LaTeX reader: Better error messages with include files.
Closes #1274. Rewrote handleIncludes. We now report the actual source file and position where the error occurs, even if it is included. We do this by inserting special commands, `\PandocStartInclude` and `\PandocEndInclude`, that encode this information in the preprocessing phase. Also generalized the types of a couple functions from `Text.Pandoc.Parsing`.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 117 additions and 55 deletions
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ withHorizDisplacement parser = do
-- | Applies a parser and returns the raw string that was parsed,
-- along with the value produced by the parser.
withRaw :: Parser [Char] st a -> Parser [Char] st (a, [Char])
withRaw :: Monad m => ParsecT [Char] st m a -> ParsecT [Char] st m (a, [Char])
withRaw parser = do
pos1 <- getPosition
inp <- getInput
@ -40,8 +40,10 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding ((<|>), many, optional, space,
mathDisplay, mathInline)
import Text.Parsec.Prim (ParsecT, runParserT)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import Data.Char ( chr, ord )
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Data.Char (isLetter, isAlphaNum)
@ -303,6 +305,8 @@ blockCommands = M.fromList $
, ("documentclass", skipopts *> braced *> preamble)
, ("centerline", (para . trimInlines) <$> (skipopts *> tok))
, ("caption", tok >>= setCaption)
, ("PandocStartInclude", startInclude)
, ("PandocEndInclude", endInclude)
] ++ map ignoreBlocks
-- these commands will be ignored unless --parse-raw is specified,
-- in which case they will appear as raw latex blocks
@ -794,31 +798,107 @@ rawEnv name = do
(withRaw (env name blocks) >>= applyMacros' . snd)
else env name blocks
type IncludeParser = ParsecT [Char] [String] IO String
-- | Replace "include" commands with file contents.
handleIncludes :: String -> IO String
handleIncludes = handleIncludes' []
handleIncludes s = do
res <- runParserT includeParser' [] "input" s
case res of
Right s' -> return s'
Left e -> error $ show e
-- parents parameter prevents infinite include loops
handleIncludes' :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO String
handleIncludes' _ [] = return []
handleIncludes' parents ('\\':'%':xs) =
("\\%"++) `fmap` handleIncludes' parents xs
handleIncludes' parents ('%':xs) = handleIncludes' parents
$ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/='\n') xs
handleIncludes' parents ('\\':xs) =
case runParser include defaultParserState "input" ('\\':xs) of
Right (fs, rest) -> do yss <- mapM (\f -> if f `elem` parents
then "" <$ warn ("Include file loop in '"
++ f ++ "'.")
else readTeXFile f >>=
handleIncludes' (f:parents)) fs
rest' <- handleIncludes' parents rest
return $ intercalate "\n" yss ++ rest'
_ -> case runParser (verbCmd <|> verbatimEnv) defaultParserState
"input" ('\\':xs) of
Right (r, rest) -> (r ++) `fmap` handleIncludes' parents rest
_ -> ('\\':) `fmap` handleIncludes' parents xs
handleIncludes' parents (x:xs) = (x:) `fmap` handleIncludes' parents xs
includeParser' :: IncludeParser
includeParser' =
concat <$> many (comment' <|> escaped' <|> blob' <|> include'
<|> startMarker' <|> endMarker'
<|> verbCmd' <|> verbatimEnv' <|> backslash')
comment' :: IncludeParser
comment' = do
char '%'
xs <- manyTill anyChar newline
return ('%':xs ++ "\n")
escaped' :: IncludeParser
escaped' = try $ string "\\%" <|> string "\\\\"
verbCmd' :: IncludeParser
verbCmd' = fmap snd <$>
withRaw $ try $ do
string "\\verb"
c <- anyChar
manyTill anyChar (char c)
verbatimEnv' :: IncludeParser
verbatimEnv' = fmap snd <$>
withRaw $ try $ do
string "\\begin"
name <- braced'
guard $ name `elem` ["verbatim", "Verbatim", "lstlisting",
"minted", "alltt"]
manyTill anyChar (try $ string $ "\\end{" ++ name ++ "}")
blob' :: IncludeParser
blob' = try $ many1 (noneOf "\\%")
backslash' :: IncludeParser
backslash' = string "\\"
braced' :: IncludeParser
braced' = try $ char '{' *> manyTill (satisfy (/='}')) (char '}')
include' :: IncludeParser
include' = do
name <- try $ do
char '\\'
try (string "include")
<|> try (string "input")
<|> string "usepackage"
-- skip options
skipMany $ try $ char '[' *> (manyTill anyChar (char ']'))
fs <- (map trim . splitBy (==',')) <$> braced'
pos <- getPosition
let fs' = if name == "usepackage"
then map (flip replaceExtension ".sty") fs
else map (flip replaceExtension ".tex") fs
containers <- getState
let fn = case containers of
(f':_) -> f'
[] -> "input"
-- now process each include file in order...
