PDF: generalize type of makePDF...

instead of PandocIO, it can be used in any instance of
PandocMonad, MonadIO, and MonadMask.

[API change]
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2021-08-22 19:27:32 -07:00
parent 0df003b099
commit 65e78dac74

View file

@ -51,12 +51,13 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Shared (inDirectory, stringify, tshow)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (getField, metaToContext)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask)
#ifdef _WINDOWS
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, find)
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocIO (PandocIO, extractMedia)
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (fillMediaBag, getVerbosity, report)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (fillMediaBag, getVerbosity,
report, extractMedia, PandocMonad)
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
#ifdef _WINDOWS
@ -67,14 +68,15 @@ changePathSeparators =
intercalate "/" . map (filter (/='\\')) . splitDirectories
makePDF :: String -- ^ pdf creator (pdflatex, lualatex, xelatex,
makePDF :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
=> String -- ^ pdf creator (pdflatex, lualatex, xelatex,
-- wkhtmltopdf, weasyprint, prince, context, pdfroff,
-- or path to executable)
-> [String] -- ^ arguments to pass to pdf creator
-> (WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> PandocIO Text) -- ^ writer
-> (WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Text) -- ^ writer
-> WriterOptions -- ^ options
-> Pandoc -- ^ document
-> PandocIO (Either ByteString ByteString)
-> m (Either ByteString ByteString)
makePDF program pdfargs writer opts doc =
case takeBaseName program of
"wkhtmltopdf" -> makeWithWkhtmltopdf program pdfargs writer opts doc
@ -88,21 +90,6 @@ makePDF program pdfargs writer opts doc =
"-e", "-t", "-k", "-KUTF-8", "-i"] ++ pdfargs
generic2pdf program args source
baseProg -> do
-- latex has trouble with tildes in paths, which
-- you find in Windows temp dir paths with longer
-- user names (see #777)
let withTempDir :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> PandocIO a) -> PandocIO a
withTempDir templ action = do
tmp <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory
uname <- liftIO $ E.catch
(do (ec, sout, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode "uname" ["-o"] ""
if ec == ExitSuccess
then return $ Just $ filter (not . isSpace) sout
else return Nothing)
(\(_ :: E.SomeException) -> return Nothing)
if '~' `elem` tmp || uname == Just "Cygwin" -- see #5451
then withTempDirectory "." templ action
else withSystemTempDirectory templ action
withTempDir "tex2pdf." $ \tmpdir' -> do
#ifdef _WINDOWS
-- note: we want / even on Windows, for TexLive
@ -123,12 +110,30 @@ makePDF program pdfargs writer opts doc =
_ -> return $ Left $ UTF8.fromStringLazy
$ "Unknown program " ++ program
makeWithWkhtmltopdf :: String -- ^ wkhtmltopdf or path
-- latex has trouble with tildes in paths, which
-- you find in Windows temp dir paths with longer
-- user names (see #777)
withTempDir :: (PandocMonad m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m)
=> FilePath -> (FilePath -> m a) -> m a
withTempDir templ action = do
tmp <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory
uname <- liftIO $ E.catch
(do (ec, sout, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode "uname" ["-o"] ""
if ec == ExitSuccess
then return $ Just $ filter (not . isSpace) sout
else return Nothing)
(\(_ :: E.SomeException) -> return Nothing)
if '~' `elem` tmp || uname == Just "Cygwin" -- see #5451
then withTempDirectory "." templ action
else withSystemTempDirectory templ action
makeWithWkhtmltopdf :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m)
=> String -- ^ wkhtmltopdf or path
-> [String] -- ^ arguments
-> (WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> PandocIO Text) -- ^ writer
-> (WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Text) -- ^ writer
-> WriterOptions -- ^ options
-> Pandoc -- ^ document
-> PandocIO (Either ByteString ByteString)
-> m (Either ByteString ByteString)
makeWithWkhtmltopdf program pdfargs writer opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
let mathArgs = case writerHTMLMathMethod opts of
-- with MathJax, wait til all math is rendered:
@ -159,16 +164,18 @@ makeWithWkhtmltopdf program pdfargs writer opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
verbosity <- getVerbosity
liftIO $ html2pdf verbosity program args source
handleImages :: WriterOptions
handleImages :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m)
=> WriterOptions
