diff --git a/data/templates b/data/templates
index 25f999ad5..7ac22fea6 160000
--- a/data/templates
+++ b/data/templates
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 25f999ad52d110575590ba900c33b48486e9ac25
+Subproject commit 7ac22fea6399ce6fdac093fa9d163d09fc28d440
diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index ff142f304..7e8a87b23 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -38,22 +38,30 @@ Description:     Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup
                  only adding a reader or writer.
                  -- templates
-                 data/templates/default.html, data/templates/default.html5,
-                 data/templates/default.docbook, data/templates/default.beamer,
+                 data/templates/default.html,
+                 data/templates/default.html5,
+                 data/templates/default.docbook,
+                 data/templates/default.beamer,
+                 data/templates/default.opml,
-                 data/templates/default.rst, data/templates/default.plain,
-                 data/templates/default.mediawiki, data/templates/default.rtf,
-                 data/templates/default.s5, data/templates/default.slidy,
+                 data/templates/default.rst,
+                 data/templates/default.plain,
+                 data/templates/default.mediawiki,
+                 data/templates/default.rtf,
+                 data/templates/default.s5,
+                 data/templates/default.slidy,
-                 data/templates/default.textile, data/templates/default.org,
-                 data/templates/default.epub, data/templates/default.epub3,
+                 data/templates/default.textile,
+                 data/templates/default.org,
+                 data/templates/default.epub,
+                 data/templates/default.epub3,
                  -- data for ODT writer
                  -- data for docx writer
@@ -172,6 +180,7 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
+                 tests/writer.opml,
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OPML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OPML.hs
index d6c0aa21a..f7eb9289a 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OPML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OPML.hs
@@ -37,19 +37,20 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML (writeHtmlString)
 import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown (writeMarkdown)
 import Data.List ( intercalate )
 import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
+import Data.Time
+import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
 -- | Convert Pandoc document to string in OPML format.
 writeOPML :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
 writeOPML opts (Pandoc (Meta tit auths dat) blocks) =
   let title = writeHtmlInlines tit
       author = writeHtmlInlines $ intercalate [Space,Str ";",Space] auths
-      date = trim $ writeHtmlInlines dat
+      date = convertDate dat
       elements = hierarchicalize blocks
       colwidth = if writerWrapText opts
                     then Just $ writerColumns opts
                     else Nothing
-      render' = render colwidth
-      main     = render' $ vcat (map (elementToOPML opts) elements)
+      main     = render colwidth $ vcat (map (elementToOPML opts) elements)
       context = writerVariables opts ++
                 [ ("body", main)
                 , ("title", title)
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ writeHtmlInlines :: [Inline] -> String
 writeHtmlInlines ils = trim $ writeHtmlString def
                             $ Pandoc (Meta [] [] []) [Plain ils]
+-- date format: RFC 822: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 23:41:05 GMT
+showDateTimeRFC822 :: UTCTime -> String
+showDateTimeRFC822 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a, %d %b %Y %X %Z"
+convertDate :: [Inline] -> String
+convertDate ils = maybe "" showDateTimeRFC822
+  $ parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%F" =<< (normalizeDate $ stringify ils)
 -- | Convert an Element to OPML.