rest <- getInput
results' <- forM fs' (\f -> do
when (f `elem` containers) $
fail "Include file loop!"
contents <- lift $ readTeXFile f
return $ "\\PandocStartInclude{" ++ f ++ "}" ++
contents ++ "\\PandocEndInclude{" ++
fn ++ "}{" ++ show (sourceLine pos) ++ "}{"
++ show (sourceColumn pos) ++ "}")
setInput $ concat results' ++ rest
return ""
startMarker' :: IncludeParser
startMarker' = try $ do
string "\\PandocStartInclude"
fn <- braced'
updateState (fn:)
setPosition $ newPos fn 1 1
return $ "\\PandocStartInclude{" ++ fn ++ "}"
endMarker' :: IncludeParser
endMarker' = try $ do
string "\\PandocEndInclude"
fn <- braced'
ln <- braced'
co <- braced'
updateState tail
setPosition $ newPos fn (fromMaybe 1 $ safeRead ln) (fromMaybe 1 $ safeRead co)
return $ "\\PandocEndInclude{" ++ fn ++ "}{" ++ ln ++ "}{" ++
co ++ "}"
readTeXFile :: FilePath -> IO String
readTeXFile f = do
@ -833,27 +913,7 @@ readFileFromDirs (d:ds) f =
E.catch (UTF8.readFile $ d </> f) $ \(_ :: E.SomeException) ->
readFileFromDirs ds f
include :: LP ([FilePath], String)
include = do
name <- controlSeq "include"
<|> controlSeq "input"
<|> controlSeq "usepackage"
fs <- (splitBy (==',')) <$> braced
rest <- getInput
let fs' = if name == "usepackage"
then map (flip replaceExtension ".sty") fs
else map (flip replaceExtension ".tex") fs
return (fs', rest)
verbCmd :: LP (String, String)
verbCmd = do
(_,r) <- withRaw $ do
controlSeq "verb"
c <- anyChar
manyTill anyChar (char c)
rest <- getInput
return (r, rest)
keyval :: LP (String, String)
keyval = try $ do
@ -875,17 +935,6 @@ alltt t = walk strToCode <$> parseFromString blocks
where strToCode (Str s) = Code nullAttr s
strToCode x = x
verbatimEnv :: LP (String, String)
verbatimEnv = do
(_,r) <- withRaw $ do
controlSeq "begin"
name <- braced
guard $ name `elem` ["verbatim", "Verbatim", "lstlisting",
"minted", "alltt"]
verbEnv name
rest <- getInput
return (r,rest)
rawLaTeXBlock :: Parser [Char] ParserState String
rawLaTeXBlock = snd <$> try (withRaw (environment <|> blockCommand))
@ -1218,3 +1267,16 @@ simpTable = try $ do
lookAhead $ controlSeq "end" -- make sure we're at end
return $ table mempty (zip aligns (repeat 0)) header'' rows
startInclude :: LP Blocks
startInclude = do
fn <- braced
setPosition $ newPos fn 1 1
return mempty
endInclude :: LP Blocks
endInclude = do
fn <- braced
ln <- braced
co <- braced
setPosition $ newPos fn (fromMaybe 1 $ safeRead ln) (fromMaybe 1 $ safeRead co)
return mempty
Add table
Reference in a new issue