Markdown Reader: factor out yamlMap
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1 changed files with 27 additions and 40 deletions
@ -241,51 +241,33 @@ yamlMetaBlock = try $ do
-- by including --- and ..., we allow yaml blocks with just comments:
let rawYaml = unlines ("---" : (rawYamlLines ++ ["..."]))
optional blanklines
yamlBsToMeta $ UTF8.fromStringLazy rawYaml
newMetaF <- yamlBsToMeta $ UTF8.fromStringLazy rawYaml
-- Since `<>` is left-biased, existing values are not touched:
updateState $ \st -> st{ stateMeta' = (stateMeta' st) <> newMetaF }
return mempty
yamlBsToMeta :: PandocMonad m => BS.ByteString -> MarkdownParser m ()
yamlBsToMeta :: PandocMonad m => BS.ByteString -> MarkdownParser m (F Meta)
yamlBsToMeta bstr = do
pos <- getPosition
case YAML.decodeNode' YAML.failsafeSchemaResolver False False bstr of
Right [YAML.Doc (YAML.Mapping _ hashmap)] ->
mapM_ (\(key, v) -> do
k <- nodeToKey key
if ignorable k
then return ()
else do
v' <- yamlToMetaValue v
let k' = T.unpack k
updateState $ \st -> st{ stateMeta' =
do m <- stateMeta' st
-- if there's already a value, leave it unchanged
case lookupMeta k' m of
Just _ -> return m
Nothing -> do
v'' <- v'
return $ B.setMeta (T.unpack k) v'' m})
(M.toList hashmap)
Right [] -> return ()
Right [YAML.Doc (YAML.Scalar YAML.SNull)] -> return ()
Right [YAML.Doc (YAML.Mapping _ o)] -> (fmap Meta) <$> yamlMap o
Right [] -> return . return $ mempty
Right [YAML.Doc (YAML.Scalar YAML.SNull)] -> return . return $ mempty
Right _ -> do
logMessage $
CouldNotParseYamlMetadata "not an object"
return ()
return . return $ mempty
Left err' -> do
logMessage $ CouldNotParseYamlMetadata
err' pos
return ()
return . return $ mempty
nodeToKey :: Monad m => YAML.Node -> m Text
nodeToKey (YAML.Scalar (YAML.SStr t)) = return t
nodeToKey (YAML.Scalar (YAML.SUnknown _ t)) = return t
nodeToKey _ = fail "Non-string key in YAML mapping"
-- ignore fields ending with _
ignorable :: Text -> Bool
ignorable t = (T.pack "_") `T.isSuffixOf` t
toMetaValue :: PandocMonad m
=> Text -> MarkdownParser m (F MetaValue)
toMetaValue x =
@ -331,21 +313,26 @@ yamlToMetaValue (YAML.Sequence _ xs) = do
return $ do
xs'' <- sequence xs'
return $ B.toMetaValue xs''
yamlToMetaValue (YAML.Mapping _ o) =
foldM (\m (key, v) -> do
k <- nodeToKey key
if ignorable k
then return m
else do
v' <- yamlToMetaValue v
return $ do
MetaMap m' <- m
v'' <- v'
return (MetaMap $ M.insert (T.unpack k) v'' m'))
(return $ MetaMap M.empty)
(M.toList o)
yamlToMetaValue (YAML.Mapping _ o) = fmap B.toMetaValue <$> yamlMap o
yamlToMetaValue _ = return $ return $ MetaString ""
yamlMap :: PandocMonad m
=> M.Map YAML.Node YAML.Node
-> MarkdownParser m (F (M.Map String MetaValue))
yamlMap o = do
kvs <- forM (M.toList o) $ \(key, v) -> do
k <- nodeToKey key
return (k, v)
let kvs' = filter (not . ignorable . fst) kvs
(fmap M.fromList . sequence) <$> mapM toMeta kvs'
ignorable t = (T.pack "_") `T.isSuffixOf` t
toMeta (k, v) = do
fv <- yamlToMetaValue v
return $ do
v' <- fv
return (T.unpack k, v')
stopLine :: PandocMonad m => MarkdownParser m ()
stopLine = try $ (string "---" <|> string "...") >> blankline >> return ()
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