 elementToOPML :: WriterOptions -> Element -> Doc
 elementToOPML _ (Blk _) = empty
@@ -73,7 +82,7 @@ elementToOPML opts (Sec _ _num _ title elements) =
       fromBlk _ = error "fromBlk called on non-block"
       (blocks, rest) = span isBlk elements
       attrs = [("text", writeHtmlInlines title)] ++
-              [("_note", writeMarkdown opts (Pandoc (Meta [] [] [])
+              [("_note", writeMarkdown def (Pandoc (Meta [] [] [])
                               (map fromBlk blocks)))
                 | not (null blocks)]
   in  inTags True "outline" attrs $
diff --git a/tests/Tests/Old.hs b/tests/Tests/Old.hs
index c22fa9830..45c430c33 100644
--- a/tests/Tests/Old.hs
+++ b/tests/Tests/Old.hs
@@ -125,7 +125,9 @@ tests = [ testGroup "markdown"
             "mediawiki-reader.wiki" "mediawiki-reader.native"
         , testGroup "opml"
-          [ test "reader" ["-r", "opml", "-w", "native", "-s"]
+          [ test "basic" ["-r", "native", "-w", "opml", "--columns=78", "-s"]
+             "testsuite.native" "writer.opml"
+          , test "reader" ["-r", "opml", "-w", "native", "-s"]
             "opml-reader.opml" "opml-reader.native"
         , testGroup "other writers" $ map (\f -> testGroup f $ writerTests f)
diff --git a/tests/opml-reader.native b/tests/opml-reader.native
index 8a627c025..ddcb6d8d2 100644
--- a/tests/opml-reader.native
+++ b/tests/opml-reader.native
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Pandoc (Meta {docTitle = [Str "states.opml"], docAuthors = [[Str "Dave",Space,Str "Winer"]], docDate = [Str "Thu,",Space,Str "14",Space,Str "Jul",Space,Str "2005",Space,Str "23:41:05",Space,Str "GMT"]})
+Pandoc (Meta {docTitle = [Str "States"], docAuthors = [[Str "Dave",Space,Str "Winer"]], docDate = [Str "Thu,",Space,Str "14",Space,Str "Jul",Space,Str "2005",Space,Str "23:41:05",Space,Str "GMT"]})
 [Header 1 ("",[],[]) [Str "United",Space,Str "States"]
 ,Header 2 ("",[],[]) [Str "Far",Space,Str "West"]
 ,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Alaska"]
diff --git a/tests/opml-reader.opml b/tests/opml-reader.opml
index 54dd592ea..18436e675 100644
--- a/tests/opml-reader.opml
+++ b/tests/opml-reader.opml
@@ -1,91 +1,83 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <opml version="2.0">
-	<head>
-		<title>states.opml</title>
-		<dateCreated>Tue, 15 Mar 2005 16:35:45 GMT</dateCreated>
-		<dateModified>Thu, 14 Jul 2005 23:41:05 GMT</dateModified>
-		<ownerName>Dave Winer</ownerName>
-		<ownerEmail>dave@scripting.com</ownerEmail>
-		<expansionState>1, 6, 13, 16, 18, 20</expansionState>
-		<vertScrollState>1</vertScrollState>
-		<windowTop>106</windowTop>
-		<windowLeft>106</windowLeft>
-		<windowBottom>558</windowBottom>
-		<windowRight>479</windowRight>
-		</head>
-	<body>
-		<outline text="United States">
-			<outline text="Far West">
-				<outline text="Alaska"/>
-				<outline text="California"/>
-				<outline text="Hawaii"/>
-                                <outline text="&lt;strong&gt;Nevada&lt;/strong&gt;" _note="I lived here *once*.&#10;&#10;Loved it.">
-                                  <outline text="Reno" created="Tue, 12 Jul 2005 23:56:35 GMT" type="link" url="http://www.reno.gov"/>
-					<outline text="Las Vegas" created="Tue, 12 Jul 2005 23:56:37 GMT"/>
-					<outline text="Ely" created="Tue, 12 Jul 2005 23:56:39 GMT"/>
-					<outline text="Gerlach" created="Tue, 12 Jul 2005 23:56:47 GMT"/>
-					</outline>
-				<outline text="Oregon"/>
-				<outline text="Washington"/>
-				</outline>
-			<outline text="Great Plains">
-				<outline text="Kansas"/>
-				<outline text="Nebraska"/>
-				<outline text="North Dakota"/>
-				<outline text="Oklahoma"/>
-				<outline text="South Dakota"/>
-				</outline>
-			<outline text="Mid-Atlantic">
