <td>123</td>
+        <td>123</td>
+        <td>123</td>
-        <td>
-          1
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          1
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          1
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          1
-        </td>
+        <td>1</td>
+        <td>1</td>
+        <td>1</td>
+        <td>1</td>
-  Multiline table with caption:
+<p>Multiline table with caption:</p>
-    <p>
-      Here’s the caption. It may span multiple lines.
-    </p>
+    <p>Here’s the caption. It may span multiple lines.</p>
     <col width="15*" align="center" />
@@ -235,55 +125,29 @@
     <col width="33*" align="left" />
-        <th>
-          Centered Header
-        </th>
-        <th>
-          Left Aligned
-        </th>
-        <th>
-          Right Aligned
-        </th>
-        <th>
-          Default aligned
-        </th>
+        <th>Centered Header</th>
+        <th>Left Aligned</th>
+        <th>Right Aligned</th>
+        <th>Default aligned</th>
-        <td>
-          First
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          row
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          12.0
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          Example of a row that spans multiple lines.
-        </td>
+        <td>First</td>
+        <td>row</td>
+        <td>12.0</td>
+        <td>Example of a row that spans multiple lines.</td>
-        <td>
-          Second
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          row
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          5.0
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          Here’s another one. Note the blank line between rows.
-        </td>
+        <td>Second</td>
+        <td>row</td>
+        <td>5.0</td>
+        <td>Here’s another one. Note the blank line between rows.</td>
-  Multiline table without caption:
+<p>Multiline table without caption:</p>
   <col width="15*" align="center" />
   <col width="13*" align="left" />
@@ -291,54 +155,28 @@
   <col width="33*" align="left" />
-      <th>
-        Centered Header
-      </th>
-      <th>
-        Left Aligned
-      </th>
-      <th>
-        Right Aligned
-      </th>
-      <th>
-        Default aligned
-      </th>
+      <th>Centered Header</th>
+      <th>Left Aligned</th>
+      <th>Right Aligned</th>
+      <th>Default aligned</th>
-      <td>
-        First
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        row
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        12.0
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        Example of a row that spans multiple lines.
-      </td>
+      <td>First</td>
+      <td>row</td>
+      <td>12.0</td>
+      <td>Example of a row that spans multiple lines.</td>
-      <td>
-        Second
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        row
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        5.0
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        Here’s another one. Note the blank line between rows.
-      </td>
+      <td>Second</td>
+      <td>row</td>
+      <td>5.0</td>
+      <td>Here’s another one. Note the blank line between rows.</td>
-  Table without column headers:
+<p>Table without column headers:</p>
   <col align="right" />
   <col align="left" />
@@ -346,52 +184,26 @@
   <col align="right" />
-      <td>
-        12
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        12
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        12
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        12
-      </td>
+      <td>12</td>
+      <td>12</td>
+      <td>12</td>
+      <td>12</td>
-      <td>
-        123
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        123
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        123
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        123
-      </td>
+      <td>123</td>
+      <td>123</td>
+      <td>123</td>
+      <td>123</td>
-      <td>
-        1
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        1
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        1
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        1
-      </td>
+      <td>1</td>
+      <td>1</td>
+      <td>1</td>
+      <td>1</td>
-  Multiline table without column headers:
+<p>Multiline table without column headers:</p>
   <col width="15*" align="center" />
   <col width="13*" align="left" />
@@ -399,32 +211,16 @@
   <col width="33*" align="left" />
-      <td>
-        First
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        row
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        12.0
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        Example of a row that spans multiple lines.
-      </td>
+      <td>First</td>
+      <td>row</td>
+      <td>12.0</td>
+      <td>Example of a row that spans multiple lines.</td>
-      <td>
-        Second
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        row
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        5.0
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        Here’s another one. Note the blank line between rows.
-      </td>
+      <td>Second</td>
+      <td>row</td>
+      <td>5.0</td>
+      <td>Here’s another one. Note the blank line between rows.</td>
diff --git a/test/writer.jats b/test/writer.jats
index 507e9f672..b51addf3b 100644
--- a/test/writer.jats
+++ b/test/writer.jats
@@ -32,10 +32,8 @@
-  This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from John
-  Gruber’s markdown test suite.
+<p>This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from John
+Gruber’s markdown test suite.</p>
 <sec id="headers">
   <sec id="level-2-with-an-embedded-link">
@@ -59,93 +57,57 @@
     <title>Level 2 with <italic>emphasis</italic></title>
     <sec id="level-3">
       <title>Level 3</title>
-      <p>
-        with no blank line
-      </p>
+      <p>with no blank line</p>
   <sec id="level-2">
     <title>Level 2</title>
-    <p>
-      with no blank line
-    </p>
+    <p>with no blank line</p>
 <sec id="paragraphs">
-  <p>
-    Here’s a regular paragraph.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a list
-    item. Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph looked like
-    a list item.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Here’s one with a bullet. * criminey.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    There should be a hard line break<break />here.
