Muse writer: use lightweight markup when possible
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 198 additions and 69 deletions
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Muse (writeMuse) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Char (isSpace, isDigit, isAsciiUpper, isAsciiLower)
import Data.Char (isSpace, isAlphaNum, isDigit, isAsciiUpper, isAsciiLower)
import Data.Default
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.List (intersperse, transpose, isInfixOf)
@ -74,16 +74,20 @@ data WriterEnv =
, envInsideLinkDescription :: Bool -- ^ Escape ] if True
, envAfterSpace :: Bool -- ^ There is whitespace (not just newline) before
, envOneLine :: Bool -- ^ True if newlines are not allowed
, envInsideAsterisks :: Bool -- ^ True if outer element is emphasis with asterisks
, envNearAsterisks :: Bool -- ^ Rendering inline near asterisks
data WriterState =
WriterState { stNotes :: Notes
, stIds :: Set.Set String
, stUseTags :: Bool -- ^ Use tags for emphasis, for example because previous character is a letter
instance Default WriterState
where def = WriterState { stNotes = []
, stIds = Set.empty
, stUseTags = False
evalMuse :: PandocMonad m => Muse m a -> WriterEnv -> WriterState -> m a
@ -103,6 +107,8 @@ writeMuse opts document =
, envInsideLinkDescription = False
, envAfterSpace = False
, envOneLine = False
, envInsideAsterisks = False
, envNearAsterisks = False
-- | Return Muse representation of document.
@ -212,6 +218,7 @@ blockToMuse (BulletList items) = do
=> [Block]
-> Muse m Doc
bulletListItemToMuse item = do
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
contents <- blockListToMuse item
return $ hang 2 "- " contents
blockToMuse (DefinitionList items) = do
@ -223,6 +230,7 @@ blockToMuse (DefinitionList items) = do
=> ([Inline], [[Block]])
-> Muse m Doc
definitionListItemToMuse (label, defs) = do
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
label' <- local (\env -> env { envOneLine = True, envAfterSpace = True }) $ inlineListToMuse' label
contents <- vcat <$> mapM descriptionToMuse defs
let ind = offset label'
@ -401,6 +409,17 @@ fixNotes (Space : n@Note{} : rest) = Str " " : n : fixNotes rest
fixNotes (SoftBreak : n@Note{} : rest) = Str " " : n : fixNotes rest
fixNotes (x:xs) = x : fixNotes xs
startsWithSpace :: [Inline] -> Bool
startsWithSpace (Space:_) = True
startsWithSpace (SoftBreak:_) = True
startsWithSpace _ = False
endsWithSpace :: [Inline] -> Bool
endsWithSpace [Space] = True
endsWithSpace [SoftBreak] = True
endsWithSpace (_:xs) = endsWithSpace xs
endsWithSpace [] = False
urlEscapeBrackets :: String -> String
urlEscapeBrackets (']':xs) = '%':'5':'D':urlEscapeBrackets xs
urlEscapeBrackets (x:xs) = x:urlEscapeBrackets xs
@ -409,9 +428,9 @@ urlEscapeBrackets [] = []
isHorizontalRule :: String -> Bool
isHorizontalRule s = length s >= 4 && all (== '-') s
startsWithSpace :: String -> Bool
startsWithSpace (x:_) = isSpace x
startsWithSpace [] = False
stringStartsWithSpace :: String -> Bool
stringStartsWithSpace (x:_) = isSpace x
stringStartsWithSpace [] = False
fixOrEscape :: Bool -> Inline -> Bool
fixOrEscape sp (Str "-") = sp
@ -420,11 +439,19 @@ fixOrEscape _ (Str ">") = True
fixOrEscape sp (Str s) = (sp && (startsWithMarker isDigit s ||
startsWithMarker isAsciiLower s ||
startsWithMarker isAsciiUpper s))
|| isHorizontalRule s || startsWithSpace s
|| isHorizontalRule s || stringStartsWithSpace s
fixOrEscape _ Space = True
fixOrEscape _ SoftBreak = True
fixOrEscape _ _ = False
inlineListStartsWithAlnum :: PandocMonad m
=> [Inline]
-> Muse m Bool
inlineListStartsWithAlnum (Str s:_) = do
esc <- shouldEscapeString s
return $ esc || isAlphaNum (head s)
inlineListStartsWithAlnum _ = return False
-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to Muse
renderInlineList :: PandocMonad m
=> [Inline]
@ -436,11 +463,22 @@ renderInlineList (x:xs) = do
start <- asks envInlineStart
afterSpace <- asks envAfterSpace
topLevel <- asks envTopLevel
r <- local (\env -> env { envInlineStart = False }) $ inlineToMuse x
