diff --git a/MANUAL.txt b/MANUAL.txt
index d97cbcbc9..f06293dd3 100644
--- a/MANUAL.txt
+++ b/MANUAL.txt
@@ -1672,6 +1672,21 @@ one line:
 verbosity: INFO
+In fields that expect a file path (or list of file paths), the
+following syntax may be used to interpolate environment variables:
+``` yaml
+csl:  ${HOME}/mycsldir/special.csl
+`${USERDATA}` may also be used; this will always resolve to the
+user data directory that is current when the defaults file is
+parsed, regardless of the setting of the environment
+variable `USERDATA`.
+This environment variable interpolation syntax *only* works in
+fields that expect file paths.
 Default files can be placed in the `defaults` subdirectory of
 the user data directory and used from any directory.  For
 example, one could create a file specifying defaults for writing
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs
index 40fb34834..6b45e5418 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs
@@ -47,10 +47,11 @@ import System.FilePath ( takeBaseName, takeExtension )
 import System.IO (nativeNewline, stdout)
 import qualified System.IO as IO (Newline (..))
 import Text.Pandoc
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder (setMeta)
 import Text.Pandoc.MIME (getCharset)
 import Text.Pandoc.App.FormatHeuristics (formatFromFilePaths)
 import Text.Pandoc.App.Opt (Opt (..), LineEnding (..), defaultOpts,
-                            IpynbOutput (..) )
+                            IpynbOutput (..))
 import Text.Pandoc.App.CommandLineOptions (parseOptions, parseOptionsFromArgs,
 import Text.Pandoc.App.OutputSettings (OutputSettings (..), optToOutputSettings)
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.PDF (makePDF)
 import Text.Pandoc.SelfContained (makeSelfContained)
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared (eastAsianLineBreakFilter, stripEmptyParagraphs,
          headerShift, isURI, tabFilter, uriPathToPath, filterIpynbOutput,
-         defaultUserDataDirs, tshow, findM)
+         defaultUserDataDir, tshow)
 import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (lookupMetaString)
 import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown (yamlToMeta)
 import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
@@ -71,6 +72,15 @@ import System.Posix.Terminal (queryTerminal)
 convertWithOpts :: Opt -> IO ()
 convertWithOpts opts = do
+  datadir <- case optDataDir opts of
+                  Nothing   -> do
+                    d <- defaultUserDataDir
+                    exists <- doesDirectoryExist d
+                    return $ if exists
+                                then Just d
+                                else Nothing
+                  Just _    -> return $ optDataDir opts
   let outputFile = fromMaybe "-" (optOutputFile opts)
   let filters = optFilters opts
   let verbosity = optVerbosity opts
@@ -85,12 +95,6 @@ convertWithOpts opts = do
                      Just xs | not (optIgnoreArgs opts) -> xs
                      _ -> ["-"]
-  datadir <- case optDataDir opts of
-                  Nothing   -> do
-                    ds <- defaultUserDataDirs
-                    findM doesDirectoryExist ds
-                  Just _    -> return $ optDataDir opts
   let runIO' :: PandocIO a -> IO a
       runIO' f = do
         (res, reports) <- runIOorExplode $ do
@@ -275,12 +279,21 @@ convertWithOpts opts = do
       report $ Deprecated "pandoc-citeproc filter"
                "Use --citeproc instead."
+    let cslMetadata =
+          maybe id (setMeta "csl") (optCSL opts) .
+          (case optBibliography opts of
+             [] -> id
+             xs -> setMeta "bibliography" xs) .
+          maybe id (setMeta "citation-abbreviations")
+                         (optCitationAbbreviations opts) $ mempty
     doc <- sourceToDoc sources >>=
               (   (if isJust (optExtractMedia opts)
                       then fillMediaBag
                       else return)
               >=> return . adjustMetadata (metadataFromFile <>)
               >=> return . adjustMetadata (<> optMetadata opts)
+              >=> return . adjustMetadata (<> cslMetadata)
               >=> applyTransforms transforms
               >=> applyFilters readerOpts filters [T.unpack format]
               >=> maybe return extractMedia (optExtractMedia opts)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/App/Opt.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/App/Opt.hs
index b69e4e51e..b56b2c377 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/App/Opt.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/App/Opt.hs
@@ -32,16 +32,18 @@ import Data.Char (isLower, toLower)
 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
 import GHC.Generics hiding (Meta)
 import Text.Pandoc.Filter (Filter (..))
-import Text.Pandoc.Logging (Verbosity (WARNING))
+import Text.Pandoc.Logging (Verbosity (WARNING), LogMessage(..))