-> FilePath -- ^ temp dir to store images
-> Pandoc -- ^ document
-> PandocIO Pandoc
-> m Pandoc
handleImages opts tmpdir doc =
fillMediaBag doc >>=
extractMedia tmpdir >>=
walkM (convertImages opts tmpdir)
convertImages :: WriterOptions -> FilePath -> Inline -> PandocIO Inline
convertImages :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m)
=> WriterOptions -> FilePath -> Inline -> m Inline
convertImages opts tmpdir (Image attr ils (src, tit)) = do
img <- liftIO $ convertImage opts tmpdir $ T.unpack src
newPath <-
@ -213,11 +220,12 @@ convertImage opts tmpdir fname = do
mime = getMimeType fname
doNothing = return (Right fname)
tectonic2pdf :: String -- ^ tex program
tectonic2pdf :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m)
=> String -- ^ tex program
-> [String] -- ^ Arguments to the latex-engine
-> FilePath -- ^ temp directory for output
-> Text -- ^ tex source
-> PandocIO (Either ByteString ByteString)
-> m (Either ByteString ByteString)
tectonic2pdf program args tmpDir source = do
(exit, log', mbPdf) <- runTectonic program args tmpDir source
case (exit, mbPdf) of
@ -227,11 +235,12 @@ tectonic2pdf program args tmpDir source = do
missingCharacterWarnings log'
return $ Right pdf
tex2pdf :: String -- ^ tex program
tex2pdf :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m)
=> String -- ^ tex program
-> [String] -- ^ Arguments to the latex-engine
-> FilePath -- ^ temp directory for output
-> Text -- ^ tex source
-> PandocIO (Either ByteString ByteString)
-> m (Either ByteString ByteString)
tex2pdf program args tmpDir source = do
let numruns | takeBaseName program == "latexmk" = 1
| "\\tableofcontents" `T.isInfixOf` source = 3 -- to get page numbers
@ -252,7 +261,7 @@ tex2pdf program args tmpDir source = do
missingCharacterWarnings log'
return $ Right pdf
missingCharacterWarnings :: ByteString -> PandocIO ()
missingCharacterWarnings :: PandocMonad m => ByteString -> m ()
missingCharacterWarnings log' = do
let ls = BC.lines log'
let isMissingCharacterWarning = BC.isPrefixOf "Missing character: "
@ -287,8 +296,9 @@ extractConTeXtMsg log' = do
-- running tex programs
runTectonic :: String -> [String] -> FilePath
-> Text -> PandocIO (ExitCode, ByteString, Maybe ByteString)
runTectonic :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m)
=> String -> [String] -> FilePath
-> Text -> m (ExitCode, ByteString, Maybe ByteString)
runTectonic program args' tmpDir' source = do
let getOutDir acc (a:b:xs) = if a `elem` ["-o", "--outdir"]
then (reverse acc ++ xs, Just b)
@ -318,7 +328,9 @@ runTectonic program args' tmpDir' source = do
-- read a pdf that has been written to a temporary directory, and optionally read
-- logs
getResultingPDF :: Maybe String -> String -> PandocIO (Maybe ByteString, Maybe ByteString)
getResultingPDF :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m)
=> Maybe String -> String
-> m (Maybe ByteString, Maybe ByteString)
getResultingPDF logFile pdfFile = do
pdfExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist pdfFile
pdf <- if pdfExists
@ -342,8 +354,9 @@ getResultingPDF logFile pdfFile = do
-- Run a TeX program on an input bytestring and return (exit code,
-- contents of stdout, contents of produced PDF if any). Rerun
-- a fixed number of times to resolve references.
runTeXProgram :: String -> [String] -> Int -> FilePath
-> Text -> PandocIO (ExitCode, ByteString, Maybe ByteString)
runTeXProgram :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m)
=> String -> [String] -> Int -> FilePath
-> Text -> m (ExitCode, ByteString, Maybe ByteString)
runTeXProgram program args numRuns tmpDir' source = do
let isOutdirArg x = "-outdir=" `isPrefixOf` x ||
"-output-directory=" `isPrefixOf` x
@ -388,10 +401,11 @@ runTeXProgram program args numRuns tmpDir' source = do
return (exit, fromMaybe out log', pdf)
runTeX 1
generic2pdf :: String
generic2pdf :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m)
=> String
-> [String]
-> Text
-> PandocIO (Either ByteString ByteString)
-> m (Either ByteString ByteString)
generic2pdf program args source = do
env' <- liftIO getEnvironment
verbosity <- getVerbosity
@ -444,11 +458,12 @@ html2pdf verbosity program args source =
(ExitSuccess, Nothing) -> Left ""
(ExitSuccess, Just pdf) -> Right pdf
context2pdf :: String -- ^ "context" or path to it
context2pdf :: (PandocMonad m, MonadIO m)
=> String -- ^ "context" or path to it
-> [String] -- ^ extra arguments
-> FilePath -- ^ temp directory for output
-> Text -- ^ ConTeXt source
-> PandocIO (Either ByteString ByteString)
-> m (Either ByteString ByteString)
context2pdf program pdfargs tmpDir source = do
verbosity <- getVerbosity
liftIO $ inDirectory tmpDir $ do