diff --git a/MANUAL.txt b/MANUAL.txt
index 28030ae46..93ecbc1b9 100644
--- a/MANUAL.txt
+++ b/MANUAL.txt
@@ -1376,6 +1376,33 @@ Options for wrapper scripts {.options}
         pandoc -o foo.html -s
+Exit codes
+If pandoc completes successfully, it will return exit code 0.
+Nonzero exit codes have the following meanings:
+     1 PandocAppError
+     2 PandocOptionError
+     3 PandocFailOnWarningError
+     5 PandocTemplateError
+    31 PandocEpubSubdirectoryError
+    43 PandocPDFError
+    47 PandocPDFProgramNotFoundError
+    61 PandocHttpError
+    62 PandocShouldNeverHappenError
+    63 PandocSomeError
+    64 PandocParseError
+    65 PandocParsecError
+    65 PandocMakePDFError TODO DUP
+    67 PandocSyntaxMapError
+    83 PandocFilterError
+    91 PandocMacroLoop
+    92 PandocUTF8DecodingError
+    93 PandocIpynbDecodingError
+    97 PandocCouldNotFindDataFileError
+    99 PandocResourceNotFound