HTML Writer: MathML now outputted with tex annotation.

Closes #1635
This commit is contained in:
mpickering 2014-09-25 15:28:50 +01:00
parent c0b9ad4c5d
commit 575c76e36b

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@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ import qualified Text.Blaze.XHtml1.Transitional.Attributes as A
import Text.Blaze.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
import Text.TeXMath
import Text.XML.Light.Output
import Text.XML.Light (unode, elChildren, add_attr, unqual)
import qualified Text.XML.Light as XML
import System.FilePath (takeExtension)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Aeson (Value)
@ -615,6 +617,18 @@ inlineListToHtml :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Html
inlineListToHtml opts lst =
mapM (inlineToHtml opts) lst >>= return . mconcat
-- | Annotates a MathML expression with the tex source
annotateMML :: XML.Element -> String -> XML.Element
annotateMML e tex = math (unode "semantics" [cs, unode "annotation" (annotAttrs, tex)])
cs = case elChildren e of
[] -> unode "mrow" ()
[x] -> x
xs -> unode "mrow" xs
math = add_attr (XML.Attr (unqual "xmlns") "") . unode "math"
annotAttrs = [XML.Attr (unqual "encoding") "application/x-tex"]
-- | Convert Pandoc inline element to HTML.
inlineToHtml :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> State WriterState Html
inlineToHtml opts inline =
@ -706,7 +720,7 @@ inlineToHtml opts inline =
case writeMathML dt <$> readTeX str of
Right r -> return $ preEscapedString $
ppcElement conf r
ppcElement conf (annotateMML r str)
Left _ -> inlineListToHtml opts
(texMathToInlines t str) >>=
return . (H.span ! A.class_ "math")