diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index c32fb0e8e..137643dba 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-pandoc (
+pandoc (1.2.2)
   [ John MacFarlane ]
-  * Use System.IO.UTF8 in markdown2pdf.hs.
-  * Modified markdown2pdf.hs and markdown2pdf so that they no longer
-    create a backup when overwriting a PDF. (Resolves Issue #166.)
-  * Fixed markdown2pdf.hs to accept --longopt=val options.
-  * Added man/man1/markdown2pdf.1 to extra-tmp-files in cabal, so that
-    it is properly cleaned.
+  * Improved performance of markdown reader by ~10% by
+    eliminating the need for a separate parsing pass for notes.
+    Raw notes are now stored on the first pass (which parses
+    references), then parsed when the note is inserted into
+    the AST. The stateNotes field in ParserState is now a
+    list of [(String, String)] pairs instead of [(String, [Block])].
   * Fixed htmlComment parser, adding a needed 'try'.
@@ -56,6 +53,19 @@ pandoc (
   * Fix inline math parser so that \$ is allowed in math.
     Resolves Issue #169.
+  * Translate \int (integral) into unicode when using unicode math
+    method. Resolves Issue #177.
+  * Use System.IO.UTF8 in markdown2pdf.hs.
+  * Modified markdown2pdf.hs and markdown2pdf so that they no longer
+    create a backup when overwriting a PDF. (Resolves Issue #166.)
+  * Fixed markdown2pdf.hs to accept --longopt=val options.
+  * Added man/man1/markdown2pdf.1 to extra-tmp-files in cabal, so that
+    it is properly cleaned.
   * Added haddock comments warning that readers assume \n line endings.
   * Updated COPYRIGHT file.
@@ -66,6 +76,8 @@ pandoc (
   * Changed Makefile so it doesn't build Haskell wrappers.
+  * Fixed Makefile so it doesn't try to build man pages in build-doc.
 pandoc (1.2.1)
   [ John MacFarlane ]
diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index a1b3f0f3a..c71f8ccc0 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Name:            pandoc
+Version:         1.2.2
 Cabal-Version:   >= 1.2
 Build-Type:      Custom
 License:         GPL