diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Marshaling/AST.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Marshaling/AST.hs
index a4087ad87..db9f097ef 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Marshaling/AST.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Marshaling/AST.hs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Foreign.Lua (Lua, Peekable, Pushable, StackIndex)
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util (defineHowTo, pushViaConstructor)
 import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshaling.CommonState ()
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (toLegacyTable)
 import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua
 import qualified Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util as LuaUtil
@@ -167,8 +168,9 @@ pushBlock = \case
   Para blcks               -> pushViaConstructor "Para" blcks
   Plain blcks              -> pushViaConstructor "Plain" blcks
   RawBlock f cs            -> pushViaConstructor "RawBlock" f cs
-  Table capt aligns widths headers rows ->
-    pushViaConstructor "Table" capt aligns widths headers rows
+  Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot ->
+    let (capt, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
+    in pushViaConstructor "Table" capt aligns widths headers rows
 -- | Return the value at the given index as block if possible.
 peekBlock :: StackIndex -> Lua Block
@@ -192,7 +194,13 @@ peekBlock idx = defineHowTo "get Block value" $ do
       "Plain"          -> Plain <$> elementContent
       "RawBlock"       -> uncurry RawBlock <$> elementContent
       "Table"          -> (\(capt, aligns, widths, headers, body) ->
-                                  Table capt aligns widths headers body)
+                              Table nullAttr
+                                    (Caption Nothing $ maybePara capt)
+                                    (zip aligns (map strictPos widths))
+                                    0
+                                    [toRow headers]
+                                    (map toRow body)
+                                    [])
                           <$> elementContent
       _ -> Lua.throwException ("Unknown block type: " <> tag)
@@ -200,6 +208,11 @@ peekBlock idx = defineHowTo "get Block value" $ do
    elementContent :: Peekable a => Lua a
    elementContent = LuaUtil.rawField idx "c"
+   strictPos w = if w > 0 then Just w else Nothing
+   maybePara [] = []
+   maybePara x  = [Para x]
+   toRow = Row nullAttr . map (\blk -> Cell nullAttr Nothing 1 1 blk)
 -- | Push an inline element to the top of the lua stack.
 pushInline :: Inline -> Lua ()
 pushInline = \case
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Walk.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Walk.hs
index 7043a383d..5b62001de 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Walk.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Walk.hs
@@ -55,6 +55,18 @@ instance Walkable (SingletonsList Inline) Block where
   walkM = walkBlockM
   query = queryBlock
+instance Walkable (SingletonsList Inline) Row where
+  walkM = walkRowM
+  query = queryRow
+instance Walkable (SingletonsList Inline) Caption where
+  walkM = walkCaptionM
+  query = queryCaption
+instance Walkable (SingletonsList Inline) Cell where
+  walkM = walkCellM
+  query = queryCell
 instance Walkable (SingletonsList Inline) MetaValue where
   walkM = walkMetaValueM
   query = queryMetaValue
@@ -86,6 +98,18 @@ instance Walkable (SingletonsList Block) Block where
   walkM = walkBlockM
   query = queryBlock
+instance Walkable (SingletonsList Block) Row where
+  walkM = walkRowM
+  query = queryRow
+instance Walkable (SingletonsList Block) Caption where
+  walkM = walkCaptionM
+  query = queryCaption
+instance Walkable (SingletonsList Block) Cell where
+  walkM = walkCellM
+  query = queryCell
 instance Walkable (SingletonsList Block) MetaValue where
   walkM = walkMetaValueM
   query = queryMetaValue
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
index 9032fc7bd..aa961e814 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
@@ -925,7 +925,11 @@ tableWith :: (Stream s m Char, HasReaderOptions st, Monad mf)
 tableWith headerParser rowParser lineParser footerParser = try $ do
   (aligns, widths, heads, rows) <- tableWith' headerParser rowParser
                                                 lineParser footerParser
-  return $ B.table mempty (zip aligns widths) <$> heads <*> rows
+  return $ B.table mempty (zip aligns (map fromWidth widths)) <$> heads <*> rows
+  where
+    fromWidth n
+      | n > 0     = Just n
+      | otherwise = Nothing
 type TableComponents mf = ([Alignment], [Double], mf [Blocks], mf [[Blocks]])
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/CSV.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/CSV.hs
index fa358424f..8608a1a2c 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/CSV.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/CSV.hs
@@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ readCSV _opts s =
              hdrs = map toplain r
              rows = map (map toplain) rs
              aligns = replicate numcols AlignDefault
-             widths = replicate numcols 0
+             widths = replicate numcols Nothing
     Right []     -> return $ B.doc mempty
     Left e       -> throwError $ PandocParsecError s e
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/CommonMark.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/CommonMark.hs
index 67853aef7..33afbe59f 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/CommonMark.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/CommonMark.hs
@@ -111,31 +111,33 @@ addBlock opts (Node _ (LIST listAttrs) nodes) =
                      PAREN_DELIM  -> OneParen
         exts = readerExtensions opts
 addBlock opts (Node _ (TABLE alignments) nodes) =
-  (Table [] aligns widths headers rows :)
+  (Table nullAttr (Caption Nothing []) (zip aligns widths) 0 headers rows [] :)
   where aligns = map fromTableCellAlignment alignments
         fromTableCellAlignment NoAlignment   = AlignDefault
         fromTableCellAlignment LeftAligned   = AlignLeft
         fromTableCellAlignment RightAligned  = AlignRight
         fromTableCellAlignment CenterAligned = AlignCenter
-        widths = replicate numcols 0.0
+        widths = replicate numcols Nothing
         numcols = if null rows'
                      then 0
-                     else maximum $ map length rows'
+                     else maximum $ map rowLength rows'
         rows' = map toRow $ filter isRow nodes
         (headers, rows) = case rows' of
-                               (h:rs) -> (h, rs)
+                               (h:rs) -> ([h], rs)
                                []     -> ([], [])
         isRow (Node _ TABLE_ROW _) = True
         isRow _                    = False
         isCell (Node _ TABLE_CELL _) = True
         isCell _                     = False
-        toRow (Node _ TABLE_ROW ns) = map toCell $ filter isCell ns
+        toRow (Node _ TABLE_ROW ns) = Row nullAttr $ map toCell $ filter isCell ns
         toRow (Node _ t _) = error $ "toRow encountered non-row " ++ show t
-        toCell (Node _ TABLE_CELL []) = []
+        toCell (Node _ TABLE_CELL []) = fromSimpleCell []
         toCell (Node _ TABLE_CELL (n:ns))
-          | isBlockNode n = addBlocks opts (n:ns)
-          | otherwise     = [Plain (addInlines opts (n:ns))]
+          | isBlockNode n = fromSimpleCell $ addBlocks opts (n:ns)
+          | otherwise     = fromSimpleCell [Plain (addInlines opts (n:ns))]
         toCell (Node _ t _) = error $ "toCell encountered non-cell " ++ show t
+        fromSimpleCell = Cell nullAttr Nothing 1 1
+        rowLength (Row _ body) = length body -- all cells are 1×1
 addBlock _ (Node _ TABLE_ROW _) = id -- handled in TABLE
 addBlock _ (Node _ TABLE_CELL _) = id -- handled in TABLE
 addBlock _ _ = id
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/DocBook.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/DocBook.hs
index 7f71cb3c1..6c56c1bd7 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/DocBook.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/DocBook.hs
@@ -676,10 +676,10 @@ getMediaobject e = do
                         Just z  -> mconcat <$>
                                          mapM parseInline (elContent z)
   figTitle <- gets dbFigureTitle
-  let (caption, title) = if isNull figTitle
-                            then (getCaption e, "")
-                            else (return figTitle, "fig:")
-  fmap (imageWith attr imageUrl title) caption
+  let (capt, title) = if isNull figTitle
+                         then (getCaption e, "")
+                         else (return figTitle, "fig:")
+  fmap (imageWith attr imageUrl title) capt
 getBlocks :: PandocMonad m => Element -> DB m Blocks
 getBlocks e =  mconcat <$>
@@ -844,9 +844,9 @@ parseBlock (Elem e) =
                      return (mconcat $ intersperse (str "; ") terms', items')
          parseTable = do
                       let isCaption x = named "title" x || named "caption" x
-                      caption <- case filterChild isCaption e of
-                                       Just t  -> getInlines t
-                                       Nothing -> return mempty
+                      capt <- case filterChild isCaption e of
+                                    Just t  -> getInlines t
+                                    Nothing -> return mempty
                       let e' = fromMaybe e $ filterChild (named "tgroup") e
                       let isColspec x = named "colspec" x || named "col" x
                       let colspecs = case filterChild (named "colgroup") e' of
@@ -868,12 +868,12 @@ parseBlock (Elem e) =
                                                 Just "right"  -> AlignRight
                                                 Just "center" -> AlignCenter
                                                 _             -> AlignDefault
-                      let toWidth c = case findAttr (unqual "colwidth") c of
-                                                Just w -> fromMaybe 0
-                                                   $ safeRead $ "0" <> T.filter (\x ->
+                      let toWidth c = do
+                            w <- findAttr (unqual "colwidth") c
+                            n <- safeRead $ "0" <> T.filter (\x ->
                                                      (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
                                                       || x == '.') (T.pack w)
-                                                Nothing -> 0 :: Double
+                            if n > 0 then Just n else Nothing
                       let numrows = case bodyrows of
                                          [] -> 0
                                          xs -> maximum $ map length xs
@@ -881,16 +881,16 @@ parseBlock (Elem e) =
                                      [] -> replicate numrows AlignDefault
                                      cs -> map toAlignment cs
                       let widths = case colspecs of
-                                     []  -> replicate numrows 0
-                                     cs  -> let ws = map toWidth cs
-                                                tot = sum ws
-                                            in  if all (> 0) ws
-                                                   then map (/ tot) ws
-                                                   else replicate numrows 0
+                                     [] -> replicate numrows Nothing
+                                     cs -> let ws = map toWidth cs
+                                           in case sequence ws of
+                                                Just ws' -> let tot = sum ws'
+                                                            in  Just . (/ tot) <$> ws'
+                                                Nothing  -> replicate numrows Nothing
                       let headrows' = if null headrows
                                          then replicate numrows mempty
                                          else headrows
-                      return $ table caption (zip aligns widths)
+                      return $ table capt (zip aligns widths)
                                  headrows' bodyrows
          isEntry x  = named "entry" x || named "td" x || named "th" x
          parseRow = mapM (parseMixed plain . elContent) . filterChildren isEntry
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx.hs
index f616a5b7a..a5e8cb463 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx.hs
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (MediaBag)
 import Text.Pandoc.Options
 import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Combine
 import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Lists
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Parse
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Parse as Docx
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared
 import Text.Pandoc.Walk
 import Text.TeXMath (writeTeX)
@@ -494,13 +494,13 @@ singleParaToPlain blks
       singleton $ Plain ils
 singleParaToPlain blks = blks
-cellToBlocks :: PandocMonad m => Cell -> DocxContext m Blocks
-cellToBlocks (Cell bps) = do
+cellToBlocks :: PandocMonad m => Docx.Cell -> DocxContext m Blocks
+cellToBlocks (Docx.Cell bps) = do
   blks <- smushBlocks <$> mapM bodyPartToBlocks bps
   return $ fromList $ blocksToDefinitions $ blocksToBullets $ toList blks
-rowToBlocksList :: PandocMonad m => Row -> DocxContext m [Blocks]
-rowToBlocksList (Row cells) = do
+rowToBlocksList :: PandocMonad m => Docx.Row -> DocxContext m [Blocks]
+rowToBlocksList (Docx.Row cells) = do
   blksList <- mapM cellToBlocks cells
   return $ map singleParaToPlain blksList
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ bodyPartToBlocks (ListItem pPr _ _ _ parparts) =
 bodyPartToBlocks (Tbl _ _ _ []) =
   return $ para mempty
 bodyPartToBlocks (Tbl cap _ look parts@(r:rs)) = do
-  let caption = text cap
+  let cap' = text cap
       (hdr, rows) = case firstRowFormatting look of
         True | null rs -> (Nothing, [r])
              | otherwise -> (Just r, rs)
@@ -659,8 +659,8 @@ bodyPartToBlocks (Tbl cap _ look parts@(r:rs)) = do
       -- https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/pull/4361#issuecomment-365416155
       nonEmpty [] = Nothing
       nonEmpty l  = Just l
-      rowLength :: Row -> Int
-      rowLength (Row c) = length c
+      rowLength :: Docx.Row -> Int
+      rowLength (Docx.Row c) = length c
   -- pad cells.  New Text.Pandoc.Builder will do that for us,
   -- so this is for compatibility while we switch over.
@@ -676,9 +676,9 @@ bodyPartToBlocks (Tbl cap _ look parts@(r:rs)) = do
       -- so should be possible. Alignment might be more difficult,
       -- since there doesn't seem to be a column entity in docx.
   let alignments = replicate width AlignDefault
-      widths = replicate width 0 :: [Double]
+      widths = replicate width Nothing
-  return $ table caption (zip alignments widths) hdrCells cells'
+  return $ table cap' (zip alignments widths) hdrCells cells'
 bodyPartToBlocks (OMathPara e) =
   return $ para $ displayMath (writeTeX e)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/DokuWiki.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/DokuWiki.hs
index 384deb694..296c751a2 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/DokuWiki.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/DokuWiki.hs
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ table = do
   let (headerRow, body) = if firstSeparator == '^'
                             then (head rows, tail rows)
                             else ([], rows)
-  let attrs = (AlignDefault, 0.0) <$ transpose rows
+  let attrs = (AlignDefault, Nothing) <$ transpose rows
   pure $ B.table mempty attrs headerRow body
 tableRows :: PandocMonad m => DWParser m [[B.Blocks]]
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
index 798661fe3..e3c3d00e6 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options (
 import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding ((<|>))
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared (addMetaField, blocksToInlines', crFilter, escapeURI,
                            extractSpaces, htmlSpanLikeElements, elemText, splitTextBy,
-                           onlySimpleTableCells, safeRead, underlineSpan, tshow)
+                           onlySimpleCellBodies, safeRead, underlineSpan, tshow)
 import Text.Pandoc.Walk
 import Text.Parsec.Error
 import Text.TeXMath (readMathML, writeTeX)
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ pTable = try $ do
   let rows''' = map (map snd) rows''
   -- fail on empty table
   guard $ not $ null head' && null rows'''
-  let isSimple = onlySimpleTableCells $ fmap B.toList <$> head':rows'''
+  let isSimple = onlySimpleCellBodies $ fmap B.toList <$> head':rows'''
   let cols = if null head'
                 then maximum (map length rows''')
                 else length head'
@@ -513,12 +513,12 @@ pTable = try $ do
                     _      -> replicate cols AlignDefault
   let widths = if null widths'
                   then if isSimple
-                       then replicate cols 0
-                       else replicate cols (1.0 / fromIntegral cols)
+                       then replicate cols Nothing
+                       else replicate cols (Just (1.0 / fromIntegral cols))
                   else widths'
   return $ B.table caption (zip aligns widths) head' rows
-pCol :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m Double
+pCol :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m (Maybe Double)
 pCol = try $ do
   TagOpen _ attribs' <- pSatisfy (matchTagOpen "col" [])
   let attribs = toStringAttr attribs'
@@ -535,10 +535,10 @@ pCol = try $ do
                   fromMaybe 0.0 $ safeRead xs
                 _ -> 0.0
   if width > 0.0
-    then return $ width / 100.0
-    else return 0.0
+    then return $ Just $ width / 100.0
+    else return Nothing
-pColgroup :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m [Double]
+pColgroup :: PandocMonad m => TagParser m [Maybe Double]
 pColgroup = try $ do
   pSatisfy (matchTagOpen "colgroup" [])
   skipMany pBlank
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Haddock.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Haddock.hs
index 749a63114..7303f9c32 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Haddock.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Haddock.hs
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ docHToBlocks d' =
                   else (toCells (head headerRows),
                         map toCells (tail headerRows ++ bodyRows))
              colspecs = replicate (maximum (map length body))
-                             (AlignDefault, 0.0)
+                             (AlignDefault, Nothing)
          in  B.table mempty colspecs header body
   where inlineFallback = B.plain $ docHToInlines False d'
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Ipynb.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Ipynb.hs
index bfd9572ce..079eacf97 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Ipynb.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Ipynb.hs
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ notebookToPandoc opts notebook = do
   return $ Pandoc (Meta $ M.insert "jupyter" (MetaMap m) mempty) blocks
 cellToBlocks :: PandocMonad m
-             => ReaderOptions -> Text -> Cell a -> m B.Blocks
+             => ReaderOptions -> Text -> Ipynb.Cell a -> m B.Blocks
 cellToBlocks opts lang c = do
   let Source ts = cellSource c
   let source = mconcat ts
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/JATS.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/JATS.hs
index 3672b05f6..3dfe9161b 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/JATS.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/JATS.hs
@@ -134,14 +134,14 @@ getGraphic :: PandocMonad m
            => Maybe (Inlines, Text) -> Element -> JATS m Inlines
 getGraphic mbfigdata e = do
   let atVal a = attrValue a e
-      (ident, title, caption) =
+      (ident, title, capt) =
          case mbfigdata of
-           Just (capt, i) -> (i, "fig:" <> atVal "title", capt)
+           Just (capt', i) -> (i, "fig:" <> atVal "title", capt')
            Nothing        -> (atVal "id", atVal "title",
                               text (atVal "alt-text"))
       attr = (ident, T.words $ atVal "role", [])
       imageUrl = atVal "href"
-  return $ imageWith attr imageUrl title caption
+  return $ imageWith attr imageUrl title capt
 getBlocks :: PandocMonad m => Element -> JATS m Blocks
 getBlocks e =  mconcat <$>
@@ -230,20 +230,20 @@ parseBlock (Elem e) =
            -- implicit figure.  otherwise, we emit a div with the contents
            case filterChildren (named "graphic") e of
                   [g] -> do
-                         caption <- case filterChild (named "caption") e of
-                                           Just t  -> mconcat .
-                                             intersperse linebreak <$>
-                                             mapM getInlines
-                                             (filterChildren (const True) t)
-                                           Nothing -> return mempty
-                         img <- getGraphic (Just (caption, attrValue "id" e)) g
+                         capt <- case filterChild (named "caption") e of
+                                        Just t  -> mconcat .
