From 543aa28c3895d4dc7d3d659b652237efb41661b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John MacFarlane <>
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 20:09:14 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Added new prettyprinting module.

* Added Text.Pandoc.Pretty.
  This is better suited for pandoc than the 'pretty' package.
  One advantage is that we now get proper wrapping; Emph [Inline]
  is no longer treated as a big unwrappable unit. Previously
  we only got breaks for spaces at the "outer level." We can also
  more easily avoid doubled blank lines.  Performance is
  significantly better as well.

* Removed Text.Pandoc.Blocks.
  Text.Pandoc.Pretty allows you to define blocks and concatenate

* Modified markdown, RST, org readers to use Text.Pandoc.Pretty
  instead of Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ.

* Text.Pandoc.Shared:  Added writerColumns to WriterOptions.

* Markdown, RST, Org writers now break text at writerColumns.

* Added --columns command-line option, which sets stColumns
  and writerColumns.

* Table parsing:  If the size of the header > stColumns,
  use the header size as 100% for purposes of calculating
  relative widths of columns.
 README                                        |   7 +-
 pandoc.cabal                                  |  10 +-
 src/Text/Pandoc/Blocks.hs                     | 146 -------
 src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs                    |   5 +-
 src/Text/Pandoc/Pretty.hs                     | 395 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs                     |   3 +
 src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs           | 292 +++++++------
 src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Org.hs                | 148 +++----
 src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs                | 170 ++++----
 src/pandoc.hs                                 |  58 ++-
 src/test-pandoc.hs                            |  15 +-
 templates/org.template                        |   2 +
 tests/biblatex-citations.latex                |  10 +-
 ...markdown-citations.chicago-author-date.txt |  10 +-
 tests/             |  10 +-
 tests/markdown-citations.mhra.txt             |  39 +-
 tests/markdown-citations.txt                  |  14 +-
 tests/natbib-citations.latex                  |  20 +-
 tests/tables.markdown                         |  17 +-
 tests/tables.plain                            |  17 +-
 tests/writer.markdown                         | 117 ++----
 tests/                              | 296 ++++---------
 tests/writer.plain                            | 118 ++----
 tests/writer.rst                              | 209 +++------
 24 files changed, 1052 insertions(+), 1076 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/Text/Pandoc/Blocks.hs
 create mode 100644 src/Text/Pandoc/Pretty.hs

diff --git a/README b/README
index 2e8502f01..0bc9b3a01 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Options
 `-p`, `--preserve-tabs`
 :   Preserve tabs instead of converting them to spaces (the default).
 :   Specify the number of spaces per tab (default is 4).
@@ -270,6 +270,9 @@ Options
 :   Disable text wrapping in output. By default, text is wrapped
     appropriately for the output format.
+:   Specify length of lines in characters (for text wrapping).
 :   Specify a method for obfuscating `mailto:` links in HTML documents.
     *none* leaves `mailto:` links as they are.  *javascript* obfuscates
@@ -294,7 +297,7 @@ Options
     one) in the output document. This option has no effect on `man`,
     `docbook`, `slidy`, or `s5` output.
 :   Specify the base level for headers (defaults to 1).
diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index 312111afb..089ba6095 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
-		 tests/textile-reader.textile,
+                 tests/textile-reader.textile,
@@ -175,7 +175,8 @@ Library
                  random, extensible-exceptions,
                  citeproc-hs >= 0.3 && < 0.4,
                  pandoc-types == 1.7.*,
-                 json >= 0.4 && < 0.5
+                 json >= 0.4 && < 0.5,
+                 dlist >= 0.4 && < 0.6
   if impl(ghc >= 6.10)
     Build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, syb
@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ Library
   Exposed-Modules: Text.Pandoc,
-                   Text.Pandoc.Blocks,
+                   Text.Pandoc.Pretty,
@@ -247,7 +248,8 @@ Executable pandoc
                  random, extensible-exceptions,
                  citeproc-hs >= 0.3 && < 0.4,
                  pandoc-types == 1.7.*,
-                 json >= 0.4 && < 0.5
+                 json >= 0.4 && < 0.5,
+                 dlist >= 0.4 && < 0.6
   if impl(ghc >= 6.10)
     Build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, syb
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Blocks.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Blocks.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 122931773..000000000
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Blocks.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2007 John MacFarlane <>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-{- |
-   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Blocks
-   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2007 John MacFarlane
-   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above 
-   Maintainer  : John MacFarlane <>
-   Stability   : alpha
-   Portability : portable
-Functions for the manipulation of fixed-width blocks of text.
-These are used in the construction of plain-text tables.
-module Text.Pandoc.Blocks
-               ( 
-                TextBlock (..),
-                docToBlock,
-                blockToDoc,
-                widthOfBlock,
-                heightOfBlock,
-                hcatBlocks,
-                hsepBlocks,
-                centerAlignBlock,
-                leftAlignBlock,
-                rightAlignBlock
-               )
-import Text.PrettyPrint
-import Data.List ( intersperse )
--- | A fixed-width block of text.  Parameters are width of block,
--- height of block, and list of lines.
-data TextBlock = TextBlock Int Int [String]
-instance Show TextBlock where
-  show x = show $ blockToDoc x
--- | Break lines in a list of lines so that none are greater than
--- a given width.
-breakLines :: Int      -- ^ Maximum length of lines.
-           -> [String] -- ^ List of lines.
-           -> [String]
-breakLines _ [] = []
-breakLines width (l:ls) =
-  if length l > width
-     then (take width l):(breakLines width ((drop width l):ls))
-     else l:(breakLines width ls)
--- | Convert a @Doc@ element into a @TextBlock@ with a specified width. 
-docToBlock :: Int  -- ^ Width of text block.
-           -> Doc  -- ^ @Doc@ to convert.
-           -> TextBlock
-docToBlock width doc =
-  let rendered    = renderStyle (style {lineLength = width, 
-                                        ribbonsPerLine = 1}) doc
-      lns         = breakLines width $ lines rendered
-  in  TextBlock width (length lns) lns
--- | Convert a @TextBlock@ to a @Doc@ element.
-blockToDoc :: TextBlock -> Doc
-blockToDoc (TextBlock _ _ lns) = 
-  if null lns
-     then empty
-     else vcat $ map text lns
--- | Returns width of a @TextBlock@ (number of columns).
-widthOfBlock :: TextBlock -> Int
-widthOfBlock (TextBlock width _ _) = width
--- | Returns height of a @TextBlock@ (number of rows).
-heightOfBlock :: TextBlock -> Int
-heightOfBlock (TextBlock _ height _) = height
--- | Pads a string out to a given width using spaces.
-hPad :: Int     -- ^ Desired width.
-     -> String  -- ^ String to pad.
-     -> String
-hPad width line = 
-  let linelen = length line
-  in  if linelen <= width
-         then line ++ replicate (width - linelen) ' '
-         else take width line
--- | Concatenates a list of @TextBlock@s into a new @TextBlock@ in
--- which they appear side by side.
-hcatBlocks :: [TextBlock] -> TextBlock
-hcatBlocks [] = TextBlock 0 0 []
-hcatBlocks [x] = x -- This is not redundant!  We don't want last item hPad'd.
-hcatBlocks ((TextBlock width1 height1 lns1):xs) = 
-  let (TextBlock width2 height2 lns2) = hcatBlocks xs
-      height = max height1 height2
-      width  = width1 + width2
-      lns1'  = map (hPad width1) $ lns1 ++ replicate (height - height1) ""
-      lns2'  = lns2 ++ replicate (height - height2) ""
-      lns    = zipWith (++) lns1' lns2'
-   in TextBlock width height lns 
--- | Like @hcatBlocks@, but inserts space between the @TextBlock@s.
-hsepBlocks :: [TextBlock] -> TextBlock
-hsepBlocks = hcatBlocks . (intersperse (TextBlock 1 1 [" "]))
-isWhitespace :: Char -> Bool
-isWhitespace x = x `elem` " \t"
--- | Left-aligns the contents of a @TextBlock@ within the block.
-leftAlignBlock :: TextBlock -> TextBlock
-leftAlignBlock (TextBlock width height lns) =
-  TextBlock width height $ map (dropWhile isWhitespace) lns
--- | Right-aligns the contents of a @TextBlock@ within the block.
-rightAlignBlock :: TextBlock -> TextBlock
-rightAlignBlock (TextBlock width height lns) =
-  let rightAlignLine ln = 
-        let (spaces, rest) = span isWhitespace $ reverse $ hPad width ln
-        in  reverse (rest ++ spaces)
-  in  TextBlock width height $ map rightAlignLine lns
--- | Centers the contents of a @TextBlock@ within the block.
-centerAlignBlock :: TextBlock -> TextBlock
-centerAlignBlock (TextBlock width height lns) = 
-  let centerAlignLine ln =
-        let ln' = hPad width ln
-            (startSpaces, rest) = span isWhitespace ln'
-            endSpaces = takeWhile isWhitespace (reverse ln')
-            numSpaces = length (startSpaces ++ endSpaces)
-            startSpaces' = replicate (quot numSpaces 2) ' '
-        in  startSpaces' ++ rest 
-  in  TextBlock width height $ map centerAlignLine lns
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
index 48c6aa70d..a49f464c8 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
@@ -453,8 +453,9 @@ widthsFromIndices :: Int      -- Number of columns on terminal
                   -> [Int]    -- Indices
                   -> [Double] -- Fractional relative sizes of columns
 widthsFromIndices _ [] = []  
-widthsFromIndices numColumns indices = 
-  let lengths' = zipWith (-) indices (0:indices)
+widthsFromIndices numColumns' indices = 
+  let numColumns = max numColumns' (if null indices then 0 else last indices)
+      lengths' = zipWith (-) indices (0:indices)
       lengths  = reverse $
                  case reverse lengths' of
                       []       -> []
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Pretty.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Pretty.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8b27df91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Pretty.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+Copyright (C) 2010 John MacFarlane <>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111(-1)307  USA
+{- |
+   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Pretty
+   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2010 John MacFarlane
+   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above 
+   Maintainer  : John MacFarlane <>
+   Stability   : alpha
+   Portability : portable
+A prettyprinting library for the production of text documents,
+including wrapped text, indentated blocks, and tables.
+module Text.Pandoc.Pretty (
+       Doc
+     , render
+     , cr
+     , blankline
+     , space
+     , text
+     , char
+     , prefixed
+     , flush
+     , nest
+     , hang
+     , nowrap
+     , offset
+     , height
+     , lblock
+     , cblock
+     , rblock
+     , (<>)
+     , (<+>)
+     , ($$)
+     , ($+$)
+     , isEmpty
+     , empty
+     , cat
+     , hcat
+     , hsep
+     , vcat
+     , vsep
+     )
+import Data.DList (DList, fromList, toList, cons, singleton)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.String
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Char (isSpace)
+data Monoid a =>
+     RenderState a = RenderState{
+         output       :: [a]        -- ^ In reverse order
+       , prefix       :: String
+       , usePrefix    :: Bool
+       , lineLength   :: Maybe Int  -- ^ 'Nothing' means no wrapping
+       , column       :: Int
+       , newlines     :: Int        -- ^ Number of preceding newlines
+       }
+type DocState a = State (RenderState a) ()
+data D = Text Int String
+       | Block Int [String]
+       | Prefixed String Doc
+       | Flush Doc
+       | BreakingSpace
+       | CarriageReturn
+       | NewLine
+       | BlankLine
+       deriving (Show)
+newtype Doc = Doc { unDoc :: DList D }
+              deriving (Monoid)
+instance Show Doc where
+  show = render Nothing
+instance IsString Doc where
+  fromString = text
+-- | True if the document is empty.
+isEmpty :: Doc -> Bool
+isEmpty = null . toList . unDoc
+-- | The empty document.
+empty :: Doc
+empty = mempty
+-- | @a <> b@ is the result of concatenating @a@ with @b@.
+(<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
+(<>) = mappend
+-- | Concatenate a list of 'Doc's.
+cat :: [Doc] -> Doc
+cat = mconcat
+-- | Same as 'cat'.
+hcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
+hcat = mconcat
+-- | Concatenate a list of 'Doc's, putting breakable spaces
+-- between them.
+(<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
+(<+>) x y = if isEmpty x
+               then y
+               else if isEmpty y
+                    then x
+                    else x <> space <> y
+-- | Same as 'cat', but putting breakable spaces between the
+-- 'Doc's.
+hsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
+hsep = foldr (<+>) empty
+-- | @a $$ b@ puts @a@ above @b@.
