From 761fcc8cae8f0702b36744628db8a5141f45c1f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Joseph C. Sible" <>
Date: Tue, 5 May 2020 11:45:32 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Remove unnecessary hlint ignores (#6341)

In modern hlint, the spurious parse errors are gone now that it no
longer uses HSE, and it's also smart enough to avoid the bad "Use =="
suggestions itself.
 .hlint.yaml | 2 --
 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.hlint.yaml b/.hlint.yaml
index cc4ee4fea..4c1aed2dd 100644
--- a/.hlint.yaml
+++ b/.hlint.yaml
@@ -58,10 +58,8 @@
 - ignore: {name: "Eta reduce"}
 - ignore: {name: "Evaluate"}
 - ignore: {name: "Monad law, left identity", module: "Text.Pandoc.App.OutputSettings"}
-- ignore: {name: "Parse error"}  # we trust the compiler over HLint
 - ignore: {name: "Reduce duplication", module: "Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown"}
 - ignore: {name: "Use &&&"}
-- ignore: {name: "Use =="}  # Creates infinite loops in `EQ` using expressions
 - ignore: {name: "Use String"}
 - ignore: {name: "Use fmap"}  # specific for GHC 7.8 compat
 - ignore: {name: "Use forM_", module: "Text.Pandoc.Readers.DocBook"}