insideAsterisks <- asks envInsideAsterisks
nearAsterisks <- asks envNearAsterisks
useTags <- gets stUseTags
alnumNext <- inlineListStartsWithAlnum xs
let newUseTags = useTags || alnumNext
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = newUseTags }
r <- local (\env -> env { envInlineStart = False
, envInsideAsterisks = False
, envNearAsterisks = nearAsterisks || (null xs && insideAsterisks)
}) $ inlineToMuse x
opts <- asks envOptions
let isNewline = (x == SoftBreak && writerWrapText opts == WrapPreserve) || x == LineBreak
lst' <- local (\env -> env { envInlineStart = isNewline
, envAfterSpace = x == Space || (not topLevel && isNewline)
, envNearAsterisks = False
}) $ renderInlineList xs
if start && fixOrEscape afterSpace x
then pure (text "<verbatim></verbatim>" <> r <> lst')
@ -452,7 +490,9 @@ inlineListToMuse :: PandocMonad m
-> Muse m Doc
inlineListToMuse lst = do
lst' <- (normalizeInlineList . fixNotes) <$> preprocessInlineList (map (removeKeyValues . replaceSmallCaps) lst)
renderInlineList lst'
insideAsterisks <- asks envInsideAsterisks
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False } -- Previous character is likely a '>' or some other markup
local (\env -> env { envNearAsterisks = insideAsterisks }) $ renderInlineList lst'
inlineListToMuse' :: PandocMonad m => [Inline] -> Muse m Doc
inlineListToMuse' lst = do
@ -466,52 +506,112 @@ inlineListToMuse' lst = do
inlineToMuse :: PandocMonad m
=> Inline
-> Muse m Doc
inlineToMuse (Str str) =
text <$> conditionalEscapeString str
inlineToMuse (Str str) = do
escapedStr <- conditionalEscapeString str
let useTags = isAlphaNum $ last escapedStr -- escapedStr is never empty because empty strings are escaped
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = useTags }
return $ text escapedStr
inlineToMuse (Emph [Strong lst]) = do
useTags <- gets stUseTags
if useTags
then do contents <- local (\env -> env { envInsideAsterisks = True }) $ inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ "<em>**" <> contents <> "**</em>"
else if null lst || startsWithSpace lst || endsWithSpace lst
then do
contents <- local (\env -> env { envInsideAsterisks = False }) $ inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = True }
return $ "*<strong>" <> contents <> "</strong>*"
else do
contents <- local (\env -> env { envInsideAsterisks = True }) $ inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = True }
return $ "***" <> contents <> "***"
inlineToMuse (Emph lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToMuse lst
return $ "<em>" <> contents <> "</em>"
useTags <- gets stUseTags
if useTags || null lst || startsWithSpace lst || endsWithSpace lst
then do contents <- inlineListToMuse lst
return $ "<em>" <> contents <> "</em>"
else do contents <- local (\env -> env { envInsideAsterisks = True }) $ inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = True }
return $ "*" <> contents <> "*"
inlineToMuse (Strong [Emph lst]) = do
useTags <- gets stUseTags
if useTags
then do contents <- local (\env -> env { envInsideAsterisks = True }) $ inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ "<strong>*" <> contents <> "*</strong>"
else if null lst || startsWithSpace lst || endsWithSpace lst
then do
contents <- local (\env -> env { envInsideAsterisks = False }) $ inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = True }
return $ "**<em>" <> contents <> "</em>**"
else do
contents <- local (\env -> env { envInsideAsterisks = True }) $ inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = True }
return $ "***" <> contents <> "***"
inlineToMuse (Strong lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToMuse lst
return $ "<strong>" <> contents <> "</strong>"
useTags <- gets stUseTags
if useTags || null lst || startsWithSpace lst || endsWithSpace lst
then do contents <- inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ "<strong>" <> contents <> "</strong>"
else do contents <- local (\env -> env { envInsideAsterisks = True }) $ inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = True }