+                                          intersperse linebreak <$>
+                                          mapM getInlines
+                                          (filterChildren (const True) t)
+                                        Nothing -> return mempty
+                         img <- getGraphic (Just (capt, attrValue "id" e)) g
                          return $ para img
                   _   -> divWith (attrValue "id" e, ["fig"], []) <$> getBlocks e
          parseTable = do
                       let isCaption x = named "title" x || named "caption" x
-                      caption <- case filterChild isCaption e of
-                                       Just t  -> getInlines t
-                                       Nothing -> return mempty
+                      capt <- case filterChild isCaption e of
+                                    Just t  -> getInlines t
+                                    Nothing -> return mempty
                       let e' = fromMaybe e $ filterChild (named "tgroup") e
                       let isColspec x = named "colspec" x || named "col" x
                       let colspecs = case filterChild (named "colgroup") e' of
@@ -265,26 +265,25 @@ parseBlock (Elem e) =
                                                 Just "right"  -> AlignRight
                                                 Just "center" -> AlignCenter
                                                 _             -> AlignDefault
-                      let toWidth c = case findAttrText (unqual "colwidth") c of
-                                                Just w -> fromMaybe 0
-                                                   $ safeRead $ "0" <> T.filter (\x ->
-                                                     isDigit x || x == '.') w
-                                                Nothing -> 0 :: Double
+                      let toWidth c = do
+                            w <- findAttrText (unqual "colwidth") c
+                            n <- safeRead $ "0" <> T.filter (\x -> isDigit x || x == '.') w
+                            if n > 0 then Just n else Nothing
                       let numrows = foldl' max 0 $ map length bodyrows
                       let aligns = case colspecs of
                                      [] -> replicate numrows AlignDefault
                                      cs -> map toAlignment cs
                       let widths = case colspecs of
-                                     []  -> replicate numrows 0
-                                     cs  -> let ws = map toWidth cs
-                                                tot = sum ws
-                                            in  if all (> 0) ws
-                                                   then map (/ tot) ws
-                                                   else replicate numrows 0
+                                     [] -> replicate numrows Nothing
+                                     cs -> let ws = map toWidth cs
+                                           in case sequence ws of
+                                                Just ws' -> let tot = sum ws'
+                                                            in  Just . (/ tot) <$> ws'
+                                                Nothing  -> replicate numrows Nothing
                       let headrows' = if null headrows
                                          then replicate numrows mempty
                                          else headrows
-                      return $ table caption (zip aligns widths)
+                      return $ table capt (zip aligns widths)
                                  headrows' bodyrows
          isEntry x  = named "entry" x || named "td" x || named "th" x
          parseRow = mapM (parseMixed plain . elContent) . filterChildren isEntry
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
index 038430f99..4b09f1402 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -2268,7 +2268,7 @@ splitWordTok = do
          setInput $ map (Tok spos Symbol . T.singleton) (T.unpack t) <> rest
        _ -> return ()
-parseAligns :: PandocMonad m => LP m [(Alignment, Double, ([Tok], [Tok]))]
+parseAligns :: PandocMonad m => LP m [(Alignment, Maybe Double, ([Tok], [Tok]))]
 parseAligns = try $ do
   let maybeBar = skipMany
         (try $ sp *> (() <$ symbol '|' <|> () <$ (symbol '@' >> braced)))
@@ -2289,17 +2289,15 @@ parseAligns = try $ do
         ds <- trim . untokenize <$> manyTill anyTok (controlSeq "linewidth")
         symbol '}'
-        case safeRead ds of
-              Just w  -> return w
-              Nothing -> return 0.0
+        return $ safeRead ds
   let alignSpec = do
         pref <- option [] alignPrefix
         al <- alignChar
-        width <- colWidth <|> option 0.0 (do s <- untokenize <$> braced
-                                             pos <- getPosition
-                                             report $ SkippedContent s pos
-                                             return 0.0)
+        width <- colWidth <|> option Nothing (do s <- untokenize <$> braced
+                                                 pos <- getPosition
+                                                 report $ SkippedContent s pos
+                                                 return Nothing)
         suff <- option [] alignSuffix
         return (al, width, (pref, suff))
@@ -2399,11 +2397,11 @@ simpTable envname hasWidthParameter = try $ do
 addTableCaption :: PandocMonad m => Blocks -> LP m Blocks
 addTableCaption = walkM go
-  where go (Table c als ws hs rs) = do
+  where go (Table attr c spec rhs th tb tf) = do
           st <- getState
           let mblabel = sLastLabel st
           capt <- case (sCaption st, mblabel) of
-                   (Just ils, Nothing)  -> return $ toList ils
+                   (Just ils, Nothing)  -> return $ Caption Nothing (mcap ils)
                    (Just ils, Just lab) -> do
                      num <- getNextNumber sLastTableNum
@@ -2411,11 +2409,14 @@ addTableCaption = walkM go
                          , sLabels = M.insert lab
                                     [Str (renderDottedNum num)]
                                     (sLabels st) }
-                     return $ toList ils -- add number??
+                     return $ Caption Nothing (mcap ils) -- add number??
                    (Nothing, _)  -> return c
           return $ maybe id (\ident -> Div (ident, [], []) . (:[])) mblabel $
-                     Table capt als ws hs rs
+                     Table attr capt spec rhs th tb tf
         go x = return x
+        mcap ils
+          | isNull ils = []
+          | otherwise  = [Para $ toList ils]
 block :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Man.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Man.hs
index c14cbea52..50dbb5992 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Man.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Man.hs
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ parseTable = do
       bodyRows <- mapM (mapM parseTableCell . snd) bodyRows'
       isPlainTable <- tableCellsPlain <$> getState
       let widths = if isPlainTable
-                      then repeat 0.0
-                      else repeat ((1.0 / fromIntegral (length alignments))
-                                   :: Double)
+                      then repeat Nothing
+                      else repeat (Just (1.0 / fromIntegral (length alignments))
+                                   :: Maybe Double)
       return $ B.table mempty (zip alignments widths)
                   headerRow bodyRows) <|> fallback pos
     [] -> fallback pos
@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ parseTable = do
       'r' -> Just AlignRight
       _   -> Nothing
 parseNewParagraph :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Blocks
 parseNewParagraph = do
   mmacro "P" <|> mmacro "PP" <|> mmacro "LP" <|> memptyLine
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
index 66f4df341..54d2752c7 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
@@ -1417,11 +1417,14 @@ table = try $ do
   let widths' = if totalWidth < 1
                    then widths
                    else map (/ totalWidth) widths
+  let strictPos w
+        | w > 0     = Just w
+        | otherwise = Nothing
   return $ do
     caption' <- caption
     heads' <- heads
     lns' <- lns
-    return $ B.table caption' (zip aligns widths') heads' lns'
+    return $ B.table caption' (zip aligns (strictPos <$> widths')) heads' lns'
 -- inline
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/MediaWiki.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/MediaWiki.hs
index a2ff51379..5e9aecc49 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/MediaWiki.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/MediaWiki.hs
@@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ table = do
   let restwidth = tableWidth - sum widths
   let zerocols = length $ filter (==0.0) widths
   let defaultwidth = if zerocols == 0 || zerocols == length widths
-                        then 0.0
-                        else restwidth / fromIntegral zerocols
-  let widths' = map (\w -> if w == 0 then defaultwidth else w) widths
+                        then Nothing
+                        else Just $ restwidth / fromIntegral zerocols
+  let widths' = map (\w -> if w == 0 then defaultwidth else Just w) widths
   let cellspecs = zip (map fst cellspecs') widths'
   rows' <- many $ try $ rowsep *> (map snd <$> tableRow)
   optional blanklines
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Muse.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Muse.hs
index a5def2479..1cabfa112 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Muse.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Muse.hs
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ data MuseTableElement = MuseHeaderRow [Blocks]
 museToPandocTable :: MuseTable -> Blocks
 museToPandocTable (MuseTable caption headers body footers) =
   B.table caption attrs headRow (rows ++ body ++ footers)
-  where attrs = (AlignDefault, 0.0) <$ transpose (headers ++ body ++ footers)
+  where attrs = (AlignDefault, Nothing) <$ transpose (headers ++ body ++ footers)
         (headRow, rows) = fromMaybe ([], []) $ uncons headers
 museAppendElement :: MuseTableElement
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ museGridTable = try $ do
   indices <- museGridTableHeader
   fmap rowsToTable . sequence <$> many1 (museGridTableRow indent indices)
   where rowsToTable rows = B.table mempty attrs [] rows
-                           where attrs = (AlignDefault, 0.0) <$ transpose rows
+                           where attrs = (AlignDefault, Nothing) <$ transpose rows
 -- | Parse a table.
 table :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/ContentReader.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/ContentReader.hs
index 69c8e2924..2afd8a66d 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/ContentReader.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/ContentReader.hs
@@ -921,8 +921,8 @@ post_process (Pandoc m blocks) =
   Pandoc m (post_process' blocks)
 post_process' :: [Block] -> [Block]
-post_process' (Table _ a w h r : Div ("", ["caption"], _) [Para inlines] : xs) =
-  Table inlines a w h r : post_process' xs
+post_process' (Table attr _ specs rhs th tb tf : Div ("", ["caption"], _) blks : xs)
+  = Table attr (Caption Nothing blks) specs rhs th tb tf : post_process' xs
 post_process' bs = bs
 read_body :: OdtReader _x (Pandoc, MediaBag)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Blocks.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Blocks.hs
index c80c179c6..aef6ae210 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Blocks.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Blocks.hs
@@ -629,13 +629,13 @@ orgToPandocTable (OrgTable colProps heads lns) caption =
                    else Nothing
   in B.table caption (map (convertColProp totalWidth) colProps) heads lns
-   convertColProp :: Maybe Int -> ColumnProperty -> (Alignment, Double)
+   convertColProp :: Maybe Int -> ColumnProperty -> (Alignment, Maybe Double)
    convertColProp totalWidth colProp =
        align' = fromMaybe AlignDefault $ columnAlignment colProp
-       width' = fromMaybe 0 $ (\w t -> (fromIntegral w / fromIntegral t))
-                              <$> columnRelWidth colProp
-                              <*> totalWidth
+       width' = (\w t -> (fromIntegral w / fromIntegral t))
+                <$> columnRelWidth colProp
+                <*> totalWidth
      in (align', width')
 tableRows :: PandocMonad m => OrgParser m [OrgTableRow]
@@ -658,16 +658,16 @@ tableAlignRow = try $ do
   return $ OrgAlignRow colProps
 columnPropertyCell :: Monad m => OrgParser m ColumnProperty
-columnPropertyCell = emptyCell <|> propCell <?> "alignment info"
+columnPropertyCell = emptyOrgCell <|> propCell <?> "alignment info"
-   emptyCell = ColumnProperty Nothing Nothing <$ try (skipSpaces *> endOfCell)
+   emptyOrgCell = ColumnProperty Nothing Nothing <$ try (skipSpaces *> endOfCell)
    propCell = try $ ColumnProperty
                  <$> (skipSpaces
                       *> char '<'
                       *> optionMaybe tableAlignFromChar)
                  <*> (optionMaybe (many1Char digit >>= safeRead)
                       <* char '>'
-                      <* emptyCell)
+                      <* emptyOrgCell)
 tableAlignFromChar :: Monad m => OrgParser m Alignment
 tableAlignFromChar = try $
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
index 430d24f4a..5db303d4d 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
@@ -770,24 +770,37 @@ tableDirective :: PandocMonad m
 tableDirective top fields body = do
   bs <- parseFromString' parseBlocks body
   case B.toList bs of
-       [Table _ aligns' widths' header' rows'] -> do
+       [Table attr _ tspecs' rhs thead tbody tfoot] -> do
+         let (aligns', widths') = unzip tspecs'
          title <- parseFromString' (trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline) top
          columns <- getOption readerColumns
-         let numOfCols = length header'
+         let numOfCols = case thead of
+               [] -> 0
+               (r:_) -> rowLength r
          let normWidths ws =
-                map (/ max 1.0 (fromIntegral (columns - numOfCols))) ws
+                strictPos . (/ max 1.0 (fromIntegral (columns - numOfCols))) <$> ws
          let widths = case trim <$> lookup "widths" fields of
-                           Just "auto" -> replicate numOfCols 0.0
+                           Just "auto" -> replicate numOfCols Nothing
                            Just "grid" -> widths'
                            Just specs -> normWidths
                                $ map (fromMaybe (0 :: Double) . safeRead)
                                $ splitTextBy (`elem` (" ," :: String)) specs
                            Nothing -> widths'
          -- align is not applicable since we can't represent whole table align
-         return $ B.singleton $ Table (B.toList title)
-                                  aligns' widths header' rows'
+         let tspecs = zip aligns' widths
+         return $ B.singleton $ Table attr (Caption Nothing (mpara title))
+                                  tspecs rhs thead tbody tfoot
        _ -> return mempty
+  where
+    -- only valid on the very first row of a table section
+    rowLength (Row _ rb) = sum $ cellLength <$> rb
+    cellLength (Cell _ _ _ w _) = if w < 0 then 0 else w
+    strictPos w
+      | w > 0     = Just w
+      | otherwise = Nothing
+    mpara t
+      | B.isNull t  = []
+      | otherwise = [Para $ B.toList t]
 -- TODO: :stub-columns:.
 -- Only the first row becomes the header even if header-rows: > 1,
@@ -808,10 +821,10 @@ listTableDirective top fields body = do
                    else ([], rows, length x)
         _ -> ([],[],0)
       widths = case trim <$> lookup "widths" fields of
-        Just "auto" -> replicate numOfCols 0
+        Just "auto" -> replicate numOfCols Nothing
         Just specs -> normWidths $ map (fromMaybe (0 :: Double) . safeRead) $
                            splitTextBy (`elem` (" ," :: String)) specs
-        _ -> replicate numOfCols 0
+        _ -> replicate numOfCols Nothing
   return $ B.table title
              (zip (replicate numOfCols AlignDefault) widths)
@@ -820,7 +833,10 @@ listTableDirective top fields body = do
           takeRows _                 = []
           takeCells [BulletList cells] = map B.fromList cells
           takeCells _                  = []
-          normWidths ws = map (/ max 1 (sum ws)) ws
+          normWidths ws = strictPos . (/ max 1 (sum ws)) <$> ws
+          strictPos w
+            | w > 0     = Just w
+            | otherwise = Nothing
 csvTableDirective :: PandocMonad m
                    => Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text
@@ -873,14 +889,17 @@ csvTableDirective top fields rawcsv = do
                           else ([], rows, length x)
                    _ -> ([],[],0)
          title <- parseFromString' (trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline) top
-         let normWidths ws = map (/ max 1 (sum ws)) ws
+         let strictPos w
+               | w > 0     = Just w
+               | otherwise = Nothing
+         let normWidths ws = strictPos . (/ max 1 (sum ws)) <$> ws
          let widths =
                case trim <$> lookup "widths" fields of
-                 Just "auto" -> replicate numOfCols 0
+                 Just "auto" -> replicate numOfCols Nothing
                  Just specs -> normWidths
                                $ map (fromMaybe (0 :: Double) . safeRead)
                                $ splitTextBy (`elem` (" ," :: String)) specs
-                 _ -> replicate numOfCols 0
+                 _ -> replicate numOfCols Nothing
          return $ B.table title
                   (zip (replicate numOfCols AlignDefault) widths)
@@ -1293,13 +1312,14 @@ simpleTable headless = do
            sep simpleTableFooter
   -- Simple tables get 0s for relative column widths (i.e., use default)
   case B.toList tbl of
-       [Table c a _w h l]  -> return $ B.singleton $
-                                 Table c a (replicate (length a) 0) h l
+       [Table attr cap spec rhs th tb tf] -> return $ B.singleton $
+                                                Table attr cap (rewidth spec) rhs th tb tf
        _ ->
          throwError $ PandocShouldNeverHappenError
             "tableWith returned something unexpected"
   sep = return () -- optional (simpleTableSep '-')
+  rewidth = fmap $ fmap $ const Nothing
 gridTable :: PandocMonad m
           => Bool -- ^ Headerless table
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/TWiki.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/TWiki.hs
index ee6a80ce3..f14e3f710 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/TWiki.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/TWiki.hs
@@ -229,11 +229,11 @@ table = try $ do
     buildTable caption rows (aligns, heads)
                     = B.table caption aligns heads rows
-    align rows      = replicate (columCount rows) (AlignDefault, 0)
+    align rows      = replicate (columCount rows) (AlignDefault, Nothing)
     columns rows    = replicate (columCount rows) mempty
     columCount rows = length $ head rows
-tableParseHeader :: PandocMonad m => TWParser m ((Alignment, Double), B.Blocks)
+tableParseHeader :: PandocMonad m => TWParser m ((Alignment, Maybe Double), B.Blocks)
 tableParseHeader = try $ do
   char '|'
   leftSpaces <- length <$> many spaceChar
@@ -245,9 +245,9 @@ tableParseHeader = try $ do
   return (tableAlign leftSpaces rightSpaces, content)
     tableAlign left right
-      | left >= 2 && left == right = (AlignCenter, 0)
-      | left > right = (AlignRight, 0)
-      | otherwise = (AlignLeft, 0)
+      | left >= 2 && left == right = (AlignCenter, Nothing)
+      | left > right = (AlignRight, Nothing)
+      | otherwise = (AlignLeft, Nothing)
 tableParseRow :: PandocMonad m => TWParser m [B.Blocks]
 tableParseRow = many1Till tableParseColumn newline
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs
index 5aae11751..3d2a962e9 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ table = try $ do
   let nbOfCols = maximum $ map length (headers:rows)
   let aligns = map minimum $ transpose $ map (map (snd . fst)) (headers:rows)
   return $ B.table caption
-    (zip aligns (replicate nbOfCols 0.0))
+    (zip aligns (replicate nbOfCols Nothing))
     (map snd headers)
     (map (map snd) rows)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Txt2Tags.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Txt2Tags.hs
index 68ba6dd7a..5d2f11864 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Txt2Tags.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Txt2Tags.hs
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ table = try $ do
   let rowsPadded = map (pad size) rows'
   let headerPadded = if null tableHeader then mempty else pad size tableHeader
   return $ B.table mempty
-                    (zip aligns (replicate ncolumns 0.0))
+                    (zip aligns (replicate ncolumns Nothing))
                       headerPadded rowsPadded
 pad :: (Monoid a) => Int -> [a] -> [a]
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
index 972a14cd7..846e7699c 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
+                     onlySimpleCellBodies,
@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
+                     toLegacyTable,
                      -- * TagSoup HTML handling
                      -- * File handling
@@ -667,8 +669,18 @@ stripEmptyParagraphs = walk go
 -- | Detect if table rows contain only cells consisting of a single
 -- paragraph that has no @LineBreak@.
-onlySimpleTableCells :: [[TableCell]] -> Bool
-onlySimpleTableCells = all isSimpleCell . concat
+-- TODO: should this become aware of cell dimensions?
+onlySimpleTableCells :: [Row] -> Bool
+onlySimpleTableCells = onlySimpleCellBodies . map unRow
+  where
+    unRow (Row _ body) = map unCell body
+    unCell (Cell _ _ _ _ body) = body
+-- | Detect if unwrapped table rows contain only cells consisting of a
+-- single paragraph that has no @LineBreak@.
+onlySimpleCellBodies :: [[[Block]]] -> Bool
+onlySimpleCellBodies = all isSimpleCell . concat
     isSimpleCell [Plain ils] = not (hasLineBreak ils)
     isSimpleCell [Para ils ] = not (hasLineBreak ils)
@@ -992,9 +1004,12 @@ blockToInlines (DefinitionList pairslst) =
       mconcat (map blocksToInlines' blkslst)
 blockToInlines (Header _ _  ils) = B.fromList ils
 blockToInlines HorizontalRule = mempty
-blockToInlines (Table _ _ _ headers rows) =
+blockToInlines (Table _ _ _ _ headers rows feet) =
   mconcat $ intersperse B.linebreak $
-    map (mconcat . map blocksToInlines') (headers:rows)
+    map (mconcat . map blocksToInlines') (plainRowBody <$> headers <> rows <> feet)
+  where
+    plainRowBody (Row _ body) = cellBody <$> body
+    cellBody (Cell _ _ _ _ body) = body
 blockToInlines (Div _ blks) = blocksToInlines' blks
 blockToInlines Null = mempty
@@ -1008,6 +1023,30 @@ blocksToInlines' = blocksToInlinesWithSep defaultBlocksSeparator
 blocksToInlines :: [Block] -> [Inline]
 blocksToInlines = B.toList . blocksToInlines'
+-- | Convert the relevant components of a new-style table (with block
+-- caption, row headers, row and column spans, and so on) to those of
+-- an old-style table (inline caption, table head with one row, no
+-- foot, and so on).
+toLegacyTable :: Caption
+              -> [ColSpec]
+              -> TableHead
+              -> TableBody
+              -> TableFoot
+              -> ([Inline], [Alignment], [Double], [[Block]], [[[Block]]])
+toLegacyTable (Caption _ cbody) specs th tb tf = (cbody', aligns, widths, th', tb')
+  where
+    numcols = length specs
+    (aligns, mwidths) = unzip specs
+    widths = map (fromMaybe 0) mwidths
+    unRow (Row _ x) = map unCell x
+    unCell (Cell _ _ _ _ x) = x
+    cbody' = blocksToInlines cbody
+    sanitise = pad mempty numcols . unRow
+    pad element upTo list = take upTo (list ++ repeat element)
+    (th', tb') = case th of
+      (r:rs) -> (sanitise r, map sanitise $ rs <> tb <> tf)
+      []     -> ([], map sanitise $ tb <> tf)
 -- | Inline elements used to separate blocks when squashing blocks into
 -- inlines.
 defaultBlocksSeparator :: Inlines
@@ -1016,7 +1055,6 @@ defaultBlocksSeparator =
   -- there should be updated if this is changed.