+($$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
+($$) x y = if isEmpty x
+              then y
+              else if isEmpty y
+                   then x
+                   else x <> cr <> y
+-- | @a $$ b@ puts @a@ above @b@, with a blank line between.
+($+$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
+($+$) x y = if isEmpty x
+               then y
+               else if isEmpty y
+                    then x
+                    else x <> blankline <> y
+-- | List version of '$$'.
+vcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
+vcat = foldr ($$) empty
+-- | List version of '$+$'.
+vsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
+vsep = foldr ($+$) empty
+outp :: (IsString a, Monoid a)
+     => Int -> String -> DocState a
+outp off s | off <= 0 = do
+  st' <- get
+  let rawpref = prefix st'
+  when (column st' == 0 && usePrefix st' && not (null rawpref)) $ do
+    let pref = reverse $ dropWhile isSpace $ reverse rawpref
+    modify $ \st -> st{ output = fromString pref : output st
+                      , column = column st + length pref }
+  when (off < 0) $ do
+     modify $ \st -> st { output = fromString s : output st
+                        , column = 0
+                        , newlines = newlines st + 1 }
+outp off s = do
+  st' <- get
+  let pref = prefix st'
+  when (column st' == 0 && usePrefix st' && not (null pref)) $ do
+    modify $ \st -> st{ output = fromString pref : output st
+                      , column = column st + length pref }
+  modify $ \st -> st{ output = fromString s : output st
+                    , column = column st + off
+                    , newlines = 0 }
+-- | Renders a 'Doc'.  @render (Just n)@ will use
+-- a line length of @n@ to reflow text on breakable spaces.
+-- @render Nothing@ will not reflow text.
+render :: (Monoid a, IsString a)
+       => Maybe Int -> Doc -> a
+render linelen doc = fromString . mconcat . reverse . output $
+  execState (renderDoc doc) startingState
+   where startingState = RenderState{
+                            output = mempty
+                          , prefix = ""
+                          , usePrefix = True
+                          , lineLength = linelen
+                          , column = 0
+                          , newlines = 2 }
+renderDoc :: (IsString a, Monoid a)
+          => Doc -> DocState a
+renderDoc = renderList . toList . unDoc
+renderList :: (IsString a, Monoid a)
+           => [D] -> DocState a
+renderList [] = return ()
+renderList (Text off s : xs) = do
+  outp off s
+  renderList xs
+renderList (Prefixed pref d : xs) = do
+  st <- get
+  let oldPref = prefix st
+  put st{ prefix = prefix st ++ pref }
+  renderDoc d
+  modify $ \s -> s{ prefix = oldPref }
+  renderList xs
+renderList (Flush d : xs) = do
+  st <- get
+  let oldUsePrefix = usePrefix st
+  put st{ usePrefix = False }
+  renderDoc d
+  modify $ \s -> s{ usePrefix = oldUsePrefix }
+  renderList xs
+renderList (BlankLine : xs) = do
+  st <- get
+  case output st of
+     _ | newlines st > 1 || null xs -> return ()
+     _ | column st == 0 -> do
+       outp (-1) "\n"
+     _         -> do
+       outp (-1) "\n"
+       outp (-1) "\n"
+  renderList xs
+renderList (CarriageReturn : xs) = do
+  st <- get
+  if newlines st > 0 || null xs
+     then renderList xs
+     else do
+       outp (-1) "\n"
+       renderList xs
+renderList (NewLine : xs) = do
+  outp (-1) "\n"
+  renderList xs
+renderList (BreakingSpace : xs) = do
+  let isText (Text _ _)       = True
+      isText (Block _ _)      = True
+      isText _                = False
+  let isBreakingSpace BreakingSpace = True
+      isBreakingSpace _             = False
+  let xs' = dropWhile isBreakingSpace xs
+  let next = takeWhile isText xs'
+  st <- get
+  let off = sum $ map offsetOf next
+  case lineLength st of
+        Just l | column st + 1 + off > l -> do
+          outp (-1) "\n"
+          renderList xs'
+        _  -> do
+          outp 1 " "
+          renderList xs'
+renderList (b1@Block{} : b2@Block{} : xs) =
+  renderList (mergeBlocks False b1 b2 : xs)
+renderList (b1@Block{} : BreakingSpace : b2@Block{} : xs) =
+  renderList (mergeBlocks True b1 b2 : xs)
+renderList (Block width lns : xs) = do
+  st <- get
+  let oldPref = prefix st
+  case column st - length oldPref of
+        n | n > 0 -> modify $ \s -> s{ prefix = oldPref ++ replicate n ' ' }
+        _         -> return ()
+  renderDoc $ blockToDoc width lns
+  modify $ \s -> s{ prefix = oldPref }
+  renderList xs
+mergeBlocks :: Bool -> D -> D -> D
+mergeBlocks addSpace (Block w1 lns1) (Block w2 lns2) =
+  Block (w1 + w2 + if addSpace then 1 else 0) $
+     zipWith (\l1 l2 -> pad w1 l1 ++ l2) (lns1 ++ empties) (map sp lns2 ++ empties)
+    where empties = replicate (abs $ length lns1 - length lns2) ""
+          pad n s = s ++ replicate (n - length s) ' '
+          sp "" = ""
+          sp xs = if addSpace then (' ' : xs) else xs
+mergeBlocks _ _ _ = error "mergeBlocks tried on non-Block!"
+blockToDoc :: Int -> [String] -> Doc
+blockToDoc _ lns = text $ intercalate "\n" lns
+offsetOf :: D -> Int
+offsetOf (Text o _)       = o
+offsetOf (Block w _)      = w
+offsetOf BreakingSpace    = 1
+offsetOf _                = 0
+-- | A literal string.
+text :: String -> Doc
+text = Doc . toChunks
+  where toChunks :: String -> DList D
+        toChunks [] = mempty
+        toChunks s = case break (=='\n') s of
+                          ([], _:ys) -> NewLine `cons` toChunks ys
+                          (xs, _:ys) -> Text (length xs) xs `cons`
+                                            NewLine `cons` toChunks ys
+                          (xs, [])      -> singleton $ Text (length xs) xs
+-- | A character.
+char :: Char -> Doc
+char c = text [c]
+-- | A breaking (reflowable) space.
+space :: Doc
+space = Doc $ singleton BreakingSpace
+-- | A carriage return.  Does nothing if we're at the beginning of
+-- a line; otherwise inserts a newline.
+cr :: Doc
+cr = Doc $ singleton CarriageReturn
+-- | Inserts a blank line unless one exists already.
+-- (@blankline <> blankline@ has the same effect as @blankline@.
+-- If you want multiple blank lines, use @text "\\n\\n"@.
+blankline :: Doc
+blankline = Doc $ singleton BlankLine
+-- | Uses the specified string as a prefix for every line of
+-- the enclosed document (except the first, if not at the beginning
+-- of the line).
+prefixed :: String -> Doc -> Doc
+prefixed pref doc = Doc $ singleton $ Prefixed pref doc
+-- | Makes a 'Doc' flush against the left margin.
+flush :: Doc -> Doc
+flush doc = Doc $ singleton $ Flush doc
+-- | Indents a 'Doc' by the specified number of spaces.
+nest :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
+nest ind = prefixed (replicate ind ' ')
+-- | A hanging indent. @hang ind start doc@ prints @start@,
+-- then @doc@, leaving an indent of @ind@ spaces on every
+-- line but the first.
+hang :: Int -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
+hang ind start doc = start <> nest ind doc
+-- | Makes a 'Doc' non-reflowable.
+nowrap :: Doc -> Doc
+nowrap doc = Doc $ fromList $ map replaceSpace $ toList $ unDoc doc
+  where replaceSpace BreakingSpace = Text 1 " "
+        replaceSpace x = x
+-- | Returns the width of a 'Doc'.
+offset :: Doc -> Int
+offset d = case map length . lines . render Nothing $ d of
+                []    -> 0
+                os    -> maximum os
+block :: (String -> String) -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
+block filler width = Doc . singleton . Block width .
+                      map filler . chop width . render (Just width)
+-- | @lblock n d@ is a block of width @n@ characters, with
+-- text derived from @d@ and aligned to the left.
+lblock :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
+lblock = block id
+-- | Like 'lblock' but aligned to the right.
+rblock :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
+rblock w = block (\s -> replicate (w - length s) ' ' ++ s) w
+-- | Like 'lblock' but aligned centered.
+cblock :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
+cblock w = block (\s -> replicate ((w - length s) `div` 2) ' ' ++ s) w
+-- | Returns the height of a block or other 'Doc'.
+height :: Doc -> Int
+height = length . lines . render Nothing
+chop :: Int -> String -> [String]
+chop _ [] = []
+chop n cs = case break (=='\n') cs of
+                  (xs, ys)     -> if len <= n
+                                     then case ys of
+                                             []     -> [xs]
+                                             (_:[]) -> [xs, ""]
+                                             (_:zs) -> xs : chop n zs
+                                     else take n xs : chop n (drop n xs ++ ys)
+                                   where len = length xs
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
index f0c6eb378..7de3fabb2 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
@@ -398,6 +398,7 @@ stringify = queryWith go
         go Space = " "
         go (Str x) = x
         go (Code x) = x
+        go (Math _ x) = x
         go _ = ""
 -- | Change final list item from @Para@ to @Plain@ if the list contains
@@ -560,6 +561,7 @@ data WriterOptions = WriterOptions
   , writerStrictMarkdown   :: Bool   -- ^ Use strict markdown syntax
   , writerReferenceLinks   :: Bool   -- ^ Use reference links in writing markdown, rst
   , writerWrapText         :: Bool   -- ^ Wrap text to line length
+  , writerColumns          :: Int    -- ^ Characters in a line (for text wrapping)
   , writerLiterateHaskell  :: Bool   -- ^ Write as literate haskell
   , writerEmailObfuscation :: ObfuscationMethod -- ^ How to obfuscate emails
   , writerIdentifierPrefix :: String -- ^ Prefix for section & note ids in HTML
@@ -588,6 +590,7 @@ defaultWriterOptions =
                 , writerStrictMarkdown   = False
                 , writerReferenceLinks   = False
                 , writerWrapText         = True
+                , writerColumns          = 72
                 , writerLiterateHaskell  = False
                 , writerEmailObfuscation = JavascriptObfuscation
                 , writerIdentifierPrefix = ""
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
index 012889552..fe03ff113 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 Copyright (C) 2006-2010 John MacFarlane <>
@@ -33,11 +34,10 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown (writeMarkdown, writePlain) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared
-import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
-import Text.Pandoc.Blocks
+import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding (blankline)
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec ( runParser, GenParser )
 import Data.List ( group, isPrefixOf, find, intersperse, transpose )
-import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding ( Str )
+import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
 import Control.Monad.State
 type Notes = [[Block]]
@@ -64,22 +64,21 @@ writePlain opts document =
 plainify :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
 plainify = processWith go
-  where go :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
-        go (Emph xs : ys) = go xs ++ go ys
-        go (Strong xs : ys) = go xs ++ go ys
-        go (Strikeout xs : ys) = go xs ++ go ys
-        go (Superscript xs : ys) = go xs ++ go ys
-        go (Subscript xs : ys) = go xs ++ go ys
-        go (SmallCaps xs : ys) = go xs ++ go ys
-        go (Code s : ys) = Str s : go ys
-        go (Math _ s : ys) = Str s : go ys
-        go (TeX _ : ys) = Str "" : go ys
-        go (HtmlInline _ : ys) = Str "" : go ys
-        go (Link xs _ : ys) = go xs ++ go ys
-        go (Image _ _ : ys) = go ys
-        go (Cite _ cits : ys) = go cits ++ go ys
-        go (x : ys) = x : go ys
-        go [] = []
+  where go :: Inline -> Inline
+        go (Emph xs) = SmallCaps xs
+        go (Strong xs) = SmallCaps xs
+        go (Strikeout xs) = SmallCaps xs
+        go (Superscript xs) = SmallCaps xs
+        go (Subscript xs) = SmallCaps xs
+        go (SmallCaps xs) = SmallCaps xs
+        go (Code s) = Str s
+        go (Math _ s) = Str s
+        go (TeX _) = Str ""
+        go (HtmlInline _) = Str ""
+        go (Link xs _) = SmallCaps xs
+        go (Image xs _) = SmallCaps $ [Str "["] ++ xs ++ [Str "]"]
+        go (Cite _ cits) = SmallCaps cits
+        go x = x
 -- | Return markdown representation of document.
 pandocToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> State WriterState String
@@ -97,15 +96,19 @@ pandocToMarkdown opts (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks) = do
   notes' <- notesToMarkdown opts (reverse $ stNotes st)
   st' <- get  -- note that the notes may contain refs
   refs' <- refsToMarkdown opts (reverse $ stRefs st')
-  let main = render $ foldl ($+$) empty $ [body, notes', refs']
+  let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts
+                    then Just $ writerColumns opts
+                    else Nothing
+  let main = render colwidth $ body <>
+               blankline <> notes' <> blankline <> refs'
   let context  = writerVariables opts ++
-                 [ ("toc", render toc)
+                 [ ("toc", render colwidth toc)
                  , ("body", main)
-                 , ("title", render title')
-                 , ("date", render date')
+                 , ("title", render colwidth title')
+                 , ("date", render colwidth date')
                  ] ++
                  [ ("titleblock", "yes") | titleblock ] ++
-                 [ ("author", render a) | a <- authors' ]
+                 [ ("author", render colwidth a) | a <- authors' ]
   if writerStandalone opts
      then return $ renderTemplate context $ writerTemplate opts
      else return main
@@ -113,29 +116,36 @@ pandocToMarkdown opts (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks) = do
 -- | Return markdown representation of reference key table.
 refsToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> Refs -> State WriterState Doc
 refsToMarkdown opts refs = mapM (keyToMarkdown opts) refs >>= return . vcat
 -- | Return markdown representation of a reference key. 
 keyToMarkdown :: WriterOptions 
               -> ([Inline], (String, String)) 
               -> State WriterState Doc
 keyToMarkdown opts (label, (src, tit)) = do
   label' <- inlineListToMarkdown opts label
-  let tit' = if null tit then empty else text $ " \"" ++ tit ++ "\""
-  return $ text "  " <> char '[' <> label' <> char ']' <> text ": " <>
-           text src <> tit' 
+  let tit' = if null tit
+                then empty
+                else space <> "\"" <> text tit <> "\""
+  return $ nest 2 $ hang 2
+            ("[" <> label' <> "]:" <> space) (text src <> tit')
 -- | Return markdown representation of notes.
 notesToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
 notesToMarkdown opts notes = 
-  mapM (\(num, note) -> noteToMarkdown opts num note) (zip [1..] notes) >>= 
-  return . vcat
+  mapM (\(num, note) -> noteToMarkdown opts num note) (zip [1..] notes) >>=
+  return . vsep
 -- | Return markdown representation of a note.
 noteToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> Int -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
 noteToMarkdown opts num blocks = do
   contents  <- blockListToMarkdown opts blocks
-  let marker = text "[^" <> text (show num) <> text "]:"
-  return $ hang' marker (writerTabStop opts) contents 
+  let num' = text $ show num
+  let marker = text "[^" <> num' <> text "]:"
+  let markerSize = 4 + offset num'
+  let spacer = case writerTabStop opts - markerSize of
+                     n | n > 0  -> text $ replicate n ' '
+                     _          -> text " "
+  return $ hang (writerTabStop opts) (marker <> spacer) contents
 -- | Escape special characters for Markdown.
 escapeString :: String -> String
@@ -170,134 +180,131 @@ olMarker = do (start, style', delim) <- anyOrderedListMarker
 -- | True if string begins with an ordered list marker
 beginsWithOrderedListMarker :: String -> Bool
-beginsWithOrderedListMarker str = 
-  case runParser olMarker defaultParserState "para start" str of
-         Left  _  -> False 
+beginsWithOrderedListMarker str =
+  case runParser olMarker defaultParserState "para start" (take 10 str) of
+         Left  _  -> False
          Right _  -> True
-wrappedMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
-wrappedMarkdown opts inlines = do
-  let chunks  = splitBy LineBreak inlines
-  let chunks' = if null chunks
-                   then []
-                   else (map (++ [Str "  "]) $ init chunks) ++ [last chunks]
-  lns <- mapM (wrapIfNeeded opts (inlineListToMarkdown opts)) chunks'
-  return $ vcat lns
 -- | Convert Pandoc block element to markdown.
 blockToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options
                 -> Block         -- ^ Block element
                 -> State WriterState Doc 
 blockToMarkdown _ Null = return empty
-blockToMarkdown opts (Plain inlines) = 
-  wrappedMarkdown opts inlines
+blockToMarkdown opts (Plain inlines) = do
+  contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts inlines
+  return $ contents <> cr
 blockToMarkdown opts (Para inlines) = do
-  contents <- wrappedMarkdown opts inlines
+  contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts inlines
   -- escape if para starts with ordered list marker
-  let esc = if (not (writerStrictMarkdown opts)) && 
-               beginsWithOrderedListMarker (render contents)
-               then char '\\'
-               else empty 
-  return $ esc <> contents <> text "\n"
+  st <- get
+  let esc = if (not (writerStrictMarkdown opts)) &&
+               not (stPlain st) &&
+               beginsWithOrderedListMarker (render Nothing contents)
+               then text "\\"
+               else empty
+  return $ esc <> contents <> blankline
 blockToMarkdown _ (RawHtml str) = do
   st <- get
   if stPlain st
      then return empty
-     else return $ text str
-blockToMarkdown _ HorizontalRule = return $ text "\n* * * * *\n"
+     else return $ text str <> text "\n"
+blockToMarkdown _ HorizontalRule =
+  return $ blankline <> text "* * * * *" <> blankline
 blockToMarkdown opts (Header level inlines) = do
   contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts inlines
   st <- get
   -- use setext style headers if in literate haskell mode.
   -- ghc interprets '#' characters in column 1 as line number specifiers.
   if writerLiterateHaskell opts || stPlain st
-     then let len = length $ render contents
-          in  return $ contents <> text "\n" <>
-                       case level of
-                            1  -> text $ replicate len '=' ++ "\n"
-                            2  -> text $ replicate len '-' ++ "\n"
-                            _  -> empty
-     else return $ text ((replicate level '#') ++ " ") <> contents <> text "\n"
-blockToMarkdown opts (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) str) | "haskell" `elem` classes &&
-                                                     "literate" `elem` classes &&
-                                                     writerLiterateHaskell opts =
-  return $ (vcat $ map (text "> " <>) $ map text (lines str)) <> text "\n"
+     then let len = offset contents
+          in  return $ contents <> cr <>
+                       (case level of
+                             1  -> text $ replicate len '='
+                             2  -> text $ replicate len '-'
+                             _  -> empty) <> blankline
+     else return $
+       text ((replicate level '#') ++ " ") <> contents <> blankline
+blockToMarkdown opts (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) str)
+  | "haskell" `elem` classes && "literate" `elem` classes &&
+    writerLiterateHaskell opts =
+  return $ prefixed "> " (text str) <> blankline
 blockToMarkdown opts (CodeBlock _ str) = return $
-  (nest (writerTabStop opts) $ vcat $ map text (lines str)) <> text "\n"
+  nest (writerTabStop opts) (text str) <> blankline
 blockToMarkdown opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
   st <- get
   -- if we're writing literate haskell, put a space before the bird tracks
   -- so they won't be interpreted as lhs...
   let leader = if writerLiterateHaskell opts
-                  then text . (" > " ++)
+                  then " > "
                   else if stPlain st
-                          then text . ("  " ++)
-                          else text . ("> " ++)
+                          then "  "
+                          else "> "
   contents <- blockListToMarkdown opts blocks
-  return $ (vcat $ map leader $ lines $ render contents) <> 
-           text "\n"
+  return $ (prefixed leader contents) <> blankline
 blockToMarkdown opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) =  do
   caption' <- inlineListToMarkdown opts caption
   let caption'' = if null caption
                      then empty
-                     else text "" $+$ (text ": " <> caption')
+                     else blankline <> ": " <> caption' <> blankline
   headers' <- mapM (blockListToMarkdown opts) headers
   let alignHeader alignment = case alignment of
-                                AlignLeft    -> leftAlignBlock
-                                AlignCenter  -> centerAlignBlock
-                                AlignRight   -> rightAlignBlock
-                                AlignDefault -> leftAlignBlock  
+                                AlignLeft    -> lblock
+                                AlignCenter  -> cblock
+                                AlignRight   -> rblock
+                                AlignDefault -> lblock
   rawRows <- mapM (mapM (blockListToMarkdown opts)) rows
   let isSimple = all (==0) widths
-  let numChars = maximum . map (length . render)
+  let numChars = maximum . map offset
   let widthsInChars =
        if isSimple
           then map ((+2) . numChars) $ transpose (headers' : rawRows)
-          else map (floor . (78 *)) widths
-  let makeRow = hsepBlocks . (zipWith alignHeader aligns) . 
-                (zipWith docToBlock widthsInChars)
+          else map (floor . (fromIntegral (writerColumns opts) *)) widths
+  let makeRow = hcat . intersperse (lblock 1 (text " ")) .
+                   (zipWith3 alignHeader aligns widthsInChars)
   let rows' = map makeRow rawRows
   let head' = makeRow headers'
-  let maxRowHeight = maximum $ map heightOfBlock (head':rows')
-  let underline = hsep $ 
-                  map (\width -> text $ replicate width '-') widthsInChars
+  let maxRowHeight = maximum $ map height (head':rows')
+  let underline = cat $ intersperse (text " ") $
+                  map (\width -> text (replicate width '-')) widthsInChars
   let border = if maxRowHeight > 1
-                  then text $ replicate (sum widthsInChars + (length widthsInChars - 1)) '-'
+                  then text (replicate (sum widthsInChars +
+                          length widthsInChars - 1) '-')
                   else if all null headers
                           then underline
                           else empty
   let head'' = if all null headers
                   then empty
-                  else border $+$ blockToDoc head'
-  let spacer = if maxRowHeight > 1
-                  then text ""
-                  else empty
-  let body = vcat $ intersperse spacer $ map blockToDoc rows'
+                  else border <> cr <> head'
+  let body = if maxRowHeight > 1
+                then vsep rows'
+                else vcat rows'
   let bottom = if all null headers
                   then underline
                   else border
-  return $ (nest 2 $ head'' $+$ underline $+$ body $+$ 
-                     bottom $+$ caption'') <> text "\n"
+  return $ nest 2 $ head'' $$ underline $$ body $$
+              bottom $$ blankline $$ caption'' $$ blankline
 blockToMarkdown opts (BulletList items) = do
   contents <- mapM (bulletListItemToMarkdown opts) items
-  return $ (vcat contents) <> text "\n"
+  return $ cat contents <> blankline
 blockToMarkdown opts (OrderedList attribs items) = do
   let markers  = orderedListMarkers attribs
   let markers' = map (\m -> if length m < 3
                                then m ++ replicate (3 - length m) ' '
-                               else m) markers 
+                               else m) markers
   contents <- mapM (\(item, num) -> orderedListItemToMarkdown opts item num) $
-              zip markers' items  
-  return $ (vcat contents) <> text "\n"
+              zip markers' items
+  return $ cat contents <> blankline
 blockToMarkdown opts (DefinitionList items) = do
   contents <- mapM (definitionListItemToMarkdown opts) items
-  return $ (vcat contents) <> text "\n"
+  return $ cat contents <> blankline
 -- | Convert bullet list item (list of blocks) to markdown.
 bulletListItemToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
 bulletListItemToMarkdown opts items = do
   contents <- blockListToMarkdown opts items
-  return $ hang' (text "-  ") (writerTabStop opts) contents
+  let sps = replicate (writerTabStop opts - 2) ' '
+  let start = text ('-' : ' ' : sps)
+  return $ hang (writerTabStop opts) start $ contents <> cr
 -- | Convert ordered list item (a list of blocks) to markdown.
 orderedListItemToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -- ^ options
@@ -306,8 +313,11 @@ orderedListItemToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -- ^ options
                           -> State WriterState Doc
 orderedListItemToMarkdown opts marker items = do
   contents <- blockListToMarkdown opts items
-  return $ hsep [nest (min (3 - length marker) 0) (text marker),
-                nest (writerTabStop opts) contents]
+  let sps = case length marker - writerTabStop opts of
+                   n | n > 0 -> text $ replicate n ' '
+                   _         -> text " "
+  let start = text marker <> sps
+  return $ hang (writerTabStop opts) start $ contents <> cr
 -- | Convert definition list item (label, list of blocks) to markdown.
 definitionListItemToMarkdown :: WriterOptions
@@ -317,17 +327,20 @@ definitionListItemToMarkdown opts (label, defs) = do
   labelText <- inlineListToMarkdown opts label
   let tabStop = writerTabStop opts
   st <- get
-  let leader  = if stPlain st then empty else text "  ~"
-  contents <- liftM vcat $
-    mapM (liftM ((leader $$) . nest tabStop . vcat) . mapM (blockToMarkdown opts))           defs
-  return $ labelText $+$ contents
+  let leader  = if stPlain st then "   " else "  ~"
+  let sps = case writerTabStop opts - 3 of
+                 n | n > 0   -> text $ replicate n ' '
+                 _           -> text " "
+  defs' <- mapM (mapM (blockToMarkdown opts)) defs
+  let contents = vcat $ map (\d -> hang tabStop (leader <> sps) $ vcat d <> cr) defs'
+  return $ labelText <> cr <> contents <> cr
 -- | Convert list of Pandoc block elements to markdown.
 blockListToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options
                     -> [Block]       -- ^ List of block elements
                     -> State WriterState Doc 
 blockListToMarkdown opts blocks =
-  mapM (blockToMarkdown opts) blocks >>= return . vcat
+  mapM (blockToMarkdown opts) blocks >>= return . cat
 -- | Get reference for target; if none exists, create unique one and return.