return $ "**" <> contents <> "**"
inlineToMuse (Strikeout lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ "<del>" <> contents <> "</del>"
inlineToMuse (Superscript lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ "<sup>" <> contents <> "</sup>"
inlineToMuse (Subscript lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ "<sub>" <> contents <> "</sub>"
inlineToMuse SmallCaps {} =
fail "SmallCaps should be expanded before normalization"
inlineToMuse (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ "‘" <> contents <> "’"
inlineToMuse (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToMuse lst
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ "“" <> contents <> "”"
inlineToMuse Cite {} =
fail "Citations should be expanded before normalization"
inlineToMuse (Code _ str) = return $
"<code>" <> text (substitute "</code>" "<</code><code>/code>" str) <> "</code>"
inlineToMuse (Code _ str) = do
useTags <- gets stUseTags
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ if useTags || null str || '=' `elem` str || isSpace (head str) || isSpace (last str)
then "<code>" <> text (substitute "</code>" "<</code><code>/code>" str) <> "</code>"
else "=" <> text str <> "="
inlineToMuse Math{} =
fail "Math should be expanded before normalization"
inlineToMuse (RawInline (Format f) str) =
inlineToMuse (RawInline (Format f) str) = do
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ "<literal style=\"" <> text f <> "\">" <> text str <> "</literal>"
inlineToMuse LineBreak = do
oneline <- asks envOneLine
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ if oneline then "<br>" else "<br>" <> cr
inlineToMuse Space = return space
inlineToMuse Space = do
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return space
inlineToMuse SoftBreak = do
oneline <- asks envOneLine
wrapText <- asks $ writerWrapText . envOptions
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ if not oneline && wrapText == WrapPreserve then cr else space
inlineToMuse (Link _ txt (src, _)) =
case txt of
[Str x] | escapeURI x == src ->
[Str x] | escapeURI x == src -> do
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ "[[" <> text (escapeLink x) <> "]]"
_ -> do contents <- local (\env -> env { envInsideLinkDescription = True }) $ inlineListToMuse txt
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ "[[" <> text (escapeLink src) <> "][" <> contents <> "]]"
where escapeLink lnk = if isImageUrl lnk then "URL:" ++ urlEscapeBrackets lnk else urlEscapeBrackets lnk
-- Taken from muse-image-regexp defined in Emacs Muse file lisp/muse-regexps.el
@ -537,11 +637,14 @@ inlineToMuse (Image attr@(_, classes, _) inlines (source, title)) = do
let rightalign = if "align-right" `elem` classes
then " r"
else ""
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ "[[" <> text (urlEscapeBrackets source ++ width ++ leftalign ++ rightalign) <> "]" <> title' <> "]"
inlineToMuse (Note contents) = do
-- add to notes in state
notes <- gets stNotes
modify $ \st -> st { stNotes = contents:notes }
modify $ \st -> st { stNotes = contents:notes
, stUseTags = False
let ref = show $ length notes + 1
return $ "[" <> text ref <> "]"
inlineToMuse (Span (anchor,names,_) inlines) = do
@ -549,6 +652,7 @@ inlineToMuse (Span (anchor,names,_) inlines) = do
let anchorDoc = if null anchor
then mempty
else text ('#':anchor) <> space
modify $ \st -> st { stUseTags = False }
return $ anchorDoc <> (if null inlines && not (null anchor)
then mempty
else (if null names
@ -354,23 +354,51 @@ tests = [ testGroup "block elements"
, "do not escape ; inside paragraph" =: text "foo ; bar" =?> "foo ; bar"
, testGroup "emphasis"
[ "emph" =: emph (text "foo") =?> "<em>foo</em>"
, "strong" =: strong (text "foo") =?> "<strong>foo</strong>"
[ "emphasis" =: emph (text "foo") =?> "*foo*"
, "emphasis inside word" =: text "foo" <> emph (text "bar") <> text "baz" =?> "foo<em>bar</em>baz"
, "emphasis before comma" =: emph (text "foo") <> text ", bar" =?> "*foo*, bar"
, "emphasis before period" =: emph (text "foobar") <> text "." =?> "*foobar*."
