Powerpoint writer tests: New test framework for pptx.
Previously we had tested certain properties of the output PowerPoint slides. Corruption, though, comes as the result of a numebr of interrelated issues in the output pptx archive. This is a new approach, which compares the output of the Powerpoint writer with files that we know to (a) not be corrupt, and (b) to show the desired output behavior (details below). This commit introduces three tests using the new framework. More will follow. The test procedure: given a native file and a pptx file, we generate a pptx archive from the native file, and then test: 1. Whether the same files are in the two archives 2. Whether each of the contained xml files is the same. (We skip time entries in `docProps/core.xml`, since these are derived from IO. We just check to make sure that they're there in the same way in both files.) 3. Whether each of the media files is the same. Note that steps 2 and 3, though they compare multiple files, are one test each, since the number of files depends on the input file (if there is a failure, it will only report the first failed file comparison in the test failure).
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 191 additions and 150 deletions
@ -302,6 +302,8 @@ extra-source-files:
@ -1,169 +1,196 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module Tests.Writers.Powerpoint (tests) where
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
-- import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, sort)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, sort, (\\), intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing)
import Tests.Helpers
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Control.Monad (when)
getPptxArchive :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> IO Archive
getPptxArchive opts pd = do
mbs <- runIO $
do setUserDataDir $ Just "../data"
writePowerpoint opts pd
case mbs of
Left e -> throwIO e
Right bs -> return $ toArchive bs
----- Number of Slides -----------
getPptxBytes :: WriterOptions
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> IO (BL.ByteString, BL.ByteString)
getPptxBytes opts nativeFp pptxFp = do
ntvTxt <- T.readFile nativeFp
ntv <- runIOorExplode $ readNative def ntvTxt
myPptxBs <- runIOorExplode $ writePowerpoint opts ntv
goodPptxBs <- BL.readFile pptxFp
return (myPptxBs, goodPptxBs)
numberOfSlides :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> IO Int
numberOfSlides opts pd = do
archive <- getPptxArchive opts pd
return $
length $
filter (isSuffixOf ".xml") $
filter (isPrefixOf "ppt/slides/slide") $
filesInArchive archive
testNumberOfSlides :: TestName -> Int -> WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> TestTree
testNumberOfSlides name n opts pd =
testCase name $ do
n' <- numberOfSlides opts pd
n' @=? n
assertSameFileList :: Archive -> Archive -> FilePath -> Assertion
assertSameFileList myArch goodArch pptxFp = do
let filesMy = filesInArchive myArch
filesGood = filesInArchive goodArch
diffMyGood = filesMy \\ filesGood
diffGoodMy = filesGood \\ filesMy
if | null diffMyGood && null diffGoodMy -> return ()
| null diffMyGood ->
assertFailure $
"Files in " ++ pptxFp ++ " but not in generated archive:\n" ++
intercalate ", " diffGoodMy
| null diffGoodMy ->
assertFailure $
"Files in generated archive but not in " ++ pptxFp ++ ":\n" ++
intercalate ", " diffMyGood
| otherwise ->
assertFailure $
"Files in " ++ pptxFp ++ " but not in generated archive:\n" ++
intercalate ", " diffGoodMy ++
"\n" ++
"Files in generated archive but not in " ++ pptxFp ++ ":\n" ++
intercalate ", " diffMyGood
numSlideTests :: TestTree
numSlideTests = testGroup "Number of slides in output"
[ testNumberOfSlides
"simple one-slide deck" 1
(doc $ para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"with metadata (header slide)" 2
(setTitle "My Title" $ doc $ para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With h1 slide (using default slide-level)" 1
(doc $ header 1 "Header" <> para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With h2 slide (using default slide-level)" 2
(doc $ header 1 "Header" <> header 2 "subeader" <> para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With h1 slide (using slide-level 3)" 2
def {writerSlideLevel= Just 3}
(doc $ header 1 "Header" <> para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With h2 slide (using slide-level 3)" 3
def {writerSlideLevel= Just 3}
(doc $ header 1 "Header" <> header 2 "subeader" <> para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With image slide, no header" 3
(doc $
para "first slide" <>
para (image "lalune.jpg" "" "") <>
para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With image slide, header" 3
(doc $
para "first slide" <>
header 2 "image header" <>
para (image "lalune.jpg" "" "") <>
para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With table, no header" 3
(doc $
para "first slide" <>
simpleTable [para "foo" <> para "bar"] [[para "this" <> para "that"]] <>
para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"With table, header" 3
(doc $
para "first slide" <>
header 2 "table header" <>
simpleTable [para "foo" <> para "bar"] [[para "this" <> para "that"]] <>
para "foo")
, testNumberOfSlides
"hrule" 2
(doc $
para "first slide" <> horizontalRule <> para "last slide")
, testNumberOfSlides
"with notes slide" 2
(doc $
para $ text "Foo" <> note (para "note text"))
compareXMLBool :: Content -> Content -> Bool
-- We make a special exception for times at the moment, and just pass
-- them because we can't control the utctime when running IO. Besides,
-- so long as we have two times, we're okay.