   B.space <> B.str "¶" <> B.space
 -- Safe read
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/AsciiDoc.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/AsciiDoc.hs
index 08af578a7..b9d93188a 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/AsciiDoc.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/AsciiDoc.hs
@@ -191,7 +191,8 @@ blockToAsciiDoc opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
                      else contents
   let bar = text "____"
   return $ bar $$ chomp contents' $$ bar <> blankline
-blockToAsciiDoc opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) =  do
+blockToAsciiDoc opts (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   caption' <- inlineListToAsciiDoc opts caption
   let caption'' = if null caption
                      then empty
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
index 48a6934eb..585f7137e 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad)
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Options
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared (capitalize, isTightList,
-    linesToPara, onlySimpleTableCells, taskListItemToAscii, tshow)
+    linesToPara, onlySimpleTableCells, taskListItemToAscii, tshow, toLegacyTable)
 import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
 import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk, walkM)
 import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML (writeHtml5String, tagWithAttributes)
@@ -154,71 +154,72 @@ blockToNodes opts (DefinitionList items) ns =
           Plain (term ++ [LineBreak] ++ xs) : ys ++ concat zs
         dlToBullet (term, xs) =
           Para term : concat xs
-blockToNodes opts t@(Table capt aligns _widths headers rows) ns =
-  if isEnabled Ext_pipe_tables opts && onlySimpleTableCells (headers:rows)
-     then do
-       -- We construct a table manually as a CUSTOM_BLOCK, for
-       -- two reasons:  (1) cmark-gfm currently doesn't support
-       -- rendering TABLE nodes; (2) we can align the column sides;
-       -- (3) we can render the caption as a regular paragraph.
-       let capt' = node PARAGRAPH (inlinesToNodes opts capt)
-       -- backslash | in code and raw:
-       let fixPipe (Code attr xs) =
-             Code attr (T.replace "|" "\\|" xs)
-           fixPipe (RawInline format xs) =
-             RawInline format (T.replace "|" "\\|" xs)
-           fixPipe x = x
-       let toCell [Plain ils] = T.strip
-                                $ nodeToCommonmark [] Nothing
-                                $ node (CUSTOM_INLINE mempty mempty)
-                                $ inlinesToNodes opts
-                                $ walk (fixPipe . softBreakToSpace) ils
-           toCell [Para  ils] = T.strip
-                                $ nodeToCommonmark [] Nothing
-                                $ node (CUSTOM_INLINE mempty mempty)
-                                $ inlinesToNodes opts
-                                $ walk (fixPipe . softBreakToSpace) ils
-           toCell []          = ""
-           toCell xs          = error $ "toCell encountered " ++ show xs
-       let separator = " | "
-       let starter = "| "
-       let ender   = " |"
-       let rawheaders = map toCell headers
-       let rawrows = map (map toCell) rows
-       let maximum' [] = 0
-           maximum' xs = maximum xs
-       let colwidths = map (maximum' . map T.length) $
-                        transpose (rawheaders:rawrows)
-       let toHeaderLine len AlignDefault = T.replicate len "-"
-           toHeaderLine len AlignLeft    = ":" <>
-                  T.replicate (max (len - 1) 1) "-"
-           toHeaderLine len AlignRight   =
-                  T.replicate (max (len - 1) 1) "-" <> ":"
-           toHeaderLine len AlignCenter  = ":" <>
-                  T.replicate (max (len - 2) 1) (T.pack "-") <> ":"
-       let rawheaderlines = zipWith toHeaderLine colwidths aligns
-       let headerlines = starter <> T.intercalate separator rawheaderlines <>
-                          ender
-       let padContent (align, w) t' =
-             let padding = w - T.length t'
-                 halfpadding = padding `div` 2
-             in  case align of
-                      AlignRight -> T.replicate padding " " <> t'
-                      AlignCenter -> T.replicate halfpadding " " <> t' <>
-                                     T.replicate (padding - halfpadding) " "
-                      _ -> t' <> T.replicate padding " "
-       let toRow xs = starter <> T.intercalate separator
-                      (zipWith padContent (zip aligns colwidths) xs) <>
-                      ender
-       let table' = toRow rawheaders <> "\n" <> headerlines <> "\n" <>
-                     T.intercalate "\n" (map toRow rawrows)
-       return (node (CUSTOM_BLOCK table' mempty) [] :
-               if null capt
-                  then ns
-                  else capt' : ns)
-     else do -- fall back to raw HTML
-       s <- writeHtml5String def $! Pandoc nullMeta [t]
-       return (node (HTML_BLOCK s) [] : ns)
+blockToNodes opts t@(Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) ns =
+  let (capt, aligns, _widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
+  in if isEnabled Ext_pipe_tables opts && onlySimpleTableCells (thead <> tbody <> tfoot)
+        then do
+          -- We construct a table manually as a CUSTOM_BLOCK, for
+          -- two reasons:  (1) cmark-gfm currently doesn't support
+          -- rendering TABLE nodes; (2) we can align the column sides;
+          -- (3) we can render the caption as a regular paragraph.
+          let capt' = node PARAGRAPH (inlinesToNodes opts capt)
+          -- backslash | in code and raw:
+          let fixPipe (Code attr xs) =
+                Code attr (T.replace "|" "\\|" xs)
+              fixPipe (RawInline format xs) =
+                RawInline format (T.replace "|" "\\|" xs)
+              fixPipe x = x
+          let toCell [Plain ils] = T.strip
+                                   $ nodeToCommonmark [] Nothing
+                                   $ node (CUSTOM_INLINE mempty mempty)
+                                   $ inlinesToNodes opts
+                                   $ walk (fixPipe . softBreakToSpace) ils
+              toCell [Para  ils] = T.strip
+                                   $ nodeToCommonmark [] Nothing
+                                   $ node (CUSTOM_INLINE mempty mempty)
+                                   $ inlinesToNodes opts
+                                   $ walk (fixPipe . softBreakToSpace) ils
+              toCell []          = ""
+              toCell xs          = error $ "toCell encountered " ++ show xs
+          let separator = " | "
+          let starter = "| "
+          let ender   = " |"
+          let rawheaders = map toCell headers
+          let rawrows = map (map toCell) rows
+          let maximum' [] = 0
+              maximum' xs = maximum xs
+          let colwidths = map (maximum' . map T.length) $
+                           transpose (rawheaders:rawrows)
+          let toHeaderLine len AlignDefault = T.replicate len "-"
+              toHeaderLine len AlignLeft    = ":" <>
+                     T.replicate (max (len - 1) 1) "-"
+              toHeaderLine len AlignRight   =
+                     T.replicate (max (len - 1) 1) "-" <> ":"
+              toHeaderLine len AlignCenter  = ":" <>
+                     T.replicate (max (len - 2) 1) (T.pack "-") <> ":"
+          let rawheaderlines = zipWith toHeaderLine colwidths aligns
+          let headerlines = starter <> T.intercalate separator rawheaderlines <>
+                             ender
+          let padContent (align, w) t' =
+                let padding = w - T.length t'
+                    halfpadding = padding `div` 2
+                in  case align of
+                         AlignRight -> T.replicate padding " " <> t'
+                         AlignCenter -> T.replicate halfpadding " " <> t' <>
+                                        T.replicate (padding - halfpadding) " "
+                         _ -> t' <> T.replicate padding " "
+          let toRow xs = starter <> T.intercalate separator
+                         (zipWith padContent (zip aligns colwidths) xs) <>
+                         ender
+          let table' = toRow rawheaders <> "\n" <> headerlines <> "\n" <>
+                        T.intercalate "\n" (map toRow rawrows)
+          return (node (CUSTOM_BLOCK table' mempty) [] :
+                  if null capt
+                     then ns
+                     else capt' : ns)
+        else do -- fall back to raw HTML
+          s <- writeHtml5String def $! Pandoc nullMeta [t]
+          return (node (HTML_BLOCK s) [] : ns)
 blockToNodes _ Null ns = return ns
 inlinesToNodes :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> [Node]
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
index fb97e4fb4..f3d7219d1 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
@@ -255,7 +255,8 @@ blockToConTeXt (DefinitionList lst) =
 blockToConTeXt HorizontalRule = return $ "\\thinrule" <> blankline
 -- If this is ever executed, provide a default for the reference identifier.
 blockToConTeXt (Header level attr lst) = sectionHeader attr level lst
-blockToConTeXt (Table caption aligns widths heads rows) = do
+blockToConTeXt (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+    let (caption, aligns, widths, heads, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
     opts <- gets stOptions
     let tabl = if isEnabled Ext_ntb opts
           then Ntb
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Custom.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Custom.hs
index bc520d520..beb2301c9 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Custom.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Custom.hs
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Lua (Global (..), LuaException (LuaException),
                         runLua, setGlobals)
 import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util (addField, dofileWithTraceback)
 import Text.Pandoc.Options
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (toLegacyTable)
 import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
 import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
 import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
@@ -149,8 +150,9 @@ blockToCustom (CodeBlock attr str) =
 blockToCustom (BlockQuote blocks) =
   Lua.callFunc "BlockQuote" (Stringify blocks)
-blockToCustom (Table capt aligns widths headers rows) =
-  let aligns' = map show aligns
+blockToCustom (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) =
+  let (capt, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
+      aligns' = map show aligns
       capt' = Stringify capt
       headers' = map Stringify headers
       rows' = map (map Stringify) rows
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs
index f05a29157..7af357fb0 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs
@@ -263,7 +263,8 @@ blockToDocbook _ b@(RawBlock f str)
       report $ BlockNotRendered b
       return empty
 blockToDocbook _ HorizontalRule = return empty -- not semantic
-blockToDocbook opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
+blockToDocbook opts (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   captionDoc <- if null caption
                    then return empty
                    else inTagsIndented "title" <$>
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
index 2a2747826..f9e173bb2 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
@@ -970,7 +970,8 @@ blockToOpenXML' _ HorizontalRule = do
     $ mknode "v:rect" [("style","width:0;height:1.5pt"),
                        ("o:hrstd","t"),("o:hr","t")] () ]
-blockToOpenXML' opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
+blockToOpenXML' opts (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   modify $ \s -> s { stInTable = True }
   let captionStr = stringify caption
@@ -993,11 +994,11 @@ blockToOpenXML' opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
                       $ mknode "w:bottom" [("w:val","single")] ()
                     , mknode "w:vAlign" [("w:val","bottom")] () ]
   compactStyle <- pStyleM "Compact"
-  let emptyCell = [mknode "w:p" [] [mknode "w:pPr" [] [compactStyle]]]
+  let emptyCell' = [mknode "w:p" [] [mknode "w:pPr" [] [compactStyle]]]
   let mkcell border contents = mknode "w:tc" []
                             $ [ borderProps | border ] ++
                             if null contents
-                               then emptyCell
+                               then emptyCell'
                                else contents
   let mkrow border cells = mknode "w:tr" [] $
                         [mknode "w:trPr" [] [
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/DokuWiki.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/DokuWiki.hs
index 5cc5d19fe..ce99aaa9d 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/DokuWiki.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/DokuWiki.hs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
 import Text.Pandoc.Logging
 import Text.Pandoc.Options (WrapOption (..), WriterOptions (writerTableOfContents, writerTemplate, writerWrapText))
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared (camelCaseToHyphenated, escapeURI, isURI, linesToPara,
-                           removeFormatting, trimr, tshow)
+                           removeFormatting, trimr, tshow, toLegacyTable)
 import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
 import Text.DocLayout (render, literal)
 import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (defField, metaToContext)
@@ -166,7 +166,8 @@ blockToDokuWiki opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
      then return $ T.unlines $ map ("> " <>) $ T.lines contents
      else return $ "<HTML><blockquote>\n" <> contents <> "</blockquote></HTML>"
-blockToDokuWiki opts (Table capt aligns _ headers rows) = do
+blockToDokuWiki opts (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (capt, aligns, _, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   captionDoc <- if null capt
                    then return ""
                    else do
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs
index b6f76235c..5b62119a3 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Logging
 import Text.Pandoc.Options (HTMLMathMethod (..), WriterOptions (..), def)
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared (capitalize, isURI, orderedListMarkers,
-                           makeSections, tshow)
+                           makeSections, tshow, toLegacyTable)
 import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (lookupMetaString)
 -- | Data to be written at the end of the document:
@@ -334,17 +334,18 @@ blockToXml h@Header{} = do
   report $ BlockNotRendered h
   return []
 blockToXml HorizontalRule = return [ el "empty-line" () ]
-blockToXml (Table caption aligns _ headers rows) = do
+blockToXml (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+    let (caption, aligns, _, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
     hd <- mkrow "th" headers aligns
     bd <- mapM (\r -> mkrow "td" r aligns) rows
     c <- el "emphasis" <$> cMapM toXml caption
     return [el "table" (hd : bd), el "p" c]
-      mkrow :: PandocMonad m => String -> [TableCell] -> [Alignment] -> FBM m Content
+      mkrow :: PandocMonad m => String -> [[Block]] -> [Alignment] -> FBM m Content
       mkrow tag cells aligns' =
         el "tr" <$> mapM (mkcell tag) (zip cells aligns')
-      mkcell :: PandocMonad m => String -> (TableCell, Alignment) -> FBM m Content
+      mkcell :: PandocMonad m => String -> ([Block], Alignment) -> FBM m Content
       mkcell tag (cell, align) = do
         cblocks <- cMapM blockToXml cell
         return $ el tag ([align_attr align], cblocks)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
index 7cee2868c..070631f0d 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
@@ -885,7 +885,8 @@ blockToHtml opts (DefinitionList lst) = do
                      return $ mconcat $ nl opts : term' : nl opts :
                                         intersperse (nl opts) defs') lst
   defList opts contents
-blockToHtml opts (Table capt aligns widths headers rows') = do
+blockToHtml opts (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (capt, aligns, widths, headers, rows') = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   captionDoc <- if null capt
                    then return mempty
                    else do
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs
index 5a29f6246..57e2f0ea7 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs
@@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ blockToHaddock _ (CodeBlock (_,_,_) str) =
 -- Nothing in haddock corresponds to block quotes:
 blockToHaddock opts (BlockQuote blocks) =
   blockListToHaddock opts blocks
-blockToHaddock opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
+blockToHaddock opts (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   caption' <- inlineListToHaddock opts caption
   let caption'' = if null caption
                      then empty
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ICML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ICML.hs
index 997961f37..5575ab2bb 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ICML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ICML.hs
@@ -321,8 +321,9 @@ blockToICML opts style (Header lvl (_, cls, _) lst) =
                    else ""
   in parStyle opts stl lst
 blockToICML _ _ HorizontalRule = return empty -- we could insert a page break instead
-blockToICML opts style (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) =
-  let style' = tableName : style
+blockToICML opts style (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) =
+  let (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
+      style' = tableName : style
       noHeader  = all null headers
       nrHeaders = if noHeader
                      then "0"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ipynb.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ipynb.hs
index 9355cc22f..d01d5a7e5 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ipynb.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ipynb.hs
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ addAttachment (Image attr lab (src,tit))
   return $ Image attr lab ("attachment:" <> src, tit)
 addAttachment x = return x
-extractCells :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Block] -> m [Cell a]
+extractCells :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Block] -> m [Ipynb.Cell a]
 extractCells _ [] = return []
 extractCells opts (Div (_id,classes,kvs) xs : bs)
   | "cell" `elem` classes
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ extractCells opts (Div (_id,classes,kvs) xs : bs)
       (newdoc, attachments) <-
         runStateT (walkM addAttachment (Pandoc nullMeta xs)) mempty
       source <- writeMarkdown opts{ writerTemplate = Nothing } newdoc
-      (Cell{
+      (Ipynb.Cell{
           cellType = Markdown
         , cellSource = Source $ breakLines $ T.stripEnd source
         , cellMetadata = meta
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ extractCells opts (Div (_id,classes,kvs) xs : bs)
       let meta = pairsToJSONMeta kvs
       outputs <- catMaybes <$> mapM blockToOutput rest
       let exeCount = lookup "execution_count" kvs >>= safeRead
-      (Cell{
+      (Ipynb.Cell{
           cellType = Ipynb.Code {
                 codeExecutionCount = exeCount
               , codeOutputs = outputs
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ extractCells opts (Div (_id,classes,kvs) xs : bs)
                   "markdown" -> "text/markdown"
                   "rst"      -> "text/x-rst"
                   _          -> f
-          (Cell{
+          (Ipynb.Cell{
               cellType = Raw
             , cellSource = Source $ breakLines raw
             , cellMetadata = if format' == "ipynb" -- means no format given
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ extractCells opts (CodeBlock (_id,classes,kvs) raw : bs)
   | "code" `elem` classes = do
       let meta = pairsToJSONMeta kvs
       let exeCount = lookup "execution_count" kvs >>= safeRead
-      (Cell{
+      (Ipynb.Cell{
           cellType = Ipynb.Code {
                 codeExecutionCount = exeCount
               , codeOutputs = []
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS.hs
index 4b731469e..f739613b6 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS.hs
@@ -356,21 +356,25 @@ blockToJATS _ b@(RawBlock f str)
       report $ BlockNotRendered b
       return empty
 blockToJATS _ HorizontalRule = return empty -- not semantic
-blockToJATS opts (Table [] aligns widths headers rows) = do
-  let percent w    = tshow (truncate (100*w) :: Integer) <> "*"
-  let coltags = vcat $ zipWith (\w al -> selfClosingTag "col"
-                       ([("width", percent w) | w > 0] ++
-                        [("align", alignmentToText al)])) widths aligns
-  thead <- if all null headers
-              then return empty
-              else inTagsIndented "thead" <$> tableRowToJATS opts True headers
-  tbody <- (inTagsIndented "tbody" . vcat) <$>
-                mapM (tableRowToJATS opts False) rows
-  return $ inTags True "table" [] $ coltags $$ thead $$ tbody
-blockToJATS opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
-  captionDoc <- inTagsIndented "caption" <$> blockToJATS opts (Para caption)
-  tbl <- blockToJATS opts (Table [] aligns widths headers rows)
-  return $ inTags True "table-wrap" [] $ captionDoc $$ tbl
+blockToJATS opts (Table _ blkCapt specs _ th tb tf) =
+  case toLegacyTable blkCapt specs th tb tf of
+    ([], aligns, widths, headers, rows) -> captionlessTable aligns widths headers rows
+    (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) -> do
+      captionDoc <- inTagsIndented "caption" <$> blockToJATS opts (Para caption)
+      tbl <- captionlessTable aligns widths headers rows
+      return $ inTags True "table-wrap" [] $ captionDoc $$ tbl
+  where
+    captionlessTable aligns widths headers rows = do
+      let percent w = tshow (truncate (100*w) :: Integer) <> "*"
+      let coltags = vcat $ zipWith (\w al -> selfClosingTag "col"
+                           ([("width", percent w) | w > 0] ++
+                            [("align", alignmentToText al)])) widths aligns
+      thead <- if all null headers
+                  then return empty
+                  else inTagsIndented "thead" <$> tableRowToJATS opts True headers
+      tbody <- (inTagsIndented "tbody" . vcat) <$>
+                    mapM (tableRowToJATS opts False) rows
+      return $ inTags True "table" [] $ coltags $$ thead $$ tbody
 alignmentToText :: Alignment -> Text
 alignmentToText alignment = case alignment of
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Jira.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Jira.hs
index 19db34137..bd22c161f 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Jira.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Jira.hs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad)
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Options (WriterOptions (writerTemplate, writerWrapText),
                             WrapOption (..))
