LaTeX writer: prevent adjacent hyphens from forming ligatures.

This is important primarily for things like `--option`.
Em and En dashes will produce '---' and '--' in LaTeX, but
hyphens should not otherwise combine into dashes.
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2012-02-06 13:48:59 -08:00
parent 408f975e47
commit 66ac842456

View file

@ -170,26 +170,38 @@ elementToLaTeX opts (Sec level _ id' title' elements) = do
-- escape things as needed for LaTeX
stringToLaTeX :: Bool -> String -> String
stringToLaTeX isUrl = escapeStringUsing latexEscapes
where latexEscapes = backslashEscapes "{}$%&_#" ++
[ ('~', "\\ensuremath{\\sim}") | not isUrl ] ++
[ ('^', "\\^{}")
, ('\\', "\\textbackslash{}")
, ('€', "\\euro{}")
, ('|', "\\textbar{}")
, ('<', "\\textless{}")
, ('>', "\\textgreater{}")
, ('[', "{[}") -- to avoid interpretation as
, (']', "{]}") -- optional arguments
, ('\160', "~")
, ('\x2018', "`")
, ('\x2019', "'")
, ('\x201C', "``")
, ('\x201D', "''")
, ('\x2026', "\\ldots{}")
, ('\x2014', "---")
, ('\x2013', "--")
stringToLaTeX _ [] = ""
stringToLaTeX isUrl (x:xs) =
case x of
'{' -> "\\{" ++ rest
'}' -> "\\}" ++ rest
'$' -> "\\$" ++ rest
'%' -> "\\%" ++ rest
'&' -> "\\&" ++ rest
'_' -> "\\_" ++ rest
'#' -> "\\#" ++ rest
'-' -> case xs of -- prevent adjacent hyphens from forming ligatures
('-':_) -> "-{}" ++ rest
_ -> '-' : rest
'~' | not isUrl -> "\\ensuremath{\\sim}"
'^' -> "\\^{}" ++ rest
'\\' -> "\\textbackslash{}" ++ rest
'€' -> "\\euro{}" ++ rest
'|' -> "\\textbar{}" ++ rest
'<' -> "\\textless{}" ++ rest
'>' -> "\\textgreater{}" ++ rest
'[' -> "{[}" ++ rest -- to avoid interpretation as
']' -> "{]}" ++ rest -- optional arguments
'\160' -> "~" ++ rest
'\x2018' -> "`" ++ rest
'\x2019' -> "'" ++ rest
'\x201C' -> "``" ++ rest
'\x201D' -> "''" ++ rest
'\x2026' -> "\\ldots{}" ++ rest
'\x2014' -> "---" ++ rest
'\x2013' -> "--" ++ rest
_ -> x : rest
where rest = stringToLaTeX isUrl xs
-- | Puts contents into LaTeX command.
inCmd :: String -> Doc -> Doc