, "empty emphasis" =: emph mempty =?> "<em></em>"
, "empty strong" =: strong mempty =?> "<strong></strong>"
, "empty strong emphasis" =: strong (emph mempty) =?> "**<em></em>**"
, "empty emphasized strong" =: emph (strong mempty) =?> "*<strong></strong>*"
, "strong" =: strong (text "foo") =?> "**foo**"
, "strong inside word" =: text "foo" <> strong (text "bar") <> text "baz" =?> "foo<strong>bar</strong>baz"
, "strong emphasis" =: strong (emph (text "foo")) =?> "***foo***"
, "strong after emphasis" =: emph (text "foo") <> strong (text "bar") =?> "*foo*<strong>bar</strong>"
, "strong emphasis after emphasis" =: emph (text "foo") <> strong (emph (text "bar")) =?> "*foo*<strong>*bar*</strong>"
, "strong in the end of emphasis" =: emph (text "foo" <> strong (text "bar")) =?> "*foo<strong>bar</strong>*"
, "strikeout" =: strikeout (text "foo") =?> "<del>foo</del>"
, "space at the beginning of emphasis" =: emph (text " foo") =?> "<em> foo</em>"
, "space at the end of emphasis" =: emph (text "foo ") =?> "<em>foo </em>"
, "space at the beginning of strong" =: strong (text " foo") =?> "<strong> foo</strong>"
, "space at the end of strong" =: strong (text "foo ") =?> "<strong>foo </strong>"
, "space at the beginning of strong emphasis" =: strong (emph (text " foo")) =?> "**<em> foo</em>**"
, "space at the end of strong emphasis" =: strong (emph (text "foo ")) =?> "**<em>foo </em>**"
, "space at the beginning of emphasiszed strong" =: emph (strong (text " foo")) =?> "*<strong> foo</strong>*"
, "space at the end of emphasized strong" =: emph (strong (text "foo ")) =?> "*<strong>foo </strong>*"
, "superscript" =: superscript (text "foo") =?> "<sup>foo</sup>"
, "subscript" =: subscript (text "foo") =?> "<sub>foo</sub>"
, "smallcaps" =: smallcaps (text "foo") =?> "<em>foo</em>"
, "smallcaps near emphasis" =: emph (str "foo") <> smallcaps (str "bar") =?> "<em>foobar</em>"
, "smallcaps" =: smallcaps (text "foo") =?> "*foo*"
, "smallcaps near emphasis" =: emph (str "foo") <> smallcaps (str "bar") =?> "*foobar*"
, "single quoted" =: singleQuoted (text "foo") =?> "‘foo’"
, "double quoted" =: doubleQuoted (text "foo") =?> "“foo”"
-- Cite is trivial
, testGroup "code"
[ "simple" =: code "foo" =?> "<code>foo</code>"
[ "simple" =: code "foo" =?> "=foo="
, "empty" =: code "" =?> "<code></code>"
, "space" =: code " " =?> "<code> </code>"
, "space at the beginning" =: code " foo" =?> "<code> foo</code>"
, "space at the end" =: code "foo " =?> "<code>foo </code>"
, "use tags for =" =: code "foo = bar" =?> "<code>foo = bar</code>"
, "escape tag" =: code "<code>foo = bar</code> baz" =?> "<code><code>foo = bar<</code><code>/code> baz</code>"
, "normalization with attributes" =: codeWith ("",["haskell"],[]) "foo" <> code "bar" =?> "<code>foobar</code>"
, "normalization" =: code "</co" <> code "de>" =?> "<code><</code><code>/code></code>"
, "normalization with empty string" =: code "</co" <> str "" <> code "de>" =?> "<code><</code><code>/code></code>"
, "normalization with attributes" =: codeWith ("",["haskell"],[]) "foo" <> code "bar" =?> "=foobar="
, "code tag" =: code "<code>foo</code>" =?> "=<code>foo</code>="
, "normalization" =: code "</co" <> code "de>" <> code "=" =?> "<code><</code><code>/code>=</code>"
, "normalization with empty string" =: code "</co" <> str "" <> code "de>" <> code "=" =?> "<code><</code><code>/code>=</code>"
, "emphasized code" =: emph (code "foo") =?> "*=foo=*"
, "strong code" =: strong (code "foo") =?> "**=foo=**"
, testGroup "spaces"
[ "space" =: text "a" <> space <> text "b" =?> "a b"
@ -385,7 +413,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "block elements"
, testGroup "math"
[ "inline math" =: math "2^3" =?> "2<sup>3</sup>"
, "display math" =: displayMath "2^3" =?> "2<sup>3</sup>"
, "multiple letters in inline math" =: math "abc" =?> "<em>abc</em>"
, "multiple letters in inline math" =: math "abc" =?> "*abc*"
, "expand math before normalization" =: math "[" <> str "2]" =?> "<verbatim>[2]</verbatim>"
, "multiple math expressions inside one inline list" =: math "5_4" <> text ", " <> displayMath "3^2" =?> "5<sub>4</sub>, 3<sup>2</sup>"
@ -461,7 +489,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "block elements"
, "emph quoted" =:
para (doubleQuoted (emph (text "foo"))) =?>
, "strong word before" =:
para (text "foo" <> strong (text "bar")) =?>
@ -470,7 +498,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "block elements"
, "strong quoted" =:
para (singleQuoted (strong (text "foo"))) =?>
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ markdown test suite.
** Level 2 with an [[/url][embedded link]]
*** Level 3 with <em>emphasis</em>
*** Level 3 with *emphasis*
**** Level 4
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ markdown test suite.