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared (linesToPara, stringify)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (linesToPara, stringify, toLegacyTable)
 import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
 import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (texMathToInlines)
 import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (defField, metaToContext)
@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ toJiraBlocks blocks = do
         Plain xs             -> singleton . Jira.Para <$> toJiraInlines xs
         RawBlock fmt cs      -> rawBlockToJira fmt cs
         Null                 -> return mempty
-        Table _ _ _ hd body  -> singleton <$> do
+        Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot -> singleton <$> do
+          let (_, _, _, hd, body) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
           headerRow <- if all null hd
                        then pure Nothing
                        else Just <$> toRow Jira.HeaderCell hd
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ toJiraBlocks blocks = do
 toRow :: PandocMonad m
       => ([Jira.Block] -> Jira.Cell)
-      -> [TableCell]
+      -> [[Block]]
       -> JiraConverter m Jira.Row
 toRow mkCell cells = Jira.Row <$>
   mapM (fmap mkCell . toJiraBlocks) cells
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
index 1670f8380..274f5108a 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -759,7 +759,8 @@ blockToLaTeX (Header level (id',classes,_) lst) = do
   hdr <- sectionHeader classes id' level lst
   modify $ \s -> s{stInHeading = False}
   return hdr
-blockToLaTeX (Table caption aligns widths heads rows) = do
+blockToLaTeX (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (caption, aligns, widths, heads, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   (captionText, captForLof, captNotes) <- getCaption False caption
   let toHeaders hs = do contents <- tableRowToLaTeX True aligns widths hs
                         return ("\\toprule" $$ contents $$ "\\midrule")
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs
index 2f4175d19..dda1e1cf1 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs
@@ -139,8 +139,9 @@ blockToMan opts (CodeBlock _ str) = return $
 blockToMan opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
   contents <- blockListToMan opts blocks
   return $ literal ".RS" $$ contents $$ literal ".RE"
-blockToMan opts (Table caption alignments widths headers rows) =
-  let aligncode AlignLeft    = "l"
+blockToMan opts (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) =
+  let (caption, alignments, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
+      aligncode AlignLeft    = "l"
       aligncode AlignRight   = "r"
       aligncode AlignCenter  = "c"
       aligncode AlignDefault = "l"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
index 58299f5ea..5501b49ee 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
@@ -574,14 +574,15 @@ blockToMarkdown' opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
                   else if plain then "  " else "> "
   contents <- blockListToMarkdown opts blocks
   return $ (prefixed leader contents) <> blankline
-blockToMarkdown' opts t@(Table caption aligns widths headers rows) =  do
+blockToMarkdown' opts t@(Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   let numcols = maximum (length aligns : length widths :
                            map length (headers:rows))
   caption' <- inlineListToMarkdown opts caption
   let caption'' = if null caption || not (isEnabled Ext_table_captions opts)
                      then blankline
                      else blankline $$ (": " <> caption') $$ blankline
-  let hasSimpleCells = onlySimpleTableCells $ headers:rows
+  let hasSimpleCells = onlySimpleTableCells $ thead <> tbody <> tfoot
   let isSimple = hasSimpleCells && all (==0) widths
   let isPlainBlock (Plain _) = True
       isPlainBlock _         = False
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/MediaWiki.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/MediaWiki.hs
index 8b8eb7561..fbfb7acb4 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/MediaWiki.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/MediaWiki.hs
@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ blockToMediaWiki (BlockQuote blocks) = do
   contents <- blockListToMediaWiki blocks
   return $ "<blockquote>" <> contents <> "</blockquote>"
-blockToMediaWiki (Table capt aligns widths headers rows') = do
+blockToMediaWiki (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (capt, aligns, widths, headers, rows') = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   caption <- if null capt
                 then return ""
                 else do
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ms.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ms.hs
index 78c70c561..ad2a7a3fd 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ms.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ms.hs
@@ -215,8 +215,9 @@ blockToMs opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
   contents <- blockListToMs opts blocks
   return $ literal ".QS" $$ contents $$ literal ".QE"
-blockToMs opts (Table caption alignments widths headers rows) =
-  let aligncode AlignLeft    = "l"
+blockToMs opts (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) =
+  let (caption, alignments, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
+      aligncode AlignLeft    = "l"
       aligncode AlignRight   = "r"
       aligncode AlignCenter  = "c"
       aligncode AlignDefault = "l"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Muse.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Muse.hs
index 60d200007..8f672a8bd 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Muse.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Muse.hs
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ flatBlockListToMuse [] = return mempty
 simpleTable :: PandocMonad m
             => [Inline]
-            -> [TableCell]
-            -> [[TableCell]]
+            -> [[Block]]
+            -> [[[Block]]]
             -> Muse m (Doc Text)
 simpleTable caption headers rows = do
   topLevel <- asks envTopLevel
@@ -259,17 +259,18 @@ blockToMuse (Header level (ident,_,_) inlines) = do
   return $ blankline <> attr' $$ nowrap (header' <> contents) <> blankline
 -- https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs-muse/manual/muse.html#Horizontal-Rules-and-Anchors
 blockToMuse HorizontalRule = return $ blankline $$ "----" $$ blankline
-blockToMuse (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) =
+blockToMuse (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) =
   if isSimple && numcols > 1
     then simpleTable caption headers rows
     else do
       opts <- asks envOptions
       gridTable opts blocksToDoc True (map (const AlignDefault) aligns) widths headers rows
+    (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
     blocksToDoc opts blocks =
       local (\env -> env { envOptions = opts }) $ blockListToMuse blocks
     numcols = maximum (length aligns : length widths : map length (headers:rows))
-    isSimple = onlySimpleTableCells (headers:rows) && all (== 0) widths
+    isSimple = onlySimpleTableCells (thead <> tbody <> tfoot) && all (== 0) widths
 blockToMuse (Div _ bs) = flatBlockListToMuse bs
 blockToMuse Null = return empty
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Native.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Native.hs
index 1c4719fe9..a533496c1 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Native.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Native.hs
@@ -40,12 +40,33 @@ prettyBlock (DefinitionList items) = "DefinitionList" $$
   prettyList (map deflistitem items)
     where deflistitem (term, defs) = "(" <> text (show term) <> "," <> cr <>
            nest 1 (prettyList $ map (prettyList . map prettyBlock) defs) <> ")"
-prettyBlock (Table caption aligns widths header rows) =
-  "Table " <> text (show caption) <> " " <> text (show aligns) <> " " <>
-  text (show widths) $$
-  prettyRow header $$
-  prettyList (map prettyRow rows)
-    where prettyRow cols = prettyList (map (prettyList . map prettyBlock) cols)
+prettyBlock (Table attr blkCapt specs rhs thead tbody tfoot) =
+  mconcat [ "Table "
+          , text (show attr)
+          , " "
+          , prettyCaption blkCapt
+          , " "
+          , text (show specs)
+          , " "
+          , text (show rhs) ] $$
+  prettyRows thead $$
+  prettyRows tbody $$
+  prettyRows tfoot
+  where prettyRows = prettyList . map prettyRow
+        prettyRow (Row a body) =
+          text ("Row " <> show a) $$ prettyList (map prettyCell body)
+        prettyCell (Cell a ma h w b) =
+          mconcat [ "Cell "
+                  , text (show a)
+                  , " "
+                  , text (showsPrec 11 ma "")
+                  , " "
+                  , text (show h)
+                  , " "
+                  , text (show w) ] $$
+          prettyList (map prettyBlock b)
+        prettyCaption (Caption mshort body) =
+          "(Caption " <> text (showsPrec 11 mshort "") $$ prettyList (map prettyBlock body) <> ")"
 prettyBlock (Div attr blocks) =
   text ("Div " <> show attr) $$ prettyList (map prettyBlock blocks)
 prettyBlock block = text $ show block
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OpenDocument.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OpenDocument.hs
index b7243484b..12599772f 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OpenDocument.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OpenDocument.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Logging
 import Text.Pandoc.Options
 import Text.DocLayout
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared (linesToPara, tshow)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (linesToPara, tshow, toLegacyTable)
 import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
 import qualified Text.Pandoc.Translations as Term (Term(Figure, Table))
 import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
@@ -359,7 +359,9 @@ blockToOpenDocument o bs
     | BulletList     b <- bs = setFirstPara >> bulletListToOpenDocument o b
     | OrderedList  a b <- bs = setFirstPara >> orderedList a b
     | CodeBlock    _ s <- bs = setFirstPara >> preformatted s
-    | Table  c a w h r <- bs = setFirstPara >> table c a w h r
+    | Table _ bc s _ th tb tf
+                       <- bs = let (c, a, w, h, r) = toLegacyTable bc s th tb tf
+                               in setFirstPara >> table c a w h r
     | HorizontalRule   <- bs = setFirstPara >> return (selfClosingTag "text:p"
                                 [ ("text:style-name", "Horizontal_20_Line") ])
     | RawBlock f     s <- bs = if f == Format "opendocument"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Org.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Org.hs
index 632ad5d34..d8d89d2eb 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Org.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Org.hs
@@ -183,7 +183,8 @@ blockToOrg (BlockQuote blocks) = do
   contents <- blockListToOrg blocks
   return $ blankline $$ "#+BEGIN_QUOTE" $$
            nest 2 contents $$ "#+END_QUOTE" $$ blankline
-blockToOrg (Table caption' _ _ headers rows) =  do
+blockToOrg (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) =  do
+  let (caption', _, _, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   caption'' <- inlineListToOrg caption'
   let caption = if null caption'
                    then empty
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
index b98eee1f5..12467048b 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
@@ -977,10 +977,10 @@ graphicToElement tableWidth (Tbl tblPr hdrCells rows) = do
   headers' <- mapM cellToOpenXML hdrCells
   rows' <- mapM (mapM cellToOpenXML) rows
   let borderProps = mknode "a:tcPr" [] ()
-  let emptyCell = [mknode "a:p" [] [mknode "a:pPr" [] ()]]
+  let emptyCell' = [mknode "a:p" [] [mknode "a:pPr" [] ()]]
   let mkcell border contents = mknode "a:tc" []
                             $ (if null contents
-                               then emptyCell
+                               then emptyCell'
                                else contents) <> [ borderProps | border ]
   let mkrow border cells = mknode "a:tr" [("h", "0")] $ map (mkcell border) cells
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Presentation.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Presentation.hs
index 84e7423ac..dbacbb3cf 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Presentation.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Presentation.hs
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Logging
 import Text.Pandoc.Walk
 import Data.Time (UTCTime)
 import qualified Text.Pandoc.Shared as Shared -- so we don't overlap "Element"
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared (tshow)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (tshow, toLegacyTable)
 import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (lookupMetaInlines, lookupMetaBlocks
                                  , lookupMetaString, toTableOfContents)
 import qualified Data.Map as M
@@ -201,13 +201,17 @@ data Shape = Pic PicProps FilePath [ParaElem]
            | RawOOXMLShape T.Text
   deriving (Show, Eq)
-type Cell = [Paragraph]
+type TableCell = [Paragraph]
+-- TODO: remove when better handling of new
+-- tables is implemented
+type SimpleCell = [Block]
 data TableProps = TableProps { tblPrFirstRow :: Bool
                              , tblPrBandRow :: Bool
                              } deriving (Show, Eq)
-data Graphic = Tbl TableProps [Cell] [[Cell]]
+data Graphic = Tbl TableProps [TableCell] [[TableCell]]
   deriving (Show, Eq)
@@ -503,7 +507,7 @@ multiParBullet (b:bs) = do
     concatMapM blockToParagraphs bs
   return $ p ++ ps
-cellToParagraphs :: Alignment -> TableCell -> Pres [Paragraph]
+cellToParagraphs :: Alignment -> SimpleCell -> Pres [Paragraph]
 cellToParagraphs algn tblCell = do
   paras <- mapM blockToParagraphs tblCell
   let alignment = case algn of
@@ -514,7 +518,7 @@ cellToParagraphs algn tblCell = do
       paras' = map (map (\p -> p{paraProps = (paraProps p){pPropAlign = alignment}})) paras
   return $ concat paras'
-rowToParagraphs :: [Alignment] -> [TableCell] -> Pres [[Paragraph]]
+rowToParagraphs :: [Alignment] -> [SimpleCell] -> Pres [[Paragraph]]
 rowToParagraphs algns tblCells = do
   -- We have to make sure we have the right number of alignments
   let pairs = zip (algns ++ repeat AlignDefault) tblCells
@@ -537,7 +541,8 @@ blockToShape (Para (il:_))  | Link _ (il':_) target <- il
                             , Image attr ils (url, _) <- il' =
       (withAttr attr . Pic def{picPropLink = Just $ ExternalTarget target} (T.unpack url))
       <$> inlinesToParElems ils
-blockToShape (Table caption algn _ hdrCells rows) = do
+blockToShape (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (caption, algn, _, hdrCells, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   caption' <- inlinesToParElems caption
   hdrCells' <- rowToParagraphs algn hdrCells
   rows' <- mapM (rowToParagraphs algn) rows
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
index 9a6e41e3c..85354d93f 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
@@ -284,7 +284,8 @@ blockToRST (CodeBlock (_,classes,kvs) str) = do
 blockToRST (BlockQuote blocks) = do
   contents <- blockListToRST blocks
   return $ nest 3 contents <> blankline
-blockToRST (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
+blockToRST (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   caption' <- inlineListToRST caption
   let blocksToDoc opts bs = do
          oldOpts <- gets stOptions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
index 41cfc416b..e45a73f79 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
@@ -254,7 +254,8 @@ blockToRTF indent alignment (Header level _ lst) = do
   contents <- inlinesToRTF lst
   return $ rtfPar indent 0 alignment $
              "\\b \\fs" <> tshow (40 - (level * 4)) <> " " <> contents
-blockToRTF indent alignment (Table caption aligns sizes headers rows) = do
+blockToRTF indent alignment (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (caption, aligns, sizes, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   caption' <- inlinesToRTF caption
   header' <- if all null headers
                 then return ""
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs
index d2689935e..d1bc514c1 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs
@@ -194,7 +194,8 @@ blockToTEI _ HorizontalRule = return $
 -- | TEI Tables
 -- TEI Simple's tables are composed of cells and rows; other
 -- table info in the AST is here lossily discard.
-blockToTEI opts (Table _ _ _ headers rows) = do
+blockToTEI opts (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (_, _, _, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   headers' <- tableHeadersToTEI opts headers
   rows' <- mapM (tableRowToTEI opts) rows
   return $ inTags True "table" [] $ headers' $$ vcat rows'
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs
index de78b705e..a4b1d3a57 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs
@@ -228,7 +228,8 @@ blockToTexinfo (Header level (ident,_,_) lst)
       seccmd 4 = return "@subsubsection "
       seccmd _ = throwError $ PandocSomeError "illegal seccmd level"
-blockToTexinfo (Table caption aligns widths heads rows) = do
+blockToTexinfo (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (caption, aligns, widths, heads, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   headers <- if all null heads
                 then return empty
                 else tableHeadToTexinfo aligns heads
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Textile.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Textile.hs
index d2cb74c84..2e02448e3 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Textile.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Textile.hs
@@ -168,44 +168,44 @@ blockToTextile opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
   contents <- blockListToTextile opts blocks
   return $ "<blockquote>\n\n" <> contents <> "\n</blockquote>\n"
-blockToTextile opts (Table [] aligns widths headers rows') |
-         all (==0) widths = do
-  hs <- mapM (liftM (("_. " <>) . stripTrailingNewlines) . blockListToTextile opts) headers
-  let cellsToRow cells = "|" <> T.intercalate "|" cells <> "|"
-  let header = if all null headers then "" else cellsToRow hs <> "\n"
-  let blocksToCell (align, bs) = do
-        contents <- stripTrailingNewlines <$> blockListToTextile opts bs
-        let alignMarker = case align of
-                               AlignLeft    -> "<. "
-                               AlignRight   -> ">. "
-                               AlignCenter  -> "=. "
-                               AlignDefault -> ""
-        return $ alignMarker <> contents
-  let rowToCells = mapM blocksToCell . zip aligns
-  bs <- mapM rowToCells rows'
-  let body = T.unlines $ map cellsToRow bs
-  return $ header <> body
-blockToTextile opts (Table capt aligns widths headers rows') = do
-  let alignStrings = map alignmentToText aligns
-  captionDoc <- if null capt
-                   then return ""
-                   else do
-                      c <- inlineListToTextile opts capt
-                      return $ "<caption>" <> c <> "</caption>\n"
-  let percent w = tshow (truncate (100*w) :: Integer) <> "%"
-  let coltags = if all (== 0.0) widths
-                   then ""
-                   else T.unlines $ map
-                         (\w -> "<col width=\"" <> percent w <> "\" />") widths
-  head' <- if all null headers
-              then return ""
-              else do
-                 hs <- tableRowToTextile opts alignStrings 0 headers
-                 return $ "<thead>\n" <> hs <> "\n</thead>\n"
-  body' <- zipWithM (tableRowToTextile opts alignStrings) [1..] rows'
-  return $ "<table>\n" <> captionDoc <> coltags <> head' <>
-            "<tbody>\n" <> T.unlines body' <> "</tbody>\n</table>\n"
+blockToTextile opts (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot)
+  = case toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot of
+      ([], aligns, widths, headers, rows') | all (==0) widths -> do
+        hs <- mapM (liftM (("_. " <>) . stripTrailingNewlines) . blockListToTextile opts) headers
+        let cellsToRow cells = "|" <> T.intercalate "|" cells <> "|"
+        let header = if all null headers then "" else cellsToRow hs <> "\n"
+        let blocksToCell (align, bs) = do
+              contents <- stripTrailingNewlines <$> blockListToTextile opts bs
+              let alignMarker = case align of
+                                     AlignLeft    -> "<. "
+                                     AlignRight   -> ">. "
+                                     AlignCenter  -> "=. "
+                                     AlignDefault -> ""
+              return $ alignMarker <> contents
+        let rowToCells = mapM blocksToCell . zip aligns
+        bs <- mapM rowToCells rows'
+        let body = T.unlines $ map cellsToRow bs
+        return $ header <> body
+      (capt, aligns, widths, headers, rows') -> do
+        let alignStrings = map alignmentToText aligns
+        captionDoc <- if null capt
+                         then return ""
+                         else do
+                            c <- inlineListToTextile opts capt
+                            return $ "<caption>" <> c <> "</caption>\n"
+        let percent w = tshow (truncate (100*w) :: Integer) <> "%"
+        let coltags = if all (== 0.0) widths
+                         then ""
+                         else T.unlines $ map
+                               (\w -> "<col width=\"" <> percent w <> "\" />") widths
+        head' <- if all null headers
+                    then return ""
+                    else do
+                       hs <- tableRowToTextile opts alignStrings 0 headers
+                       return $ "<thead>\n" <> hs <> "\n</thead>\n"
+        body' <- zipWithM (tableRowToTextile opts alignStrings) [1..] rows'
+        return $ "<table>\n" <> captionDoc <> coltags <> head' <>
+                  "<tbody>\n" <> T.unlines body' <> "</tbody>\n</table>\n"
 blockToTextile opts x@(BulletList items) = do
   oldUseTags <- gets stUseTags
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/XWiki.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/XWiki.hs
index 71bb8b2e4..43729d0b0 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/XWiki.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/XWiki.hs
@@ -122,7 +122,8 @@ blockToXWiki (DefinitionList items) = do
   return $ vcat contents <> if Text.null lev then "\n" else ""
 -- TODO: support more features
-blockToXWiki (Table _ _ _ headers rows') = do
+blockToXWiki (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (_, _, _, headers, rows') = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   headers' <- mapM (tableCellXWiki True) headers
   otherRows <- mapM formRow rows'
   return $ Text.unlines (Text.unwords headers':otherRows)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ZimWiki.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ZimWiki.hs
index 9644b9695..0709744d5 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ZimWiki.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ZimWiki.hs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Logging
 import Text.Pandoc.Options (WrapOption (..),
            WriterOptions (writerTableOfContents, writerTemplate,
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared (escapeURI, isURI, linesToPara, removeFormatting, trimr)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (escapeURI, isURI, linesToPara, removeFormatting, trimr, toLegacyTable)
 import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
 import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (defField, metaToContext)
@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ blockToZimWiki opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
   contents <- blockListToZimWiki opts blocks
   return $ T.unlines $ map ("> " <>) $ T.lines contents
-blockToZimWiki opts (Table capt aligns _ headers rows) = do
+blockToZimWiki opts (Table _ blkCapt specs _ thead tbody tfoot) = do
+  let (capt, aligns, _, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
   captionDoc <- if null capt
                    then return ""
                    else do
diff --git a/stack.yaml b/stack.yaml
index e3c4a0850..f121c333b 100644
--- a/stack.yaml
+++ b/stack.yaml
@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ flags:
 - '.'