 --   Prefer label if possible; otherwise, generate a unique key.
@@ -350,38 +363,43 @@ getReference label (src, tit) = do
 -- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to markdown.
 inlineListToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
 inlineListToMarkdown opts lst =
-  mapM (inlineToMarkdown opts) lst >>= return . hcat
+  mapM (inlineToMarkdown opts) lst >>= return . cat
+escapeSpaces :: Inline -> Inline
+escapeSpaces (Str s) = Str $ substitute " " "\\ " s
+escapeSpaces Space = Str "\\ "
+escapeSpaces x = x
 -- | Convert Pandoc inline element to markdown.
 inlineToMarkdown :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> State WriterState Doc
 inlineToMarkdown opts (Emph lst) = do 
   contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
-  return $ char '*' <> contents <> char '*'
+  return $ "*" <> contents <> "*"
 inlineToMarkdown opts (Strong lst) = do
   contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
-  return $ text "**" <> contents <> text "**"
+  return $ "**" <> contents <> "**"
 inlineToMarkdown opts (Strikeout lst) = do
   contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
-  return $ text "~~" <> contents <> text "~~"
+  return $ "~~" <> contents <> "~~"
 inlineToMarkdown opts (Superscript lst) = do
-  contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
-  let contents' = text $ substitute " " "\\ " $ render contents
-  return $ char '^' <> contents' <> char '^'
+  let lst' = processWith escapeSpaces lst
+  contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst'
+  return $ "^" <> contents <> "^"
 inlineToMarkdown opts (Subscript lst) = do
-  contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
-  let contents' = text $ substitute " " "\\ " $ render contents
-  return $ char '~' <> contents' <> char '~'
+  let lst' = processWith escapeSpaces lst
+  contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst'
+  return $ "~" <> contents <> "~"
 inlineToMarkdown opts (SmallCaps lst) = inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
 inlineToMarkdown opts (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
   contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
-  return $ char '‘' <> contents <> char '’'
+  return $ "‘" <> contents <> "’"
 inlineToMarkdown opts (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
   contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
-  return $ char '“' <> contents <> char '”'
-inlineToMarkdown _ EmDash = return $ char '\8212'
-inlineToMarkdown _ EnDash = return $ char '\8211'
-inlineToMarkdown _ Apostrophe = return $ char '\8217'
-inlineToMarkdown _ Ellipses = return $ char '\8230'
+  return $ "“" <> contents <> "”"
+inlineToMarkdown _ EmDash = return "\8212"
+inlineToMarkdown _ EnDash = return "\8211"
+inlineToMarkdown _ Apostrophe = return "\8217"
+inlineToMarkdown _ Ellipses = return "\8230"
 inlineToMarkdown _ (Code str) =
   let tickGroups = filter (\s -> '`' `elem` s) $ group str 
       longest    = if null tickGroups
@@ -395,25 +413,27 @@ inlineToMarkdown _ (Str str) = do
   if stPlain st
      then return $ text str
      else return $ text $ escapeString str
-inlineToMarkdown _ (Math InlineMath str) = return $ char '$' <> text str <> char '$'
-inlineToMarkdown _ (Math DisplayMath str) = return $ text "$$" <> text str <> text "$$"
+inlineToMarkdown _ (Math InlineMath str) =
+  return $ "$" <> text str <> "$"
+inlineToMarkdown _ (Math DisplayMath str) =
+  return $ "$$" <> text str <> "$$"
 inlineToMarkdown _ (TeX str) = return $ text str
 inlineToMarkdown _ (HtmlInline str) = return $ text str 
-inlineToMarkdown _ (LineBreak) = return $ text "  \n"
-inlineToMarkdown _ Space = return $ char ' '
+inlineToMarkdown _ (LineBreak) = return $ "  " <> cr
+inlineToMarkdown _ Space = return space
 inlineToMarkdown opts (Cite (c:cs) lst)
   | writerCiteMethod opts == Citeproc = inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
   | citationMode c == AuthorInText = do
     suffs <- inlineListToMarkdown opts $ citationSuffix c
     rest <- mapM convertOne cs
     let inbr = suffs <+> joincits rest
-        br   = if isEmpty inbr then empty else brackets inbr
+        br   = if isEmpty inbr then empty else char '[' <> inbr <> char ']'
     return $ text ("@" ++ citationId c) <+> br
   | otherwise = do
     cits <- mapM convertOne (c:cs)
     return $ text "[" <> joincits cits <> text "]"
-        joincits = hcat . punctuate (text "; ") . filter (not . isEmpty)
+        joincits = hcat . intersperse (text "; ") . filter (not . isEmpty)
         convertOne Citation { citationId      = k
                             , citationPrefix  = pinlines
                             , citationSuffix  = sinlines
@@ -431,7 +451,9 @@ inlineToMarkdown opts (Cite (c:cs) lst)
 inlineToMarkdown _ (Cite _ _) = return $ text ""
 inlineToMarkdown opts (Link txt (src', tit)) = do
   linktext <- inlineListToMarkdown opts txt
-  let linktitle = if null tit then empty else text $ " \"" ++ tit ++ "\""
+  let linktitle = if null tit
+                     then empty
+                     else text $ " \"" ++ tit ++ "\""
   let src = unescapeURI src'
   let srcSuffix = if isPrefixOf "mailto:" src then drop 7 src else src
   let useRefLinks = writerReferenceLinks opts
@@ -439,24 +461,24 @@ inlineToMarkdown opts (Link txt (src', tit)) = do
   ref <- if useRefLinks then getReference txt (src, tit) else return []
   reftext <- inlineListToMarkdown opts ref
   return $ if useAuto
-              then char '<' <> text srcSuffix <> char '>' 
+              then "<" <> text srcSuffix <> ">"
               else if useRefLinks
-                      then let first  = char '[' <> linktext <> char ']'
+                      then let first  = "[" <> linktext <> "]"
                                second = if txt == ref
-                                           then text "[]"
-                                           else char '[' <> reftext <> char ']'
+                                           then "[]"
+                                           else "[" <> reftext <> "]"
                            in  first <> second
-                      else char '[' <> linktext <> char ']' <> 
-                           char '(' <> text src <> linktitle <> char ')' 
+                      else "[" <> linktext <> "](" <> 
+                           text src <> linktitle <> ")"
 inlineToMarkdown opts (Image alternate (source, tit)) = do
   let txt = if (null alternate) || (alternate == [Str ""]) || 
                (alternate == [Str source]) -- to prevent autolinks
                then [Str "image"]
                else alternate
   linkPart <- inlineToMarkdown opts (Link txt (unescapeURI source, tit)) 
-  return $ char '!' <> linkPart
+  return $ "!" <> linkPart
 inlineToMarkdown _ (Note contents) = do 
   modify (\st -> st{ stNotes = contents : stNotes st })
   st <- get
   let ref = show $ (length $ stNotes st)
-  return $ text "[^" <> text ref <> char ']'
+  return $ "[^" <> text ref <> "]"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Org.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Org.hs
index 862628f9d..59f7e14f5 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Org.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Org.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Puneeth Chaganti <>
@@ -32,10 +33,9 @@ Org-Mode:  <>
 module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Org ( writeOrg) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared 
-import Text.Pandoc.Blocks
+import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
 import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
 import Data.List ( intersect, intersperse, transpose )
-import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding ( Str )
 import Control.Monad.State
 import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
@@ -66,13 +66,16 @@ pandocToOrg (Pandoc (Meta tit auth dat) blocks) = do
   notes <- liftM (reverse . stNotes) get >>= notesToOrg
   -- note that the notes may contain refs, so we do them first
   hasMath <- liftM stHasMath get
-  let main = render $ foldl ($+$) empty $ [body, notes]
+  let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts
+                    then Just $ writerColumns opts
+                    else Nothing
+  let main = render colwidth $ foldl ($+$) empty $ [body, notes]
   let context = writerVariables opts ++
                 [ ("body", main)
-                , ("title", render title)
-                , ("date", render date) ] ++
+                , ("title", render Nothing title)
+                , ("date", render Nothing date) ] ++
                 [ ("math", "yes") | hasMath ] ++
-                [ ("author", render a) | a <- authors ]
+                [ ("author", render Nothing a) | a <- authors ]
   if writerStandalone opts
      then return $ renderTemplate context $ writerTemplate opts
      else return main
@@ -81,22 +84,14 @@ pandocToOrg (Pandoc (Meta tit auth dat) blocks) = do
 notesToOrg :: [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
 notesToOrg notes = 
   mapM (\(num, note) -> noteToOrg num note) (zip [1..] notes) >>= 
-  return . vcat
+  return . vsep
 -- | Return Org representation of a note.
 noteToOrg :: Int -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
 noteToOrg num note = do
   contents <- blockListToOrg note
-  let marker = text "[" <> text (show num) <> text "] "
-  return $ marker <> contents
--- | Take list of inline elements and return wrapped doc.
-wrappedOrg :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
-wrappedOrg opts inlines = do
-  lineBreakDoc <- inlineToOrg LineBreak  
-  chunks <- mapM (wrapIfNeeded opts inlineListToOrg)
-                 (splitBy LineBreak inlines)
-  return $ vcat $ intersperse lineBreakDoc chunks
+  let marker = "[" ++ show num ++ "] "
+  return $ hang (length marker) (text marker) contents
 -- | Escape special characters for Org.
 escapeString :: String -> String
@@ -106,32 +101,28 @@ titleToOrg :: [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
 titleToOrg [] = return empty
 titleToOrg lst = do
   contents <- inlineListToOrg lst
-  let titleName = text "#+TITLE: "
-  return $ titleName <> contents 
+  return $ "#+TITLE: " <> contents 
 -- | Convert Pandoc block element to Org. 
 blockToOrg :: Block         -- ^ Block element
            -> State WriterState Doc 
 blockToOrg Null = return empty
-blockToOrg (Plain inlines) = do
-  opts <- get >>= (return . stOptions)
-  wrappedOrg opts inlines
+blockToOrg (Plain inlines) = inlineListToOrg inlines
 blockToOrg (Para [Image txt (src,tit)]) = do
   capt <- inlineListToOrg txt
   img <- inlineToOrg (Image txt (src,tit))
-  return $ text "#+CAPTION: " <> capt <> text "\n" $$ img 
+  return $ "#+CAPTION: " <> capt <> blankline <> img
 blockToOrg (Para inlines) = do
-  opts <- get >>= (return . stOptions)
-  contents <- wrappedOrg opts inlines
-  return $ contents <> text "\n"
+  contents <- inlineListToOrg inlines
+  return $ contents <> blankline
 blockToOrg (RawHtml str) = 
-  return $ (text "\n#+BEGIN_HTML\n") $$ (nest 2 $ vcat $ map text (lines str)) 
-         $$ (text "\n#+END_HTML\n")
-blockToOrg HorizontalRule = return $ text "--------------\n"
+  return $ blankline $$ "#+BEGIN_HTML" $$
+           nest 2 (text str) $$ "#+END_HTML" $$ blankline
+blockToOrg HorizontalRule = return $ blankline $$ "--------------" $$ blankline
 blockToOrg (Header level inlines) = do
   contents <- inlineListToOrg inlines
   let headerStr = text $ if level > 999 then " " else replicate level '*'
-  return $ headerStr <> text " " <> contents <> text "\n"
+  return $ headerStr <> " " <> contents <> blankline
 blockToOrg (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) str) = do
   opts <- stOptions <$> get
   let tabstop = writerTabStop opts
@@ -143,31 +134,30 @@ blockToOrg (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) str) = do
   let (beg, end) = if null at
                       then ("#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE", "#+END_EXAMPLE")
                       else ("#+BEGIN_SRC" ++ head at, "#+END_SRC")
-  return $ text beg $+$ (nest tabstop $ vcat $ map text (lines str)) 
-         $+$ text end
+  return $ text beg $$ nest tabstop (text str) $$ text end $$ blankline
 blockToOrg (BlockQuote blocks) = do
   contents <- blockListToOrg blocks 
-  return $ (text "\n#+BEGIN_QUOTE\n") $$ (nest 2 contents) 
-         $$ (text "\n#+END_QUOTE\n")
+  return $ blankline $$ "#+BEGIN_QUOTE" $$
+           nest 2 contents $$ "#+END_QUOTE" $$ blankline
 blockToOrg (Table caption' _ _ headers rows) =  do
   caption'' <- inlineListToOrg caption'
   let caption = if null caption'
                    then empty
-                   else (text "#+CAPTION: " <> caption'')
+                   else ("#+CAPTION: " <> caption'')
   headers' <- mapM blockListToOrg headers
   rawRows <- mapM (mapM blockListToOrg) rows
-  let numChars = maximum . map (length . render)
+  let numChars = maximum . map offset
   -- FIXME: width is not being used. 
   let widthsInChars =
        map ((+2) . numChars) $ transpose (headers' : rawRows)
   -- FIXME: Org doesn't allow blocks with height more than 1. 
