Text.Pandoc.Lua: respect metatable when getting filters
This change makes it possible to define a catch-all function using lua's metatable lookup functionality. function catch_all(el) … end return { setmetatable({}, {__index = function(_) return catch_all end}) } A further effect of this change is that the map with filter functions now only contains functions corresponding to AST element constructors.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 102 additions and 52 deletions
@ -32,50 +32,50 @@ Pandoc lua utils.
module Text.Pandoc.Lua (LuaException (..), pushPandocModule, runLuaFilter) where
import Control.Monad (unless, when, (>=>), mplus)
import Control.Monad (mplus, unless, when, (>=>))
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO (..))
import Data.Data (toConstr, showConstr, dataTypeOf, dataTypeConstrs, Data)
import Data.Data (DataType, Data, toConstr, showConstr, dataTypeOf,
import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Foreign.Lua (Lua, FromLuaStack (peek), LuaException (..), StackIndex,
Status(OK), ToLuaStack (push), call, isnil, dofile,
getglobal', gettop, isfunction, newtable, openlibs, pcall,
peekEither, pop, pushvalue, rawgeti, rawseti, ref,
registryindex, runLua, setglobal, throwLuaError)
Status(OK), ToLuaStack (push))
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocModule (pushPandocModule)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (Walkable (walkM))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua
runLuaFilter :: (MonadIO m)
=> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> Pandoc -> m Pandoc
runLuaFilter datadir filterPath args pd = liftIO . runLua $ do
runLuaFilter datadir filterPath args pd = liftIO . Lua.runLua $ do
-- store module in global "pandoc"
pushPandocModule datadir
setglobal "pandoc"
top <- gettop
stat<- dofile filterPath
Lua.setglobal "pandoc"
top <- Lua.gettop
stat<- Lua.dofile filterPath
if stat /= OK
then do
luaErrMsg <- peek (-1) <* pop 1
throwLuaError luaErrMsg
luaErrMsg <- peek (-1) <* Lua.pop 1
Lua.throwLuaError luaErrMsg
else do
newtop <- gettop
newtop <- Lua.gettop
-- Use the implicitly defined global filter if nothing was returned
when (newtop - top < 1) $ pushGlobalFilter
luaFilters <- peek (-1)
push args
setglobal "PandocParameters"
Lua.setglobal "PandocParameters"
runAll luaFilters pd
pushGlobalFilter :: Lua ()
pushGlobalFilter = do
getglobal' "pandoc.global_filter"
call 0 1
rawseti (-2) 1
Lua.getglobal' "pandoc.global_filter"
Lua.call 0 1
Lua.rawseti (-2) 1
runAll :: [LuaFilter] -> Pandoc -> Lua Pandoc
runAll = foldr ((>=>) . walkMWithLuaFilter) return
@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ walkMWithLuaFilter (LuaFilter fnMap) = walkLua
walkLua :: Pandoc -> Lua Pandoc
walkLua =
(if hasOneOf (constructorsFor (dataTypeOf (Str [])))
(if hasOneOf inlineFilterNames
then walkM (tryFilter fnMap :: Inline -> Lua Inline)
else return)
(if hasOneOf (constructorsFor (dataTypeOf (Para [])))
(if hasOneOf blockFilterNames
then walkM (tryFilter fnMap :: Block -> Lua Block)
else return)
@ -99,15 +99,28 @@ walkMWithLuaFilter (LuaFilter fnMap) = walkLua
return $ Pandoc meta' blocks)
Nothing -> return)
(case Map.lookup "Pandoc" fnMap `mplus` Map.lookup "Doc" fnMap of
(case foldl mplus Nothing (map (`Map.lookup` fnMap) pandocFilterNames) of
Just fn -> runFilterFunction fn :: Pandoc -> Lua Pandoc
Nothing -> return)
hasOneOf = any (\k -> isJust (Map.lookup k fnMap))
constructorsFor x = map show (dataTypeConstrs x)
constructorsFor :: DataType -> [String]