-  </p>
+  <p>Here’s a regular paragraph.</p>
+  <p>In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a list
+  item. Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph looked like a
+  list item.</p>
+  <p>Here’s one with a bullet. * criminey.</p>
+  <p>There should be a hard line break<break />here.</p>
 <sec id="block-quotes">
   <title>Block Quotes</title>
-  <p>
-    E-mail style:
-  </p>
+  <p>E-mail style:</p>
-    <p>
-      This is a block quote. It is pretty short.
-    </p>
+    <p>This is a block quote. It is pretty short.</p>
-    <p>
-      Code in a block quote:
-    </p>
+    <p>Code in a block quote:</p>
     <preformat>sub status {
     print &quot;working&quot;;
-    <p>
-      A list:
-    </p>
+    <p>A list:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          item one
-        </p>
+        <p>item one</p>
-        <p>
-          item two
-        </p>
+        <p>item two</p>
-    <p>
-      Nested block quotes:
-    </p>
+    <p>Nested block quotes:</p>
-      <p>
-        nested
-      </p>
+      <p>nested</p>
-      <p>
-        nested
-      </p>
+      <p>nested</p>
-  <p>
-    This should not be a block quote: 2 &gt; 1.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    And a following paragraph.
-  </p>
+  <p>This should not be a block quote: 2 &gt; 1.</p>
+  <p>And a following paragraph.</p>
 <sec id="code-blocks">
   <title>Code Blocks</title>
-  <p>
-    Code:
-  </p>
+  <p>Code:</p>
   <preformat>---- (should be four hyphens)
 sub status {
@@ -153,9 +115,7 @@ sub status {
 this code block is indented by one tab</preformat>
-  <p>
-    And:
-  </p>
+  <p>And:</p>
   <preformat>    this code block is indented by two tabs
 These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
@@ -164,231 +124,141 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
   <sec id="unordered">
-    <p>
-      Asterisks tight:
-    </p>
+    <p>Asterisks tight:</p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          asterisk 1
-        </p>
+        <p>asterisk 1</p>
-        <p>
-          asterisk 2
-        </p>
+        <p>asterisk 2</p>
-        <p>
-          asterisk 3
-        </p>
+        <p>asterisk 3</p>
-    <p>
-      Asterisks loose:
-    </p>
+    <p>Asterisks loose:</p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          asterisk 1
-        </p>
+        <p>asterisk 1</p>
-        <p>
-          asterisk 2
-        </p>
+        <p>asterisk 2</p>
-        <p>
-          asterisk 3
-        </p>
+        <p>asterisk 3</p>
-    <p>
-      Pluses tight:
-    </p>
+    <p>Pluses tight:</p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          Plus 1
-        </p>
+        <p>Plus 1</p>
-        <p>
-          Plus 2
-        </p>
+        <p>Plus 2</p>
-        <p>
-          Plus 3
-        </p>
+        <p>Plus 3</p>
-    <p>
-      Pluses loose:
-    </p>
+    <p>Pluses loose:</p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          Plus 1
-        </p>
+        <p>Plus 1</p>
-        <p>
-          Plus 2
-        </p>
+        <p>Plus 2</p>
-        <p>
-          Plus 3
-        </p>
+        <p>Plus 3</p>
-    <p>
-      Minuses tight:
-    </p>
+    <p>Minuses tight:</p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          Minus 1
-        </p>
+        <p>Minus 1</p>
-        <p>
-          Minus 2
-        </p>
+        <p>Minus 2</p>
-        <p>
-          Minus 3
-        </p>
+        <p>Minus 3</p>
-    <p>
-      Minuses loose:
-    </p>
+    <p>Minuses loose:</p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          Minus 1
-        </p>
+        <p>Minus 1</p>
-        <p>
-          Minus 2
-        </p>
+        <p>Minus 2</p>
-        <p>
-          Minus 3
-        </p>
+        <p>Minus 3</p>
   <sec id="ordered">
-    <p>
-      Tight:
-    </p>
+    <p>Tight:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          First
-        </p>
+        <p>First</p>
-        <p>
-          Second
-        </p>
+        <p>Second</p>
-        <p>
-          Third
-        </p>
+        <p>Third</p>
-    <p>
-      and:
-    </p>
+    <p>and:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          One
-        </p>
+        <p>One</p>
-        <p>
-          Two
-        </p>
+        <p>Two</p>
-        <p>
-          Three
-        </p>
+        <p>Three</p>
-    <p>
-      Loose using tabs:
-    </p>
+    <p>Loose using tabs:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          First
-        </p>
+        <p>First</p>
-        <p>
-          Second
-        </p>
+        <p>Second</p>
-        <p>
-          Third
-        </p>
+        <p>Third</p>
-    <p>
-      and using spaces:
-    </p>
+    <p>and using spaces:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          One
-        </p>
+        <p>One</p>
-        <p>
-          Two
-        </p>
+        <p>Two</p>
-        <p>
-          Three
-        </p>
+        <p>Three</p>
-    <p>
-      Multiple paragraphs:
-    </p>
+    <p>Multiple paragraphs:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          Item 1, graf one.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’s
-          back.
