From 6910267abfa7d5a1743589d301e7b9ecf2a54e4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Henri Menke <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2018 14:38:33 +1300
Subject: [PATCH] ConTeXt writer: Use xtables instead of Tables (#4223)

- Default to xtables for context output.
- Added `ntb` extension (affecting context writer only) to use Natural Tables instead.
- Added `Ext_ntb` constructor to `Extension` (API change).
 MANUAL.txt                         |   8 +
 data/templates/default.context     |   5 +
 src/Text/Pandoc/Extensions.hs      |   1 +
 src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs |  96 ++++++--
 test/Tests/Writers/ConTeXt.hs      |  55 +++++
 test/tables.context                | 365 +++++++++++++++++------------
 test/writer.context                |   5 +
 test/writers-lang-and-dir.context  |   5 +
 8 files changed, 360 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MANUAL.txt b/MANUAL.txt
index a615731bc..b06f3343f 100644
--- a/MANUAL.txt
+++ b/MANUAL.txt
@@ -1960,6 +1960,14 @@ extensions to Emacs Muse markup.
 Some aspects of [Pandoc's Markdown citation syntax](#citations) are also accepted
 in `org` input.
+#### Extension: `ntb` ####
+In the `context` output format this enables the use of [Natural Tables
+(TABLE)]( instead of the default
+[Extreme Tables (xtables)](
+Natural tables allow more fine-grained global customization but come
+at a performance penalty compared to extreme tables.
 Pandoc's Markdown
diff --git a/data/templates/default.context b/data/templates/default.context
index e17d85b36..56f4e9cf7 100644
--- a/data/templates/default.context
+++ b/data/templates/default.context
@@ -92,6 +92,11 @@ $endif$
 \setupthinrules[width=15em] % width of horizontal rules
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Extensions.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Extensions.hs
index cb3490cf7..8f6d49ade 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Extensions.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Extensions.hs
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ data Extension =
     | Ext_multiline_tables    -- ^ Pandoc-style multiline tables
     | Ext_native_divs             -- ^ Use Div blocks for contents of <div> tags
     | Ext_native_spans            -- ^ Use Span inlines for contents of <span>
+    | Ext_ntb                 -- ^ ConTeXt Natural Tables
     | Ext_old_dashes          -- ^ -- = em, - before number = en
     | Ext_pandoc_title_block  -- ^ Pandoc title block
     | Ext_pipe_tables         -- ^ Pipe tables (as in PHP markdown extra)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
index 072c2ca8d..64b7d2c53 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ data WriterState =
               , stOptions          :: WriterOptions -- writer options
+data Tabl = Xtb | Ntb deriving (Show, Eq)
 orderedListStyles :: [Char]
 orderedListStyles = cycle "narg"
@@ -252,33 +254,77 @@ blockToConTeXt HorizontalRule = return $ "\\thinrule" <> blankline
 -- If this is ever executed, provide a default for the reference identifier.