-  let hpipeBlocks blocks = hcatBlocks [beg, middle, end] 
-        where height = maximum (map heightOfBlock blocks)
-              sep'   = TextBlock 3 height (replicate height " | ")
-              beg    = TextBlock 2 height (replicate height "| ")
-              end    = TextBlock 2 height (replicate height " |")
-              middle = hcatBlocks $ intersperse sep' blocks
-  let makeRow = hpipeBlocks . zipWith docToBlock widthsInChars
+  let hpipeBlocks blocks = hcat [beg, middle, end] 
+        where h      = maximum (map height blocks)
+              sep'   = lblock 3 $ vcat (map text $ replicate h " | ")
+              beg    = lblock 2 $ vcat (map text $ replicate h "| ")
+              end    = lblock 2 $ vcat (map text $ replicate h " |")
+              middle = hcat $ intersperse sep' blocks
+  let makeRow = hpipeBlocks . zipWith lblock widthsInChars
   let head' = makeRow headers'
   rows' <- mapM (\row -> do cols <- mapM blockListToOrg row
                             return $ makeRow cols) rows
@@ -175,34 +165,37 @@ blockToOrg (Table caption' _ _ headers rows) =  do
                   (hcat $ intersperse (char ch <> char '+' <> char ch) $ 
                           map (\l -> text $ replicate l ch) widthsInChars) <>
                   char ch <> char '|'
-  let body = vcat $ map blockToDoc rows'
+  let body = vcat rows'
   let head'' = if all null headers
                   then empty
-                  else blockToDoc head' $+$ border '-'
-  return $ head'' $+$ body $$ caption $$ text ""
+                  else head' $$ border '-'
+  return $ head'' $$ body $$ caption $$ blankline
 blockToOrg (BulletList items) = do
   contents <- mapM bulletListItemToOrg items
   -- ensure that sublists have preceding blank line
-  return $ text "" $+$ vcat contents <> text "\n"
-blockToOrg (OrderedList (start, style', delim) items) = do
+  return $ blankline $+$ vcat contents $$ blankline
+blockToOrg (OrderedList (start, _, delim) items) = do
+  let delim' = case delim of
+                    TwoParens -> OneParen
+                    x         -> x
   let markers = take (length items) $ orderedListMarkers 
-                                      (start, style', delim)
+                                      (start, Decimal, delim')
   let maxMarkerLength = maximum $ map length markers
   let markers' = map (\m -> let s = maxMarkerLength - length m
                             in  m ++ replicate s ' ') markers
   contents <- mapM (\(item, num) -> orderedListItemToOrg item num) $
-              zip markers' items  
+              zip markers' items
   -- ensure that sublists have preceding blank line
-  return $ text "" $+$ vcat contents <> text "\n"
+  return $ blankline $$ vcat contents $$ blankline
 blockToOrg (DefinitionList items) = do
   contents <- mapM definitionListItemToOrg items
-  return $ (vcat contents) <> text "\n"
+  return $ vcat contents $$ blankline
 -- | Convert bullet list item (list of blocks) to Org.
 bulletListItemToOrg :: [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
 bulletListItemToOrg items = do
   contents <- blockListToOrg items
-  return $ (text "-  ") <> contents
+  return $ hang 3 "-  " (contents <> cr)
 -- | Convert ordered list item (a list of blocks) to Org.
 orderedListItemToOrg :: String   -- ^ marker for list item
@@ -210,14 +203,14 @@ orderedListItemToOrg :: String   -- ^ marker for list item
                      -> State WriterState Doc
 orderedListItemToOrg marker items = do
   contents <- blockListToOrg items
-  return $ (text marker <> char ' ') <> contents 
+  return $ hang (length marker + 1) (text marker <> space) (contents <> cr)
 -- | Convert defintion list item (label, list of blocks) to Org.
 definitionListItemToOrg :: ([Inline], [[Block]]) -> State WriterState Doc
 definitionListItemToOrg (label, defs) = do
   label' <- inlineListToOrg label
   contents <- liftM vcat $ mapM blockListToOrg defs
-  return $ (text "-  ") <> label' <> (text " :: ") <> contents
+  return $ hang 3 "-  " $ label' <> " :: " <> (contents <> cr)
 -- | Convert list of Pandoc block elements to Org.
 blockListToOrg :: [Block]       -- ^ List of block elements
@@ -232,60 +225,57 @@ inlineListToOrg lst = mapM inlineToOrg lst >>= return . hcat
 inlineToOrg :: Inline -> State WriterState Doc
 inlineToOrg (Emph lst) = do 
   contents <- inlineListToOrg lst
-  return $ char '/' <> contents <> char '/'
+  return $ "/" <> contents <> "/"
 inlineToOrg (Strong lst) = do
   contents <- inlineListToOrg lst
-  return $ text "*" <> contents <> text "*"
+  return $ "*" <> contents <> "*"
 inlineToOrg (Strikeout lst) = do 
   contents <- inlineListToOrg lst
-  return $ text "+" <> contents <> char '+'
+  return $ "+" <> contents <> "+"
 inlineToOrg (Superscript lst) = do 
   contents <- inlineListToOrg lst
-  return $ text "^{" <> contents <> text "}"
+  return $ "^{" <> contents <> "}"
 inlineToOrg (Subscript lst) = do 
   contents <- inlineListToOrg lst
-  return $ text "_{" <> contents <> text "}"
+  return $ "_{" <> contents <> "}"
 inlineToOrg (SmallCaps lst) = inlineListToOrg lst
 inlineToOrg (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
   contents <- inlineListToOrg lst
-  return $ char '\'' <> contents <> char '\''
+  return $ "'" <> contents <> "'"
 inlineToOrg (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
   contents <- inlineListToOrg lst
-  return $ char '\"' <> contents <> char '\"'
-inlineToOrg (Cite _  lst) =
-  inlineListToOrg lst
-inlineToOrg EmDash = return $ text "---"
-inlineToOrg EnDash = return $ text "--"
-inlineToOrg Apostrophe = return $ char '\''
-inlineToOrg Ellipses = return $ text "..."
-inlineToOrg (Code str) = return $ text $ "=" ++ str ++ "="
+  return $ "\"" <> contents <> "\""
+inlineToOrg (Cite _  lst) = inlineListToOrg lst
+inlineToOrg EmDash = return "---"
+inlineToOrg EnDash = return "--"
+inlineToOrg Apostrophe = return "'"
+inlineToOrg Ellipses = return "..."
+inlineToOrg (Code str) = return $ "=" <> text str <> "="
 inlineToOrg (Str str) = return $ text $ escapeString str
 inlineToOrg (Math t str) = do
   modify $ \st -> st{ stHasMath = True }
   return $ if t == InlineMath
-              then text $ "$" ++ str ++ "$"
-              else text $ "$$" ++ str ++ "$$"
+              then "$" <> text str <> "$"
+              else "$$" <> text str <> "$$"
 inlineToOrg (TeX str) = return $ text str
 inlineToOrg (HtmlInline _) = return empty
-inlineToOrg (LineBreak) = do
-  return $ empty -- there's no line break in Org
-inlineToOrg Space = return $ char ' '
+inlineToOrg (LineBreak) = return cr -- there's no line break in Org
+inlineToOrg Space = return space
 inlineToOrg (Link txt (src, _)) = do
   case txt of
         [Code x] | x == src ->  -- autolink
              do modify $ \s -> s{ stLinks = True }
-                return $ text $ "[[" ++ x ++ "]]"
+                return $ "[[" <> text x <> "]]"
         _ -> do contents <- inlineListToOrg txt
                 modify $ \s -> s{ stLinks = True }
-                return $ text ("[[" ++ src ++ "][") <> contents <> 
-                         (text "]]")
+                return $ "[[" <> text src <> "][" <> contents <> "]]"
 inlineToOrg (Image _ (source', _)) = do
   let source = unescapeURI source'
   modify $ \s -> s{ stImages = True }
-  return $ text $ "[[" ++ source ++ "]]"
+  return $ "[[" <> text source <> "]]"
 inlineToOrg (Note contents) = do 
   -- add to notes in state
   notes <- get >>= (return . stNotes)
   modify $ \st -> st { stNotes = contents:notes }
   let ref = show $ (length notes) + 1
-  return $ text " [" <> text ref <> text "]"
+  return $ " [" <> text ref <> "]"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
index e79f97b33..908549041 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 Copyright (C) 2006-2010 John MacFarlane <>
@@ -32,10 +33,9 @@ reStructuredText:  <>
 module Text.Pandoc.Writers.RST ( writeRST) where
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Shared 
-import Text.Pandoc.Blocks
 import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
-import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, intersperse, transpose )
-import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding ( Str )
+import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, intersperse, transpose )
+import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
 import Control.Monad.State
 import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
@@ -70,13 +70,16 @@ pandocToRST (Pandoc (Meta tit auth dat) blocks) = do
   refs <- liftM (reverse . stLinks) get >>= refsToRST
   pics <- liftM (reverse . stImages) get >>= pictRefsToRST
   hasMath <- liftM stHasMath get
-  let main = render $ foldl ($+$) empty $ [body, notes, refs, pics]
+  let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts
+                    then Just $ writerColumns opts
+                    else Nothing
+  let main = render colwidth $ foldl ($+$) empty $ [body, notes, refs, pics]
   let context = writerVariables opts ++
                 [ ("body", main)
-                , ("title", render title)
-                , ("date", render date) ] ++
+                , ("title", render Nothing title)
+                , ("date", render colwidth date) ] ++
                 [ ("math", "yes") | hasMath ] ++
-                [ ("author", render a) | a <- authors ]
+                [ ("author", render colwidth a) | a <- authors ]
   if writerStandalone opts
      then return $ renderTemplate context $ writerTemplate opts
      else return main
@@ -84,49 +87,40 @@ pandocToRST (Pandoc (Meta tit auth dat) blocks) = do
 -- | Return RST representation of reference key table.
 refsToRST :: Refs -> State WriterState Doc
 refsToRST refs = mapM keyToRST refs >>= return . vcat
 -- | Return RST representation of a reference key. 
 keyToRST :: ([Inline], (String, String)) 
          -> State WriterState Doc
 keyToRST (label, (src, _)) = do
   label' <- inlineListToRST label
-  let label'' = if ':' `elem` (render label')
+  let label'' = if ':' `elem` (render Nothing label')
                    then char '`' <> label' <> char '`'
                    else label'
-  return $ text ".. _" <> label'' <> text ": " <> text src
+  return $ ".. _" <> label'' <> ": " <> text src
 -- | Return RST representation of notes.
 notesToRST :: [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
 notesToRST notes = 
-  mapM (\(num, note) -> noteToRST num note) (zip [1..] notes) >>= 
-  return . vcat
+  mapM (\(num, note) -> noteToRST num note) (zip [1..] notes) >>=
+  return . vsep
 -- | Return RST representation of a note.
 noteToRST :: Int -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
 noteToRST num note = do
   contents <- blockListToRST note
-  let marker = text ".. [" <> text (show num) <> text "]"
+  let marker = ".. [" <> text (show num) <> "]"
   return $ marker $$ nest 3 contents
 -- | Return RST representation of picture reference table.
 pictRefsToRST :: Refs -> State WriterState Doc
 pictRefsToRST refs = mapM pictToRST refs >>= return . vcat
 -- | Return RST representation of a picture substitution reference. 
 pictToRST :: ([Inline], (String, String)) 
           -> State WriterState Doc
 pictToRST (label, (src, _)) = do
   label' <- inlineListToRST label
-  return $ text ".. " <> char '|' <> label' <> char '|' <> text " image:: " <>
-           text src
--- | Take list of inline elements and return wrapped doc.