-        </p>
+        <p>Item 1, graf one.</p>
+        <p>Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’s
+        back.</p>
-        <p>
-          Item 2.
-        </p>
+        <p>Item 2.</p>
-        <p>
-          Item 3.
-        </p>
+        <p>Item 3.</p>
@@ -396,97 +266,63 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          Tab
-        </p>
+        <p>Tab</p>
         <list list-type="bullet">
-            <p>
-              Tab
-            </p>
+            <p>Tab</p>
             <list list-type="bullet">
-                <p>
-                  Tab
-                </p>
+                <p>Tab</p>
-    <p>
-      Here’s another:
-    </p>
+    <p>Here’s another:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          First
-        </p>
+        <p>First</p>
-        <p>
-          Second:
-        </p>
+        <p>Second:</p>
         <list list-type="bullet">
-            <p>
-              Fee
-            </p>
+            <p>Fee</p>
-            <p>
-              Fie
-            </p>
+            <p>Fie</p>
-            <p>
-              Foe
-            </p>
+            <p>Foe</p>
-        <p>
-          Third
-        </p>
+        <p>Third</p>
-    <p>
-      Same thing but with paragraphs:
-    </p>
+    <p>Same thing but with paragraphs:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          First
-        </p>
+        <p>First</p>
-        <p>
-          Second:
-        </p>
+        <p>Second:</p>
         <list list-type="bullet">
-            <p>
-              Fee
-            </p>
+            <p>Fee</p>
-            <p>
-              Fie
-            </p>
+            <p>Fie</p>
-            <p>
-              Foe
-            </p>
+            <p>Foe</p>
-        <p>
-          Third
-        </p>
+        <p>Third</p>
@@ -494,24 +330,16 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
     <title>Tabs and spaces</title>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          this is a list item indented with tabs
-        </p>
+        <p>this is a list item indented with tabs</p>
-        <p>
-          this is a list item indented with spaces
-        </p>
+        <p>this is a list item indented with spaces</p>
         <list list-type="bullet">
-            <p>
-              this is an example list item indented with tabs
-            </p>
+            <p>this is an example list item indented with tabs</p>
-            <p>
-              this is an example list item indented with spaces
-            </p>
+            <p>this is an example list item indented with spaces</p>
@@ -521,90 +349,50 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
     <title>Fancy list markers</title>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <label>
-          (2)
-        </label>
-        <p>
-          begins with 2
-        </p>
+        <label>(2)</label>
+        <p>begins with 2</p>
-        <label>
-          (3)
-        </label>
-        <p>
-          and now 3
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          with a continuation
-        </p>
+        <label>(3)</label>
+        <p>and now 3</p>
+        <p>with a continuation</p>
         <list list-type="roman-lower">
-            <label>
-              iv.
-            </label>
-            <p>
-              sublist with roman numerals, starting with 4
-            </p>
+            <label>iv.</label>
+            <p>sublist with roman numerals, starting with 4</p>
-            <label>
-              v.
-            </label>
-            <p>
-              more items
-            </p>
+            <label>v.</label>
+            <p>more items</p>
             <list list-type="alpha-upper">
-                <label>
-                  (A)
-                </label>
-                <p>
-                  a subsublist
-                </p>
+                <label>(A)</label>
+                <p>a subsublist</p>
-                <label>
-                  (B)
-                </label>
-                <p>
-                  a subsublist
-                </p>
+                <label>(B)</label>
+                <p>a subsublist</p>
-    <p>
-      Nesting:
-    </p>
+    <p>Nesting:</p>
     <list list-type="alpha-upper">
-        <p>
-          Upper Alpha
-        </p>
+        <p>Upper Alpha</p>
         <list list-type="roman-upper">
-            <p>
-              Upper Roman.
-            </p>
+            <p>Upper Roman.</p>
             <list list-type="order">
-                <label>
-                  (6)
-                </label>
-                <p>
-                  Decimal start with 6
-                </p>
+                <label>(6)</label>
+                <p>Decimal start with 6</p>
                 <list list-type="alpha-lower">
-                    <label>
-                      c)
-                    </label>
-                    <p>
-                      Lower alpha with paren
-                    </p>
+                    <label>c)</label>
+                    <p>Lower alpha with paren</p>
@@ -613,277 +401,163 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
-    <p>
-      Autonumbering:
-    </p>
+    <p>Autonumbering:</p>
     <list list-type="order">
-        <p>
-          Autonumber.