-				<outline text="Delaware"/>
-				<outline text="Maryland"/>
-				<outline text="New Jersey"/>
-				<outline text="New York"/>
-				<outline text="Pennsylvania"/>
-				</outline>
-			<outline text="Midwest">
-				<outline text="Illinois"/>
-				<outline text="Indiana"/>
-				<outline text="Iowa"/>
-				<outline text="Kentucky"/>
-				<outline text="Michigan"/>
-				<outline text="Minnesota"/>
-				<outline text="Missouri"/>
-				<outline text="Ohio"/>
-				<outline text="West Virginia"/>
-				<outline text="Wisconsin"/>
-				</outline>
-			<outline text="Mountains">
-				<outline text="Colorado"/>
-				<outline text="Idaho"/>
-				<outline text="Montana"/>
-				<outline text="Utah"/>
-				<outline text="Wyoming"/>
-				</outline>
-			<outline text="New England">
-				<outline text="Connecticut"/>
-				<outline text="Maine"/>
-				<outline text="Massachusetts"/>
-				<outline text="New Hampshire"/>
-				<outline text="Rhode Island"/>
-				<outline text="Vermont"/>
-				</outline>
-			<outline text="South">
-				<outline text="Alabama"/>
-				<outline text="Arkansas"/>
-				<outline text="Florida"/>
-				<outline text="Georgia"/>
-				<outline text="Louisiana"/>
-				<outline text="Mississippi"/>
-				<outline text="North Carolina"/>
-				<outline text="South Carolina"/>
-				<outline text="Tennessee"/>
-				<outline text="Virginia"/>
-				</outline>
-			<outline text="Southwest">
-				<outline text="Arizona"/>
-				<outline text="New Mexico"/>
-				<outline text="Texas"/>
-				</outline>
-			</outline>
-		</body>
-	</opml>
+  <head>
+    <title>States</title>
+    <dateModified>Thu, 14 Jul 2005 23:41:05 GMT</dateModified>
+    <ownerName>Dave Winer</ownerName>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <outline text="United States">
+      <outline text="Far West">
+        <outline text="Alaska"/>
+        <outline text="California"/>
+        <outline text="Hawaii"/>
+          <outline text="&lt;strong&gt;Nevada&lt;/strong&gt;" _note="I lived here *once*.&#10;&#10;Loved it.">
+          <outline text="Reno" created="Tue, 12 Jul 2005 23:56:35 GMT" type="link" url="http://www.reno.gov"/>
+          <outline text="Las Vegas" created="Tue, 12 Jul 2005 23:56:37 GMT"/>
+          <outline text="Ely" created="Tue, 12 Jul 2005 23:56:39 GMT"/>
+          <outline text="Gerlach" created="Tue, 12 Jul 2005 23:56:47 GMT"/>
+          </outline>
+        <outline text="Oregon"/>
+        <outline text="Washington"/>
+        </outline>
+      <outline text="Great Plains">
+        <outline text="Kansas"/>
+        <outline text="Nebraska"/>
+        <outline text="North Dakota"/>
+        <outline text="Oklahoma"/>
+        <outline text="South Dakota"/>
+        </outline>
+      <outline text="Mid-Atlantic">
+        <outline text="Delaware"/>
+        <outline text="Maryland"/>
+        <outline text="New Jersey"/>
+        <outline text="New York"/>
+        <outline text="Pennsylvania"/>
+        </outline>
+      <outline text="Midwest">
+        <outline text="Illinois"/>
+        <outline text="Indiana"/>
+        <outline text="Iowa"/>
+        <outline text="Kentucky"/>
+        <outline text="Michigan"/>
+        <outline text="Minnesota"/>
+        <outline text="Missouri"/>
+        <outline text="Ohio"/>
+        <outline text="West Virginia"/>
+        <outline text="Wisconsin"/>
+        </outline>
+      <outline text="Mountains">
+        <outline text="Colorado"/>
+        <outline text="Idaho"/>
+        <outline text="Montana"/>
+        <outline text="Utah"/>
+        <outline text="Wyoming"/>
+        </outline>
+      <outline text="New England">
+        <outline text="Connecticut"/>
+        <outline text="Maine"/>
+        <outline text="Massachusetts"/>