* Level 1
** Level 2 with <em>emphasis</em>
** Level 2 with *emphasis*
*** Level 3
@ -271,18 +271,18 @@ Loose:
Multiple blocks with italics:
<em>apple</em> :: red fruit
*apple* :: red fruit
contains seeds, crisp, pleasant to taste
<em>orange</em> :: orange fruit
contains seeds, crisp, pleasant to taste
*orange* :: orange fruit
{ orange code block }
{ orange code block }
orange block quote
orange block quote
Multiple definitions, tight:
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ Interpreted markdown in a table:
This is <em>emphasized</em>
This is *emphasized*
<literal style="html">
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ This is <em>emphasized</em>
And this is <strong>strong</strong>
And this is **strong**
<literal style="html">
@ -461,27 +461,25 @@ Hr’s:
* Inline Markup
This is <em>emphasized</em>, and so <em>is this</em>.
This is *emphasized*, and so *is this*.
This is <strong>strong</strong>, and so <strong>is this</strong>.
This is **strong**, and so **is this**.
An <em>[[/url][emphasized link]]</em>.
An *[[/url][emphasized link]]*.
<strong><em>This is strong and em.</em></strong>
***This is strong and em.***
So is <strong><em>this</em></strong> word.
So is ***this*** word.
<strong><em>This is strong and em.</em></strong>
***This is strong and em.***
So is <strong><em>this</em></strong> word.
So is ***this*** word.
This is code: <code>></code>, <code>$</code>, <code>\</code>, <code>\$</code>,
This is code: =>=, =$=, =\=, =\$=, =<html>=.
<del>This is <em>strikeout</em>.</del>
<del>This is *strikeout*.</del>
Superscripts: a<sup>bc</sup>d a<sup><em>hello</em></sup>
a<sup>hello there</sup>.
Superscripts: a<sup>bc</sup>d a<sup>*hello*</sup> a<sup>hello there</sup>.
Subscripts: H<sub>2</sub>O, H<sub>23</sub>O, H<sub>many of them</sub>O.
@ -500,8 +498,8 @@ spaces: a^b c^d, a~b c~d.
‘He said, “I want to go.”’ Were you alive in the 70’s?
Here is some quoted ‘<code>code</code>’ and a
“[[][quoted link]]”.
Here is some quoted ‘=code=’ and a “[[][quoted
Some dashes: one—two — three—four — five.
@ -515,22 +513,21 @@ Ellipses…and…and….
- <literal style="tex">\cite[22-23]{smith.1899}</literal>
- <verbatim>2 + 2 = 4</verbatim>
- <em>x</em> ∈ <em>y</em>
- <em>α</em> ∧ <em>ω</em>
- *x* ∈ *y*
- *α* ∧ *ω*
- 223
- <em>p</em>-Tree
- *p*-Tree
- Here’s some display math:
<verbatim>$$\frac{d}{dx}f(x)=\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$$</verbatim>
- Here’s one that has a line break in it:
<em>α</em> + <em>ω</em> × <em>x</em><sup>2</sup>.
- Here’s one that has a line break in it: *α* + *ω* × *x*<sup>2</sup>.
These shouldn’t be math:
- To get the famous equation, write <code>$e = mc^2$</code>.
- $22,000 is a <em>lot</em> of money. So is $34,000. (It worked if “lot” is
- $22,000 is a *lot* of money. So is $34,000. (It worked if “lot” is
- Shoes ($20) and socks ($5).
- Escaped <code>$</code>: $73 <em>this should be emphasized</em> 23$.
- Escaped =$=: $73 *this should be emphasized* 23$.
Here’s a LaTeX table:
@ -669,7 +666,7 @@ An e-mail address: [[][]]
Blockquoted: [[]]
Auto-links should not occur here: <code><></code>
Auto-links should not occur here: =<>=
or here: <>
@ -689,7 +686,7 @@ Here is a movie [[movie.jpg][movie]] icon.
* Footnotes
Here is a footnote reference,[1] and another.[2] This should <em>not</em> be a
Here is a footnote reference,[1] and another.[2] This should *not* be a
footnote reference, because it contains a space.[^my note] Here is an inline
@ -716,9 +713,9 @@ This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.
If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy and just
indent the first line of each block.
[3] This is <em>easier</em> to type. Inline notes may contain
[[][links]] and <code>]</code> verbatim characters, as
well as [bracketed text].
[3] This is *easier* to type. Inline notes may contain
[[][links]] and =]= verbatim characters, as well as
[bracketed text].
[4] In quote.
Add table
Reference in a new issue