-wrappedRST :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
-wrappedRST opts inlines = do
-  lineBreakDoc <- inlineToRST LineBreak  
-  chunks <- mapM (wrapIfNeeded opts inlineListToRST)
-                 (splitBy LineBreak inlines)
-  return $ vcat $ intersperse lineBreakDoc chunks
+  return $ ".. |" <> label' <> "| image:: " <> text src
 -- | Escape special characters for RST.
 escapeString :: String -> String
@@ -136,69 +130,66 @@ titleToRST :: [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
 titleToRST [] = return empty
 titleToRST lst = do
   contents <- inlineListToRST lst
-  let titleLength = length $ render contents
+  let titleLength = length $ (render Nothing contents :: String)
   let border = text (replicate titleLength '=')
-  return $ border $+$ contents $+$ border
+  return $ border $$ contents $$ border
 -- | Convert Pandoc block element to RST. 
 blockToRST :: Block         -- ^ Block element
            -> State WriterState Doc 
 blockToRST Null = return empty
-blockToRST (Plain inlines) = do
-  opts <- get >>= (return . stOptions)
-  wrappedRST opts inlines
+blockToRST (Plain inlines) = inlineListToRST inlines
 blockToRST (Para [Image txt (src,tit)]) = do
   capt <- inlineListToRST txt
-  let fig = text "figure:: " <> text src
-  let align = text ":align: center"
-  let alt = text ":alt: " <> if null tit then capt else text tit
-  return $ (text ".. " <> (fig $$ align $$ alt $$ text "" $$ capt)) $$ text ""
+  let fig = "figure:: " <> text src
+  let align = ":align: center"
+  let alt = ":alt: " <> if null tit then capt else text tit
+  return $ hang 3 ".. " $ fig $$ align $$ alt $+$ capt $$ blankline
 blockToRST (Para inlines) = do
-  opts <- get >>= (return . stOptions)
-  contents <- wrappedRST opts inlines
-  return $ contents <> text "\n"
-blockToRST (RawHtml str) = 
-  let str' = if "\n" `isSuffixOf` str then str ++ "\n" else str ++ "\n\n" in
-  return $ (text "\n.. raw:: html\n") $$ (nest 3 $ vcat $ map text (lines str'))
-blockToRST HorizontalRule = return $ text "--------------\n"
+  contents <- inlineListToRST inlines
+  return $ contents <> blankline
+blockToRST (RawHtml str) =
+  return $ blankline <> ".. raw:: html" $+$
+           (nest 3 $ text str) <> blankline
+blockToRST HorizontalRule =
+  return $ blankline $$ "--------------" $$ blankline
 blockToRST (Header level inlines) = do
   contents <- inlineListToRST inlines
-  let headerLength = length $ render contents
   let headerChar = if level > 5 then ' ' else "=-~^'" !! (level - 1)
-  let border = text $ replicate headerLength headerChar
-  return $ contents $+$ border <> text "\n"
+  let border = text $ replicate (offset contents) headerChar
+  return $ contents $$ border $$ blankline
 blockToRST (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) str) = do
   opts <- stOptions <$> get
   let tabstop = writerTabStop opts
   if "haskell" `elem` classes && "literate" `elem` classes &&
                   writerLiterateHaskell opts
-     then return $ (vcat $ map (text "> " <>) $ map text (lines str)) <> text "\n"
-     else return $ (text "::\n") $+$
-                   (nest tabstop $ vcat $ map text (lines str)) <> text "\n"
+     then return $ prefixed "> " $ text str $$ blankline
+     else return $ "::" $+$ nest tabstop (text str) $$ blankline
 blockToRST (BlockQuote blocks) = do
   tabstop <- get >>= (return . writerTabStop . stOptions)
   contents <- blockListToRST blocks 
-  return $ (nest tabstop contents) <> text "\n"
+  return $ nest tabstop contents <> blankline
 blockToRST (Table caption _ widths headers rows) =  do
   caption' <- inlineListToRST caption
   let caption'' = if null caption
                      then empty
-                     else text "" $+$ (text "Table: " <> caption')
+                     else blankline <> text "Table: " <> caption'
   headers' <- mapM blockListToRST headers
   rawRows <- mapM (mapM blockListToRST) rows
   let isSimple = all (==0) widths && all (all (\bs -> length bs == 1)) rows
-  let numChars = maximum . map (length . render)
+  let numChars = maximum . map offset
+  opts <- get >>= return . stOptions
   let widthsInChars =
        if isSimple
           then map ((+2) . numChars) $ transpose (headers' : rawRows)
-          else map (floor . (78 *)) widths
-  let hpipeBlocks blocks = hcatBlocks [beg, middle, end] 
-        where height = maximum (map heightOfBlock blocks)
-              sep'   = TextBlock 3 height (replicate height " | ")
-              beg    = TextBlock 2 height (replicate height "| ")
-              end    = TextBlock 2 height (replicate height " |")
-              middle = hcatBlocks $ intersperse sep' blocks
-  let makeRow = hpipeBlocks . zipWith docToBlock widthsInChars
+          else map (floor . (fromIntegral (writerColumns opts) *)) widths
+  let hpipeBlocks blocks = hcat [beg, middle, end] 
+        where h      = maximum (map height blocks)
+              sep'   = lblock 3 $ vcat (map text $ replicate h " | ")
+              beg    = lblock 2 $ vcat (map text $ replicate h "| ")
+              end    = lblock 2 $ vcat (map text $ replicate h " |")
+              middle = hcat $ intersperse sep' blocks
+  let makeRow = hpipeBlocks . zipWith lblock widthsInChars
   let head' = makeRow headers'
   rows' <- mapM (\row -> do cols <- mapM blockListToRST row
                             return $ makeRow cols) rows
@@ -206,15 +197,15 @@ blockToRST (Table caption _ widths headers rows) =  do
                   (hcat $ intersperse (char ch <> char '+' <> char ch) $ 
                           map (\l -> text $ replicate l ch) widthsInChars) <>
                   char ch <> char '+'
-  let body = vcat $ intersperse (border '-') $ map blockToDoc rows'
+  let body = vcat $ intersperse (border '-') rows'
   let head'' = if all null headers
                   then empty
-                  else blockToDoc head' $+$ border '='
-  return $ border '-' $+$ head'' $+$ body $+$ border '-' $$ caption'' $$ text ""
+                  else head' $$ border '='
+  return $ border '-' $$ head'' $$ body $$ border '-' $$ caption'' $$ blankline
 blockToRST (BulletList items) = do
   contents <- mapM bulletListItemToRST items
   -- ensure that sublists have preceding blank line
-  return $ text "" $+$ vcat contents <> text "\n"
+  return $ blankline $$ vcat contents $$ blankline
 blockToRST (OrderedList (start, style', delim) items) = do
   let markers = if start == 1 && style' == DefaultStyle && delim == DefaultDelim 
                    then take (length items) $ repeat "#."
@@ -224,18 +215,19 @@ blockToRST (OrderedList (start, style', delim) items) = do
   let markers' = map (\m -> let s = maxMarkerLength - length m
                             in  m ++ replicate s ' ') markers
   contents <- mapM (\(item, num) -> orderedListItemToRST item num) $
-              zip markers' items  
+              zip markers' items
   -- ensure that sublists have preceding blank line
-  return $ text "" $+$ vcat contents <> text "\n"
+  return $ blankline $$ vcat contents $$ blankline
 blockToRST (DefinitionList items) = do
   contents <- mapM definitionListItemToRST items
-  return $ (vcat contents) <> text "\n"
+  -- ensure that sublists have preceding blank line
+  return $ blankline $$ vcat contents $$ blankline
 -- | Convert bullet list item (list of blocks) to RST.
 bulletListItemToRST :: [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
 bulletListItemToRST items = do
   contents <- blockListToRST items
-  return $ (text "-  ") <> contents
+  return $ hang 3 "-  " $ contents <> cr
 -- | Convert ordered list item (a list of blocks) to RST.
 orderedListItemToRST :: String   -- ^ marker for list item
@@ -243,7 +235,8 @@ orderedListItemToRST :: String   -- ^ marker for list item
                      -> State WriterState Doc
 orderedListItemToRST marker items = do
   contents <- blockListToRST items
-  return $ (text marker <> char ' ') <> contents 
+  let marker' = marker ++ " "
+  return $ hang (length marker') (text marker') $ contents <> cr
 -- | Convert defintion list item (label, list of blocks) to RST.
 definitionListItemToRST :: ([Inline], [[Block]]) -> State WriterState Doc
@@ -251,7 +244,7 @@ definitionListItemToRST (label, defs) = do
   label' <- inlineListToRST label
   contents <- liftM vcat $ mapM blockListToRST defs
   tabstop <- get >>= (return . writerTabStop . stOptions)
-  return $ label' $+$ nest tabstop contents
+  return $ label' $$ nest tabstop (contents <> cr)
 -- | Convert list of Pandoc block elements to RST.