+        <outline text="New Hampshire"/>
+        <outline text="Rhode Island"/>
+        <outline text="Vermont"/>
+        </outline>
+      <outline text="South">
+        <outline text="Alabama"/>
+        <outline text="Arkansas"/>
+        <outline text="Florida"/>
+        <outline text="Georgia"/>
+        <outline text="Louisiana"/>
+        <outline text="Mississippi"/>
+        <outline text="North Carolina"/>
+        <outline text="South Carolina"/>
+        <outline text="Tennessee"/>
+        <outline text="Virginia"/>
+      </outline>
+      <outline text="Southwest">
+        <outline text="Arizona"/>
+        <outline text="New Mexico"/>
+        <outline text="Texas"/>
+      </outline>
+    </outline>
+  </body>
diff --git a/tests/writer.opml b/tests/writer.opml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08d2a84ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/writer.opml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<opml version="2.0">
+  <head>
+    <title>Pandoc Test Suite</title>
+    <dateModified>Mon, 17 Jul 2006 00:00:00 UTC</dateModified>
+    <ownerName>John MacFarlane ; Anonymous</ownerName>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+<outline text="Headers">
+  <outline text="Level 2 with an &lt;a href=&quot;/url&quot;&gt;embedded link&lt;/a&gt;">
+    <outline text="Level 3 with &lt;em&gt;emphasis&lt;/em&gt;">
+      <outline text="Level 4">
+        <outline text="Level 5">
+        </outline>
+      </outline>
+    </outline>
+  </outline>
+<outline text="Level 1">
+  <outline text="Level 2 with &lt;em&gt;emphasis&lt;/em&gt;">
+    <outline text="Level 3" _note="with no blank line">
+    </outline>
+  </outline>
+  <outline text="Level 2" _note="with no blank line&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
+  </outline>
+<outline text="Paragraphs" _note="Here’s a regular paragraph.&#10;&#10;In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a list&#10;item. Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph looked&#10;like a list item.&#10;&#10;Here’s one with a bullet. \* criminey.&#10;&#10;There should be a hard line break\&#10;here.&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
+<outline text="Block Quotes" _note="E-mail style:&#10;&#10;&gt; This is a block quote. It is pretty short.&#10;&#10;&gt; Code in a block quote:&#10;&gt;&#10;&gt;     sub status {&#10;&gt;         print &quot;working&quot;;&#10;&gt;     }&#10;&gt;&#10;&gt; A list:&#10;&gt;&#10;&gt; 1.  item one&#10;&gt; 2.  item two&#10;&gt;&#10;&gt; Nested block quotes:&#10;&gt;&#10;&gt; &gt; nested&#10;&gt;&#10;&gt; &gt; nested&#10;&#10;This should not be a block quote: 2 \&gt; 1.&#10;&#10;And a following paragraph.&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
+<outline text="Code Blocks" _note="Code:&#10;&#10;    ---- (should be four hyphens)&#10;&#10;    sub status {&#10;        print &quot;working&quot;;&#10;    }&#10;&#10;    this code block is indented by one tab&#10;&#10;And:&#10;&#10;        this code block is indented by two tabs&#10;&#10;    These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \&gt; \[ \{&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
+<outline text="Lists">
+  <outline text="Unordered" _note="Asterisks tight:&#10;&#10;-   asterisk 1&#10;-   asterisk 2&#10;-   asterisk 3&#10;&#10;Asterisks loose:&#10;&#10;-   asterisk 1&#10;&#10;-   asterisk 2&#10;&#10;-   asterisk 3&#10;&#10;Pluses tight:&#10;&#10;-   Plus 1&#10;-   Plus 2&#10;-   Plus 3&#10;&#10;Pluses loose:&#10;&#10;-   Plus 1&#10;&#10;-   Plus 2&#10;&#10;-   Plus 3&#10;&#10;Minuses tight:&#10;&#10;-   Minus 1&#10;-   Minus 2&#10;-   Minus 3&#10;&#10;Minuses loose:&#10;&#10;-   Minus 1&#10;&#10;-   Minus 2&#10;&#10;-   Minus 3&#10;&#10;">