-- pandoc-types-1.20
+# - pandoc-types-1.20
+# better-tables
+- git: git@github.com:despresc/pandoc-types
+  commit: 5fef630269d29a818cde834c4cea50f129c7e2b8
 - texmath-
 - haddock-library-1.8.0
 - skylighting-
diff --git a/test/Tests/Readers/DokuWiki.hs b/test/Tests/Readers/DokuWiki.hs
index a5cce035c..52b4764a5 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Readers/DokuWiki.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Readers/DokuWiki.hs
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "inlines"
           T.unlines [ "| foo | bar |"
                     , "| bat | baz |"
                     ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                        [[plain "foo", plain "bar"]
                        ,[plain "bat", plain "baz"]]
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "inlines"
           T.unlines [ "^ foo ^ bar ^"
                     , "| bat | baz |"
                     ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                        [plain "foo", plain "bar"]
                        [[plain "bat", plain "baz"]]
         , "Table with colspan" =:
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "inlines"
                     , "| 1,0 | 1,1 ||"
                     , "| 2,0 | 2,1 | 2,2 |"
                     ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                        [plain "0,0", plain "0,1", plain "0,2"]
                        [[plain "1,0", plain "1,1", mempty]
                        ,[plain "2,0", plain "2,1", plain "2,2"]
diff --git a/test/Tests/Readers/LaTeX.hs b/test/Tests/Readers/LaTeX.hs
index af412cfb3..098848769 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Readers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Readers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ infix 4 =:
 (=:) = test latex
 simpleTable' :: [Alignment] -> [[Blocks]] -> Blocks
-simpleTable' aligns = table "" (zip aligns (repeat 0.0))
+simpleTable' aligns = table "" (zip aligns (repeat Nothing))
                       (map (const mempty) aligns)
 tokUntokRt :: String -> Bool
diff --git a/test/Tests/Readers/Man.hs b/test/Tests/Readers/Man.hs
index fe3e80a35..f358630bb 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Readers/Man.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Readers/Man.hs
@@ -122,12 +122,12 @@ tests = [
   testGroup "Tables" [
       "t1" =:
       ".TS\nallbox;\nl l l.\na\tb\tc\nd\te\tf\n.TE"
-      =?> table mempty (replicate 3 (AlignLeft, 0.0)) [] [
+      =?> table mempty (replicate 3 (AlignLeft, Nothing)) [] [
         map (plain . str ) ["a", "b", "c"],
         map (plain . str ) ["d", "e", "f"]
       "longcell" =:
       ".TS\n;\nr.\nT{\na\nb\nc d\nT}\nf\n.TE"
-      =?> table mempty [(AlignRight, 0.0)] [] [[plain $ text "a b c d"], [plain $ str "f"]]
+      =?> table mempty [(AlignRight, Nothing)] [] [[plain $ text "a b c d"], [plain $ str "f"]]
diff --git a/test/Tests/Readers/Muse.hs b/test/Tests/Readers/Muse.hs
index 8edeebbf5..abf9e1ced 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Readers/Muse.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Readers/Muse.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module Tests.Readers.Muse (tests) where
 import Prelude
 import Data.List (intersperse)
+import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
 import Data.Monoid (Any (..))
 import Data.Text (Text)
 import qualified Data.Text as T
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ import Tests.Helpers
 import Text.Pandoc
 import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
 import Text.Pandoc.Builder
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared (underlineSpan)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (underlineSpan, toLegacyTable)
 import Text.Pandoc.Walk
 amuse :: Text -> Pandoc
@@ -45,20 +46,41 @@ spcSep = mconcat . intersperse space
 -- Tables don't round-trip yet
 makeRoundTrip :: Block -> Block
-makeRoundTrip t@(Table _caption aligns widths headers rows) =
+makeRoundTrip t@(Table tattr blkCapt specs rhs thead tbody tfoot) =
   if isSimple && numcols > 1
     then t
     else Para [Str "table was here"]
-  where numcols = maximum (length aligns : length widths : map length (headers:rows))
-        hasSimpleCells = all isSimpleCell (concat (headers:rows))
+  where (_, aligns, widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
+        numcols = maximum (length aligns : length widths : map length (headers:rows))
+        hasSimpleCells = all isSimpleRow (thead <> tbody <> tfoot)
         isLineBreak LineBreak = Any True
         isLineBreak _         = Any False
         hasLineBreak = getAny . query isLineBreak
-        isSimple = hasSimpleCells && all (== 0) widths
-        isSimpleCell [Plain ils] = not (hasLineBreak ils)
-        isSimpleCell [Para ils ] = not (hasLineBreak ils)
-        isSimpleCell []          = True
-        isSimpleCell _           = False
+        isSimple = and [ hasSimpleCells
+                       , all (== 0) widths
+                       , null tfoot
+                       , length thead == 1
+                       , isNullAttr tattr
+                       , rhs == 0
+                       , simpleCapt ]
+        isNullAttr ("", [], []) = True
+        isNullAttr _            = False
+        isSimpleRow (Row attr body) = isNullAttr attr && all isSimpleCell body
+        isSimpleCell (Cell attr ali h w body)
+          = and [ h == 1
+                , w == 1
+                , isNullAttr attr
+                , isNothing ali
+                , isSimpleCellBody body ]
+        isSimpleCellBody [Plain ils] = not (hasLineBreak ils)
+        isSimpleCellBody [Para ils ] = not (hasLineBreak ils)
+        isSimpleCellBody []          = True
+        isSimpleCellBody _           = False
+        simpleCapt = case blkCapt of
+          Caption Nothing [Para _]  -> True
+          Caption Nothing [Plain _] -> True
+          _                         -> False
 makeRoundTrip (OrderedList (start, LowerAlpha, _) items) = OrderedList (start, Decimal, Period) items
 makeRoundTrip (OrderedList (start, UpperAlpha, _) items) = OrderedList (start, Decimal, Period) items
 makeRoundTrip x = x
@@ -950,12 +972,12 @@ tests =
     , testGroup "Tables"
         [ "Two cell table" =:
           "One | Two" =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                        [[plain "One", plain "Two"]]
         , "Table with multiple words" =:
           "One two | three four" =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                        [[plain "One two", plain "three four"]]
         , "Not a table" =:
@@ -969,7 +991,7 @@ tests =
             [ "One |  Two"
             , "Three  | Four"
             ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                        [[plain "One", plain "Two"],
                        [plain "Three", plain "Four"]]
@@ -978,7 +1000,7 @@ tests =
             [ "First || Second"
             , "Third | Fourth"
             ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
             [plain "First", plain "Second"]
             [[plain "Third", plain "Fourth"]]
         , "Table with two headers" =:
@@ -987,7 +1009,7 @@ tests =
             , "Second || header"
             , "Foo | bar"
             ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
             [plain "First", plain "header"]
             [[plain "Second", plain "header"],
              [plain "Foo", plain "bar"]]
@@ -997,7 +1019,7 @@ tests =
             , "Baz || foo"
             , "Bar | baz"
             ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
             [plain "Baz", plain "foo"]
             [[plain "Bar", plain "baz"],
              [plain "Foo", plain "bar"]]
@@ -1008,7 +1030,7 @@ tests =
             , "Second | row | there"
             , "|+ Table caption +|"
             ] =?>
-          table (text "Table caption") (replicate 3 (AlignDefault, 0.0))
+          table (text "Table caption") (replicate 3 (AlignDefault, Nothing))
             [plain "Foo", plain "bar", plain "baz"]
             [[plain "First", plain "row", plain "here"],
              [plain "Second", plain "row", plain "there"]]
@@ -1017,7 +1039,7 @@ tests =
             [ "Foo | bar"
             , "|+ Table + caption +|"
             ] =?>
-          table (text "Table + caption") (replicate 2 (AlignDefault, 0.0))
+          table (text "Table + caption") (replicate 2 (AlignDefault, Nothing))
             [[plain "Foo", plain "bar"]]
         , "Caption without table" =:
@@ -1029,7 +1051,7 @@ tests =
             , " Baz | foo"
             , " Bar | baz"
             ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
             [[plain "Foo", plain "bar"],
              [plain "Baz", plain "foo"],
@@ -1041,7 +1063,7 @@ tests =
             , " bar |"
             , " || baz"
             ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
             [plain "", plain "baz"]
             [[plain "", plain "Foo"],
              [plain "", plain ""],
@@ -1052,7 +1074,7 @@ tests =
             , " 4 |   | 6"
             , " 7 | 8 | 9"
             ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
             [[plain "1", plain "2", plain "3"],
              [plain "4", mempty,    plain "6"],
@@ -1063,7 +1085,7 @@ tests =
             , "| foo | bar |"
             , "+-----+-----+"
             ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                        [[para "foo", para "bar"]]
         , "Grid table inside list" =:
@@ -1072,7 +1094,7 @@ tests =
             , "   | foo | bar |"
             , "   +-----+-----+"
             ] =?>
-          bulletList [table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          bulletList [table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                                    [[para "foo", para "bar"]]]
         , "Grid table with two rows" =:
@@ -1083,7 +1105,7 @@ tests =
             , "| bat | baz |"
             , "+-----+-----+"
             ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                        [[para "foo", para "bar"]
                        ,[para "bat", para "baz"]]
@@ -1095,9 +1117,9 @@ tests =
             , "|+---+|"
             , "+-----+"
             ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing)]
-                       [[table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+                       [[table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                                       [[para "foo"]]]]
         , "Grid table with example" =:
@@ -1108,7 +1130,7 @@ tests =
             , "| </example> |"
             , "+------------+"
             ] =?>
-          table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+          table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                        [[codeBlock "foo"]]
@@ -1479,13 +1501,13 @@ tests =
       , "Definition list with table" =:
         " foo :: bar | baz" =?>
-        definitionList [ ("foo", [ table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+        definitionList [ ("foo", [ table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                                                 [[plain "bar", plain "baz"]]
       , "Definition list with table inside bullet list" =:
         " - foo :: bar | baz" =?>
-        bulletList [definitionList [ ("foo", [ table mempty [(AlignDefault, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+        bulletList [definitionList [ ("foo", [ table mempty [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                                                             [[plain "bar", plain "baz"]]
diff --git a/test/Tests/Readers/Org/Block/Table.hs b/test/Tests/Readers/Org/Block/Table.hs
index e7e82d8d4..c09abcd0d 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Readers/Org/Block/Table.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Readers/Org/Block/Table.hs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ simpleTable' :: Int
              -> [Blocks]
              -> [[Blocks]]
              -> Blocks
-simpleTable' n = table "" (replicate n (AlignDefault, 0.0))
+simpleTable' n = table "" (replicate n (AlignDefault, Nothing))
 tests :: [TestTree]
 tests =
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ tests =
                 , "| 1       | One  | foo  |"
                 , "| 2       | Two  | bar  |"
                 ] =?>
-      table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight, AlignDefault] [0, 0, 0])
+      table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight, AlignDefault] [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing])
             [ [ plain "Numbers", plain "Text", plain "More" ]
             , [ plain "1"      , plain "One" , plain "foo"  ]
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ tests =
                 , "| 1       | One  | foo  |"
                 , "| 2"
                 ] =?>
-      table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight] [0, 0])
+      table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight] [Nothing, Nothing])
             [ plain "Numbers", plain "Text" ]
             [ [ plain "1" , plain "One" , plain "foo" ]
             , [ plain "2" ]
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ tests =
                 , "| 9 | 42 |"
                 ] =?>
       table "Hitchhiker's Multiplication Table"
-            [(AlignDefault, 0), (AlignDefault, 0)]
+            [(AlignDefault, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
             [ [ plain "x", plain "6" ]
             , [ plain "9", plain "42" ]
diff --git a/test/Tests/Readers/Txt2Tags.hs b/test/Tests/Readers/Txt2Tags.hs
index f22d0f19f..e9ee6729c 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Readers/Txt2Tags.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Readers/Txt2Tags.hs
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ simpleTable' :: Int
              -> [Blocks]
              -> [[Blocks]]
              -> Blocks
-simpleTable' n = table "" (replicate n (AlignCenter, 0.0))
+simpleTable' n = table "" (replicate n (AlignCenter, Nothing))
 tests :: [TestTree]
 tests =
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ tests =
                   , "| 1 |    One  |    foo  |"
                   , "| 2 |    Two  | bar  |"
                   ] =?>
-          table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight, AlignDefault] [0, 0, 0])
+          table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight, AlignDefault] [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing])
                 [ [ plain "Numbers", plain "Text", plain "More" ]
                 , [ plain "1"      , plain "One" , plain "foo"  ]
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ tests =
                   , "| 1 | One  | foo  |"
                   , "| 2 "
                   ] =?>
-          table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignLeft, AlignLeft] [0, 0, 0])
+          table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignLeft, AlignLeft] [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing])
                 [ plain "Numbers", plain "Text" , plain mempty ]
                 [ [ plain "1"      , plain "One"  , plain "foo"  ]
                 , [ plain "2"      , plain mempty , plain mempty  ]
diff --git a/test/Tests/Writers/ConTeXt.hs b/test/Tests/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
index 082ff12fe..ea717b48e 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ tests = [ testGroup "inline code"
         , testGroup "natural tables"
             [ test contextNtb "table with header and caption" $
-              let caption = text "Table 1"
-                  aligns = [(AlignRight, 0.0), (AlignLeft, 0.0), (AlignCenter, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+              let capt = text "Table 1"
+                  aligns = [(AlignRight, Nothing), (AlignLeft, Nothing), (AlignCenter, Nothing), (AlignDefault, Nothing)]
                   headers = [plain $ text "Right",
                              plain $ text "Left",
                              plain $ text "Center",
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "inline code"
                            plain $ text "3.2",
                            plain $ text "3.3",
                            plain $ text "3.4"]]
-              in table caption aligns headers rows
+              in table capt aligns headers rows
               =?> unlines [ "\\startplacetable[title={Table 1}]"
                           , "\\startTABLE"
                           , "\\startTABLEhead"
diff --git a/test/Tests/Writers/Muse.hs b/test/Tests/Writers/Muse.hs
index ee61d18e0..ba5fdf94f 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Writers/Muse.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Writers/Muse.hs
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "block elements"
             [ "table without header" =:
               let rows = [[para "Para 1.1", para "Para 1.2"]
                          ,[para "Para 2.1", para "Para 2.2"]]
-              in table mempty [(AlignDefault,0.0),(AlignDefault,0.0)]
+              in table mempty [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)]
                        [mempty, mempty] rows
               unlines [ " Para 1.1 | Para 1.2"
@@ -389,11 +389,11 @@ tests = [ testGroup "block elements"
                       , " Para 2.1 |  Para 2.2"
             , "table with header and caption" =:
-              let caption = "Table 1"
+              let capt = "Table 1"
                   headers = [plain "header 1", plain "header 2"]
                   rows = [[para "Para 1.1", para  "Para 1.2"]
                          ,[para "Para 2.1", para  "Para 2.2"]]
-              in table caption [(AlignDefault,0.0),(AlignDefault,0.0)]
+              in table capt [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)]
                         headers rows
               =?> unlines [ " header 1 || header 2"
                           , " Para 1.1 |  Para 1.2"
diff --git a/test/command/1881.md b/test/command/1881.md
index c0902de71..fabd6d94b 100644
--- a/test/command/1881.md
+++ b/test/command/1881.md
@@ -20,15 +20,27 @@
-[Table [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."]]) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]]
+ []]
@@ -42,14 +54,26 @@
-[Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignRight] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/command/3348.md b/test/command/3348.md
index 6e0c07033..f21b4845d 100644
--- a/test/command/3348.md
+++ b/test/command/3348.md
@@ -7,11 +7,22 @@
         line of text
   ----- ------------------------------------------------
-[Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft] [8.333333333333333e-2,0.6805555555555556]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "foo"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "bar"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "foo"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "this",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "long",SoftBreak,Str "line",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "text"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Just 8.333333333333333e-2),(AlignLeft,Just 0.6805555555555556)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "foo"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "bar"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "foo"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "this",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "long",SoftBreak,Str "line",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "text"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/command/3516.md b/test/command/3516.md
index 8c7e478d3..602d8442b 100644
--- a/test/command/3516.md
+++ b/test/command/3516.md
@@ -24,24 +24,46 @@ on Windows builds.
 |   |   |
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [5.555555555555555e-2,5.555555555555555e-2]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]]
- ,[[]
-  ,[]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 5.555555555555555e-2),(AlignDefault,Just 5.555555555555555e-2)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ []]
 % pandoc -f native -t rst
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [5.555555555555555e-2,5.555555555555555e-2]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Para [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "2"]]]
- ,[[]
-  ,[]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 5.555555555555555e-2),(AlignDefault,Just 5.555555555555555e-2)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ []]
 | 1 | 2 |
diff --git a/test/command/3533-rst-csv-tables.md b/test/command/3533-rst-csv-tables.md
index 181462f7f..1fcf3bae9 100644
--- a/test/command/3533-rst-csv-tables.md
+++ b/test/command/3533-rst-csv-tables.md
@@ -5,16 +5,30 @@
    :header: Flavor,Price,Slogan
    :file: command/3533-rst-csv-tables.csv
-[Table [Str "Test"] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.4,0.2,0.4]
- [[Plain [Str "Flavor"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Price"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Slogan"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Albatross"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2.99"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "On",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "stick!"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Crunchy",Space,Str "Frog"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1.49"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "If",Space,Str "we",Space,Str "took",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "bones",Space,Str "out,",Space,Str "it",Space,Str "wouldn't",Space,Str "be",SoftBreak,Str "crunchy,",Space,Str "now",Space,Str "would",Space,Str "it?"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Test"]]) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.4),(AlignDefault,Just 0.2),(AlignDefault,Just 0.4)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Flavor"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Price"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Slogan"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Albatross"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2.99"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "On",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "stick!"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Crunchy",Space,Str "Frog"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1.49"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "If",Space,Str "we",Space,Str "took",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "bones",Space,Str "out,",Space,Str "it",Space,Str "wouldn't",Space,Str "be",SoftBreak,Str "crunchy,",Space,Str "now",Space,Str "would",Space,Str "it?"]]]]