-        </p>
+        <p>Autonumber.</p>
-        <p>
-          More.
-        </p>
+        <p>More.</p>
         <list list-type="order">
-            <p>
-              Nested.
-            </p>
+            <p>Nested.</p>
-    <p>
-      Should not be a list item:
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      M.A. 2007
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      B. Williams
-    </p>
+    <p>Should not be a list item:</p>
+    <p>M.A. 2007</p>
+    <p>B. Williams</p>
 <sec id="definition-lists">
   <title>Definition Lists</title>
-  <p>
-    Tight using spaces:
-  </p>
+  <p>Tight using spaces:</p>
-      <term>
-        apple
-      </term>
+      <term>apple</term>
-        <p>
-          red fruit
-        </p>
+        <p>red fruit</p>
-      <term>
-        orange
-      </term>
+      <term>orange</term>
-        <p>
-          orange fruit
-        </p>
+        <p>orange fruit</p>
-      <term>
-        banana
-      </term>
+      <term>banana</term>
-        <p>
-          yellow fruit
-        </p>
+        <p>yellow fruit</p>
-  <p>
-    Tight using tabs:
-  </p>
+  <p>Tight using tabs:</p>
-      <term>
-        apple
-      </term>
+      <term>apple</term>
-        <p>
-          red fruit
-        </p>
+        <p>red fruit</p>
-      <term>
-        orange
-      </term>
+      <term>orange</term>
-        <p>
-          orange fruit
-        </p>
+        <p>orange fruit</p>
-      <term>
-        banana
-      </term>
+      <term>banana</term>
-        <p>
-          yellow fruit
-        </p>
+        <p>yellow fruit</p>
-  <p>
-    Loose:
-  </p>
+  <p>Loose:</p>
-      <term>
-        apple
-      </term>
+      <term>apple</term>
-        <p>
-          red fruit
-        </p>
+        <p>red fruit</p>
-      <term>
-        orange
-      </term>
+      <term>orange</term>
-        <p>
-          orange fruit
-        </p>
+        <p>orange fruit</p>
-      <term>
-        banana
-      </term>
+      <term>banana</term>
-        <p>
-          yellow fruit
-        </p>
+        <p>yellow fruit</p>
-  <p>
-    Multiple blocks with italics:
-  </p>
+  <p>Multiple blocks with italics:</p>
-      <term>
-        <italic>apple</italic>
-      </term>
+      <term><italic>apple</italic></term>
-        <p>
-          red fruit
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          contains seeds, crisp, pleasant to taste
-        </p>
+        <p>red fruit</p>
+        <p>contains seeds, crisp, pleasant to taste</p>
-      <term>
-        <italic>orange</italic>
-      </term>
+      <term><italic>orange</italic></term>
-        <p>
-          orange fruit
-        </p>
+        <p>orange fruit</p>
         <preformat>{ orange code block }</preformat>
-          <p>
-            orange block quote
-          </p>
+          <p>orange block quote</p>
-  <p>
-    Multiple definitions, tight:
-  </p>
+  <p>Multiple definitions, tight:</p>
-      <term>
-        apple
-      </term>
+      <term>apple</term>
-        <p>
-          red fruit
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          computer
-        </p>
+        <p>red fruit</p>
+        <p>computer</p>
-      <term>
-        orange
-      </term>
+      <term>orange</term>
-        <p>
-          orange fruit
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          bank
-        </p>
+        <p>orange fruit</p>
+        <p>bank</p>
-  <p>
-    Multiple definitions, loose:
-  </p>
+  <p>Multiple definitions, loose:</p>
-      <term>
-        apple
-      </term>
+      <term>apple</term>
-        <p>
-          red fruit
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          computer
-        </p>
+        <p>red fruit</p>
+        <p>computer</p>
-      <term>
-        orange
-      </term>
+      <term>orange</term>
-        <p>
-          orange fruit
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          bank
-        </p>
+        <p>orange fruit</p>
+        <p>bank</p>
-  <p>
-    Blank line after term, indented marker, alternate markers:
-  </p>
+  <p>Blank line after term, indented marker, alternate markers:</p>
-      <term>
-        apple
-      </term>
+      <term>apple</term>
-        <p>
-          red fruit
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          computer
-        </p>
+        <p>red fruit</p>
+        <p>computer</p>
-      <term>
-        orange
-      </term>
+      <term>orange</term>
-        <p>
-          orange fruit
-        </p>
+        <p>orange fruit</p>
         <list list-type="order">
-            <p>
-              sublist
-            </p>
+            <p>sublist</p>
-            <p>
-              sublist
-            </p>
+            <p>sublist</p>
@@ -892,555 +566,315 @@ These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{</preformat>
 <sec id="html-blocks">
   <title>HTML Blocks</title>
-  <p>
-    Simple block on one line:
-  </p>