 blockToConTeXt (Header level attr lst) = sectionHeader attr level lst
 blockToConTeXt (Table caption aligns widths heads rows) = do
-    let colDescriptor colWidth alignment = (case alignment of
-                                               AlignLeft    -> 'l'
-                                               AlignRight   -> 'r'
-                                               AlignCenter  -> 'c'
-                                               AlignDefault -> 'l'):
-           if colWidth == 0
-              then "|"
-              else ("p(" ++ printf "%.2f" colWidth ++ "\\textwidth)|")
-    let colDescriptors = "|" ++ concat (
-                                 zipWith colDescriptor widths aligns)
-    headers <- if all null heads
-                  then return empty
-                  else liftM ($$ "\\HL") $ tableRowToConTeXt heads
+    opts <- gets stOptions
+    let tabl = if isEnabled Ext_ntb opts
+          then Ntb
+          else Xtb
     captionText <- inlineListToConTeXt caption
-    rows' <- mapM tableRowToConTeXt rows
-    return $ "\\placetable" <> (if null caption
-                                   then brackets "none"
-                                   else empty)
-                            <> braces captionText $$
-             "\\starttable" <> brackets (text colDescriptors) $$
-             "\\HL" $$ headers $$
-             vcat rows' $$ "\\HL" $$ "\\stoptable" <> blankline
+    headers <- if all null heads
+               then return empty
+               else tableRowToConTeXt tabl aligns widths heads
+    rows' <- mapM (tableRowToConTeXt tabl aligns widths) rows
+    body <- tableToConTeXt tabl headers rows'
+    return $ "\\startplacetable" <> brackets (
+      if null caption
+        then "location=none"
+        else "caption=" <> braces captionText
+      ) $$ body $$ "\\stopplacetable" <> blankline
-tableRowToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m => [[Block]] -> WM m Doc
-tableRowToConTeXt cols = do
-  cols' <- mapM blockListToConTeXt cols
-  return $ vcat (map ("\\NC " <>) cols') $$ "\\NC\\AR"
+tableToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m => Tabl -> Doc -> [Doc] -> WM m Doc
+tableToConTeXt Xtb heads rows =
+  return $ "\\startxtable" $$
+    (if isEmpty heads
+      then empty
+      else "\\startxtablehead[head]" $$ heads $$ "\\stopxtablehead") $$
+    (if null rows
+      then empty
+      else "\\startxtablebody[body]" $$ vcat (init rows) $$ "\\stopxtablebody" $$
+           "\\startxtablefoot[foot]" $$ last rows $$ "\\stopxtablefoot") $$
+    "\\stopxtable"
+tableToConTeXt Ntb heads rows =
+  return $ "\\startTABLE" $$
+    (if isEmpty heads
+      then empty
+      else "\\startTABLEhead" $$ heads $$ "\\stopTABLEhead") $$
+    (if null rows
+      then empty
+      else "\\startTABLEbody" $$ vcat (init rows) $$ "\\stopTABLEbody" $$
+           "\\startTABLEfoot" $$ last rows $$ "\\stopTABLEfoot") $$
+    "\\stopTABLE"
+tableRowToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m => Tabl -> [Alignment] -> [Double] -> [[Block]] -> WM m Doc
+tableRowToConTeXt Xtb aligns widths cols = do
+  cells <- mapM (tableColToConTeXt Xtb) $ zip3 aligns widths cols
+  return $ "\\startxrow" $$ vcat cells $$ "\\stopxrow"
+tableRowToConTeXt Ntb aligns widths cols = do
+  cells <- mapM (tableColToConTeXt Ntb) $ zip3 aligns widths cols
+  return $ vcat cells $$ "\\NC\\NR"
+tableColToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m => Tabl -> (Alignment, Double, [Block]) -> WM m Doc
+tableColToConTeXt tabl (align, width, blocks) = do
+  cellContents <- blockListToConTeXt blocks
+  let colwidth = if width == 0
+        then empty
+        else "width=" <> braces (text (printf "%.2f\\textwidth" width))
+  let halign = alignToConTeXt align
+  let options = (if keys == empty
+                 then empty
+                 else brackets keys) <> space
+        where keys = hcat $ intersperse "," $ filter (empty /=) [halign, colwidth]
+  tableCellToConTeXt tabl options cellContents
+tableCellToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m => Tabl -> Doc -> Doc -> WM m Doc
+tableCellToConTeXt Xtb options cellContents =
+  return $ "\\startxcell" <> options <> cellContents <> " \\stopxcell"
+tableCellToConTeXt Ntb options cellContents =
+  return $ "\\NC" <> options <> cellContents
+alignToConTeXt :: Alignment -> Doc
+alignToConTeXt align = case align of
+                         AlignLeft    -> "align=right"
+                         AlignRight   -> "align=left"
+                         AlignCenter  -> "align=middle"
+                         AlignDefault -> empty
 listItemToConTeXt :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> WM m Doc
 listItemToConTeXt list = blockListToConTeXt list >>=
diff --git a/test/Tests/Writers/ConTeXt.hs b/test/Tests/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
index 783b601a9..7145240e3 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ context = unpack . purely (writeConTeXt def) . toPandoc
 context' :: (ToPandoc a) => a -> String
 context' = unpack . purely (writeConTeXt def{ writerWrapText = WrapNone }) . toPandoc
+contextNtb :: (ToPandoc a) => a -> String
