HTML writer: include content under title slides.
This facilitates real 2D revealjs slideshows, with content under the top-level slide in each stack. It also enables notes on title slides. Closes #4317 and #5237.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 9 additions and 7 deletions
@ -455,13 +455,16 @@ elementToHtml mbparentlevel slideLevel opts
let inDiv xs = Blk (RawBlock (Format "html") ("<div class=\""
++ fragmentClass ++ "\">")) :
(xs ++ [Blk (RawBlock (Format "html") "</div>")])
innerContents <- mapM (elementToHtml (Just level) slideLevel opts)
$ if titleSlide
let (titleBlocks, innerSecs) =
if titleSlide
-- title slides have no content of their own
then filter isSec elements
then ([x | Blk x <- elements],
filter isSec elements)
else case splitBy isPause elements of
[] -> []
(x:xs) -> x ++ concatMap inDiv xs
[] -> ([],[])
(x:xs) -> ([],x ++ concatMap inDiv xs)
titleContents <- blockListToHtml opts titleBlocks
innerContents <- mapM (elementToHtml (Just level) slideLevel opts) innerSecs
let inNl x = mconcat $ nl opts : intersperse (nl opts) x ++ [nl opts]
let classes' = ["title-slide" | titleSlide] ++ ["slide" | slide] ++
["section" | (slide || writerSectionDivs opts) &&
@ -474,8 +477,7 @@ elementToHtml mbparentlevel slideLevel opts
let attr = (id',classes',keyvals)
if titleSlide
then do
t <- addAttrs opts attr $
secttag header'
t <- addAttrs opts attr $ secttag $ header' <> titleContents
return $
(if slideVariant == RevealJsSlides && not (null innerContents)
-- revealjs doesn't like more than one level of section nesting:
Add table
Reference in a new issue