+ []]
@@ -28,16 +42,30 @@
    'cat''s' 3 4
    'dog''s' 2 3
-[Table [Str "Test"] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[Plain [Str "a"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "b"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "cat's"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "4"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "dog's"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Test"]]) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "a"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "cat's"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "dog's"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]]
+ []]
@@ -47,10 +75,18 @@
-[Table [Str "Test"] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "\""]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Test"]]) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "\""]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/command/3706.md b/test/command/3706.md
index 3765372fa..8430a929c 100644
--- a/test/command/3706.md
+++ b/test/command/3706.md
@@ -16,15 +16,29 @@ pandoc -f org -t native
 |  3 | La   |
 [Div ("tab",[],[])
- [Table [Str "Lalelu."] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
-  [[Plain [Str "Id"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Desc"]]]
-  [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-   ,[Plain [Str "La"]]]
-  ,[[Plain [Str "2"]]
-   ,[Plain [Str "La"]]]
-  ,[[Plain [Str "3"]]
-   ,[Plain [Str "La"]]]]]]
+ [Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+  [Para [Str "Lalelu."]]) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+  [Row ("",[],[])
+   [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "Id"]]
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "Desc"]]]]
+  [Row ("",[],[])
+   [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "1"]]
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "La"]]]
+  ,Row ("",[],[])
+   [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "2"]]
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "La"]]]
+  ,Row ("",[],[])
+   [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "3"]]
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "La"]]]]
+  []]]
diff --git a/test/command/3708.md b/test/command/3708.md
index 2cbc82c25..1eb0c256a 100644
--- a/test/command/3708.md
+++ b/test/command/3708.md
@@ -5,11 +5,22 @@
     C & D
-[Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "A"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "B&1"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "C"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "D"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "A"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "B&1"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "C"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "D"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/command/4056.md b/test/command/4056.md
index e972931dd..bf02ec5f0 100644
--- a/test/command/4056.md
+++ b/test/command/4056.md
@@ -14,11 +14,21 @@
 Blah & Foo & Bar \\
-[Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignRight,AlignRight] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Blah"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Foo"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Bar"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Blah"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Foo"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Bar"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/command/4119.md b/test/command/4119.md
index 70f008643..1df7775c8 100644
--- a/test/command/4119.md
+++ b/test/command/4119.md
@@ -8,11 +8,19 @@ pandoc -t native
 not a caption!
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "col1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "col2"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col2"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]]]
+ []
 ,Div ("",["notes"],[])
  [Para [Str "not",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "caption!"]]]
diff --git a/test/command/4320.md b/test/command/4320.md
index a205c9269..dc9b076d6 100644
--- a/test/command/4320.md
+++ b/test/command/4320.md
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
 % pandoc -f native -t rst --wrap=none
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.3,0.3]
- [[Plain [Str "one"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "two"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "ports"]]
-  ,[BlockQuote
-    [Para [Strong [Str "thisIsGoingToBeTooLongAnyway"]]]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.3),(AlignDefault,Just 0.3)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "one"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "two"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "ports"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [BlockQuote
+    [Para [Strong [Str "thisIsGoingToBeTooLongAnyway"]]]]]]
+ []]
 | one                | two                                 |
diff --git a/test/command/4513.md b/test/command/4513.md
index e4a4406e4..e315d3820 100644
--- a/test/command/4513.md
+++ b/test/command/4513.md
@@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
 % pandoc -f textile -t native
 |_. heading 1 |_. heading 2|
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "heading",Space,Str "1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "heading",Space,Str "2"]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "heading",Space,Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "heading",Space,Str "2"]]]]
+ []
diff --git a/test/command/4579.md b/test/command/4579.md
index 80f0f58c2..6c01cf734 100644
--- a/test/command/4579.md
+++ b/test/command/4579.md
@@ -8,9 +8,17 @@
   * - spam
     - ham
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Foo"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Bar"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "spam"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "ham"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Foo"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Bar"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "spam"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "ham"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/command/5014.md b/test/command/5014.md
index c19490496..79cc99cd0 100644
--- a/test/command/5014.md
+++ b/test/command/5014.md
@@ -13,7 +13,13 @@
-[Table [] [AlignDefault] [0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Name"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Accounts"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Name"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Accounts"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/command/5079.md b/test/command/5079.md
index aa93ae6f3..1a566d6e4 100644
--- a/test/command/5079.md
+++ b/test/command/5079.md
@@ -10,7 +10,13 @@
-[Table [] [AlignDefault] [0.0]
- [[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Cell"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/command/5708.md b/test/command/5708.md
index 00a98a371..f104c30c3 100644
--- a/test/command/5708.md
+++ b/test/command/5708.md
@@ -4,9 +4,17 @@
 | 123456 | :math:`a + b`  |
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.125,0.2361111111111111]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "123456"]]
-  ,[Plain [Math InlineMath "a + b"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.125),(AlignDefault,Just 0.2361111111111111)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123456"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Math InlineMath "a + b"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/command/5711.md b/test/command/5711.md
index 0d443c656..2e45d5fa1 100644
--- a/test/command/5711.md
+++ b/test/command/5711.md
@@ -7,7 +7,13 @@
-[Table [] [AlignCenter] [0.0]
- [[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "d",LineBreak,Str "e"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "d",LineBreak,Str "e"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/command/6137.md b/test/command/6137.md
index c1e0ac01c..4dcc0fe8f 100644
--- a/test/command/6137.md
+++ b/test/command/6137.md
@@ -17,16 +17,30 @@ This reference to Figure \ref{fig:label} works fine.
 [Para [Str "This",Space,Str "reference",Space,Str "to",Space,Str "Table",Space,Link ("",[],[("reference-type","ref"),("reference","tbl:label")]) [Str "1"] ("#tbl:label",""),Space,Str "doesn\8217t",Space,Str "work."]
 ,Div ("tbl:label",[],[])
- [Table [Str "This",Space,Str "caption",Space,Str "has",Space,Str "no",Space,Str "number."] [AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignRight] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
-  [[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
-  [[[Plain [Str "\8212\8212\8211"]]
-   ,[Plain [Str "\8212\8212\8211"]]
-   ,[Plain [Str "\8212\8212\8211"]]]
-  ,[[Plain [Str "\8212\8212\8211"]]
-   ,[Plain [Str "\8212\8212\8211"]]
-   ,[Plain [Str "\8212\8212\8211"]]]]]
+ [Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+  [Para [Str "This",Space,Str "caption",Space,Str "has",Space,Str "no",Space,Str "number."]]) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing)] 0
+  [Row ("",[],[])
+   [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    []
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    []
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    []]]
+  [Row ("",[],[])
+   [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "\8212\8212\8211"]]
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "\8212\8212\8211"]]
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "\8212\8212\8211"]]]
+  ,Row ("",[],[])
+   [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "\8212\8212\8211"]]
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "\8212\8212\8211"]]
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "\8212\8212\8211"]]]]
+  []]
 ,Para [Str "This",Space,Str "reference",Space,Str "to",Space,Str "Figure",Space,Link ("",[],[("reference-type","ref"),("reference","fig:label")]) [Str "1"] ("#fig:label",""),Space,Str "works",Space,Str "fine."]
 ,Para [Image ("fig:label",[],[("width","\\textwidth")]) [Str "A",Space,Str "numbered",Space,Str "caption,",Space,Str "if",Space,Str "I",Space,Str "use",Space,Str "pandoc-crossref."] ("example.png","fig:")]]
diff --git a/test/command/csv.md b/test/command/csv.md
index 4d38572f1..d633840fd 100644
--- a/test/command/csv.md
+++ b/test/command/csv.md
@@ -5,17 +5,35 @@ Apple,25 cents,33
 """Navel"" Orange","35 cents",22
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Fruit"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Price"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Quantity"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Apple"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "25",Space,Str "cents"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "33"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "\"Navel\"",Space,Str "Orange"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "35",Space,Str "cents"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "22"]]]
- ,[[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "45"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Fruit"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Price"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Quantity"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Apple"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "25",Space,Str "cents"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "33"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "\"Navel\"",Space,Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "35",Space,Str "cents"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "22"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "45"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/command/gfm.md b/test/command/gfm.md
index a4bb088b6..3ef3665a6 100644
--- a/test/command/gfm.md
+++ b/test/command/gfm.md
@@ -7,13 +7,24 @@ gfm tests:
 | apple | 0.13  |
 | orange|1.12|
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignRight] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Fruit"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Price"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "apple"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "0.13"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "orange"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1.12"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Fruit"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Price"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "apple"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "0.13"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1.12"]]]]
+ []]
@@ -57,13 +68,24 @@ My:thumbsup:emoji:heart:
 % pandoc -t gfm -f native
-[Table [Str "The",Space,Str "caption."] [AlignDefault,AlignRight] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Fruit"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Price"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "apple"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "0.13"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "orange"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1.12"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "The",Space,Str "caption."]]) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Fruit"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Price"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "apple"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "0.13"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1.12"]]]]
+ []]
 | Fruit  | Price |
 | ------ | ----: |
diff --git a/test/command/latex-tabular-column-specs.md b/test/command/latex-tabular-column-specs.md
index ed44a9980..65835019f 100644
--- a/test/command/latex-tabular-column-specs.md
+++ b/test/command/latex-tabular-column-specs.md
@@ -11,14 +11,28 @@ f      & 0.5    & 5,5  \\
-[Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Math InlineMath ""]]
- ,[Plain [Math InlineMath "f1"]]
- ,[Plain [Math InlineMath "f2"]]]
- [[[Plain [Math InlineMath "e"]]
-  ,[Plain [Math InlineMath "0.5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Math InlineMath "4"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Math InlineMath "f"]]
-  ,[Plain [Math InlineMath "0.5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Math InlineMath "5,5"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Math InlineMath ""]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Math InlineMath "f1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Math InlineMath "f2"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Math InlineMath "e"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Math InlineMath "0.5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Math InlineMath "4"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Math InlineMath "f"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Math InlineMath "0.5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Math InlineMath "5,5"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/command/tabularx.md b/test/command/tabularx.md
index bf7670e9c..9ed991713 100644
--- a/test/command/tabularx.md
+++ b/test/command/tabularx.md
@@ -6,33 +6,51 @@
   & Column Heading 2
   & Column Heading 3 \\
-  Cell 1.1 
+  Cell 1.1
   & Cell 1.2
   & Cell 1.3 \\
-  Cell 2.1 
+  Cell 2.1
   & Cell 2.2
   & Cell 2.3 \\
-  Cell 3.1 
+  Cell 3.1
   & Cell 3.2
   & Cell 3.3 \\
-[Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "2"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "3"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.3"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "3"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.3"]]]]
+ []]
@@ -43,33 +61,51 @@
   & Column Heading 2
   & Column Heading 3 \\
-  Cell 1.1 
+  Cell 1.1
   & Cell 1.2
   & Cell 1.3 \\
-  Cell 2.1 
+  Cell 2.1
   & Cell 2.2
   & Cell 2.3 \\
-  Cell 3.1 
+  Cell 3.1
   & Cell 3.2
   & Cell 3.3 \\
-[Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.25]
- [[Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "2"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "3"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.3"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Just 0.25)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "3"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.3"]]]]
+ []]
@@ -80,31 +116,49 @@
   & Column Heading 2
   & Column Heading 3 \\
-  Cell 1.1 
+  Cell 1.1
   & Cell 1.2
   & Cell 1.3 \\
-  Cell 2.1 
+  Cell 2.1
   & Cell 2.2
   & Cell 2.3 \\
-  Cell 3.1 
+  Cell 3.1
   & Cell 3.2
   & Cell 3.3 \\
-[Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignLeft] [0.25,0.0,0.25]
- [[Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "2"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "3"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.3"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Just 0.25),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Just 0.25)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Column",Space,Str "Heading",Space,Str "3"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1.3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2.3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3.3"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/creole-reader.native b/test/creole-reader.native
index a7e85d969..f9e0f6d28 100644
--- a/test/creole-reader.native
+++ b/test/creole-reader.native
@@ -69,25 +69,50 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []})
 ,Para [Image ("",[],[]) [Str "here is a red flower"] ("Red-Flower.jpg","")]
 ,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Creole 0.4"]
 ,Para [Str "Tables",Space,Str "are",Space,Str "done",Space,Str "like",Space,Str "this:"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "header",Space,Str "col1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "header",Space,Str "col2"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "col1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "col2"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "you"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "can"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "also"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "align",LineBreak,Str "it."]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "header",Space,Str "col1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "header",Space,Str "col2"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col2"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "you"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "can"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "also"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "align",LineBreak,Str "it."]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "You",Space,Str "can",Space,Str "format",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "address",Space,Str "by",Space,Str "simply",Space,Str "forcing",Space,Str "linebreaks:"]
 ,Para [Str "My",Space,Str "contact",Space,Str "dates:",LineBreak,Str "Pone:",Space,Str "xyz",LineBreak,Str "Fax:",Space,Str "+45",LineBreak,Str "Mobile:",Space,Str "abc"]
 ,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Creole 0.5"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Header",Space,Str "title"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Another",Space,Str "header",Space,Str "title"]]]
- [[[Plain [Code ("",[],[]) " //not italic text// "]]
-  ,[Plain [Code ("",[],[]) " **not bold text** "]]]
- ,[[Plain [Emph [Str "italic",Space,Str "text"]]]
-  ,[Plain [Strong [Space,Str "bold",Space,Str "text",Space]]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Header",Space,Str "title"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Another",Space,Str "header",Space,Str "title"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Code ("",[],[]) " //not italic text// "]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Code ("",[],[]) " **not bold text** "]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Emph [Str "italic",Space,Str "text"]]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Strong [Space,Str "bold",Space,Str "text",Space]]]]]
+ []
 ,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Creole 1.0"]
 ,Para [Str "If",Space,Str "interwiki",Space,Str "links",Space,Str "are",Space,Str "setup",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "your",Space,Str "wiki,",Space,Str "this",Space,Str "links",Space,Str "to",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "WikiCreole",Space,Str "page",Space,Str "about",Space,Str "Creole",Space,Str "1.0",Space,Str "test",Space,Str "cases:",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "WikiCreole:Creole1.0TestCases"] ("WikiCreole:Creole1.0TestCases",""),Str "."]
diff --git a/test/docbook-reader.native b/test/docbook-reader.native
index 3cce889f6..5ca83cf2e 100644
--- a/test/docbook-reader.native
+++ b/test/docbook-reader.native
@@ -282,116 +282,255 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "John",Sof
 ,Para [Str "This",Space,Str "paragraph",Space,Str "should",Space,Str "not",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "part",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "note,",Space,Str "as",Space,Str "it",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "not",Space,Str "indented."]
 ,Header 1 ("tables",[],[]) [Str "Tables"]
 ,Para [Str "Simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."]]) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "indented",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "spaces:"]
-,Table [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."]]) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Multiline",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [Str "Here's",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "caption.",Space,Str "It",Space,Str "may",Space,Str "span",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."] [AlignCenter,AlignLeft,AlignRight,AlignLeft] [0.2,0.2,0.3,0.3]
- [[Plain [Str "Centered",Space,Str "Header"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left",Space,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Right",Space,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "First"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Second"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Here's",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Here's",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "caption.",Space,Str "It",Space,Str "may",Space,Str "span",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]) [(AlignCenter,Just 0.2),(AlignLeft,Just 0.2),(AlignRight,Just 0.3),(AlignLeft,Just 0.3)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Centered",Space,Str "Header"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left",Space,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right",Space,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "First"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Second"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Here's",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Multiline",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignLeft,AlignRight,AlignLeft] [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4]
- [[Plain [Str "Centered",Space,Str "Header"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left",Space,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Right",Space,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "First"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Second"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Here's",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Just 0.1),(AlignLeft,Just 0.2),(AlignRight,Just 0.3),(AlignLeft,Just 0.4)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Centered",Space,Str "Header"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left",Space,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right",Space,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "First"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Second"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Here's",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "column",Space,Str "headers:"]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignRight] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Multiline",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "column",Space,Str "headers:"]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignLeft,AlignRight,AlignLeft] [0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "First"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Second"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Here's",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Just 0.25),(AlignLeft,Just 0.25),(AlignRight,Just 0.25),(AlignLeft,Just 0.25)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "First"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Second"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Here's",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/docx/0_level_headers.native b/test/docx/0_level_headers.native
index 6d8269b21..3ee60c2f4 100644
--- a/test/docx/0_level_headers.native
+++ b/test/docx/0_level_headers.native
@@ -1,15 +1,39 @@
-[Table [] [AlignDefault] [0.0]
- [[]]
- [[[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "User\8217s",Space,Str "Guide"]]]
- ,[[]]
- ,[[]]
- ,[[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "11",Space,Str "August",Space,Str "2017"]]]
- ,[[]]
- ,[[]]
- ,[[]]
- ,[[]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "User\8217s",Space,Str "Guide"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "11",Space,Str "August",Space,Str "2017"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "CONTENTS"]
 ,Para [Strong [Str "Section",Space,Str "Page"]]
 ,Para [Str "FIGURES",Space,Str "iv"]
diff --git a/test/docx/sdt_elements.native b/test/docx/sdt_elements.native
index 7f7768728..ad48dab5c 100644
--- a/test/docx/sdt_elements.native
+++ b/test/docx/sdt_elements.native
@@ -1,10 +1,24 @@
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Strong [Str "col1Header"]]]
-  ,[Plain [Strong [Str "col2Header"]]]
-  ,[Plain [Strong [Str "col3Header"]]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "col1",Space,Str "content"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Body",Space,Str "copy"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "col3",Space,Str "content"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Strong [Str "col1Header"]]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Strong [Str "col2Header"]]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Strong [Str "col3Header"]]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col1",Space,Str "content"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Body",Space,Str "copy"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col3",Space,Str "content"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/docx/table_one_row.native b/test/docx/table_one_row.native
index 1ea1b446c..36073641a 100644
--- a/test/docx/table_one_row.native
+++ b/test/docx/table_one_row.native
@@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "One"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Table"]]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "One"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Table"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/docx/table_variable_width.native b/test/docx/table_variable_width.native
index b85e58d41..0c6174937 100644
--- a/test/docx/table_variable_width.native
+++ b/test/docx/table_variable_width.native
@@ -1,16 +1,37 @@
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[Plain [Str "h3"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "h4"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "h5"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "c11"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c22"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c23"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]]]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "h3"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "h4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "h5"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c11"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c22"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c23"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ []]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/docx/table_with_list_cell.native b/test/docx/table_with_list_cell.native
index 81bb15a1e..cc7b08a5e 100644
--- a/test/docx/table_with_list_cell.native
+++ b/test/docx/table_with_list_cell.native
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "text"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "text"]]]
- [[[BulletList
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "text"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "text"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [BulletList
     [[Para [Str "Cell",Space,Str "with"]]
     ,[Para [Str "A"]]
     ,[Para [Str "Bullet",Space,Str "list"]]]]
-  ,[OrderedList (1,Decimal,Period)
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [OrderedList (1,Decimal,Period)
     [[Para [Str "Cell",Space,Str "with"]]
     ,[Para [Str "A"]]
-    ,[Para [Str "Numbered",Space,Str "list."]]]]]]]
