Lua modules: add function pandoc.utils.hierarchicalize

Convert list of Pandoc blocks into (hierarchical) list of Elements.
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Albert Krewinkel 2017-12-23 22:39:05 +01:00
parent 790dc2546b
commit 59a4745457
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5 changed files with 85 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -1433,6 +1433,34 @@ Lua functions for pandoc scripts.
This module exposes internal pandoc functions and utility
[`hierarchicalize (blocks)`]{#utils-hierarchicalize}
: Convert list of blocks into an hierarchical list. An
hierarchical elements is either a normal block (but no
Header), or a `Sec` element. The latter has the following
- level: level in the document hierarchy;
- numbering: list of integers of length `level`,
specifying the absolute position of the section in the
- attr: section attributes (see [Attr](#Attr));
- contents: nested list of hierarchical elements.
- List of hierarchical elements
local blocks = {
pandoc.Header(2, pandoc.Str 'first'),
pandoc.Header(2, pandoc.Str 'second'),
local elements = pandoc.utils.hierarchicalize(blocks)
print(table.concat(elements[1].numbering, '.')) -- 0.1
print(table.concat(elements[2].numbering, '.')) -- 0.2
[`normalize_date (date_string)`]{#utils-normalize_date}
: Parse a date and convert (if possible) to "YYYY-MM-DD"

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@ -44,12 +44,24 @@ import qualified Text.Pandoc.Shared as Shared
pushModule :: Lua NumResults
pushModule = do
addFunction "hierarchicalize" hierarchicalize
addFunction "normalize_date" normalizeDate
addFunction "sha1" sha1
addFunction "stringify" stringify
addFunction "to_roman_numeral" toRomanNumeral
return 1
-- | Convert list of Pandoc blocks into (hierarchical) list of Elements.
hierarchicalize :: [Block] -> Lua [Shared.Element]
hierarchicalize = return . Shared.hierarchicalize
-- | Parse a date and convert (if possible) to "YYYY-MM-DD" format. We
-- limit years to the range 1601-9999 (ISO 8601 accepts greater than
-- or equal to 1583, but MS Word only accepts dates starting 1601).
-- Returns nil instead of a string if the conversion failed.
normalizeDate :: String -> Lua (OrNil String)
normalizeDate = return . OrNil . Shared.normalizeDate
-- | Calculate the hash of the given contents.
sha1 :: BSL.ByteString
-> Lua String
@ -86,10 +98,3 @@ instance FromLuaStack AstElement where
-- | Convert a number < 4000 to uppercase roman numeral.
toRomanNumeral :: LuaInteger -> Lua String
toRomanNumeral = return . Shared.toRomanNumeral . fromIntegral
-- | Parse a date and convert (if possible) to "YYYY-MM-DD" format. We
-- limit years to the range 1601-9999 (ISO 8601 accepts greater than
-- or equal to 1583, but MS Word only accepts dates starting 1601).
-- Returns nil instead of a string if the conversion failed.
normalizeDate :: String -> Lua (OrNil String)
normalizeDate = return . OrNil . Shared.normalizeDate

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@ -33,13 +33,15 @@ StackValue instances for pandoc types.
module Text.Pandoc.Lua.StackInstances () where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Foreign.Lua (FromLuaStack (peek), Lua, LuaInteger, LuaNumber, StackIndex,
ToLuaStack (push), Type (..), throwLuaError, tryLua)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util (adjustIndexBy, getTable, pushViaConstructor)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (Element (Blk, Sec), safeRead)
import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util as LuaUtil
instance ToLuaStack Pandoc where
push (Pandoc meta blocks) =
@ -306,3 +308,27 @@ instance ToLuaStack LuaAttr where
instance FromLuaStack LuaAttr where
peek idx = LuaAttr <$> peek idx
-- Hierarchical elements
instance ToLuaStack Element where
push (Blk blk) = push blk
push (Sec lvl num attr label contents) = do
LuaUtil.addValue "level" lvl
LuaUtil.addValue "numbering" num
LuaUtil.addValue "attr" (LuaAttr attr)
LuaUtil.addValue "label" label
LuaUtil.addValue "contents" contents
Lua.setmetatable (-2)
pushSecMetaTable :: Lua ()
pushSecMetaTable = do
inexistant <- Lua.newmetatable "PandocElementSec"
when inexistant $ do
LuaUtil.addValue "t" "Sec"
Lua.push "__index"
Lua.pushvalue (-2)
Lua.rawset (-3)

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@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ tests = map (localOption (QuickCheckTests 20))
assertFilterConversion "pandoc.utils doesn't work as expected."
(doc $ para "doesn't matter")
(doc $ mconcat [ plain (str "normalize_date: OK")
(doc $ mconcat [ plain (str "hierarchicalize: OK")
, plain (str "normalize_date: OK")
, plain (str "pipe: OK")
, plain (str "failing pipe: OK")
, plain (str "read: OK")

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@ -1,5 +1,20 @@
utils = require 'pandoc.utils'
-- hierarchicalize
function test_hierarchicalize ()
local blks = {
pandoc.Header(1, {pandoc.Str 'First'}),
pandoc.Header(2, {pandoc.Str 'Second'}),
pandoc.Header(2, {pandoc.Str 'Third'}),
local hblks = utils.hierarchicalize(blks)
return hblks[1].t == "Sec"
and hblks[1].contents[1].t == "Sec"
and hblks[1].contents[2].numbering[1] == 1
and hblks[1].contents[2].numbering[2] == 2
-- SHA1
function test_sha1 ()
@ -87,6 +102,7 @@ end
function Para (el)
return {
pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("hierarchicalize: " .. run(test_hierarchicalize))},
pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("normalize_date: " .. run(test_normalize_date))},
pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("pipe: " .. run(test_pipe))},
pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str("failing pipe: " .. run(test_failing_pipe))},