Docx reader: Handle dummy list items.

These come up when people create a list item and then delete the
bullet. It doesn't refer to any real list item, and we used to ignore

We handle it with a DummyListItem type, which, in Docx.hs, is turned
into a normal paragraph with a "ListParagraph" class. If it follow
another list item, it is folded as another paragraph into that item. If
it doesn't, it's just its own (usually indented, and therefore
block-quoted) paragraph.
This commit is contained in:
Jesse Rosenthal 2015-11-18 13:02:57 -05:00
parent 1f2c37392c
commit 5527465c77
2 changed files with 15 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -503,6 +503,10 @@ bodyPartToBlocks (ListItem pPr numId lvl levelInfo parparts) = do
blks <- bodyPartToBlocks (Paragraph pPr parparts)
return $ divWith ("", ["list-item"], kvs) blks
bodyPartToBlocks (DummyListItem pPr _ parparts) =
let pPr' = pPr {pStyle = "ListParagraph": (pStyle pPr)}
bodyPartToBlocks $ Paragraph pPr' parparts
bodyPartToBlocks (Tbl _ _ _ []) =
return $ para mempty
bodyPartToBlocks (Tbl cap _ look (r:rs)) = do

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@ -144,9 +144,6 @@ type Level = (String, String, String, Maybe Integer)
data DocumentLocation = InDocument | InFootnote | InEndnote
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- data RelationshipType = DocumentRel | FootnoteRel | EndnoteRel
-- deriving Show
data Relationship = Relationship DocumentLocation RelId Target
deriving Show
@ -181,6 +178,7 @@ defaultParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle { pStyle = []
data BodyPart = Paragraph ParagraphStyle [ParPart]
| ListItem ParagraphStyle String String Level [ParPart]
| DummyListItem ParagraphStyle String [ParPart]
| Tbl String TblGrid TblLook [Row]
| OMathPara [Exp]
deriving Show
@ -245,7 +243,6 @@ defaultRunStyle = RunStyle { isBold = Nothing
, rUnderline = Nothing
, rStyle = Nothing}
type Target = String
type Anchor = String
type URL = String
@ -411,6 +408,13 @@ archiveToMedia :: Archive -> Media
archiveToMedia zf =
mapMaybe (getMediaPair zf) (filter filePathIsMedia (filesInArchive zf))
-- lookupLevel :: String -> String -> Numbering -> Maybe Level
-- lookupLevel numId ilvl (Numbering _ numbs absNumbs) = do
-- absNumId <- lookup numId $ map (\(Numb nid absnumid) -> (nid, absnumid)) numbs
-- lvls <- lookup absNumId $ map (\(AbstractNumb aid ls) -> (aid, ls)) absNumbs
-- lvl <- lookup ilvl $ map (\l@(i, _, _, _) -> (i, l)) lvls
-- return lvl
lookupLevel :: String -> String -> Numbering -> Maybe Level
lookupLevel numId ilvl (Numbering _ numbs absNumbs) = do
absNumId <- lookup numId $ map (\(Numb nid absnumid) -> (nid, absnumid)) numbs
@ -418,6 +422,7 @@ lookupLevel numId ilvl (Numbering _ numbs absNumbs) = do
lvl <- lookup ilvl $ map (\l@(i, _, _, _) -> (i, l)) lvls
return lvl
numElemToNum :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe Numb
numElemToNum ns element |
qName (elName element) == "num" &&
@ -569,7 +574,7 @@ elemToBodyPart ns element
num <- asks envNumbering
case lookupLevel numId lvl num of
Just levelInfo -> return $ ListItem parstyle numId lvl levelInfo parparts
Nothing -> throwError WrongElem
Nothing -> return $ DummyListItem parstyle lvl parparts
elemToBodyPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "p" element = do
sty <- asks envParStyles
@ -582,7 +587,7 @@ elemToBodyPart ns element
Just levelInfo ->
return $ ListItem parstyle numId lvl levelInfo parparts
Nothing ->
throwError WrongElem
return $ DummyListItem parstyle lvl parparts
Nothing -> return $ Paragraph parstyle parparts
elemToBodyPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "tbl" element = do