+    ,[Para [Str "Numbered",Space,Str "list."]]]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/docx/tables.native b/test/docx/tables.native
index ae326950a..48de6f947 100644
--- a/test/docx/tables.native
+++ b/test/docx/tables.native
@@ -1,36 +1,80 @@
 [Header 2 ("a-table-with-and-without-a-header-row",[],[]) [Str "A",Space,Str "table,",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "header",Space,Str "row"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Name"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Game"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Fame"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Blame"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Lebron",Space,Str "James"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Basketball"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Very",Space,Str "High"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Leaving",Space,Str "Cleveland"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Ryan",Space,Str "Braun"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Baseball"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Moderate"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Steroids"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Russell",Space,Str "Wilson"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Football"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "High"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Tacky",Space,Str "uniform"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Sinple"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Table"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Without"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Header"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Para [Str "Simple"]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Name"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Game"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Fame"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Blame"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Lebron",Space,Str "James"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Basketball"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Very",Space,Str "High"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Leaving",Space,Str "Cleveland"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Ryan",Space,Str "Braun"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Baseball"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Moderate"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Steroids"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Russell",Space,Str "Wilson"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Football"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "High"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Tacky",Space,Str "uniform"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Sinple"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Table"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Without"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Header"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Simple"]
    ,Para [Str "Multiparagraph"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Table"]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Table"]
    ,Para [Str "Full"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "Of"]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Of"]
    ,Para [Str "Paragraphs"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "In",Space,Str "each"]
-   ,Para [Str "Cell."]]]]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "In",Space,Str "each"]
+   ,Para [Str "Cell."]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/dokuwiki_multiblock_table.native b/test/dokuwiki_multiblock_table.native
index 6059efb71..677f0bc6d 100644
--- a/test/dokuwiki_multiblock_table.native
+++ b/test/dokuwiki_multiblock_table.native
@@ -1,18 +1,34 @@
-[Table [Str "Sample",Space,Str "grid",Space,Str "table."] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.2222222222222222,0.2222222222222222,0.2916666666666667]
- [[Plain [Str "Fruit"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Price"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Advantages"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "Bananas"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "$1.34"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "built-in",Space,Str "wrapper"]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Sample",Space,Str "grid",Space,Str "table."]]) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.2222222222222222),(AlignDefault,Just 0.2222222222222222),(AlignDefault,Just 0.2916666666666667)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Fruit"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Price"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Advantages"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Bananas"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "$1.34"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "built-in",Space,Str "wrapper"]
    ,Para [Str "potassium"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "Oranges"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "$2.10"]]
-  ,[BulletList
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Oranges"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "$2.10"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [BulletList
     [[Plain [Str "cures",Space,Str "scurvy"]]
     ,[Plain [Str "tasty"]]]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "Apples"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "$1.10"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Some",Space,Str "text",LineBreak,LineBreak,Str "after",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "linebreaks"] 
-    ]]
- ]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Apples"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "$1.10"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Some",Space,Str "text",LineBreak,LineBreak,Str "after",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "linebreaks"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/html-reader.native b/test/html-reader.native
index 5643fb73f..fe37927f1 100644
--- a/test/html-reader.native
+++ b/test/html-reader.native
@@ -331,147 +331,329 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("generator",MetaInlines [Str "pandoc"]),("titl
 ,Para [Emph [Str "Trailing",Space,Str "spaces"],Space,Str "text"]
 ,Header 1 ("tables",[],[]) [Str "Tables"]
 ,Header 2 ("tables-with-headers",[],[]) [Str "Tables",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "Headers"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "X"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "X"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "X"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "X"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "X"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "X"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "X"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "X"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "X"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
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- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
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-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
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diff --git a/test/jats-reader.native b/test/jats-reader.native
index 83feeeffd..61dc0b483 100644
--- a/test/jats-reader.native
+++ b/test/jats-reader.native
@@ -287,136 +287,318 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "John",Spa
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-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Para [Str "X"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Para [Str "X"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Para [Str "X"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Para [Str "X"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Para [Str "X"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Para [Str "X"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Para [Str "X"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Para [Str "X"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Para [Str "X"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Y"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Z"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
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+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "X"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
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+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
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+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
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+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Y"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
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+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
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+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
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+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Z"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
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+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
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- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
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-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
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-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
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-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
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- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
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-  ,[Para [Str "6"]]]]
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+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "3"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "6"]]]]
+ []
 ,Header 2 ("empty-tables",[],[]) [Str "Empty",Space,Str "Tables"]
 ,Para [Str "This",Space,Str "section",Space,Str "should",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "empty."]]
diff --git a/test/latex-reader.native b/test/latex-reader.native
index a62f2069e..909c7dd51 100644
--- a/test/latex-reader.native
+++ b/test/latex-reader.native
@@ -275,18 +275,37 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "John",Spa
  ,[Para [Str "$22,000",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Emph [Str "lot"],Space,Str "of",Space,Str "money.",Space,Str "So",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "$34,000.",Space,Str "(It",Space,Str "worked",Space,Str "if",SoftBreak,Quoted DoubleQuote [Str "lot"],Space,Str "is",Space,Str "emphasized.)"]]
  ,[Para [Str "Escaped",Space,Code ("",[],[]) "$",Str ":",Space,Str "$73",Space,Emph [Str "this",Space,Str "should",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "emphasized"],Space,Str "23$."]]]
 ,Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "LaTeX",Space,Str "table:"]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Animal"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Number"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Dog"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Cat"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Animal"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Number"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Dog"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cat"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "A",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "one",Space,Str "column:"]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter] [0.0]
- [[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Animal"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Vegetable"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Animal"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Vegetable"]]]]
+ []
 ,Header 1 ("special-characters",[],[]) [Str "Special",Space,Str "Characters"]
 ,Para [Str "Here",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "some",Space,Str "unicode:"]
diff --git a/test/man-reader.native b/test/man-reader.native
index 99c7405f8..7b2f6f966 100644
--- a/test/man-reader.native
+++ b/test/man-reader.native
@@ -105,76 +105,170 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("date",MetaInlines [Str "Oct",Space,Str "17,",
 ,Header 1 ("",[],[]) [Str "Macros"]
 ,Para [Strong [Str "Me",Space,Str "Myself"],Space,Str "and",Space,Str "I.",Space,Emph [Str "The",Space,Str "author",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "John",Space,Str "Jones."],Space,Str "It's",Space,Str "The",Space,Strong [Str "Author"],Str "."]
 ,Header 1 ("",[],[]) [Str "Tables"]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left",Space,Emph [Str "more"]]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignLeft,AlignRight,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Centered",Space,Str "Header"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left",Space,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Right",Space,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "First"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Second"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left",Space,Emph [Str "more"]]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Centered",Space,Str "Header"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left",Space,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right",Space,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "First"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Second"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "column",Space,Str "headers:"]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignRight] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft] [0.5,0.5]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "a"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "one"]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Just 0.5),(AlignLeft,Just 0.5)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "a"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "one"]
    ,Para [Str "two"]]
-  ,[CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "some\n   code"]]]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "some\n   code"]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/markdown-reader-more.native b/test/markdown-reader-more.native
index 9c128ab94..21bd052ac 100644
--- a/test/markdown-reader-more.native
+++ b/test/markdown-reader-more.native
@@ -96,84 +96,176 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "Author",S
  ,[Str "Continuation",Space,Str "line"]
  ,[Str "\160\160and",Space,Str "another"]]
 ,Header 2 ("grid-tables",[],[]) [Str "Grid",Space,Str "Tables"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.2638888888888889,0.16666666666666666,0.18055555555555555]
- [[Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "2"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "3"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "e"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.2638888888888889),(AlignDefault,Just 0.16666666666666666),(AlignDefault,Just 0.18055555555555555)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "3"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "e"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Headless"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.2638888888888889,0.16666666666666666,0.18055555555555555]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "e"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.2638888888888889),(AlignDefault,Just 0.16666666666666666),(AlignDefault,Just 0.18055555555555555)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "e"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "With",Space,Str "alignments"]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter] [0.2638888888888889,0.16666666666666666,0.18055555555555555]
- [[Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "2"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "3"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "e"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Just 0.2638888888888889),(AlignLeft,Just 0.16666666666666666),(AlignCenter,Just 0.18055555555555555)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "3"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "e"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Headless",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "alignments"]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter] [0.2638888888888889,0.16666666666666666,0.18055555555555555]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "e"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Just 0.2638888888888889),(AlignLeft,Just 0.16666666666666666),(AlignCenter,Just 0.18055555555555555)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "e"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Spaces",Space,Str "at",Space,Str "ends",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "lines"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.2638888888888889,0.16666666666666666,0.18055555555555555]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "e"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.2638888888888889),(AlignDefault,Just 0.16666666666666666),(AlignDefault,Just 0.18055555555555555)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "e"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Multiple",Space,Str "blocks",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "cell"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.2638888888888889,0.16666666666666666,0.18055555555555555]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Header 1 ("col-1",[],[]) [Str "col",Space,Str "1"]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.2638888888888889),(AlignDefault,Just 0.16666666666666666),(AlignDefault,Just 0.18055555555555555)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Header 1 ("col-1",[],[]) [Str "col",Space,Str "1"]
    ,Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "1"]]
-  ,[Header 1 ("col-2",[],[]) [Str "col",Space,Str "2"]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Header 1 ("col-2",[],[]) [Str "col",Space,Str "2"]
    ,Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "2"]]
-  ,[Header 1 ("col-3",[],[]) [Str "col",Space,Str "3"]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Header 1 ("col-3",[],[]) [Str "col",Space,Str "3"]
    ,Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "3"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "r1",Space,Str "a"]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "r1",Space,Str "a"]
    ,Para [Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
-  ,[BulletList
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [BulletList
     [[Plain [Str "b"]]
     ,[Plain [Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
     ,[Plain [Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Empty",Space,Str "cells"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [5.555555555555555e-2,5.555555555555555e-2]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[]
-  ,[]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 5.555555555555555e-2),(AlignDefault,Just 5.555555555555555e-2)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ []
 ,Header 2 ("entities-in-links-and-titles",[],[]) [Str "Entities",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "links",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "titles"]
 ,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "link"] ("/\252rl","\246\246!")]
 ,Para [Link ("",["uri"],[]) [Str "http://g\246\246gle.com"] ("http://g\246\246gle.com","")]
diff --git a/test/mediawiki-reader.native b/test/mediawiki-reader.native
index 965930478..0300419c5 100644
--- a/test/mediawiki-reader.native
+++ b/test/mediawiki-reader.native
@@ -187,76 +187,177 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []})
 ,RawBlock (Format "mediawiki") "{{Thankyou|all your effort|Me}}"
 ,Para [Str "Written",Space,RawInline (Format "mediawiki") "{{{date}}}",Space,Str "by",Space,RawInline (Format "mediawiki") "{{{name}}}",Str "."]
 ,Header 2 ("tables",[],[]) [Str "tables"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Para [Str "Orange"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Apple"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "Bread"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Pie"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "Butter"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
-,Table [Str "Food",Space,Str "complements"] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Para [Str "Orange"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Apple"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "Bread"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Pie"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "Butter"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
-,Table [Str "Food",Space,Str "complements"] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Para [Str "Orange"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Apple"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "Bread"]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Apple"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Bread"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Pie"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Butter"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Food",Space,Str "complements"]]) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Apple"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Bread"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Pie"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Butter"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Food",Space,Str "complements"]]) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Apple"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Bread"]
    ,Para [Str "and",Space,Str "cheese"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Pie"]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Pie"]
    ,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
     [[Plain [Str "apple"]]
     ,[Plain [Str "carrot"]]]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Para [Str "Orange"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Apple"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "more"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "Bread"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Pie"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "more"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "Butter"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "and",Space,Str "more"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignRight,AlignCenter] [0.25,0.125,0.125]
- [[Para [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Para [Str "Center"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "left"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "15.00"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "centered"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "more"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "2.0"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "more"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Para [Str "Orange"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Apple"]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "Bread"]]
-  ,[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
-    [[Para [Str "fruit"]]
-    ,[Para [Str "topping"]]]
-    [[[Para [Str "apple"]]
-     ,[Para [Str "ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]]]
- ,[[Para [Str "Butter"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault] [0.0]
- [[]]
- [[[Para [Str "Orange"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Apple"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "more"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Bread"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Pie"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "more"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Butter"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "and",Space,Str "more"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Just 0.25),(AlignRight,Just 0.125),(AlignCenter,Just 0.125)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Center"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "15.00"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "centered"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "more"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "2.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "more"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Apple"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Bread"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+    []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+    [Row ("",[],[])
+     [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+      [Para [Str "fruit"]]
+     ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+      [Para [Str "topping"]]]]
+    [Row ("",[],[])
+     [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+      [Para [Str "apple"]]
+     ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+      [Para [Str "ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
+    []]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Butter"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "Orange"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Paragraph",Space,Str "after",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "table."]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Para [Str "fruit"]]
- ,[Para [Str "topping"]]]
- [[[Para [Str "apple"]]
-  ,[Para [Str "ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "fruit"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "topping"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "apple"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
+ []
 ,Header 2 ("notes",[],[]) [Str "notes"]
 ,Para [Str "My",Space,Str "note!",Note [Plain [Str "This."]]]
 ,Para [Str "URL",Space,Str "note.",Note [Plain [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#range"] ("http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#range","")]]]]
diff --git a/test/odt/native/simpleTable.native b/test/odt/native/simpleTable.native
index 0a9b380a5..0fd7a918d 100644
--- a/test/odt/native/simpleTable.native
+++ b/test/odt/native/simpleTable.native
@@ -1 +1 @@
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0] [[],[]] [[[Plain [Str "Content"]],[Plain [Str "More",Space,Str "content"]]]],Para []]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0 [Row ("",[],[]) [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 [],Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 []]] [Row ("",[],[]) [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 [Plain [Str "Content"]],Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 [Plain [Str "More",Space,Str "content"]]]] [],Para []]
diff --git a/test/odt/native/simpleTableWithCaption.native b/test/odt/native/simpleTableWithCaption.native
index 18d68b772..8e2b49417 100644
--- a/test/odt/native/simpleTableWithCaption.native
+++ b/test/odt/native/simpleTableWithCaption.native
@@ -1 +1 @@
-[Table [Str "Table",Space,Str "1:",Space,Str "Some",Space,Str "caption",Space,Str "for",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "table"] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0] [[],[]] [[[Plain [Str "Content"]],[Plain [Str "More",Space,Str "content"]]]],Para []]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing [Para [Str "Table",Space,Str "1:",Space,Str "Some",Space,Str "caption",Space,Str "for",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "table"]]) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0 [Row ("",[],[]) [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 [],Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 []]] [Row ("",[],[]) [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 [Plain [Str "Content"]],Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 [Plain [Str "More",Space,Str "content"]]]] [],Para []]
diff --git a/test/odt/native/tableWithContents.native b/test/odt/native/tableWithContents.native
index b1d3c5765..b71888516 100644
--- a/test/odt/native/tableWithContents.native
+++ b/test/odt/native/tableWithContents.native
@@ -1 +1 @@
-[Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0] [[],[]]  [[[Plain [Str "A"]],[Plain [Str "B"]]],[[Plain [Str "C"]],[Plain [Str "D"]]]],Para []]
+[Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0 [Row ("",[],[]) [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 [],Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 []]] [Row ("",[],[]) [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 [Plain [Str "A"]],Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 [Plain [Str "B"]]],Row ("",[],[]) [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 [Plain [Str "C"]],Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1 [Plain [Str "D"]]]] [],Para []]
diff --git a/test/pipe-tables.native b/test/pipe-tables.native
index ca9858d1f..f4757756b 100644
--- a/test/pipe-tables.native
+++ b/test/pipe-tables.native
@@ -1,115 +1,264 @@
 [Para [Str "Simplest",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Default1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default2"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default3"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default3"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignDefault,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."]]) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Headerless",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "sides:"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignRight] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Fruit"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Quantity"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "apple"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "orange"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "17"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "pear"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "302"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Fruit"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Quantity"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "apple"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "17"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "pear"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "302"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "One-column:"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault] [0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "hi"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "lo"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "hi"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "lo"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Header-less",Space,Str "one-column:"]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter] [0.0]
- [[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "hi"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "hi"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Indented",Space,Str "left",Space,Str "column:"]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Number",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "siblings"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Salary"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "3"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "33"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "44"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Number",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "siblings"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Salary"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "33"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "44"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Long",Space,Str "pipe",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "relative",Space,Str "widths:"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.15517241379310345,0.1724137931034483,0.6724137931034483]
- [[Plain [Str "Default1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default2"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default3"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "this",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "cell"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "this",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "really",Space,Str "long",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "cell",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "will",Space,Str "probably",Space,Str "need",Space,Str "wrapping"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.15517241379310345),(AlignDefault,Just 0.1724137931034483),(AlignDefault,Just 0.6724137931034483)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default3"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "this",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "cell"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "this",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "really",Space,Str "long",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "cell",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "will",Space,Str "probably",Space,Str "need",Space,Str "wrapping"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Pipe",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "no",Space,Str "body:"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault] [0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Header"]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Header"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Pipe",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "tricky",Space,Str "cell",Space,Str "contents",Space,Str "(see",Space,Str "#2765):"]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignRight,AlignRight] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[Plain [Str "IP_gene8-_1st"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "IP_gene8+_1st"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "IP_gene8-_1st"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1.0000000"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "0.4357325"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "IP_gene8+_1st"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "0.4357325"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1.0000000"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "foo",Code ("",[],[]) "bar|baz"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "and|escaped"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3.0000000"]]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "IP_gene8-_1st"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "IP_gene8+_1st"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "IP_gene8-_1st"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1.0000000"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "0.4357325"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "IP_gene8+_1st"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "0.4357325"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1.0000000"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "foo",Code ("",[],[]) "bar|baz"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "and|escaped"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3.0000000"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/pptx/speaker_notes_afterseps.native b/test/pptx/speaker_notes_afterseps.native
index 30910708c..1e4ac331c 100644
--- a/test/pptx/speaker_notes_afterseps.native
+++ b/test/pptx/speaker_notes_afterseps.native
@@ -1,23 +1,45 @@
 [Para [Image ("",[],[]) [Str "The",Space,Str "moon"] ("lalune.jpg","fig:")]
 ,Div ("",["notes"],[])
  [Para [Str "chicken",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "dumplings"]]
-,Table [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax,",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "alignment"] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax,",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "alignment"]]) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Div ("",["notes"],[])
  [Para [Str "foo",Space,Str "bar"]]
 ,Div ("",["columns"],[])
diff --git a/test/pptx/tables.native b/test/pptx/tables.native
index e41b7bc8d..1541e6d93 100644
--- a/test/pptx/tables.native
+++ b/test/pptx/tables.native
@@ -1,35 +1,79 @@
 [Header 2 ("a-table-with-a-caption",[],[]) [Str "A",Space,Str "Table,",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "caption"]
-,Table [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax,",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "alignment"] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax,",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "alignment"]]) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/rst-reader.native b/test/rst-reader.native
index d4322f9ae..485d566ca 100644
--- a/test/rst-reader.native
+++ b/test/rst-reader.native
@@ -244,72 +244,152 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "John",Spa
  ,[Str "Continuation",Space,Str "line"]
  ,[Str "\160\160and",Space,Str "another"]]
 ,Header 1 ("simple-tables",[],[]) [Str "Simple",Space,Str "Tables"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "2"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "3"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "e"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "3"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "e"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Headless"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "e"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "e"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Header 1 ("grid-tables",[],[]) [Str "Grid",Space,Str "Tables"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.2375,0.15,0.1625]
- [[Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "2"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "3"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "e"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.2375),(AlignDefault,Just 0.15),(AlignDefault,Just 0.1625)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "col",Space,Str "3"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "e"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Headless"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.2375,0.15,0.1625]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "e"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.2375),(AlignDefault,Just 0.15),(AlignDefault,Just 0.1625)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "e"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Spaces",Space,Str "at",Space,Str "ends",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "lines"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.2375,0.15,0.1625]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "e"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.2375),(AlignDefault,Just 0.15),(AlignDefault,Just 0.1625)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r1",Space,Str "a",SoftBreak,Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b",SoftBreak,Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "r2",Space,Str "d"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "e"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Multiple",Space,Str "blocks",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "cell"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.2375,0.15,0.1625]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Para [Str "r1",Space,Str "a"]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.2375),(AlignDefault,Just 0.15),(AlignDefault,Just 0.1625)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Para [Str "r1",Space,Str "a"]
    ,Para [Str "r1",Space,Str "bis"]]
-  ,[BulletList
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [BulletList
     [[Plain [Str "b"]]
     ,[Plain [Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]
     ,[Plain [Str "b",Space,Str "2"]]]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2",SoftBreak,Str "c",Space,Str "2"]]]]
+ []
 ,Header 1 ("footnotes",[],[]) [Str "Footnotes"]
 ,Para [Note [Para [Str "Note",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "one",Space,Str "line."]]]