+  <p>Simple block on one line:</p>
-    <p>
-      foo
-    </p>
+    <p>foo</p>
-  <p>
-    And nested without indentation:
-  </p>
+  <p>And nested without indentation:</p>
-        <p>
-          foo
-        </p>
+        <p>foo</p>
-      <p>
-        bar
-      </p>
+      <p>bar</p>
-  <p>
-    Interpreted markdown in a table:
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    This is <italic>emphasized</italic>
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    And this is <bold role="strong">strong</bold>
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Here’s a simple block:
-  </p>
+  <p>Interpreted markdown in a table:</p>
+  <p>This is <italic>emphasized</italic></p>
+  <p>And this is <bold role="strong">strong</bold></p>
+  <p>Here’s a simple block:</p>
-    <p>
-      foo
-    </p>
+    <p>foo</p>
-  <p>
-    This should be a code block, though:
-  </p>
+  <p>This should be a code block, though:</p>
-  <p>
-    As should this:
-  </p>
+  <p>As should this:</p>
-  <p>
-    Now, nested:
-  </p>
+  <p>Now, nested:</p>
-        <p>
-          foo
-        </p>
+        <p>foo</p>
-  <p>
-    This should just be an HTML comment:
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Multiline:
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Code block:
-  </p>
+  <p>This should just be an HTML comment:</p>
+  <p>Multiline:</p>
+  <p>Code block:</p>
   <preformat>&lt;!-- Comment --&gt;</preformat>
-  <p>
-    Just plain comment, with trailing spaces on the line:
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Code:
-  </p>
+  <p>Just plain comment, with trailing spaces on the line:</p>
+  <p>Code:</p>
   <preformat>&lt;hr /&gt;</preformat>
-  <p>
-    Hr’s:
-  </p>
+  <p>Hr’s:</p>
 <sec id="inline-markup">
   <title>Inline Markup</title>
-  <p>
-    This is <italic>emphasized</italic>, and so <italic>is this</italic>.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    This is <bold role="strong">strong</bold>, and so <bold role="strong">is
-    this</bold>.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    An <italic><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">emphasized
-    link</ext-link></italic>.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    <bold role="strong"><italic>This is strong and em.</italic></bold>
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    So is <bold role="strong"><italic>this</italic></bold> word.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    <bold role="strong"><italic>This is strong and em.</italic></bold>
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    So is <bold role="strong"><italic>this</italic></bold> word.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    This is code: <monospace>&gt;</monospace>, <monospace>$</monospace>,
-    <monospace>\</monospace>, <monospace>\$</monospace>,
-    <monospace>&lt;html&gt;</monospace>.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    <strike>This is <italic>strikeout</italic>.</strike>
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Superscripts: a<sup>bc</sup>d a<sup><italic>hello</italic></sup>
-    a<sup>hello there</sup>.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Subscripts: H<sub>2</sub>O, H<sub>23</sub>O, H<sub>many of them</sub>O.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the unescaped
-    spaces: a^b c^d, a~b c~d.
-  </p>
+  <p>This is <italic>emphasized</italic>, and so <italic>is this</italic>.</p>
+  <p>This is <bold role="strong">strong</bold>, and so <bold role="strong">is
+  this</bold>.</p>
+  <p>An <italic><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">emphasized
+  link</ext-link></italic>.</p>
+  <p><bold role="strong"><italic>This is strong and em.</italic></bold></p>
+  <p>So is <bold role="strong"><italic>this</italic></bold> word.</p>
+  <p><bold role="strong"><italic>This is strong and em.</italic></bold></p>
+  <p>So is <bold role="strong"><italic>this</italic></bold> word.</p>
+  <p>This is code: <monospace>&gt;</monospace>, <monospace>$</monospace>,
+  <monospace>\</monospace>, <monospace>\$</monospace>,
+  <monospace>&lt;html&gt;</monospace>.</p>
+  <p><strike>This is <italic>strikeout</italic>.</strike></p>
+  <p>Superscripts: a<sup>bc</sup>d a<sup><italic>hello</italic></sup>
+  a<sup>hello there</sup>.</p>
+  <p>Subscripts: H<sub>2</sub>O, H<sub>23</sub>O,
+  H<sub>many of them</sub>O.</p>
+  <p>These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the unescaped
+  spaces: a^b c^d, a~b c~d.</p>
 <sec id="smart-quotes-ellipses-dashes">
   <title>Smart quotes, ellipses, dashes</title>
-  <p>
-    “Hello,” said the spider. “‘Shelob’ is my name.”
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ are letters.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    ‘Oak,’ ‘elm,’ and ‘beech’ are names of trees. So is ‘pine.’
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    ‘He said, “I want to go.”’ Were you alive in the 70’s?