compareXMLBool (Elem myElem) (Elem goodElem)
| (QName "created" _ (Just "dcterms")) <- elName myElem
, (QName "created" _ (Just "dcterms")) <- elName goodElem =
compareXMLBool (Elem myElem) (Elem goodElem)
| (QName "modified" _ (Just "dcterms")) <- elName myElem
, (QName "modified" _ (Just "dcterms")) <- elName goodElem =
compareXMLBool (Elem myElem) (Elem goodElem) =
and [ elName myElem == elName goodElem
, elAttribs myElem == elAttribs goodElem
, and $
map (uncurry compareXMLBool) $
zip (elContent myElem) (elContent goodElem)
compareXMLBool (Text myCData) (Text goodCData) =
and [ cdVerbatim myCData == cdVerbatim goodCData
, cdData myCData == cdData goodCData
, cdLine myCData == cdLine goodCData
compareXMLBool (CRef myStr) (CRef goodStr) =
myStr == goodStr
compareXMLBool _ _ = False
displayDiff :: Content -> Content -> String
displayDiff elemA elemB =
showDiff (1,1) $ getDiff (lines $ ppContent elemA) (lines $ ppContent elemB)
compareXMLFile :: FilePath -> Archive -> Archive -> Assertion
compareXMLFile fp myArch goodArch = do
let mbMyEntry = findEntryByPath fp myArch
when (isNothing mbMyEntry)
(assertFailure $
"Can't extract " ++ fp ++ " from generated archive")
let mbMyXMLDoc = parseXMLDoc $ fromEntry $ fromJust mbMyEntry
when (isNothing mbMyXMLDoc)
(assertFailure $
"Can't parse xml in " ++ fp ++ " from generated archive")
let myContent = Elem $ fromJust mbMyXMLDoc
let mbGoodEntry = findEntryByPath fp goodArch
when (isNothing mbGoodEntry)
(assertFailure $
"Can't extract " ++ fp ++ " from archive in stored pptx file")
let mbGoodXMLDoc = parseXMLDoc $ fromEntry $ fromJust mbGoodEntry
when (isNothing mbGoodXMLDoc)
(assertFailure $
"Can't parse xml in " ++ fp ++ " from archive in stored pptx file")
let goodContent = Elem $ fromJust mbGoodXMLDoc
("Non-matching xml in " ++ fp ++ ":\n" ++ displayDiff myContent goodContent)
(compareXMLBool myContent goodContent)
compareBinaryFile :: FilePath -> Archive -> Archive -> Assertion
compareBinaryFile fp myArch goodArch = do
let mbMyEntry = findEntryByPath fp myArch
when (isNothing mbMyEntry)
(assertFailure $
"Can't extract " ++ fp ++ " from generated archive")
let myBytes = fromEntry $ fromJust mbMyEntry
let mbGoodEntry = findEntryByPath fp goodArch
when (isNothing mbGoodEntry)
(assertFailure $
"Can't extract " ++ fp ++ " from archive in stored pptx file")
let goodBytes = fromEntry $ fromJust mbGoodEntry
assertBool (fp ++ " doesn't match") (myBytes == goodBytes)
testSameFileList :: WriterOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
testSameFileList opts myFp goodFp =
testCase ("Identical file list in archives") $ do
(myBS, goodBS) <- getPptxBytes opts myFp goodFp
let myArch = toArchive myBS
goodArch = toArchive goodBS
(assertSameFileList myArch goodArch goodFp)
testSameXML :: WriterOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
testSameXML opts myFp goodFp = testCaseSteps "Comparing extracted xml files" $
\step -> do
(myBS, goodBS) <- getPptxBytes opts myFp goodFp
let myArch = toArchive myBS
goodArch = toArchive goodBS
let xmlFileList = sort $
filter (\fp -> ".xml" `isSuffixOf` fp || ".rels" `isSuffixOf` fp)
(filesInArchive myArch)
(\fp -> step ("- " ++ fp) >> compareXMLFile fp myArch goodArch)
testSameMedia :: WriterOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
testSameMedia opts myFp goodFp = testCaseSteps "Comparing media files" $
\step -> do
(myBS, goodBS) <- getPptxBytes opts myFp goodFp
let myArch = toArchive myBS
goodArch = toArchive goodBS
let mediaFileList = sort $
filter (\fp -> "ppt/media/" `isPrefixOf` fp)
(filesInArchive myArch)
(\fp -> step ("- " ++ fp) >> compareBinaryFile fp myArch goodArch)
testCompareWithOpts :: String -> WriterOptions ->FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
testCompareWithOpts testName opts nativeFp pptxFp =
testGroup testName [ testSameFileList opts nativeFp pptxFp
, testSameXML opts nativeFp pptxFp
, testSameMedia opts nativeFp pptxFp
----- Content Types -----------
testCompare :: String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
testCompare testName nativeFp pptxFp =
testCompareWithOpts testName def nativeFp pptxFp
contentTypesFileExists :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> TestTree
contentTypesFileExists opts pd =
testCase "Existence of [Content_Types].xml file" $
do archive <- getPptxArchive opts pd
assertBool "Missing [Content_Types].xml file" $
"[Content_Types].xml" `elem` filesInArchive archive
-- We want an "Override" entry for each xml file under ppt/.
