Man reader: fixed nested emphasis.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 44 additions and 7 deletions
@ -174,15 +174,52 @@ parseTitle = do
return mempty
linePartsToInlines :: [LinePart] -> Inlines
linePartsToInlines = go
linePartsToInlines = go False
go :: [LinePart] -> Inlines
go [] = mempty
go (MacroArg _:xs) = go xs -- shouldn't happen
go (RoffStr s : xs) = text s <> go xs
go (Font _newfonts : xs) = go xs
go (FontSize _fs : xs) = go xs
go :: Bool -> [LinePart] -> Inlines
go _ [] = mempty
go mono (MacroArg _:xs) = go mono xs -- shouldn't happen
go mono (RoffStr s : xs)
| mono = code s <> go mono xs
| otherwise = text s <> go mono xs
go mono (Font fs: xs) =
if litals > 0 && litals >= lbolds && litals >= lmonos
then emph (go mono (Font fs{ fontItalic = False } :
map (adjustFontSpec (\s -> s{ fontItalic = False }))
itals)) <>
go mono italsrest
else if lbolds > 0 && lbolds >= lmonos
then strong (go mono (Font fs{ fontBold = False } :
map (adjustFontSpec (\s -> s{ fontBold = False }))
bolds)) <>
go mono boldsrest
else if lmonos > 0
then go True (Font fs{ fontMonospace = False } :
map (adjustFontSpec (\s -> s { fontMonospace = False }))
monos) <> go mono monosrest
else go mono xs
adjustFontSpec f (Font fspec) = Font (f fspec)
adjustFontSpec _ x = x
withFont f (Font fspec) = f fspec
withFont _ _ = False
litals = length itals
lbolds = length bolds
lmonos = length monos
(itals, italsrest) =
if fontItalic fs
then break (withFont (not . fontItalic)) xs
else ([], xs)
(bolds, boldsrest) =
if fontBold fs
then break (withFont (not . fontBold)) xs
else ([], xs)
(monos, monosrest) =
if fontMonospace fs
then break (withFont (not . fontMonospace)) xs
else ([], xs)
go mono (FontSize _fs : xs) = go mono xs
parsePara :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Blocks
parsePara = para . trimInlines <$> parseInlines
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