ZimWiki writer: number ordered list items sequentially...
rather than always with 1.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 44 additions and 48 deletions
@ -52,14 +52,13 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (defField, metaToJSON)
data WriterState = WriterState {
stItemNum :: Int,
stIndent :: String, -- Indent after the marker at the beginning of list items
stInTable :: Bool, -- Inside a table
stInLink :: Bool -- Inside a link description
instance Default WriterState where
def = WriterState { stItemNum = 1, stIndent = "", stInTable = False, stInLink = False }
def = WriterState { stIndent = "", stInTable = False, stInLink = False }
type ZW = StateT WriterState
@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ blockToZimWiki opts (BulletList items) = do
return $ vcat contents ++ if null indent then "\n" else ""
blockToZimWiki opts (OrderedList _ items) = do
contents <- mapM (orderedListItemToZimWiki opts) items
contents <- zipWithM (orderedListItemToZimWiki opts) [1..] items
indent <- gets stIndent
return $ vcat contents ++ if null indent then "\n" else ""
@ -210,25 +209,24 @@ definitionListItemToZimWiki opts (label, items) = do
indentFromHTML :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> String -> ZW m String
indentFromHTML _ str = do
indent <- gets stIndent
itemnum <- gets stItemNum
if "<li>" `isInfixOf` str then return $ indent ++ show itemnum ++ "."
else if "</li>" `isInfixOf` str then return "\n"
else if "<li value=" `isInfixOf` str then do
-- poor man's cut
let val = drop 10 $ reverse $ drop 1 $ reverse str
--let val = take ((length valls) - 2) valls
modify $ \s -> s { stItemNum = read val }
return ""
else if "<ol>" `isInfixOf` str then do
let olcount=countSubStrs "<ol>" str
modify $ \s -> s { stIndent = stIndent s ++ replicate olcount '\t', stItemNum = 1 }
return ""
else if "</ol>" `isInfixOf` str then do
let olcount=countSubStrs "/<ol>" str
modify $ \s -> s{ stIndent = drop olcount (stIndent s) }
return ""
return ""
if "<li>" `isInfixOf` str
then return indent
else if "</li>" `isInfixOf` str
then return "\n"
else if "<li value=" `isInfixOf` str
then return ""
else if "<ol>" `isInfixOf` str
then do
let olcount=countSubStrs "<ol>" str
modify $ \s -> s { stIndent = stIndent s ++
replicate olcount '\t' }
return ""
else if "</ol>" `isInfixOf` str
then do
let olcount=countSubStrs "/<ol>" str
modify $ \s -> s{ stIndent = drop olcount (stIndent s) }
return ""
else return ""
countSubStrs :: String -> String -> Int
countSubStrs sub str = length $ breakOnAll (pack sub) (pack str)
@ -250,14 +248,12 @@ listItemToZimWiki opts items = do
-- | Convert ordered list item (list of blocks) to ZimWiki.
orderedListItemToZimWiki :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions -> [Block] -> ZW m String
orderedListItemToZimWiki opts items = do
=> WriterOptions -> Int -> [Block] -> ZW m String
orderedListItemToZimWiki opts itemnum items = do
indent <- gets stIndent
modify $ \s -> s { stIndent = indent ++ "\t" }
contents <- blockListToZimWiki opts items
modify $ \s -> s{ stIndent = indent }
itemnum <- gets stItemNum
--modify $ \s -> s { stItemNum = itemnum + 1 } -- this is not strictly necessary for zim as zim does its own renumbering
return $ indent ++ show itemnum ++ ". " ++ contents
-- Auxiliary functions for tables:
@ -343,8 +339,8 @@ inlineToZimWiki _ (Math mathType str) = return $ delim ++ str ++ delim -- note
-- | f == Format "html" = return $ "<html>" ++ str ++ "</html>"
inlineToZimWiki opts il@(RawInline f str)
| f == Format "zimwiki" = return str
| f == Format "html" = indentFromHTML opts str
| otherwise = do
| f == Format "html" = indentFromHTML opts str
| otherwise = do
report $ InlineNotRendered il
return ""
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ E-mail style:
> A list:
> 1. item one
> 1. item two
> 2. item two
> Nested block quotes:
@ -147,33 +147,33 @@ Minuses loose:
1. First
1. Second
1. Third
2. Second
3. Third
1. One
1. Two
1. Three
2. Two
3. Three
Loose using tabs:
1. First
1. Second
1. Third
2. Second
3. Third
and using spaces:
1. One
1. Two
1. Three
2. Two
3. Three
Multiple paragraphs:
1. Item 1, graf one.
Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’s back.
1. Item 2.
1. Item 3.
2. Item 2.
3. Item 3.
===== Nested =====
@ -184,20 +184,20 @@ Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’s back.
Here’s another:
1. First
1. Second:
2. Second:
* Fee
* Fie
* Foe
1. Third
3. Third
Same thing but with paragraphs:
1. First
1. Second:
2. Second:
* Fee
* Fie
* Foe
1. Third
3. Third
===== Tabs and spaces =====
@ -209,12 +209,12 @@ Same thing but with paragraphs:
===== Fancy list markers =====
1. begins with 2
1. and now 3
2. and now 3
with a continuation
1. sublist with roman numerals, starting with 4
1. more items
1. a subsublist
2. more items
1. a subsublist
2. a subsublist
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ Nesting:
1. Autonumber.
1. More.
2. More.
1. Nested.
Should not be a list item:
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ computer
* **orange** orange fruit
1. sublist
1. sublist
2. sublist
====== HTML Blocks ======
Add table
Reference in a new issue