constructorsFor x = map show (dataTypeConstrs x)
inlineFilterNames :: [String]
inlineFilterNames = constructorsFor (dataTypeOf (Str []))
blockFilterNames :: [String]
blockFilterNames = constructorsFor (dataTypeOf (Para []))
metaFilterName :: String
metaFilterName = "Meta"
pandocFilterNames :: [String]
pandocFilterNames = ["Pandoc", "Doc"]
type FunctionMap = Map String LuaFilterFunction
data LuaFilter = LuaFilter FunctionMap
newtype LuaFilter = LuaFilter FunctionMap
newtype LuaFilterFunction = LuaFilterFunction { functionIndex :: Int }
-- | Try running a filter for the given element
@ -119,7 +132,18 @@ tryFilter fnMap x =
Just fn -> runFilterFunction fn x
instance FromLuaStack LuaFilter where
peek idx = LuaFilter <$> peek idx
peek idx =
let constrs = metaFilterName : pandocFilterNames
++ blockFilterNames
++ inlineFilterNames
fn c acc = do
Lua.getfield idx c
filterFn <- Lua.tryLua (peek (-1))
Lua.pop 1
return $ case filterFn of
Left _ -> acc
Right f -> (c, f) : acc
in LuaFilter . Map.fromList <$> foldrM fn [] constrs
-- | Push a value to the stack via a lua filter function. The filter function is
-- called with given element as argument and is expected to return an element.
@ -130,36 +154,36 @@ runFilterFunction :: (FromLuaStack a, ToLuaStack a)
runFilterFunction lf x = do
pushFilterFunction lf
push x
z <- pcall 1 1 Nothing
z <- Lua.pcall 1 1 Nothing
if z /= OK
then do
msg <- peek (-1)
let prefix = "Error while running filter function: "
throwLuaError $ prefix ++ msg
Lua.throwLuaError $ prefix ++ msg
else do
noExplicitFilter <- isnil (-1)
noExplicitFilter <- Lua.isnil (-1)
if noExplicitFilter
then pop 1 *> return x
then Lua.pop 1 *> return x
else do
mbres <- peekEither (-1)
mbres <- Lua.peekEither (-1)
case mbres of
Left err -> throwLuaError
Left err -> Lua.throwLuaError
("Error while trying to get a filter's return "
++ "value from lua stack.\n" ++ err)
Right res -> res <$ pop 1
Right res -> res <$ Lua.pop 1
-- | Push the filter function to the top of the stack.
pushFilterFunction :: LuaFilterFunction -> Lua ()
pushFilterFunction lf =
-- The function is stored in a lua registry table, retrieve it from there.
rawgeti registryindex (functionIndex lf)
Lua.rawgeti Lua.registryindex (functionIndex lf)
registerFilterFunction :: StackIndex -> Lua LuaFilterFunction
registerFilterFunction idx = do
isFn <- isfunction idx
unless isFn . throwLuaError $ "Not a function at index " ++ show idx
pushvalue idx
refIdx <- ref registryindex
isFn <- Lua.isfunction idx
unless isFn . Lua.throwLuaError $ "Not a function at index " ++ show idx
Lua.pushvalue idx
refIdx <- Lua.ref Lua.registryindex
return $ LuaFilterFunction refIdx
instance ToLuaStack LuaFilterFunction where
@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ tests = map (localOption (QuickCheckTests 20))
(doc . para . singleQuoted $ str "simple")
(doc . para . doubleQuoted $ str "simple")
, testCase "Count inlines via metatable catch-all" $
assertFilterConversion "filtering with metatable catch-all failed"
(doc . para $ "four words, three spaces")
(doc . para $ str "7")
assertFilterConversion :: String -> FilePath -> Pandoc -> Pandoc -> Assertion
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
local num_inlines = 0
function catch_all(el)
if el.tag and pandoc.Inline.constructor[el.tag] then
num_inlines = num_inlines + 1
function Pandoc(blocks, meta)
return pandoc.Pandoc {
return {
{Pandoc = Pandoc},
{__index = function(_) return catch_all end}
Add table
Reference in a new issue