+  </outline>
+  <outline text="Ordered" _note="Tight:&#10;&#10;1.  First&#10;2.  Second&#10;3.  Third&#10;&#10;and:&#10;&#10;1.  One&#10;2.  Two&#10;3.  Three&#10;&#10;Loose using tabs:&#10;&#10;1.  First&#10;&#10;2.  Second&#10;&#10;3.  Third&#10;&#10;and using spaces:&#10;&#10;1.  One&#10;&#10;2.  Two&#10;&#10;3.  Three&#10;&#10;Multiple paragraphs:&#10;&#10;1.  Item 1, graf one.&#10;&#10;    Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’s&#10;    back.&#10;&#10;2.  Item 2.&#10;&#10;3.  Item 3.&#10;&#10;">
+  </outline>
+  <outline text="Nested" _note="-   Tab&#10;    -   Tab&#10;        -   Tab&#10;&#10;Here’s another:&#10;&#10;1.  First&#10;2.  Second:&#10;    -   Fee&#10;    -   Fie&#10;    -   Foe&#10;&#10;3.  Third&#10;&#10;Same thing but with paragraphs:&#10;&#10;1.  First&#10;&#10;2.  Second:&#10;&#10;    -   Fee&#10;    -   Fie&#10;    -   Foe&#10;&#10;3.  Third&#10;&#10;">
+  </outline>
+  <outline text="Tabs and spaces" _note="-   this is a list item indented with tabs&#10;&#10;-   this is a list item indented with spaces&#10;&#10;    -   this is an example list item indented with tabs&#10;&#10;    -   this is an example list item indented with spaces&#10;&#10;">
+  </outline>
+  <outline text="Fancy list markers" _note="(2) begins with 2&#10;(3) and now 3&#10;&#10;    with a continuation&#10;&#10;    iv. sublist with roman numerals, starting with 4&#10;    v.  more items&#10;        (A) a subsublist&#10;        (B) a subsublist&#10;&#10;Nesting:&#10;&#10;A.  Upper Alpha&#10;    I.  Upper Roman.&#10;        (6) Decimal start with 6&#10;            c)  Lower alpha with paren&#10;&#10;Autonumbering:&#10;&#10;1.  Autonumber.&#10;2.  More.&#10;    1.  Nested.&#10;&#10;Should not be a list item:&#10;&#10;M.A. 2007&#10;&#10;B. Williams&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
+  </outline>
+<outline text="Definition Lists" _note="Tight using spaces:&#10;&#10;apple&#10;:   red fruit&#10;orange&#10;:   orange fruit&#10;banana&#10;:   yellow fruit&#10;&#10;Tight using tabs:&#10;&#10;apple&#10;:   red fruit&#10;orange&#10;:   orange fruit&#10;banana&#10;:   yellow fruit&#10;&#10;Loose:&#10;&#10;apple&#10;:   red fruit&#10;&#10;orange&#10;:   orange fruit&#10;&#10;banana&#10;:   yellow fruit&#10;&#10;Multiple blocks with italics:&#10;&#10;*apple*&#10;:   red fruit&#10;&#10;    contains seeds, crisp, pleasant to taste&#10;&#10;*orange*&#10;:   orange fruit&#10;&#10;        { orange code block }&#10;&#10;    &gt; orange block quote&#10;&#10;Multiple definitions, tight:&#10;&#10;apple&#10;:   red fruit&#10;:   computer&#10;orange&#10;:   orange fruit&#10;:   bank&#10;&#10;Multiple definitions, loose:&#10;&#10;apple&#10;:   red fruit&#10;&#10;:   computer&#10;&#10;orange&#10;:   orange fruit&#10;&#10;:   bank&#10;&#10;Blank line after term, indented marker, alternate markers:&#10;&#10;apple&#10;:   red fruit&#10;&#10;:   computer&#10;&#10;orange&#10;:   orange fruit&#10;&#10;    1.  sublist&#10;    2.  sublist&#10;&#10;">
+<outline text="HTML Blocks" _note="Simple block on one line:&#10;&#10;&lt;div&gt;&#10;foo&#10;&lt;/div&gt;&#10;&#10;And nested without indentation:&#10;&#10;&lt;div&gt;&#10;&lt;div&gt;&#10;&lt;div&gt;&#10;foo&#10;&lt;/div&gt;&#10;&lt;/div&gt;&#10;&lt;div&gt;&#10;bar&#10;&lt;/div&gt;&#10;&lt;/div&gt;&#10;&#10;Interpreted markdown in a table:&#10;&#10;&lt;table&gt;&#10;&lt;tr&gt;&#10;&lt;td&gt;&#10;This is *emphasized*&#10;&lt;/td&gt;&#10;&lt;td&gt;&#10;And this is **strong**&#10;&lt;/td&gt;&#10;&lt;/tr&gt;&#10;&lt;/table&gt;&#10;&#10;&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;document.write('This *should not* be interpreted as markdown');&lt;/script&gt;&#10;&#10;Here’s a simple block:&#10;&#10;&lt;div&gt;&#10;    &#10;foo&#10;&lt;/div&gt;&#10;&#10;This should be a code block, though:&#10;&#10;    &lt;div&gt;&#10;        foo&#10;    &lt;/div&gt;&#10;&#10;As should this:&#10;&#10;    &lt;div&gt;foo&lt;/div&gt;&#10;&#10;Now, nested:&#10;&#10;&lt;div&gt;&#10;    &lt;div&gt;&#10;        &lt;div&gt;&#10;            &#10;foo&#10;&lt;/div&gt;&#10;    &lt;/div&gt;&#10;&lt;/div&gt;&#10;&#10;This should just be an HTML comment:&#10;&#10;&lt;!