Revised citation parsers for markdown reader.

Added a form for in-text citations:

@doe99 [30; see also @smith99].
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2010-11-12 00:37:44 -08:00
parent 5c6dc5767d
commit 79bab2d210

View file

@ -373,6 +373,7 @@ attributes = try $ do
attribute :: GenParser Char st ([Char], [[Char]], [([Char], [Char])])
attribute = identifierAttr <|> classAttr <|> keyValAttr
identifier :: GenParser Char st [Char]
identifier = do
first <- letter
@ -912,7 +913,7 @@ inlineParsers = [ str
, note
, inlineNote
, link
, inlineCitation
, cite
, image
, math
, strikeout
@ -1303,48 +1304,99 @@ rawHtmlInline' = do
else choice [htmlComment, anyHtmlInlineTag]
return $ HtmlInline result
inlineCitation :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
inlineCitation = try $ do
-- Citations
cite :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
cite = do
cit <- citeMarker
let citations = readWith parseCitation defaultParserState cit
mr <- mapM chkCit citations
if catMaybes mr /= []
then return $ Cite citations []
else fail "no citation found"
textualCite <|> normalCite
chkCit :: Citation -> GenParser Char ParserState (Maybe Citation)
chkCit t = do
spnl :: GenParser Char st ()
spnl = try $ skipSpaces >> optional newline >> skipSpaces >>
notFollowedBy (char '\n')
textualCite :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
textualCite = try $ do
key <- citeKey
st <- getState
case lookupKeySrc (stateKeys st) (Key [Str $ citationId t]) of
Just _ -> fail "This is a link"
Nothing -> if elem (citationId t) $ stateCitations st
then return $ Just t
else return $ Nothing
unless (key `elem` stateCitations st) $
fail "not a citation"
let first = Citation{ citationId = key
, citationPrefix = ""
, citationLocator = ""
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 0
, citationHash = 0
option (Cite [first] []) $ try $ do
char '['
bareloc <- option "" locator
rest <- many $ try $ do
char ';'
char ']'
let first' = if null bareloc
then first
else first{ citationLocator = bareloc
, citationMode = AuthorInText }
return $ Cite (first' : rest) []
citeMarker :: GenParser Char ParserState String
citeMarker = char '[' >> manyTill ( noneOf "\n" <|> (newline >>~ notFollowedBy blankline) ) (char ']')
normalCite :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
normalCite = try $ do
cites <- citeList
return $ Cite cites []
parseCitation :: GenParser Char ParserState [Citation]
parseCitation = try $ sepBy (parseLabel) (skipMany1 $ char ';')
citeKey :: GenParser Char st String
citeKey = try $ do
char '@'
first <- letter
rest <- many $ noneOf ",;]@ \t\n"
return (first:rest)
parseLabel :: GenParser Char ParserState Citation
parseLabel = try $ do
r <- many (noneOf ";")
let t' s = if s /= [] then tail s else []
trim = unwords . words
pref = takeWhile (/= '@') r
rest = t' $ dropWhile (/= '@') r
cit = takeWhile (/= ',') rest
loc = t' $ dropWhile (/= ',') rest
(p,na) = if pref /= [] && last pref == '-'
then (init pref, True )
else (pref , False)
(p',o) = if p /= [] && last p == '+'
then (init p , True )
else (p , False)
mode = case (na,o) of
(True, False) -> SuppressAuthor
(False,True ) -> AuthorInText
_ -> NormalCitation
return $ Citation cit (trim p') (trim loc) mode 0 0
locator :: GenParser Char st String
locator = try $ do
optional $ char ','
-- TODO should eventually be list of inlines
many1 $ (char '\\' >> oneOf "];\n") <|> noneOf "];\n" <|>
(char '\n' >> notFollowedBy blankline >> return ' ')
prefix :: GenParser Char st String
prefix = try $ liftM removeLeadingTrailingSpace $
many $ (char '\\' >> anyChar) <|> noneOf "@]\n" <|>
(char '-' >> notFollowedBy (char '@') >> return '-') <|>
(char '\n' >> notFollowedBy blankline >> return ' ')
citeList :: GenParser Char st [Citation]
citeList = try $ do
char '['
first <- citation
rest <- many $ try $ do
char ';'
char ']'
return (first:rest)
citation :: GenParser Char st Citation
citation = try $ do
suppress_auth <- option False (char '-' >> return True)
pref <- prefix
key <- citeKey
loc <- locator
return $ Citation{ citationId = key
, citationPrefix = pref
, citationLocator = loc
, citationMode = if suppress_auth
then SuppressAuthor
else NormalCitation
, citationNoteNum = 0
, citationHash = 0