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Here is some quoted ‘<monospace>code</monospace>’ and a
-    “<ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2">quoted
-    link</ext-link>”.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Some dashes: one—two — three—four — five.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Dashes between numbers: 5–7, 255–66, 1987–1999.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Ellipses…and…and….
-  </p>
+  <p>“Hello,” said the spider. “‘Shelob’ is my name.”</p>
+  <p>‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ are letters.</p>
+  <p>‘Oak,’ ‘elm,’ and ‘beech’ are names of trees. So is ‘pine.’</p>
+  <p>‘He said, “I want to go.”’ Were you alive in the 70’s?</p>
+  <p>Here is some quoted ‘<monospace>code</monospace>’ and a
+  “<ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2">quoted
+  link</ext-link>”.</p>
+  <p>Some dashes: one—two — three—four — five.</p>
+  <p>Dashes between numbers: 5–7, 255–66, 1987–1999.</p>
+  <p>Ellipses…and…and….</p>
 <sec id="latex">
   <list list-type="bullet">
-      <p>
-      </p>
+      <p></p>
-      <p>
-        <inline-formula><alternatives>
-        <tex-math><![CDATA[2+2=4]]></tex-math>
-        <mml:math display="inline" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>
-      </p>
+      <p><inline-formula><alternatives>
+      <tex-math><![CDATA[2+2=4]]></tex-math>
+      <mml:math display="inline" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula></p>
-      <p>
-        <inline-formula><alternatives>
-        <tex-math><![CDATA[x \in y]]></tex-math>
-        <mml:math display="inline" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo>∈</mml:mo><mml:mi>y</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>
-      </p>
+      <p><inline-formula><alternatives>
+      <tex-math><![CDATA[x \in y]]></tex-math>
+      <mml:math display="inline" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo>∈</mml:mo><mml:mi>y</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula></p>
-      <p>
-        <inline-formula><alternatives>
-        <tex-math><![CDATA[\alpha \wedge \omega]]></tex-math>
-        <mml:math display="inline" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>α</mml:mi><mml:mo>∧</mml:mo><mml:mi>ω</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>
-      </p>
+      <p><inline-formula><alternatives>
+      <tex-math><![CDATA[\alpha \wedge \omega]]></tex-math>
+      <mml:math display="inline" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>α</mml:mi><mml:mo>∧</mml:mo><mml:mi>ω</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula></p>
-      <p>
-        <inline-formula><alternatives>
-        <tex-math><![CDATA[223]]></tex-math>
-        <mml:math display="inline" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mn>223</mml:mn></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>
-      </p>
+      <p><inline-formula><alternatives>
+      <tex-math><![CDATA[223]]></tex-math>
+      <mml:math display="inline" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mn>223</mml:mn></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula></p>
-      <p>
-        <inline-formula><alternatives>
-        <tex-math><![CDATA[p]]></tex-math>
-        <mml:math display="inline" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>-Tree
-      </p>
+      <p><inline-formula><alternatives>
+      <tex-math><![CDATA[p]]></tex-math>
+      <mml:math display="inline" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>-Tree</p>
-      <p>
-        Here’s some display math: <disp-formula><alternatives>
-        <tex-math><![CDATA[\frac{d}{dx}f(x)=\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}]]></tex-math>
-        <mml:math display="block" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="prefix">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="postfix">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:munder><mml:mo>lim</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mo>→</mml:mo><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:munder><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="prefix">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="postfix">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="prefix">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="postfix">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></disp-formula>
-      </p>
+      <p>Here’s some display math: <disp-formula><alternatives>
+      <tex-math><![CDATA[\frac{d}{dx}f(x)=\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}]]></tex-math>
+      <mml:math display="block" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="prefix">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="postfix">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:munder><mml:mo>lim</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mo>→</mml:mo><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:munder><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="prefix">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="postfix">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="prefix">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false" form="postfix">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></disp-formula></p>
-      <p>
-        Here’s one that has a line break in it: <inline-formula><alternatives>
-        <tex-math><![CDATA[\alpha + \omega \times x^2]]></tex-math>
-        <mml:math display="inline" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>α</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>ω</mml:mi><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>.
-      </p>
+      <p>Here’s one that has a line break in it:
+      <inline-formula><alternatives>
+      <tex-math><![CDATA[\alpha + \omega \times x^2]]></tex-math>
+      <mml:math display="inline" xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>α</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>ω</mml:mi><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>.</p>
-  <p>
-    These shouldn’t be math:
-  </p>
+  <p>These shouldn’t be math:</p>
   <list list-type="bullet">
-      <p>
-        To get the famous equation, write <monospace>$e = mc^2$</monospace>.
-      </p>
+      <p>To get the famous equation, write
+      <monospace>$e = mc^2$</monospace>.</p>
-      <p>
-        $22,000 is a <italic>lot</italic> of money. So is $34,000. (It worked
-        if “lot” is emphasized.)