-- Comment --&gt;&#10;&#10;Multiline:&#10;&#10;&lt;!--&#10;Blah&#10;Blah&#10;--&gt;&#10;&#10;&lt;!--&#10;    This is another comment.&#10;--&gt;&#10;&#10;Code block:&#10;&#10;    &lt;!-- Comment --&gt;&#10;&#10;Just plain comment, with trailing spaces on the line:&#10;&#10;&lt;!-- foo --&gt;   &#10;&#10;Code:&#10;&#10;    &lt;hr /&gt;&#10;&#10;Hr’s:&#10;&#10;&lt;hr&gt;&#10;&#10;&lt;hr /&gt;&#10;&#10;&lt;hr /&gt;&#10;&#10;&lt;hr&gt;   &#10;&#10;&lt;hr /&gt;  &#10;&#10;&lt;hr /&gt; &#10;&#10;&lt;hr class=&quot;foo&quot; id=&quot;bar&quot; /&gt;&#10;&#10;&lt;hr class=&quot;foo&quot; id=&quot;bar&quot; /&gt;&#10;&#10;&lt;hr class=&quot;foo&quot; id=&quot;bar&quot;&gt;&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
+<outline text="Inline Markup" _note="This is *emphasized*, and so *is this*.&#10;&#10;This is **strong**, and so **is this**.&#10;&#10;An *[emphasized link](/url)*.&#10;&#10;***This is strong and em.***&#10;&#10;So is ***this*** word.&#10;&#10;***This is strong and em.***&#10;&#10;So is ***this*** word.&#10;&#10;This is code: `&gt;`, `$`, `\`, `\$`, `&lt;html&gt;`.&#10;&#10;~~This is *strikeout*.~~&#10;&#10;Superscripts: a^bc^d a^*hello*^ a^hello there^.&#10;&#10;Subscripts: H~2~O, H~23~O, H~many of them~O.&#10;&#10;These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the unescaped&#10;spaces: a\^b c\^d, a\~b c\~d.&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
+<outline text="Smart quotes, ellipses, dashes" _note="“Hello,” said the spider. “‘Shelob’ is my name.”&#10;&#10;‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ are letters.&#10;&#10;‘Oak,’ ‘elm,’ and ‘beech’ are names of trees. So is ‘pine.’&#10;&#10;‘He said, “I want to go.”’ Were you alive in the 70’s?&#10;&#10;Here is some quoted ‘`code`’ and a “[quoted&#10;link](http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2)”.&#10;&#10;Some dashes: one—two — three—four — five.&#10;&#10;Dashes between numbers: 5–7, 255–66, 1987–1999.&#10;&#10;Ellipses…and…and….&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
+<outline text="LaTeX" _note="-   \cite[22-23]{smith.1899}&#10;-   $2+2=4$&#10;-   $x \in y$&#10;-   $\alpha \wedge \omega$&#10;-   $223$&#10;-   $p$-Tree&#10;-   Here’s some display math:&#10;    $$\frac{d}{dx}f(x)=\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$$&#10;-   Here’s one that has a line break in it:&#10;    $\alpha + \omega \times x^2$.&#10;&#10;These shouldn’t be math:&#10;&#10;-   To get the famous equation, write `$e = mc^2$`.&#10;-   \$22,000 is a *lot* of money. So is \$34,000. (It worked if “lot” is&#10;    emphasized.)&#10;-   Shoes (\$20) and socks (\$5).&#10;-   Escaped `$`: \$73 *this should be emphasized* 23\$.&#10;&#10;Here’s a LaTeX table:&#10;&#10;\begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline&#10;Animal &amp; Number \\ \hline&#10;Dog    &amp; 2      \\&#10;Cat    &amp; 1      \\ \hline&#10;\end{tabular}&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