 import Text.Pandoc.Options (TopLevelDivision (TopLevelDefault),
                             TrackChanges (AcceptChanges),
                             WrapOption (WrapAuto), HTMLMathMethod (PlainMath),
                             ReferenceLocation (EndOfDocument),
                             ObfuscationMethod (NoObfuscation),
                             CiteMethod (Citeproc))
-import Text.Pandoc.Class (readFileLazy, fileExists, setVerbosity, PandocMonad)
+import Text.Pandoc.Class (readFileLazy, fileExists, setVerbosity, report,
+                          PandocMonad(lookupEnv), getUserDataDir)
 import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError (PandocParseError, PandocSomeError))
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared (camelCaseStrToHyphenated, defaultUserDataDirs, findM, ordNub)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (camelCaseStrToHyphenated, defaultUserDataDir,
+                           findM, ordNub)
 import qualified Text.Pandoc.Parsing as P
 import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Metadata (yamlMap)
 import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocPure
@@ -176,17 +178,120 @@ instance (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m)
     dataDir <- case M.lookup "data-dir" opts of
       Nothing -> return Nothing
       Just v -> Just . unpack <$> parseYAML v
-    f <- parseOptions $ M.toList m
+    f <- parseOptions (M.toList m)
     case M.lookup "defaults" opts of
       Just v -> do
         g <- parseDefaults v dataDir
-        return  $ g >=> f
-      Nothing -> return f
+        return  $ g >=> f >=> resolveVarsInOpt
+      Nothing -> return $ f >=> resolveVarsInOpt
       toText (Scalar _ (SStr s)) = s
       toText _ = ""
   parseYAML n = failAtNode n "Expected a mapping"
+resolveVarsInOpt :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m) => Opt -> m Opt
+    opt@Opt
+    { optTemplate              = oTemplate
+    , optMetadataFiles         = oMetadataFiles
+    , optOutputFile            = oOutputFile
+    , optInputFiles            = oInputFiles
+    , optSyntaxDefinitions     = oSyntaxDefinitions
+    , optAbbreviations         = oAbbreviations
+    , optReferenceDoc          = oReferenceDoc
+    , optEpubMetadata          = oEpubMetadata
+    , optEpubFonts             = oEpubFonts
+    , optEpubCoverImage        = oEpubCoverImage
+    , optLogFile               = oLogFile
+    , optFilters               = oFilters
+    , optDataDir               = oDataDir
+    , optExtractMedia          = oExtractMedia
+    , optCss                   = oCss
+    , optIncludeBeforeBody     = oIncludeBeforeBody
+    , optIncludeAfterBody      = oIncludeAfterBody
+    , optIncludeInHeader       = oIncludeInHeader
+    , optResourcePath          = oResourcePath
+    , optCSL                   = oCSL
+    , optBibliography          = oBibliography
+    , optCitationAbbreviations = oCitationAbbreviations
+    }
+  = do
+      oTemplate' <- mapM resolveVars oTemplate
+      oMetadataFiles' <- mapM resolveVars oMetadataFiles
+      oOutputFile' <- mapM resolveVars oOutputFile
+      oInputFiles' <- mapM (mapM resolveVars) oInputFiles
+      oSyntaxDefinitions' <- mapM resolveVars oSyntaxDefinitions
+      oAbbreviations' <- mapM resolveVars oAbbreviations
+      oReferenceDoc' <- mapM resolveVars oReferenceDoc
+      oEpubMetadata' <- mapM resolveVars oEpubMetadata
+      oEpubFonts' <- mapM resolveVars oEpubFonts
+      oEpubCoverImage' <- mapM resolveVars oEpubCoverImage
+      oLogFile' <- mapM resolveVars oLogFile
+      oFilters' <- mapM resolveVarsInFilter oFilters
+      oDataDir' <- mapM resolveVars oDataDir
+      oExtractMedia' <- mapM resolveVars oExtractMedia
+      oCss' <- mapM resolveVars oCss
+      oIncludeBeforeBody' <- mapM resolveVars oIncludeBeforeBody
+      oIncludeAfterBody' <- mapM resolveVars oIncludeAfterBody
+      oIncludeInHeader' <- mapM resolveVars oIncludeInHeader
+      oResourcePath' <- mapM resolveVars oResourcePath
+      oCSL' <- mapM resolveVars oCSL
+      oBibliography' <- mapM resolveVars oBibliography
+      oCitationAbbreviations' <- mapM resolveVars oCitationAbbreviations
+      return opt{ optTemplate              = oTemplate'
+                , optMetadataFiles         = oMetadataFiles'
+                , optOutputFile            = oOutputFile'
+                , optInputFiles            = oInputFiles'
+                , optSyntaxDefinitions     = oSyntaxDefinitions'
+                , optAbbreviations         = oAbbreviations'
+                , optReferenceDoc          = oReferenceDoc'
+                , optEpubMetadata          = oEpubMetadata'
+                , optEpubFonts             = oEpubFonts'
+                , optEpubCoverImage        = oEpubCoverImage'
+                , optLogFile               = oLogFile'
+                , optFilters               = oFilters'
+                , optDataDir               = oDataDir'
+                , optExtractMedia          = oExtractMedia'
+                , optCss                   = oCss'
+                , optIncludeBeforeBody     = oIncludeBeforeBody'
+                , optIncludeAfterBody      = oIncludeAfterBody'
+                , optIncludeInHeader       = oIncludeInHeader'
+                , optResourcePath          = oResourcePath'
+                , optCSL                   = oCSL'
+                , optBibliography          = oBibliography'
+                , optCitationAbbreviations = oCitationAbbreviations'
+                }
+ where
+  resolveVars [] = return []
+  resolveVars ('$':'{':xs) =
+    let (ys, zs) = break (=='}') xs
+     in if null zs
+           then return $ '$':'{':xs
+           else do
+             val <- lookupEnv' ys
+             (val ++) <$> resolveVars (drop 1 zs)
+  resolveVars (c:cs) = (c:) <$> resolveVars cs
+  lookupEnv' "USERDATA" = do
+    mbodatadir <- mapM resolveVars oDataDir
+    mbdatadir  <- getUserDataDir
+    defdatadir <- liftIO defaultUserDataDir
+    return $ fromMaybe defdatadir (mbodatadir <|> mbdatadir)
+  lookupEnv' v = do
+    mbval <- fmap T.unpack <$> lookupEnv (T.pack v)
+    case mbval of
+      Nothing -> do
+        report $ EnvironmentVariableUndefined (T.pack v)
+        return mempty
+      Just x  -> return x
+  resolveVarsInFilter (JSONFilter fp) =
+    JSONFilter <$> resolveVars fp
+  resolveVarsInFilter (LuaFilter fp) =
+    LuaFilter <$> resolveVars fp
+  resolveVarsInFilter CiteprocFilter = return CiteprocFilter
 parseDefaults :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m)
               => Node Pos
               -> Maybe FilePath