 ,Para [Note [Para [Str "Note",Space,Str "with",SoftBreak,Str "continuation",Space,Str "line."]]]
diff --git a/test/tables-rstsubset.native b/test/tables-rstsubset.native
index a4f801b1c..bb2a99997 100644
--- a/test/tables-rstsubset.native
+++ b/test/tables-rstsubset.native
@@ -1,114 +1,253 @@
 [Para [Str "Simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."]]) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "indented",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "spaces:"]
-,Table [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."]]) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Multiline",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "caption.",Space,Str "It",Space,Str "may",Space,Str "span",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.1375,0.125,0.15,0.3375]
- [[Plain [Str "Centered",SoftBreak,Str "Header"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Right",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "First"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",SoftBreak,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Second"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",SoftBreak,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",SoftBreak,Str "rows."]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "caption.",Space,Str "It",Space,Str "may",Space,Str "span",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.1375),(AlignDefault,Just 0.125),(AlignDefault,Just 0.15),(AlignDefault,Just 0.3375)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Centered",SoftBreak,Str "Header"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "First"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",SoftBreak,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Second"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",SoftBreak,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",SoftBreak,Str "rows."]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Multiline",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.1375,0.125,0.15,0.3375]
- [[Plain [Str "Centered",SoftBreak,Str "Header"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Right",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "First"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",SoftBreak,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Second"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",SoftBreak,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",SoftBreak,Str "rows."]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.1375),(AlignDefault,Just 0.125),(AlignDefault,Just 0.15),(AlignDefault,Just 0.3375)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Centered",SoftBreak,Str "Header"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "First"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",SoftBreak,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Second"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",SoftBreak,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",SoftBreak,Str "rows."]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "column",Space,Str "headers:"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Multiline",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "column",Space,Str "headers:"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.1375,0.125,0.15,0.3375]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "First"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",SoftBreak,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Second"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",SoftBreak,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",SoftBreak,Str "rows."]]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Just 0.1375),(AlignDefault,Just 0.125),(AlignDefault,Just 0.15),(AlignDefault,Just 0.3375)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "First"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",SoftBreak,Str "spans",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Second"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",SoftBreak,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",SoftBreak,Str "rows."]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/tables.native b/test/tables.native
index 62ed56bb4..da3df8b47 100644
--- a/test/tables.native
+++ b/test/tables.native
@@ -1,114 +1,253 @@
 [Para [Str "Simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."]]) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "indented",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "spaces:"]
-,Table [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Right"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Center"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Demonstration",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "simple",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "syntax."]]) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Center"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Multiline",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "caption.",SoftBreak,Str "It",Space,Str "may",Space,Str "span",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."] [AlignCenter,AlignLeft,AlignRight,AlignLeft] [0.15,0.1375,0.1625,0.35]
- [[Plain [Str "Centered",SoftBreak,Str "Header"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Right",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "First"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",SoftBreak,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Second"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",SoftBreak,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "caption.",SoftBreak,Str "It",Space,Str "may",Space,Str "span",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]) [(AlignCenter,Just 0.15),(AlignLeft,Just 0.1375),(AlignRight,Just 0.1625),(AlignLeft,Just 0.35)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Centered",SoftBreak,Str "Header"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "First"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",SoftBreak,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Second"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",SoftBreak,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Multiline",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "caption:"]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignLeft,AlignRight,AlignLeft] [0.15,0.1375,0.1625,0.35]
- [[Plain [Str "Centered",SoftBreak,Str "Header"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Left",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Right",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "First"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",SoftBreak,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Second"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",SoftBreak,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Just 0.15),(AlignLeft,Just 0.1375),(AlignRight,Just 0.1625),(AlignLeft,Just 0.35)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Centered",SoftBreak,Str "Header"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Left",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Right",SoftBreak,Str "Aligned"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Default",Space,Str "aligned"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "First"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",SoftBreak,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Second"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",SoftBreak,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "column",Space,Str "headers:"]
-,Table [] [AlignRight,AlignLeft,AlignCenter,AlignRight] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "123"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "123"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "Multiline",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "column",Space,Str "headers:"]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignLeft,AlignRight,AlignDefault] [0.15,0.1375,0.1625,0.35]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "First"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "12.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",SoftBreak,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Second"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "row"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5.0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",SoftBreak,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Just 0.15),(AlignLeft,Just 0.1375),(AlignRight,Just 0.1625),(AlignDefault,Just 0.35)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "First"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "12.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "row",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "spans",SoftBreak,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Second"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "row"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5.0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "one.",Space,Str "Note",SoftBreak,Str "the",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "rows."]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/textile-reader.native b/test/textile-reader.native
index 16b5a87e8..2f2f58818 100644
--- a/test/textile-reader.native
+++ b/test/textile-reader.native
@@ -103,37 +103,77 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []})
 ,Header 1 ("tables",[],[]) [Str "Tables"]
 ,Para [Str "Textile",Space,Str "allows",Space,Str "tables",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "without",Space,Str "headers",Space,Str ":"]
 ,Header 2 ("without-headers",[],[]) [Str "Without",Space,Str "headers"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "name"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "age"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "sex"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "joan"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "24"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "archie"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "29"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "m"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "bella"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "45"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "name"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "age"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "sex"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "joan"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "24"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "archie"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "29"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "m"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "bella"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "45"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "and",Space,Str "some",Space,Str "text",Space,Str "following",Space,Str "\8230"]
 ,Header 2 ("with-headers",[],[]) [Str "With",Space,Str "headers"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "name"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "age"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "sex"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "joan"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "24"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "archie"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "29"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "m"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "bella"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "45"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "name"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "age"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "sex"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "joan"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "24"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "archie"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "29"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "m"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "bella"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "45"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Header 1 ("images",[],[]) [Str "Images"]
 ,Para [Str "Textile",Space,Str "inline",Space,Str "image",Space,Str "syntax,",Space,Str "like",LineBreak,Str "here",Space,Image ("",[],[]) [Str "this is the alt text"] ("this_is_an_image.png","this is the alt text"),LineBreak,Str "and",Space,Str "here",Space,Image ("",[],[]) [Str ""] ("this_is_an_image.png",""),Str "."]
 ,Header 1 ("attributes",[],[]) [Str "Attributes"]
@@ -143,16 +183,30 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []})
 ,Header 2 ("justified",[],[("lang","en"),("style","color:blue;text-align:justify;")]) [Str "Justified"]
 ,Para [Str "as",Space,Str "well",Space,Str "as",Space,Strong [Span ("",["foo"],[]) [Str "inline",Space,Str "attributes"]],Space,Str "of",Space,Span ("",[],[("style","color:red;")]) [Str "all",Space,Str "kind"]]
 ,Para [Str "and",Space,Str "paragraph",Space,Str "attributes,",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "attributes."]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "name"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "age"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "sex"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "joan"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "24"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "name"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "age"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "sex"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "joan"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "24"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Emph [Str "(class#id)",Space,Str "emph"]]
 ,Para [Emph [Str "(no",Space,Str "class#id)",Space,Str "emph"]]
 ,Header 1 ("entities",[],[]) [Str "Entities"]
diff --git a/test/tikiwiki-reader.native b/test/tikiwiki-reader.native
index 79dc4b708..f058c0815 100644
--- a/test/tikiwiki-reader.native
+++ b/test/tikiwiki-reader.native
@@ -90,41 +90,98 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []})
      [[Plain [Str "five",Space,Str "sub",Space,Str "1",Space,Str "sub",Space,Str "1"]]]]
    ,[Plain [Str "five",Space,Str "sub",Space,Str "2"]]]]]
 ,Header 1 ("tables",[],[]) [Str "tables"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str ""]]
- ,[Plain [Str ""]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Orange"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Apple"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Bread"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Pie"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Butter"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str ""]]
- ,[Plain [Str ""]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Orange"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Apple"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Bread"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Pie"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Strong [Str "Butter"]]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str ""]]
- ,[Plain [Str ""]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Orange"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Apple"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Bread",LineBreak,LineBreak,Str "and",Space,Str "cheese"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Pie",LineBreak,LineBreak,Strong [Str "apple"],Space,Str "and",Space,Emph [Str "carrot"],Space]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str ""]]
- ,[Plain [Str ""]]
- ,[Plain [Str ""]]]
- [[[Plain [Space,Str "Orange",Space]]
-  ,[Plain [Space,Str "Apple",Space]]
-  ,[Plain [Space,Str "more"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Space,Str "Bread",Space]]
-  ,[Plain [Space,Str "Pie",Space]]
-  ,[Plain [Space,Str "more"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Space,Str "Butter",Space]]
-  ,[Plain [Space,Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream",Space]]
-  ,[Plain [Space,Str "and",Space,Str "more",Space]]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ""]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ""]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Apple"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Bread"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Pie"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Butter"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ""]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ""]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Apple"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Bread"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Pie"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Strong [Str "Butter"]]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ""]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ""]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Apple"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Bread",LineBreak,LineBreak,Str "and",Space,Str "cheese"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Pie",LineBreak,LineBreak,Strong [Str "apple"],Space,Str "and",Space,Emph [Str "carrot"],Space]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ""]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ""]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ""]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Space,Str "Orange",Space]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Space,Str "Apple",Space]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Space,Str "more"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Space,Str "Bread",Space]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Space,Str "Pie",Space]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Space,Str "more"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Space,Str "Butter",Space]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Space,Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream",Space]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Space,Str "and",Space,Str "more",Space]]]]
+ []]
diff --git a/test/twiki-reader.native b/test/twiki-reader.native
index 1447dcc3d..d100b5cd1 100644
--- a/test/twiki-reader.native
+++ b/test/twiki-reader.native
@@ -127,40 +127,91 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []})
    ,[Plain [Str "and"]]
    ,[Plain [Str "supported"]]]]]
 ,Header 1 ("tables",[],[]) [Str "tables"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Orange"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Apple"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Bread"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Pie"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Butter"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Orange"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Apple"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Bread"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Pie"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Strong [Str "Butter"]]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignLeft,AlignLeft] [0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Orange"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Apple"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Bread",LineBreak,LineBreak,Str "and",Space,Str "cheese"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Pie",LineBreak,LineBreak,Strong [Str "apple"],Space,Str "and",Space,Emph [Str "carrot"]]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Orange"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Apple"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "more"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Bread"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Pie"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "more"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Butter"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "more"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Apple"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Bread"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Pie"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Butter"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Apple"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Bread"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Pie"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Strong [Str "Butter"]]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignLeft,Nothing),(AlignLeft,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Apple"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Bread",LineBreak,LineBreak,Str "and",Space,Str "cheese"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Pie",LineBreak,LineBreak,Strong [Str "apple"],Space,Str "and",Space,Emph [Str "carrot"]]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Orange"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Apple"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "more"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Bread"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Pie"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "more"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Butter"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "more"]]]]
+ []
 ,Header 1 ("macros",[],[]) [Str "macros"]
 ,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[]) []]
 ,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[]) [Str ""]]
diff --git a/test/txt2tags.native b/test/txt2tags.native
index f5134b8a1..356f9a9d6 100644
--- a/test/txt2tags.native
+++ b/test/txt2tags.native
@@ -301,308 +301,676 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "author"]]
      [[Plain [Str "just",Space,Str "like",Space,Str "when",Space,Str "using",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "lines."]]]]]]]
 ,Header 1 ("table",[],[]) [Str "Table"]
-,Table [] [AlignRight] [0.0]
- [[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignRight] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignRight,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignRight,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3"]]]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "||",Space,Str "Cell",Space,Str "1",Space,Str "|",Space,Str "Cell",Space,Str "2",Space,Str "|",Space,Str "Cell",Space,Str "3",Space,Str "|"]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignCenter,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Heading"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Heading"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Heading"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "<-"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "--"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "->"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "--"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "--"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "--"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "->"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "--"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "<-"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignCenter,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "3+4"]]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "4"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1+2+3"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2+3"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1+2+3+4"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "7"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "8"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "A"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "B"]]]
- ,[[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "D"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "E"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "F"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "Jan"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Fev"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Mar"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "Apr"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "May"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "20%"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "40%"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "60%"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "80%"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "100%"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignCenter,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "/"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "o"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "o"]]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "."]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "=",Space,Str "=",Space,Str "=",Space,Str "="]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]]]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "01"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "02"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "05"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "07"]]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "11"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "13"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "16"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "17"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "19"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "20"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "23"]]
-  ,[]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "25"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "26"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "29"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "30"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "32"]]]
- ,[[]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "35"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "37"]]
-  ,[]
-  ,[Plain [Str "39"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "40"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter,AlignCenter] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "7"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "8"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "9"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "A"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "B"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "C"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "D"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "E"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "F"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "0"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "1"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "3"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "4"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "5"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "6"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "7"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "8"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "9"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "A"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "B"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "C"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "D"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "E"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "F"]]]]
-,Table [] [AlignCenter] [0.0]
- [[]]
- [[[]]
- ,[[]]
- ,[[]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Cell",Space,Str "3"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Heading"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Heading"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Heading"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "<-"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "--"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "->"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "--"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "--"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "--"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "->"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "--"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "<-"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3+4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1+2+3"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2+3"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1+2+3+4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "7"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "8"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "A"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "B"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "D"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "E"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "F"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Jan"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Fev"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Mar"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Apr"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "May"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "20%"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "40%"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "60%"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "80%"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "100%"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "/"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/",Space,Str "/"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "o"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "o"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "."]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "=",Space,Str "=",Space,Str "=",Space,Str "="]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "01"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "02"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "05"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "07"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "11"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "13"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "16"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "17"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "19"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "20"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "23"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "25"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "26"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "29"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "30"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "32"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "35"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "37"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "39"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "40"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing),(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "7"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "8"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "9"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "A"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "B"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "C"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "D"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "E"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "F"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "0"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "3"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "4"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "5"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "6"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "7"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "8"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "9"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "A"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "B"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "C"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "D"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "E"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "F"]]]]
+ []
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignCenter,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ []
 ,Para [Str "|this|is|not|a|table|"]
 ,Para [Str "|this|",Space,Str "is|",Space,Str "not|",Space,Str "a|",Space,Str "table|"]
 ,Para [Str "|this",Space,Str "|is",Space,Str "|not",Space,Str "|a",Space,Str "|table",Space,Str "|"]
diff --git a/test/vimwiki-reader.native b/test/vimwiki-reader.native
index 3b8c37c3a..5be4a8d5c 100644
--- a/test/vimwiki-reader.native
+++ b/test/vimwiki-reader.native
@@ -88,13 +88,24 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("date",MetaInlines [Str "2017-05-01"]),("title
   ,Para [Math DisplayMath "a^2 + b^2 = c^2"]
   ,Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "some",Space,Str "preformatted",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "tables",Space,Str "belonging",Space,Str "to",Space,Str "item",Space,Str "1",Space,Str "as",Space,Str "well"]
   ,CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "I'm part of item 1."
-  ,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
-   [[]
-   ,[]]
-   [[[Plain [Str "this",Space,Str "table"]]
-    ,[Plain [Str "is"]]]
-   ,[[Plain [Str "also",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "part"]]
-    ,[Plain [Str "of",Space,Str "item",Space,Str "1"]]]]
+  ,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+   []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+   [Row ("",[],[])
+    [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+     []
+    ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+     []]]
+   [Row ("",[],[])
+    [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+     [Plain [Str "this",Space,Str "table"]]
+    ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+     [Plain [Str "is"]]]
+   ,Row ("",[],[])
+    [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+     [Plain [Str "also",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "part"]]
+    ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+     [Plain [Str "of",Space,Str "item",Space,Str "1"]]]]
+   []
   ,Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "some",Space,Str "more",Space,Str "text",Space,Str "belonging",Space,Str "to",Space,Str "item",Space,Str "1."]]
  ,[Plain [Str "ordered",Space,Str "list",Space,Str "item",Space,Str "2"]]]
@@ -181,11 +192,19 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("date",MetaInlines [Str "2017-05-01"]),("title
   ,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
    [[Plain [Span ("",["done3"],[]) [],Str "4",SoftBreak,Str "5"]]
    ,[Plain [Span ("",["done4"],[]) []]
-    ,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
-     [[]
-     ,[]]
-     [[[Plain [Str "a"]]
-      ,[Plain [Str "b"]]]]]]]
+    ,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+     []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+     [Row ("",[],[])
+      [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+       []
+      ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+       []]]
+     [Row ("",[],[])
+      [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+       [Plain [Str "a"]]
+      ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+       [Plain [Str "b"]]]]
+     []]]]
  ,[Plain [Span ("",["done4"],[]) [],Str "task",Space,Str "2"]]]
 ,Header 2 ("math",[],[]) [Str "math"]
 ,Para [Math InlineMath " \\sum_i a_i^2 = 1 "]
@@ -200,34 +219,71 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("date",MetaInlines [Str "2017-05-01"]),("title
 ,Header 2 ("tags",[],[]) [Str "tags"]
 ,Para [Span ("-tag-one",[],[]) [Str ""],Span ("tag-one",["tag"],[]) [Str "tag-one"],Space,Span ("-tag-two",[],[]) [Str ""],Span ("tag-two",["tag"],[]) [Str "tag-two"]]
 ,Header 2 ("tables",[],[]) [Str "tables"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[Plain [Str "Year"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Temperature",Space,Str "(low)"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Temperature",Space,Str "(high)"]]]
- [[[Plain [Str "1900"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "-10"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "25"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1910"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "-15"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "30"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1920"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "-10"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "32"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1930"]]
-  ,[Plain [Emph [Str "N/A"]]]
-  ,[Plain [Emph [Str "N/A"]]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "1940"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "-2"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "40"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Year"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Temperature",Space,Str "(low)"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "Temperature",Space,Str "(high)"]]]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1900"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "-10"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "25"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1910"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "-15"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "30"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1920"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "-10"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "32"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1930"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Emph [Str "N/A"]]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Emph [Str "N/A"]]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "1940"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "-2"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "40"]]]]
+ []
 ,Header 3 ("centered headerless tables",[],[]) [Str "centered",Space,Str "headerless",Space,Str "tables"]
 ,Div ("",["center"],[])
- [Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
-  [[]
-  ,[]]
-  [[[Plain [Str "a"]]
-   ,[Plain [Str "b"]]]
-  ,[[Plain [Str "c"]]
-   ,[Plain [Str "d"]]]]]
+ [Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+  []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+  [Row ("",[],[])
+   [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    []
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    []]]
+  [Row ("",[],[])
+   [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "a"]]
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "b"]]]
+  ,Row ("",[],[])
+   [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "c"]]
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+    [Plain [Str "d"]]]]
+  []]
 ,Header 2 ("paragraphs",[],[]) [Str "paragraphs"]
 ,Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "first",Space,Str "paragraph",SoftBreak,Str "with",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "lines."]
 ,Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "second",Space,Str "paragraph",Space,Str "with",SoftBreak,Str "two",Space,Str "lines",Space,Str "after",Space,Str "many",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "lines."]
@@ -277,37 +333,78 @@ Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("date",MetaInlines [Str "2017-05-01"]),("title
 ,Para [Span ("",["todo"],[]) [Str "TODO:"]]
 ,Header 1 ("not implemented yet",[],[]) [Emph [Span ("not implemented yet",[],[]) [],Strong [Str "not",Space,Str "implemented",Space,Str "yet"]]]
 ,Header 2 ("tables with spans",[],[]) [Str "tables",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "spans"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]
- ,[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "a"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "c"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "d"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "\\/"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "e"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str ">"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "f"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "\\/"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "\\/"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str ">"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "g"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "h"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str ">"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str ">"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str ">"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "a"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "d"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "\\/"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "e"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ">"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "f"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "\\/"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "\\/"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ">"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "g"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "h"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ">"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ">"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str ">"]]]]
+ []
 ,Header 2 ("tables with multiple lines of headers",[],[]) [Str "tables",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "headers"]
-,Table [] [AlignDefault,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0]
- [[]
- ,[]]
- [[[Plain [Str "a"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "b"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "c"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "d"]]]
- ,[[Plain [Str "---"]]
-  ,[Plain [Str "---"]]]]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ []) [(AlignDefault,Nothing),(AlignDefault,Nothing)] 0
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   []]]
+ [Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "a"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "b"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "c"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "d"]]]
+ ,Row ("",[],[])
+  [Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "---"]]
+  ,Cell ("",[],[]) Nothing 1 1
+   [Plain [Str "---"]]]]
+ []
 ,Header 2 ("some other placeholders",[],[]) [Str "some",Space,Str "other",Space,Str "placeholders"]
 ,Para [Code ("",[],[]) "template",Space,Str "placeholder",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "ignored."]
 ,Para [Code ("",[],[]) "nohtml",Space,Str "placeholder",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "ignored."]]