+<outline text="Special Characters" _note="Here is some unicode:&#10;&#10;-   I hat: Î&#10;-   o umlaut: ö&#10;-   section: §&#10;-   set membership: ∈&#10;-   copyright: ©&#10;&#10;AT&amp;T has an ampersand in their name.&#10;&#10;AT&amp;T is another way to write it.&#10;&#10;This &amp; that.&#10;&#10;4 \&lt; 5.&#10;&#10;6 \&gt; 5.&#10;&#10;Backslash: \\&#10;&#10;Backtick: \`&#10;&#10;Asterisk: \*&#10;&#10;Underscore: \_&#10;&#10;Left brace: {&#10;&#10;Right brace: }&#10;&#10;Left bracket: [&#10;&#10;Right bracket: ]&#10;&#10;Left paren: (&#10;&#10;Right paren: )&#10;&#10;Greater-than: \&gt;&#10;&#10;Hash: \#&#10;&#10;Period: .&#10;&#10;Bang: !&#10;&#10;Plus: +&#10;&#10;Minus: -&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
+<outline text="Links">
+  <outline text="Explicit" _note="Just a [URL](/url/).&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title&quot;).&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title preceded by two spaces&quot;).&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title preceded by a tab&quot;).&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title with &quot;quotes&quot; in it&quot;)&#10;&#10;[URL and title](/url/ &quot;title with single quotes&quot;)&#10;&#10;[with\_underscore](/url/with_underscore)&#10;&#10;[Email link](mailto:nobody@nowhere.net)&#10;&#10;[Empty]().">
+  </outline>
+  <outline text="Reference" _note="Foo [bar](/url/).&#10;&#10;Foo [bar](/url/).&#10;&#10;Foo [bar](/url/).&#10;&#10;With [embedded [brackets]](/url/).&#10;&#10;[b](/url/) by itself should be a link.&#10;&#10;Indented [once](/url).&#10;&#10;Indented [twice](/url).&#10;&#10;Indented [thrice](/url).&#10;&#10;This should [not][] be a link.&#10;&#10;    [not]: /url&#10;&#10;Foo [bar](/url/ &quot;Title with &quot;quotes&quot; inside&quot;).&#10;&#10;Foo [biz](/url/ &quot;Title with &quot;quote&quot; inside&quot;).">
+  </outline>
+  <outline text="With ampersands" _note="Here’s a [link with an ampersand in the&#10;URL](http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2).&#10;&#10;Here’s a link with an amersand in the link text:&#10;[AT&amp;T](http://att.com/ &quot;AT&amp;T&quot;).&#10;&#10;Here’s an [inline link](/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2).&#10;&#10;Here’s an [inline link in pointy braces](/script?foo=1&amp;bar=2).">
+  </outline>
+  <outline text="Autolinks" _note="With an ampersand: &lt;http://example.com/?foo=1&amp;bar=2&gt;&#10;&#10;-   In a list?&#10;-   &lt;http://example.com/&gt;&#10;-   It should.&#10;&#10;An e-mail address: &lt;nobody@nowhere.net&gt;&#10;&#10;&gt; Blockquoted: &lt;http://example.com/&gt;&#10;&#10;Auto-links should not occur here: `&lt;http://example.com/&gt;`&#10;&#10;    or here: &lt;http://example.com/&gt;&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
+  </outline>
+<outline text="Images" _note="From “Voyage dans la Lune” by Georges Melies (1902):&#10;&#10;![lalune](lalune.jpg &quot;Voyage dans la Lune&quot;)&#10;&#10;Here is a movie ![movie](movie.jpg) icon.&#10;&#10;* * * * *">
+<outline text="Footnotes" _note="Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^2] This should *not* be&#10;a footnote reference, because it contains a space.[\^my note] Here is an&#10;inline note.[^3]&#10;&#10;&gt; Notes can go in quotes.[^4]&#10;&#10;1.  And in list items.[^5]&#10;&#10;This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.&#10;&#10;[^1]: Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote&#10;    reference. It need not be placed at the end of the document.&#10;&#10;[^2]: Here’s the long note. This one contains multiple blocks.&#10;&#10;    Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the&#10;    footnote (as with list items).&#10;&#10;          { &lt;code&gt; }&#10;&#10;    If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy and&#10;    just indent the first line of each block.&#10;&#10;[^3]: This is *easier* to type. Inline notes may contain&#10;    [links](http://google.com) and `]` verbatim characters, as well as&#10;    [bracketed text].&#10;&#10;[^4]: In quote.&#10;&#10;[^5]: In list.">
+  </body>