-      </p>
+      <p>$22,000 is a <italic>lot</italic> of money. So is $34,000. (It worked
+      if “lot” is emphasized.)</p>
-      <p>
-        Shoes ($20) and socks ($5).
-      </p>
+      <p>Shoes ($20) and socks ($5).</p>
-      <p>
-        Escaped <monospace>$</monospace>: $73 <italic>this should be
-        emphasized</italic> 23$.
-      </p>
+      <p>Escaped <monospace>$</monospace>: $73 <italic>this should be
+      emphasized</italic> 23$.</p>
-  <p>
-    Here’s a LaTeX table:
-  </p>
+  <p>Here’s a LaTeX table:</p>
 <sec id="special-characters">
   <title>Special Characters</title>
-  <p>
-    Here is some unicode:
-  </p>
+  <p>Here is some unicode:</p>
   <list list-type="bullet">
-      <p>
-        I hat: Î
-      </p>
+      <p>I hat: Î</p>
-      <p>
-        o umlaut: ö
-      </p>
+      <p>o umlaut: ö</p>
-      <p>
-        section: §
-      </p>
+      <p>section: §</p>
-      <p>
-        set membership: ∈
-      </p>
+      <p>set membership: ∈</p>
-      <p>
-        copyright: ©
-      </p>
+      <p>copyright: ©</p>
-  <p>
-    AT&amp;T has an ampersand in their name.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    AT&amp;T is another way to write it.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    This &amp; that.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    4 &lt; 5.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    6 &gt; 5.
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Backslash: \
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Backtick: `
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Asterisk: *
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Underscore: _
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Left brace: {
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Right brace: }
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Left bracket: [
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Right bracket: ]
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Left paren: (
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Right paren: )
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Greater-than: &gt;
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Hash: #
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Period: .
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Bang: !
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Plus: +
-  </p>
-  <p>
-    Minus: -
-  </p>
+  <p>AT&amp;T has an ampersand in their name.</p>
+  <p>AT&amp;T is another way to write it.</p>
+  <p>This &amp; that.</p>
+  <p>4 &lt; 5.</p>
+  <p>6 &gt; 5.</p>
+  <p>Backslash: \</p>
+  <p>Backtick: `</p>
+  <p>Asterisk: *</p>
+  <p>Underscore: _</p>
+  <p>Left brace: {</p>
+  <p>Right brace: }</p>
+  <p>Left bracket: [</p>
+  <p>Right bracket: ]</p>
+  <p>Left paren: (</p>
+  <p>Right paren: )</p>
+  <p>Greater-than: &gt;</p>
+  <p>Hash: #</p>
+  <p>Period: .</p>
+  <p>Bang: !</p>
+  <p>Plus: +</p>
+  <p>Minus: -</p>
 <sec id="links">
   <sec id="explicit">
-    <p>
-      Just a <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">URL</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title">URL
-      and title</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title preceded by two spaces">URL
-      and title</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title preceded by a tab">URL
-      and title</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title with &quot;quotes&quot; in it">URL
-      and title</ext-link>
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title with single quotes">URL
-      and title</ext-link>
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/with_underscore">with_underscore</ext-link>
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="mailto:nobody@nowhere.net">Email
-      link</ext-link>
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="">Empty</ext-link>.
-    </p>
+    <p>Just a
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">URL</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title">URL
+    and title</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title preceded by two spaces">URL
+    and title</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title preceded by a tab">URL
+    and title</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title with &quot;quotes&quot; in it">URL
+    and title</ext-link></p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="title with single quotes">URL
+    and title</ext-link></p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/with_underscore">with_underscore</ext-link></p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="mailto:nobody@nowhere.net">Email
+    link</ext-link></p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="">Empty</ext-link>.</p>
   <sec id="reference">
-    <p>
-      Foo <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">bar</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      With <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">embedded
-      [brackets]</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">b</ext-link> by itself
-      should be a link.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Indented
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">once</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Indented
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">twice</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Indented
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">thrice</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      This should [not][] be a link.
-    </p>
+    <p>Foo
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">bar</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>With <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">embedded
+    [brackets]</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/">b</ext-link> by itself
+    should be a link.</p>
+    <p>Indented
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">once</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Indented
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">twice</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Indented
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url">thrice</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>This should [not][] be a link.</p>
     <preformat>[not]: /url</preformat>
-    <p>
-      Foo
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="Title with &quot;quotes&quot; inside">bar</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Foo
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="Title with &quot;quote&quot; inside">biz</ext-link>.
