diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OpenDocument.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OpenDocument.hs
index 676a1acb0..d9f0a8e44 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OpenDocument.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OpenDocument.hs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (linesToPara)
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
-import Text.Pandoc.Translations (Term(Figure))
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.Translations as Term (Term(Figure, Table))
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.XML
@@ -70,32 +70,36 @@ plainToPara x = x
type OD m = StateT WriterState m
data WriterState =
- WriterState { stNotes :: [Doc]
- , stTableStyles :: [Doc]
- , stParaStyles :: [Doc]
- , stListStyles :: [(Int, [Doc])]
- , stTextStyles :: Map.Map (Set.Set TextStyle) (String, Doc)
- , stTextStyleAttr :: Set.Set TextStyle
- , stIndentPara :: Int
- , stInDefinition :: Bool
- , stTight :: Bool
- , stFirstPara :: Bool
- , stImageId :: Int
+ WriterState { stNotes :: [Doc]
+ , stTableStyles :: [Doc]
+ , stParaStyles :: [Doc]
+ , stListStyles :: [(Int, [Doc])]
+ , stTextStyles :: Map.Map (Set.Set TextStyle) (String, Doc)
+ , stTextStyleAttr :: Set.Set TextStyle
+ , stIndentPara :: Int
+ , stInDefinition :: Bool
+ , stTight :: Bool
+ , stFirstPara :: Bool
+ , stImageId :: Int
+ , stTableCaptionId :: Int
+ , stImageCaptionId :: Int
defaultWriterState :: WriterState
defaultWriterState =
- WriterState { stNotes = []
- , stTableStyles = []
- , stParaStyles = []
- , stListStyles = []
- , stTextStyles = Map.empty
- , stTextStyleAttr = Set.empty
- , stIndentPara = 0
- , stInDefinition = False
- , stTight = False
- , stFirstPara = False
- , stImageId = 1
+ WriterState { stNotes = []
+ , stTableStyles = []
+ , stParaStyles = []
+ , stListStyles = []
+ , stTextStyles = Map.empty
+ , stTextStyleAttr = Set.empty
+ , stIndentPara = 0
+ , stInDefinition = False
+ , stTight = False
+ , stFirstPara = False
+ , stImageId = 1
+ , stTableCaptionId = 1
+ , stImageCaptionId = 1
when :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
@@ -408,7 +412,7 @@ blockToOpenDocument o bs
mapM_ addParaStyle . newPara $ paraHStyles ++ paraStyles
captionDoc <- if null c
then return empty
- else withParagraphStyle o "Table" [Para c]
+ else inlinesToOpenDocument o c >>= numberedTableCaption
th <- if all null h
then return empty
else colHeadsToOpenDocument o (map fst paraHStyles) h
@@ -419,22 +423,35 @@ blockToOpenDocument o bs
figure attr caption source title | null caption =
withParagraphStyle o "Figure" [Para [Image attr caption (source,title)]]
| otherwise = do
- id' <- gets stImageId
imageDoc <- withParagraphStyle o "FigureWithCaption" [Para [Image attr caption (source,title)]]
- captionDoc <- inlinesToOpenDocument o caption >>= numberedFigureCaption id'
+ captionDoc <- inlinesToOpenDocument o caption >>= numberedFigureCaption
return $ imageDoc $$ captionDoc
-numberedFigureCaption :: PandocMonad m => Int -> Doc -> OD m Doc
-numberedFigureCaption num caption = do
- figterm <- translateTerm Figure
- let t = text figterm
- let r = num - 1
- let s = inTags False "text:sequence" [ ("text:ref-name", "refIllustration" ++ show r),
- ("text:name", "Illustration"),
- ("text:formula", "ooow:Illustration+1"),
+numberedTableCaption :: PandocMonad m => Doc -> OD m Doc
+numberedTableCaption caption = do
+ id' <- gets stTableCaptionId
+ modify (\st -> st{ stTableCaptionId = id' + 1 })
+ capterm <- translateTerm Term.Table
+ return $ numberedCaption "Table" capterm "Table" id' caption
+numberedFigureCaption :: PandocMonad m => Doc -> OD m Doc
+numberedFigureCaption caption = do
+ id' <- gets stImageCaptionId
+ modify (\st -> st{ stImageCaptionId = id' + 1 })
+ capterm <- translateTerm Term.Figure
+ return $ numberedCaption "FigureCaption" capterm "Illustration" id' caption
+numberedCaption :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
+numberedCaption style term name num caption =
+ let t = text term
+ r = num - 1
+ s = inTags False "text:sequence" [ ("text:ref-name", "ref" ++ name ++ show r),
+ ("text:name", name),
+ ("text:formula", "ooow:" ++ name ++ "+1"),
("style:num-format", "1") ] $ text $ show num
- let c = text ": "
- return $ inParagraphTagsWithStyle "FigureCaption" $ hcat [ t, text " ", s, c, caption ]
+ c = text ": "
+ in inParagraphTagsWithStyle style $ hcat [ t, text " ", s, c, caption ]
colHeadsToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions -> [String] -> [[Block]]
diff --git a/test/tables.opendocument b/test/tables.opendocument
index c04afd492..5c68476b8 100644
--- a/test/tables.opendocument
+++ b/test/tables.opendocument
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@
-Demonstration of simple table syntax.
+Table 1: Demonstration
+of simple table syntax.
Simple table without
@@ -196,7 +197,8 @@ spaces:
-Demonstration of simple table syntax.
+Table 2: Demonstration
+of simple table syntax.
Multiline table with
@@ -251,8 +253,8 @@ caption:
-Here’s the caption. It may span multiple
+Table 3: Here’s
+the caption. It may span multiple lines.
Multiline table without