+contextNtb = unpack . purely (writeConTeXt def{ writerExtensions = enableExtension Ext_ntb pandocExtensions }) . toPandoc
   "my test" =: X =?> Y
@@ -68,5 +71,57 @@ tests = [ testGroup "inline code"
                 , "  \\stopitemize"
                 , "\\stopitemize" ]
+        , testGroup "natural tables"
+            [ test contextNtb "table with header and caption" $
+              let caption = text "Table 1"
+                  aligns = [(AlignRight, 0.0), (AlignLeft, 0.0), (AlignCenter, 0.0), (AlignDefault, 0.0)]
+                  headers = [plain $ text "Right",
+                             plain $ text "Left",
+                             plain $ text "Center",
+                             plain $ text "Default"]
+                  rows = [[plain $ text "1.1",
+                           plain $ text "1.2",
+                           plain $ text "1.3",
+                           plain $ text "1.4"]
+                         ,[plain $ text "2.1",
+                           plain $ text "2.2",
+                           plain $ text "2.3",
+                           plain $ text "2.4"]
+                         ,[plain $ text "3.1",
+                           plain $ text "3.2",
+                           plain $ text "3.3",
+                           plain $ text "3.4"]]
+              in table caption aligns headers rows
+              =?> unlines [ "\\startplacetable[caption={Table 1}]"
+                          , "\\startTABLE"
+                          , "\\startTABLEhead"
+                          , "\\NC[align=left] Right"
+                          , "\\NC[align=right] Left"
+                          , "\\NC[align=middle] Center"
+                          , "\\NC Default"
+                          , "\\NC\\NR"
+                          , "\\stopTABLEhead"
+                          , "\\startTABLEbody"
+                          , "\\NC[align=left] 1.1"
+                          , "\\NC[align=right] 1.2"
+                          , "\\NC[align=middle] 1.3"
+                          , "\\NC 1.4"
+                          , "\\NC\\NR"
+                          , "\\NC[align=left] 2.1"
+                          , "\\NC[align=right] 2.2"
+                          , "\\NC[align=middle] 2.3"
+                          , "\\NC 2.4"
+                          , "\\NC\\NR"
+                          , "\\stopTABLEbody"
+                          , "\\startTABLEfoot"
+                          , "\\NC[align=left] 3.1"
+                          , "\\NC[align=right] 3.2"
+                          , "\\NC[align=middle] 3.3"
+                          , "\\NC 3.4"
+                          , "\\NC\\NR"
+                          , "\\stopTABLEfoot"
+                          , "\\stopTABLE"
+                          , "\\stopplacetable" ]
+            ]
diff --git a/test/tables.context b/test/tables.context
index 371e559e5..89ff4a025 100644
--- a/test/tables.context
+++ b/test/tables.context
@@ -1,175 +1,230 @@
 Simple table with caption:
-\placetable{Demonstration of simple table syntax.}
-\NC Right
-\NC Left
-\NC Center
-\NC Default
-\NC 12
-\NC 12
-\NC 12
-\NC 12
-\NC 123
-\NC 123
-\NC 123
-\NC 123
-\NC 1
-\NC 1
-\NC 1
-\NC 1
+\startplacetable[caption={Demonstration of simple table syntax.}]
+\startxcell[align=left] Right \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] Left \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] Center \stopxcell
+\startxcell Default \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 1 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] 1 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] 1 \stopxcell
+\startxcell 1 \stopxcell
 Simple table without caption:
-\NC Right
-\NC Left
-\NC Center
-\NC Default
-\NC 12
-\NC 12
-\NC 12
-\NC 12
-\NC 123
-\NC 123
-\NC 123
-\NC 123
-\NC 1
-\NC 1
-\NC 1
-\NC 1
+\startxcell[align=left] Right \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] Left \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] Center \stopxcell
+\startxcell Default \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 1 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] 1 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] 1 \stopxcell
+\startxcell 1 \stopxcell
 Simple table indented two spaces:
-\placetable{Demonstration of simple table syntax.}
-\NC Right
-\NC Left
-\NC Center
-\NC Default
-\NC 12
-\NC 12
-\NC 12
-\NC 12
-\NC 123
-\NC 123
-\NC 123
-\NC 123
-\NC 1
-\NC 1
-\NC 1
-\NC 1
+\startplacetable[caption={Demonstration of simple table syntax.}]
+\startxcell[align=left] Right \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] Left \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] Center \stopxcell
+\startxcell Default \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 1 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] 1 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] 1 \stopxcell
+\startxcell 1 \stopxcell
 Multiline table with caption:
-\placetable{Here's the caption. It may span multiple lines.}
-\NC Centered Header
-\NC Left Aligned
-\NC Right Aligned
-\NC Default aligned
-\NC First
-\NC row
-\NC 12.0
-\NC Example of a row that spans multiple lines.