-    </p>
+    <p>Foo
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="Title with &quot;quotes&quot; inside">bar</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Foo
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/url/" xlink:title="Title with &quot;quote&quot; inside">biz</ext-link>.</p>
   <sec id="with-ampersands">
     <title>With ampersands</title>
-    <p>
-      Here’s a
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2">link
-      with an ampersand in the URL</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Here’s a link with an amersand in the link text:
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://att.com/" xlink:title="AT&amp;T">AT&amp;T</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Here’s an
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2">inline
-      link</ext-link>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      Here’s an
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2">inline
-      link in pointy braces</ext-link>.
-    </p>
+    <p>Here’s a
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2">link
+    with an ampersand in the URL</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Here’s a link with an amersand in the link text:
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://att.com/" xlink:title="AT&amp;T">AT&amp;T</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Here’s an
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2">inline
+    link</ext-link>.</p>
+    <p>Here’s an
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2">inline
+    link in pointy braces</ext-link>.</p>
   <sec id="autolinks">
-    <p>
-      With an ampersand:
-      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2">http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2</ext-link>
-    </p>
+    <p>With an ampersand:
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2">http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2</ext-link></p>
     <list list-type="bullet">
-        <p>
-          In a list?
-        </p>
+        <p>In a list?</p>
-        <p>
-          <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/">http://example.com/</ext-link>
-        </p>
+        <p><ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/">http://example.com/</ext-link></p>
-        <p>
-          It should.
-        </p>
+        <p>It should.</p>
-    <p>
-      An e-mail address: <email>nobody@nowhere.net</email>
-    </p>
+    <p>An e-mail address: <email>nobody@nowhere.net</email></p>
-      <p>
-        Blockquoted:
-        <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/">http://example.com/</ext-link>
-      </p>
+      <p>Blockquoted:
+      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://example.com/">http://example.com/</ext-link></p>
-    <p>
-      Auto-links should not occur here:
-      <monospace>&lt;http://example.com/&gt;</monospace>
-    </p>
+    <p>Auto-links should not occur here:
+    <monospace>&lt;http://example.com/&gt;</monospace></p>
     <preformat>or here: &lt;http://example.com/&gt;</preformat>
 <sec id="images">
-  <p>
-    From “Voyage dans la Lune” by Georges Melies (1902):
-  </p>
+  <p>From “Voyage dans la Lune” by Georges Melies (1902):</p>
     <graphic mimetype="image" mime-subtype="jpeg" xlink:href="lalune.jpg" xlink:title="Voyage dans la Lune" />
-  <p>
-    Here is a movie
-    <inline-graphic mimetype="image" mime-subtype="jpeg" xlink:href="movie.jpg" />
-    icon.
-  </p>
+  <p>Here is a movie
+  <inline-graphic mimetype="image" mime-subtype="jpeg" xlink:href="movie.jpg" />
+  icon.</p>
 <sec id="footnotes">
-  <p>
-    Here is a footnote reference,<fn>
-      <p>
-        Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote reference.
-        It need not be placed at the end of the document.
-      </p>
-    </fn> and another.<fn>
-      <p>
-        Here’s the long note. This one contains multiple blocks.
-      </p>
-      <p>
-        Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the
-        footnote (as with list items).
-      </p>
-      <preformat>  { &lt;code&gt; }</preformat>
-      <p>
-        If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy and
-        just indent the first line of each block.
-      </p>
-    </fn> This should <italic>not</italic> be a footnote reference, because it
-    contains a space.[^my note] Here is an inline note.<fn>
-      <p>
-        This is <italic>easier</italic> to type. Inline notes may contain
-        <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://google.com">links</ext-link>
-        and <monospace>]</monospace> verbatim characters, as well as
-        [bracketed text].
-      </p>
-    </fn>
-  </p>
+  <p>Here is a footnote reference,<fn>
+    <p>Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote reference.
+    It need not be placed at the end of the document.</p>
+  </fn> and another.<fn>
+    <p>Here’s the long note. This one contains multiple blocks.</p>
+    <p>Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the footnote
+    (as with list items).</p>
+    <preformat>  { &lt;code&gt; }</preformat>
+    <p>If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy and
+    just indent the first line of each block.</p>
+  </fn> This should <italic>not</italic> be a footnote reference, because it
+  contains a space.[^my note] Here is an inline note.<fn>
+    <p>This is <italic>easier</italic> to type. Inline notes may contain
+    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://google.com">links</ext-link>
+    and <monospace>]</monospace> verbatim characters, as well as [bracketed
+    text].</p>
+  </fn></p>
-    <p>
-      Notes can go in quotes.<fn>
-        <p>
-          In quote.
-        </p>
-      </fn>
-    </p>
+    <p>Notes can go in quotes.<fn>
+      <p>In quote.</p>
+    </fn></p>
   <list list-type="order">
-      <p>
-        And in list items.<fn>
-          <p>
-            In list.
-          </p>
-        </fn>
-      </p>
+      <p>And in list items.<fn>
+        <p>In list.</p>
+      </fn></p>
-  <p>
-    This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.
-  </p>
+  <p>This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.</p>