 blockListToRST :: [Block]       -- ^ List of block elements
@@ -266,65 +259,64 @@ inlineListToRST lst = mapM inlineToRST lst >>= return . hcat
 inlineToRST :: Inline -> State WriterState Doc
 inlineToRST (Emph lst) = do 
   contents <- inlineListToRST lst
-  return $ char '*' <> contents <> char '*'
+  return $ "*" <> contents <> "*"
 inlineToRST (Strong lst) = do
   contents <- inlineListToRST lst
-  return $ text "**" <> contents <> text "**"
+  return $ "**" <> contents <> "**"
 inlineToRST (Strikeout lst) = do 
   contents <- inlineListToRST lst
-  return $ text "[STRIKEOUT:" <> contents <> char ']'
+  return $ "[STRIKEOUT:" <> contents <> "]"
 inlineToRST (Superscript lst) = do 
   contents <- inlineListToRST lst
-  return $ text "\\ :sup:`" <> contents <> text "`\\ "
+  return $ "\\ :sup:`" <> contents <> "`\\ "
 inlineToRST (Subscript lst) = do 
   contents <- inlineListToRST lst
-  return $ text "\\ :sub:`" <> contents <> text "`\\ "
+  return $ "\\ :sub:`" <> contents <> "`\\ "
 inlineToRST (SmallCaps lst) = inlineListToRST lst
 inlineToRST (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
   contents <- inlineListToRST lst
-  return $ char '‘' <> contents <> char '’'
+  return $ "‘" <> contents <> "’"
 inlineToRST (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
   contents <- inlineListToRST lst
-  return $ char '“' <> contents <> char '”'
+  return $ "“" <> contents <> "”"
 inlineToRST (Cite _  lst) =
   inlineListToRST lst
 inlineToRST EmDash = return $ char '\8212'
 inlineToRST EnDash = return $ char '\8211'
 inlineToRST Apostrophe = return $ char '\8217'
 inlineToRST Ellipses = return $ char '\8230'
-inlineToRST (Code str) = return $ text $ "``" ++ str ++ "``"
+inlineToRST (Code str) = return $ "``" <> text str <> "``"
 inlineToRST (Str str) = return $ text $ escapeString str
 inlineToRST (Math t str) = do
   modify $ \st -> st{ stHasMath = True }
   return $ if t == InlineMath
-              then text $ ":math:`$" ++ str ++ "$`"
-              else text $ ":math:`$$" ++ str ++ "$$`"
+              then ":math:`$" <> text str <> "$`"
+              else ":math:`$$" <> text str <> "$$`"
 inlineToRST (TeX _) = return empty
 inlineToRST (HtmlInline _) = return empty
-inlineToRST (LineBreak) = do
-  return $ empty -- there's no line break in RST
-inlineToRST Space = return $ char ' '
+inlineToRST (LineBreak) = return cr -- there's no line break in RST
+inlineToRST Space = return space
 inlineToRST (Link [Code str] (src, _)) | src == str ||
                                          src == "mailto:" ++ str = do
   let srcSuffix = if isPrefixOf "mailto:" src then drop 7 src else src
   return $ text $ unescapeURI srcSuffix
 inlineToRST (Link txt (src', tit)) = do
   let src = unescapeURI src'
-  useReferenceLinks <- get >>= (return . writerReferenceLinks . stOptions)
+  useReferenceLinks <- get >>= return . writerReferenceLinks . stOptions
   linktext <- inlineListToRST $ normalizeSpaces txt
   if useReferenceLinks
-    then do refs <- get >>= (return . stLinks)
+    then do refs <- get >>= return . stLinks
             let refs' = if (txt, (src, tit)) `elem` refs
                            then refs
                            else (txt, (src, tit)):refs
             modify $ \st -> st { stLinks = refs' }
-            return $ char '`' <> linktext <> text "`_"
-    else return $ char '`' <> linktext <> text " <" <> text src <> text ">`_"
+            return $ "`" <> linktext <> "`_"
+    else return $ "`" <> linktext <> " <" <> text src <> ">`_"
 inlineToRST (Image alternate (source', tit)) = do
   let source = unescapeURI source'
-  pics <- get >>= (return . stImages)
+  pics <- get >>= return . stImages
   let labelsUsed = map fst pics 
-  let txt = if null alternate || alternate == [Str ""] || 
+  let txt = if null alternate || alternate == [Str ""] ||
                alternate `elem` labelsUsed
                then [Str $ "image" ++ show (length pics)]
                else alternate
@@ -333,10 +325,10 @@ inlineToRST (Image alternate (source', tit)) = do
                  else (txt, (source, tit)):pics
   modify $ \st -> st { stImages = pics' }
   label <- inlineListToRST txt
-  return $ char '|' <> label <> char '|'
+  return $ "|" <> label <> "|"
 inlineToRST (Note contents) = do 
   -- add to notes in state
-  notes <- get >>= (return . stNotes)
+  notes <- get >>= return . stNotes
   modify $ \st -> st { stNotes = contents:notes }
   let ref = show $ (length notes) + 1
-  return $ text " [" <> text ref <> text "]_"
+  return $ " [" <> text ref <> "]_"
diff --git a/src/pandoc.hs b/src/pandoc.hs
index df83cdd0b..373919e05 100644
--- a/src/pandoc.hs
+++ b/src/pandoc.hs
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( tabFilter, ObfuscationMethod (..), readDataFile,
 import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting ( languages )
-import System.Environment ( getArgs, getProgName, getEnvironment )
+import System.Environment ( getArgs, getProgName )
 import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode (..) )
 import System.FilePath
 import System.Console.GetOpt
-import Data.Char ( toLower, isDigit )
+import Data.Char ( toLower )
 import Data.List ( intercalate, isSuffixOf )
 import System.Directory ( getAppUserDataDirectory, doesFileExist )
 import System.IO ( stdout, stderr )
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ data Opt = Opt
     , optStrict            :: Bool    -- ^ Use strict markdown syntax
     , optReferenceLinks    :: Bool    -- ^ Use reference links in writing markdown, rst
     , optWrapText          :: Bool    -- ^ Wrap text
+    , optColumns           :: Int     -- ^ Line length in characters
     , optPlugins           :: [Pandoc -> IO Pandoc] -- ^ Plugins to apply
     , optEmailObfuscation  :: ObfuscationMethod
     , optIdentifierPrefix  :: String
@@ -150,6 +151,7 @@ defaultOpts = Opt
     , optStrict            = False
     , optReferenceLinks    = False
     , optWrapText          = True
+    , optColumns           = 72
     , optPlugins           = []
     , optEmailObfuscation  = JavascriptObfuscation
     , optIdentifierPrefix  = ""
@@ -194,8 +196,14 @@ options =
     , Option "" ["tab-stop"]
-                  (\arg opt -> return opt { optTabStop = (read arg) } )
-                  "TABSTOP")
+                  (\arg opt ->
+                      case reads arg of
+                           [(t,"")] | t > 0 -> return opt { optTabStop = t }
+                           _          -> do
+                               UTF8.hPutStrLn stderr $
+                                   "tab-stop must be a number greater than 0"
+                               exitWith $ ExitFailure 31)
+                  "NUMBER")
                  "" -- "Tab stop (default 4)"
     , Option "" ["strict"]
@@ -300,6 +308,18 @@ options =
                   (\opt -> return opt { optWrapText = False }))
                  "" -- "Do not wrap text in output"
+    , Option "" ["columns"]
+                 (ReqArg
+                  (\arg opt ->
+                      case reads arg of
+                           [(t,"")] | t > 0 -> return opt { optColumns = t }
+                           _          -> do
+                               UTF8.hPutStrLn stderr $
+                                   "columns must be a number greater than 0"
+                               exitWith $ ExitFailure 33)
+                 "NUMBER")
+                 "" -- "Length of line in characters"
     , Option "" ["email-obfuscation"]
                   (\arg opt -> do
@@ -333,17 +353,18 @@ options =
     , Option "" ["base-header-level"]
-                  (\arg opt -> do
-                     if all isDigit arg && (read arg :: Int) >= 1
-                        then do
-                           let oldTransforms = optTransforms opt
-                           let shift = read arg - 1
-                           return opt{ optTransforms =
-                                         headerShift shift : oldTransforms }
-                        else do
-                           UTF8.hPutStrLn stderr $ "base-header-level must be a number >= 1"
-                           exitWith $ ExitFailure 19)
-                  "LEVEL")
+                  (\arg opt ->
+                      case reads arg of
+                           [(t,"")] | t > 0 -> do
+                               let oldTransforms = optTransforms opt
+                               let shift = t - 1
+                               return opt{ optTransforms =
+                                           headerShift shift : oldTransforms }
+                           _          -> do
+                               UTF8.hPutStrLn stderr $
+                                   "base-header-level must be a number > 0"
+                               exitWith $ ExitFailure 19)
+                  "NUMBER")
                  "" -- "Headers base level"
     , Option "" ["template"]
@@ -617,6 +638,7 @@ main = do
               , optStrict            = strict
               , optReferenceLinks    = referenceLinks
               , optWrapText          = wrap
+              , optColumns           = columns
               , optEmailObfuscation  = obfuscationMethod
               , optIdentifierPrefix  = idPrefix
               , optIndentedCodeClasses = codeBlockClasses
@@ -668,11 +690,6 @@ main = do
                              Right t -> t
                              Left  e -> error (show e)
-  environment <- getEnvironment
-  let columns = case lookup "COLUMNS" environment of
-                 Just cols -> read cols
-                 Nothing   -> stateColumns defaultParserState
   let standalone' = standalone || isNonTextOutput writerName'
   variables' <- case (writerName', standalone', offline) of
@@ -746,6 +763,7 @@ main = do
                                       writerStrictMarkdown   = strict,
                                       writerReferenceLinks   = referenceLinks,
                                       writerWrapText         = wrap,
+                                      writerColumns          = columns,
                                       writerLiterateHaskell  = "+lhs" `isSuffixOf` writerName' ||
                                                                lhsExtension [outputFile],
                                       writerEmailObfuscation = if strict
diff --git a/src/test-pandoc.hs b/src/test-pandoc.hs
index b475711d2..173816fb1 100644
--- a/src/test-pandoc.hs
+++ b/src/test-pandoc.hs
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ main = do
              "testsuite.native" "testsuite.native"
   r14s <- mapM (\style -> runTest ("markdown reader (citations) (" ++ style ++ ")") ["-r", "markdown", "-w", "markdown", "--bibliography", "biblio.bib", "--csl", style ++ ".csl", "--no-wrap"] "markdown-citations.txt" ("markdown-citations." ++ style ++ ".txt")) ["chicago-author-date","ieee","mhra"]
   let citopts = ["--bibliography", "biblio.bib", "--csl", "chicago-author-date.csl", "--no-citeproc"]
-  r15 <- runTest "markdown writer (citations)" (["-r", "markdown", "-w", "markdown"]    ++ citopts)
+  r15 <- runTest "markdown writer (citations)" (["-r", "markdown", "-w", "markdown", "--no-wrap"]    ++ citopts)
              "markdown-citations.txt" "markdown-citations.txt"
   r16s <- runLatexCitationTests citopts "biblatex"
   r17s <- runLatexCitationTests citopts "natbib"
@@ -159,9 +159,9 @@ runLhsReaderTest format =
 runLatexCitationTests :: [String] -> String -> IO [Bool]
 runLatexCitationTests o n
-  = sequence [ rt ("latex reader (" ++ n ++ " citations)") (["-r", "latex", "-w", "markdown", "-s"] ++ o')
+  = sequence [ rt ("latex reader (" ++ n ++ " citations)") (["-r", "latex", "-w", "markdown", "-s", "--no-wrap"] ++ o')
                f "markdown-citations.txt"
-             , rt ("latex writer (" ++ n ++ " citations)") (["-r", "markdown", "-w", "latex", "-s"] ++ o')
+             , rt ("latex writer (" ++ n ++ " citations)") (["-r", "markdown", "-w", "latex", "-s", "--no-wrap"] ++ o')
                "markdown-citations.txt" f
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ runLatexCitationTests o n
 runWriterTest :: String -> IO Bool
 runWriterTest format = do
-  r1 <- runTest (format ++ " writer") ["-r", "native", "-s", "-w", format] "testsuite.native" ("writer" <.> format)
-  r2 <- runTest (format ++ " writer (tables)") ["-r", "native", "-w", format] "tables.native" ("tables" <.> format)
+  r1 <- runTest (format ++ " writer") ["-r", "native", "-s", "-w", format, "--columns=78"] "testsuite.native" ("writer" <.> format)
+  r2 <- runTest (format ++ " writer (tables)") ["-r", "native", "-w", format, "--columns=78"] "tables.native" ("tables" <.> format)
   return (r1 && r2)
 runS5WriterTest :: String -> [String] -> String -> IO Bool
@@ -202,9 +202,8 @@ runTestWithNormalize normalize testname opts inp norm = do
   let inpPath = inp
   let normPath = norm
   hFlush stdout
-  -- Note: COLUMNS must be set for markdown table reader
-  ph <- runProcess pandocPath (opts ++ [inpPath] ++ ["--data-dir", ".."]) Nothing
-        (Just [("LANG","en_US.UTF-8"),("COLUMNS", "80"),("HOME", "./")]) Nothing (Just hOut) (Just stderr)
+  ph <- runProcess pandocPath (["--columns=80"] ++ [inpPath] ++ ["--data-dir", ".."] ++ opts) Nothing
+        (Just [("LANG","en_US.UTF-8"),("HOME", "./")]) Nothing (Just hOut) (Just stderr)
   ec <- waitForProcess ph
   result  <- if ec == ExitSuccess
                 then do
diff --git a/templates/org.template b/templates/org.template
index 303e1aad0..eaaa17533 100644
--- a/templates/org.template
+++ b/templates/org.template
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ $if(title)$
 #+AUTHOR: $for(author)$$author$$sep$; $endfor$
 #+DATE: $date$
diff --git a/tests/biblatex-citations.latex b/tests/biblatex-citations.latex
index 7ac680fa4..c975d5bcb 100644
--- a/tests/biblatex-citations.latex
+++ b/tests/biblatex-citations.latex
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@
   \textcites{item1}[p.~30]{item2}[see also][]{item3} says blah.
-  In a note.%
-  \footnote{A citation without locators \autocite{item3}.}
+  In a note.\footnote{A citation without locators \autocite{item3}.}
   A citation group
@@ -45,8 +44,7 @@
   Another one \autocite[see][p.~34--35]{item1}.
-  And another one in a note.%
-  \footnote{Some citations \autocites[see][chap. 3]{item2}{item3}{item1}.}
+  And another one in a note.\footnote{Some citations \autocites[see][chap. 3]{item2}{item3}{item1}.}
   Citation with a suffix and locator
@@ -56,9 +54,7 @@
   Citation with suffix only \autocite[and nowhere else]{item1}.
-  Now some modifiers.%
-  \footnote{Like a citation without author: \autocite*{item1}, and now Doe with
-a locator \autocite*[p.~44]{item2}.}
+  Now some modifiers.\footnote{Like a citation without author: \autocite*{item1}, and now Doe with a locator \autocite*[p.~44]{item2}.}
   With some markup \autocite[\emph{see}][p. \textbf{32}]{item1}.
diff --git a/tests/markdown-citations.chicago-author-date.txt b/tests/markdown-citations.chicago-author-date.txt
index dd89b786f..93cf6ce7c 100644
--- a/tests/markdown-citations.chicago-author-date.txt
+++ b/tests/markdown-citations.chicago-author-date.txt
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 -   With some markup (*see* Doe 2005, 32).
 # References
 Doe, John. 2005. *First Book*. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
@@ -37,11 +36,8 @@ Doe, John. 2005. *First Book*. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
 Doe, John, and Jenny Roe. 2007. Why Water Is Wet. In *Third Book*, ed. Sam Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
-    A citation without locators (Doe and Roe 2007).