-\NC Second
-\NC row
-\NC 5.0
-\NC Here's another one. Note the blank line between rows.
+\startplacetable[caption={Here's the caption. It may span multiple lines.}]
+\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] Centered Header \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] Left Aligned \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left,width={0.16\textwidth}] Right Aligned \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.34\textwidth}] Default aligned \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] First \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] row \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left,width={0.16\textwidth}] 12.0 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.34\textwidth}] Example of a row that spans
+multiple lines. \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] Second \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] row \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left,width={0.16\textwidth}] 5.0 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.34\textwidth}] Here's another one. Note the
+blank line between rows. \stopxcell
 Multiline table without caption:
-\NC Centered Header
-\NC Left Aligned
-\NC Right Aligned
-\NC Default aligned
-\NC First
-\NC row
-\NC 12.0
-\NC Example of a row that spans multiple lines.
-\NC Second
-\NC row
-\NC 5.0
-\NC Here's another one. Note the blank line between rows.
+\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] Centered Header \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] Left Aligned \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left,width={0.16\textwidth}] Right Aligned \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.34\textwidth}] Default aligned \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] First \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] row \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left,width={0.16\textwidth}] 12.0 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.34\textwidth}] Example of a row that spans
+multiple lines. \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] Second \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] row \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left,width={0.16\textwidth}] 5.0 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.34\textwidth}] Here's another one. Note the
+blank line between rows. \stopxcell
 Table without column headers:
-\NC 12
-\NC 12
-\NC 12
-\NC 12
-\NC 123
-\NC 123
-\NC 123
-\NC 123
-\NC 1
-\NC 1
-\NC 1
-\NC 1
+\startxcell[align=left] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 12 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 123 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 1 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right] 1 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle] 1 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left] 1 \stopxcell
 Multiline table without column headers:
-\NC First
-\NC row
-\NC 12.0
-\NC Example of a row that spans multiple lines.
-\NC Second
-\NC row
-\NC 5.0
-\NC Here's another one. Note the blank line between rows.
+\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] First \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] row \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left,width={0.16\textwidth}] 12.0 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[width={0.34\textwidth}] Example of a row that spans multiple
+lines. \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=middle,width={0.15\textwidth}] Second \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=right,width={0.14\textwidth}] row \stopxcell
+\startxcell[align=left,width={0.16\textwidth}] 5.0 \stopxcell
+\startxcell[width={0.34\textwidth}] Here's another one. Note the blank line
+between rows. \stopxcell
diff --git a/test/writer.context b/test/writer.context
index 9884c82c9..e7af684f8 100644
--- a/test/writer.context
+++ b/test/writer.context
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@
 \setupthinrules[width=15em] % width of horizontal rules
diff --git a/test/writers-lang-and-dir.context b/test/writers-lang-and-dir.context
index 250ee8c59..19c45a4c9 100644
--- a/test/writers-lang-and-dir.context
+++ b/test/writers-lang-and-dir.context
@@ -49,6 +49,11 @@
 \setupthinrules[width=15em] % width of horizontal rules