Org reader: add support for sub/superscript export options
Org-mode allows to specify export settings via `#+OPTIONS` lines. Disabling simple sub- and superscripts is one of these export options, this options is now supported.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 63 additions and 3 deletions
@ -121,6 +121,25 @@ addToNotesTable note = do
oldnotes <- orgStateNotes' <$> getState
updateState $ \s -> s{ orgStateNotes' = note:oldnotes }
-- Export Settings
exportSetting :: OrgParser ()
exportSetting = choice
[ booleanSetting "^" setExportSubSuperscripts
] <?> "export setting"
booleanSetting :: String -> ExportSettingSetter Bool -> OrgParser ()
booleanSetting str setter = try $ do
string str
char ':'
value <- many nonspaceChar
let boolValue = case value of
"nil" -> False
"{}" -> False
_ -> True
updateState $ modifyExportSettings setter boolValue
-- Parser
@ -591,6 +610,7 @@ optionLine = try $ do
key <- metaKey
case key of
"link" -> parseLinkFormat >>= uncurry addLinkFormat
"options" -> () <$ sepBy spaces exportSetting
_ -> mzero
parseLinkFormat :: OrgParser ((String, String -> String))
@ -1460,7 +1480,9 @@ subOrSuperExpr = try $
where enclosing (left, right) s = left : s ++ [right]
simpleSubOrSuperString :: OrgParser String
simpleSubOrSuperString = try $
simpleSubOrSuperString = try $ do
state <- getState
guard . exportSubSuperscripts . orgStateExportSettings $ state
choice [ string "*"
, mappend <$> option [] ((:[]) <$> oneOf "+-")
<*> many1 alphaNum
@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.ParserState
, trimInlinesF
, runF
, returnF
, ExportSettingSetter
, exportSubSuperscripts
, setExportSubSuperscripts
, modifyExportSettings
) where
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)
@ -70,6 +74,12 @@ type OrgBlockAttributes = M.Map String String
-- link-type, the corresponding function transforms the given link string.
type OrgLinkFormatters = M.Map String (String -> String)
-- | Export settings <>
-- These settings can be changed via OPTIONS statements.
data ExportSettings = ExportSettings
{ exportSubSuperscripts :: Bool -- ^ TeX-like syntax for sub- and superscripts
-- | Org-mode parser state
data OrgParserState = OrgParserState
{ orgStateOptions :: ReaderOptions
@ -77,6 +87,7 @@ data OrgParserState = OrgParserState
, orgStateBlockAttributes :: OrgBlockAttributes
, orgStateEmphasisCharStack :: [Char]
, orgStateEmphasisNewlines :: Maybe Int
, orgStateExportSettings :: ExportSettings
, orgStateLastForbiddenCharPos :: Maybe SourcePos
, orgStateLastPreCharPos :: Maybe SourcePos
, orgStateLastStrPos :: Maybe SourcePos
@ -119,6 +130,8 @@ instance HasHeaderMap OrgParserState where
extractHeaderMap = orgStateHeaderMap
updateHeaderMap f s = s{ orgStateHeaderMap = f (orgStateHeaderMap s) }
instance Default ExportSettings where
def = defaultExportSettings
instance Default OrgParserState where
def = defaultOrgParserState
@ -130,6 +143,7 @@ defaultOrgParserState = OrgParserState
, orgStateBlockAttributes = M.empty
, orgStateEmphasisCharStack = []
, orgStateEmphasisNewlines = Nothing
, orgStateExportSettings = def
, orgStateLastForbiddenCharPos = Nothing
, orgStateLastPreCharPos = Nothing
, orgStateLastStrPos = Nothing
@ -142,6 +156,24 @@ defaultOrgParserState = OrgParserState
, orgStateHeaderMap = M.empty
defaultExportSettings :: ExportSettings
defaultExportSettings = ExportSettings
{ exportSubSuperscripts = True
-- Setter for exporting options
type ExportSettingSetter a = a -> ExportSettings -> ExportSettings
setExportSubSuperscripts :: ExportSettingSetter Bool
setExportSubSuperscripts val es = es { exportSubSuperscripts = val }
-- | Modify a parser state
modifyExportSettings :: ExportSettingSetter a -> a -> OrgParserState -> OrgParserState
modifyExportSettings setter val state =
state { orgStateExportSettings = setter val . orgStateExportSettings $ state }
-- Parser state reader
@ -469,6 +469,12 @@ tests =
, "[[expl:foo][bar]]"
] =?>
(para (link "" "" "bar"))
, "Export option: Disable simple sub/superscript syntax" =:
unlines [ "#+OPTIONS: ^:nil"
, "a^b"
] =?>
para "a^b"
, testGroup "Basic Blocks" $
Add table
Reference in a new issue