prop_ContentOverrides :: Pandoc -> IO Bool
prop_ContentOverrides pd = do
-- remove Math to avoid warnings
let go :: Inline -> Inline
go (Math _ _) = Str "Math"
go i = i
pd' = walk go pd
archive <- getPptxArchive def pd'
let xmlFiles = filter ("[Content_Types].xml" /=) $
filter (isSuffixOf ".xml") $
filesInArchive archive
contentTypes <- case findEntryByPath "[Content_Types].xml" archive of
Just ent -> return $ fromEntry ent
Nothing -> throwIO $
PandocSomeError "Missing [Content_Types].xml file"
typesElem <- case parseXMLDoc contentTypes of
Just element -> return element
Nothing -> throwIO $
PandocSomeError "[Content_Types].xml cannot be parsed"
let ns = findAttr (QName "xmlns" Nothing Nothing) typesElem
overrides = findChildren (QName "Override" ns Nothing) typesElem
partNames = mapMaybe (findAttr (QName "PartName" Nothing Nothing)) overrides
-- files in content_types are absolute
absXmlFiles = map (\fp -> case fp of
('/':_) -> fp
_ -> '/': fp
return $ sort absXmlFiles == sort partNames
contentOverridesTests :: TestTree
contentOverridesTests = localOption (QuickCheckTests 20) $
testProperty "Content Overrides for each XML file" $
\x -> ioProperty $ prop_ContentOverrides (x :: Pandoc)
contentTypeTests :: TestTree
contentTypeTests = testGroup "[Content_Types].xml file"
[ contentTypesFileExists def (doc $ para "foo")
, contentOverridesTests
tests :: [TestTree]
tests = [ numSlideTests
, contentTypeTests
tests = [ testCompare
"Inline formatting"
, testCompare
"slide breaks (default slide-level)"
, testCompareWithOpts
"slide breaks (slide-level set to 1)"
def{writerSlideLevel=Just 1}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []})
[Para [Str "Here",Space,Str "are",Space,Str "examples",Space,Str "of",Space,Emph [Str "italics"],Str ",",Space,Strong [Str "bold"],Str ",",Space,Str "and",Space,Strong [Emph [Str "bold",Space,Str "italics"]],Str "."]
,Para [Str "Here",Space,Str "is",Space,Strikeout [Str "strook-three"],Space,Str "strike-through",Space,Str "and",Space,SmallCaps [Str "small",Space,Str "caps"],Str "."]
,Para [Str "We",Space,Str "can",Space,Str "also",Space,Str "do",Space,Str "subscripts",Space,Str "(H",Subscript [Str "2"],Str "0)",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "super",Superscript [Str "script"],Str "."]
,RawBlock (Format "html") "<!-- Comments don't show up. -->"]
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []})
[Para [Str "Break",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "new",Space,Str "section-level",Space,Str "header"]
,Header 1 ("below-section-level",[],[]) [Str "Below",Space,Str "section-level"]
,Header 2 ("section-level",[],[]) [Str "Section-level"]
,Para [Str "Third",Space,Str "slide",Space,Str "(with",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "section-level",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "2)"]
,Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "another",Space,Str "slide."]]
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Add table
Reference in a new issue