+[^1]: A citation without locators (Doe and Roe 2007).
-    Some citations (see Doe 2006, chap. 3; Doe and Roe 2007; Doe 2005).
+[^2]: Some citations (see Doe 2006, chap. 3; Doe and Roe 2007; Doe 2005).
-    Like a citation without author: (2005), and now Doe with a locator (2006, 44).
+[^3]: Like a citation without author: (2005), and now Doe with a locator (2006, 44).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 53f0995a4..0fd9335ad 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 -   With some markup [1].
 # References
 [1] J. Doe, *First Book*, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
@@ -37,11 +36,8 @@
 [3] J. Doe and J. Roe, “Why Water Is Wet,” *Third Book*, Smith, S., Ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
-    A citation without locators [3].
+[^1]: A citation without locators [3].
-    Some citations [1]-[3].
+[^2]: Some citations [1]-[3].
-    Like a citation without author: [1], and now Doe with a locator [2].
+[^3]: Like a citation without author: [1], and now Doe with a locator [2].
diff --git a/tests/markdown-citations.mhra.txt b/tests/markdown-citations.mhra.txt
index a05db2a54..3add1cfdd 100644
--- a/tests/markdown-citations.mhra.txt
+++ b/tests/markdown-citations.mhra.txt
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 -   With some markup.[^12]
 # References
 Doe, John, ‘Article’, *Journal of Generic Studies*, 6 (2006), 33-34.
@@ -37,38 +36,28 @@ Doe, John, ‘Article’, *Journal of Generic Studies*, 6 (2006), 33-34.
 Doe, John, and Jenny Roe, ‘Why Water Is Wet’, in *Third Book*, ed by Sam Smith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007).
-    *First Book* (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
+[^1]: *First Book* (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
-    First Book, p. 30.
+[^2]: First Book, p. 30.
-    First Book, p. 30, with suffix.
+[^3]: First Book, p. 30, with suffix.
-    First Book; ‘Article’, *Journal of Generic Studies*, 6 (2006), 33-34 (p. 30); see also John Doe and Jenny Roe, ‘Why Water Is Wet’, in *Third Book*, ed by Sam Smith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007).
+[^4]: First Book; ‘Article’, *Journal of Generic Studies*, 6 (2006), 33-34 (p. 30); see also John Doe and Jenny Roe, ‘Why Water Is Wet’, in *Third Book*, ed by Sam Smith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007).
-    A citation without locators Doe and Roe.
+[^5]: A citation without locators Doe and Roe.
-    See Doe, First Book, pp. 34-35; also Doe and Roe, chap. 3.
+[^6]: See Doe, First Book, pp. 34-35; also Doe and Roe, chap. 3.
-    See Doe, First Book, pp. 34-35.
+[^7]: See Doe, First Book, pp. 34-35.
-    Some citations see Doe, Article, 33-34 (chap. 3); Doe and Roe; Doe, First Book.
+[^8]: Some citations see Doe, Article, 33-34 (chap. 3); Doe and Roe; Doe, First Book.
-    Doe, First Book, pp. 33, 35-37, and nowhere else.
+[^9]: Doe, First Book, pp. 33, 35-37, and nowhere else.
-    Doe, First Book, and nowhere else.
+[^10]: Doe, First Book, and nowhere else.
-    Like a citation without author: First Book, and now Doe with a locator Article, 33-34 (p. 44).
+[^11]: Like a citation without author: First Book, and now Doe with a locator Article, 33-34 (p. 44).
-    *See* Doe, First Book, p. 32.
+[^11]: Like a citation without author: First Book, and now Doe with a locator Article, 33-34 (p. 44).
+[^12]: *See* Doe, First Book, p. 32.
diff --git a/tests/markdown-citations.txt b/tests/markdown-citations.txt
index 0944b1101..0e75e0b90 100644
--- a/tests/markdown-citations.txt
+++ b/tests/markdown-citations.txt
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
 -   And another one in a note.[^2]
--   Citation with a suffix and locator
-    [@item1 pp. 33, 35-37, and nowhere else].
+-   Citation with a suffix and locator [@item1 pp. 33, 35-37, and nowhere else].
 -   Citation with suffix only [@item1 and nowhere else].
@@ -32,12 +31,9 @@
 # References
-    A citation without locators [@item3].
+[^1]: A citation without locators [@item3].
-    Some citations [see @item2 chap. 3; @item3; @item1].
+[^2]: Some citations [see @item2 chap. 3; @item3; @item1].
+[^3]: Like a citation without author: [-@item1], and now Doe with a locator [-@item2 p. 44].
-    Like a citation without author: [-@item1], and now Doe with a
-    locator [-@item2 p. 44].
diff --git a/tests/natbib-citations.latex b/tests/natbib-citations.latex
index 373ccc2e6..2e21f38b1 100644
--- a/tests/natbib-citations.latex
+++ b/tests/natbib-citations.latex
@@ -31,36 +31,28 @@
   \citet[p.~30, with suffix]{item1} says blah.
-  \citeauthor{item1} \citetext{\citeyear{item1}; \citeyear[p.~30]{item2}; \citealp[see also][]{item3}}
-  says blah.
+  \citeauthor{item1} \citetext{\citeyear{item1}; \citeyear[p.~30]{item2}; \citealp[see also][]{item3}} says blah.
-  In a note.%
-  \footnote{A citation without locators \citep{item3}.}
+  In a note.\footnote{A citation without locators \citep{item3}.}
-  A citation group
-  \citetext{\citealp[see][p.~34--35]{item1}; \citealp[also][chap. 3]{item3}}.
+  A citation group \citetext{\citealp[see][p.~34--35]{item1}; \citealp[also][chap. 3]{item3}}.
   Another one \citep[see][p.~34--35]{item1}.
-  And another one in a note.%
-  \footnote{Some citations
-\citetext{\citealp[see][chap. 3]{item2}; \citealp{item3}; \citealp{item1}}.}
+  And another one in a note.\footnote{Some citations \citetext{\citealp[see][chap. 3]{item2}; \citealp{item3}; \citealp{item1}}.}
-  Citation with a suffix and locator
-  \citep[pp.~33, 35--37, and nowhere else]{item1}.
+  Citation with a suffix and locator \citep[pp.~33, 35--37, and nowhere else]{item1}.
   Citation with suffix only \citep[and nowhere else]{item1}.
-  Now some modifiers.%
-  \footnote{Like a citation without author: \citeyearpar{item1}, and now Doe
-with a locator \citeyearpar[p.~44]{item2}.}
+  Now some modifiers.\footnote{Like a citation without author: \citeyearpar{item1}, and now Doe with a locator \citeyearpar[p.~44]{item2}.}
   With some markup \citep[\emph{see}][p. \textbf{32}]{item1}.
diff --git a/tests/tables.markdown b/tests/tables.markdown
index 95bcc667e..d1bbf168f 100644
--- a/tests/tables.markdown
+++ b/tests/tables.markdown
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Simple table with caption:
        12 12        12    12
       123 123      123    123
         1 1         1     1
   : Demonstration of simple table syntax.
 Simple table without caption:
@@ -23,34 +23,34 @@ Simple table indented two spaces:
        12 12        12    12
       123 123      123    123
         1 1         1     1
   : Demonstration of simple table syntax.
 Multiline table with caption:
    Centered   Left              Right Default aligned
-    Header    Aligned         Aligned
+    Header    Aligned         Aligned 
   ----------- ---------- ------------ --------------------------
      First    row                12.0 Example of a row that
                                       spans multiple lines.
     Second    row                 5.0 Here's another one. Note
                                       the blank line between
   : Here's the caption. It may span multiple lines.
 Multiline table without caption:
    Centered   Left              Right Default aligned
-    Header    Aligned         Aligned
+    Header    Aligned         Aligned 
   ----------- ---------- ------------ --------------------------
      First    row                12.0 Example of a row that
                                       spans multiple lines.
     Second    row                 5.0 Here's another one. Note
                                       the blank line between
@@ -69,8 +69,9 @@ Multiline table without column headers:
   ----------- ---------- ------------ --------------------------
      First    row                12.0 Example of a row that
                                       spans multiple lines.
     Second    row                 5.0 Here's another one. Note
                                       the blank line between
   ----------- ---------- ------------ --------------------------
diff --git a/tests/tables.plain b/tests/tables.plain
index 95bcc667e..d1bbf168f 100644
--- a/tests/tables.plain
+++ b/tests/tables.plain
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Simple table with caption:
        12 12        12    12
       123 123      123    123
         1 1         1     1
   : Demonstration of simple table syntax.
 Simple table without caption:
@@ -23,34 +23,34 @@ Simple table indented two spaces:
        12 12        12    12
       123 123      123    123
         1 1         1     1
   : Demonstration of simple table syntax.
 Multiline table with caption:
    Centered   Left              Right Default aligned
-    Header    Aligned         Aligned
+    Header    Aligned         Aligned 
   ----------- ---------- ------------ --------------------------
      First    row                12.0 Example of a row that
                                       spans multiple lines.
     Second    row                 5.0 Here's another one. Note
                                       the blank line between
   : Here's the caption. It may span multiple lines.
 Multiline table without caption:
    Centered   Left              Right Default aligned
-    Header    Aligned         Aligned
+    Header    Aligned         Aligned 
   ----------- ---------- ------------ --------------------------
      First    row                12.0 Example of a row that
                                       spans multiple lines.
     Second    row                 5.0 Here's another one. Note
                                       the blank line between
@@ -69,8 +69,9 @@ Multiline table without column headers:
   ----------- ---------- ------------ --------------------------
      First    row                12.0 Example of a row that
                                       spans multiple lines.
     Second    row                 5.0 Here's another one. Note
                                       the blank line between
   ----------- ---------- ------------ --------------------------
diff --git a/tests/writer.markdown b/tests/writer.markdown
index b417a8fee..992bcd020 100644
--- a/tests/writer.markdown
+++ b/tests/writer.markdown
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
 % John MacFarlane; Anonymous
 % July 17, 2006
-This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from
-John Gruber’s markdown test suite.
+This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from John Gruber’s
+markdown test suite.
 * * * * *
@@ -30,23 +29,21 @@ with no blank line
 with no blank line
 * * * * *
 # Paragraphs
 Here’s a regular paragraph.
-In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a
-list item. Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph
-looked like a list item.
+In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a list item.
+Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph looked like a list
 Here’s one with a bullet. \* criminey.
 There should be a hard line break  
 * * * * *
 # Block Quotes
@@ -56,27 +53,26 @@ E-mail style:
 > This is a block quote. It is pretty short.
 > Code in a block quote:
 >     sub status {
 >         print "working";
 >     }
 > A list:
 > 1.  item one
 > 2.  item two
 > Nested block quotes:
 > > nested
 > > nested
 This should not be a block quote: 2 \> 1.
 And a following paragraph.
 * * * * *
 # Code Blocks
@@ -84,19 +80,18 @@ And a following paragraph.
     ---- (should be four hyphens)
     sub status {
         print "working";
     this code block is indented by one tab
         this code block is indented by two tabs
-    These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \> \[ \{
+    These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \> \[ \{
 * * * * *
@@ -118,7 +113,6 @@ Asterisks loose:
 -   asterisk 3
 Pluses tight:
 -   Plus 1
@@ -133,7 +127,6 @@ Pluses loose:
 -   Plus 3
 Minuses tight:
 -   Minus 1
@@ -148,7 +141,6 @@ Minuses loose:
 -   Minus 3
 ## Ordered
@@ -171,7 +163,6 @@ Loose using tabs:
 3.  Third
 and using spaces:
 1.  One
@@ -180,27 +171,22 @@ and using spaces:
 3.  Three
 Multiple paragraphs:
 1.  Item 1, graf one.
-    Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’s
-    back.
+    Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’s back.
 2.  Item 2.
 3.  Item 3.
 ## Nested
 -   Tab
     -   Tab
         -   Tab
 Here’s another:
 1.  First
@@ -223,7 +209,6 @@ Same thing but with paragraphs:
 3.  Third
 ## Tabs and spaces
 -   this is a list item indented with tabs
@@ -234,8 +219,6 @@ Same thing but with paragraphs:
     -   this is an example list item indented with spaces
 ## Fancy list markers
 (2) begins with 2
@@ -248,8 +231,6 @@ Same thing but with paragraphs:
         (A) a subsublist
         (B) a subsublist
 A.  Upper Alpha
@@ -257,23 +238,18 @@ A.  Upper Alpha
         (6) Decimal start with 6
             c)  Lower alpha with paren
 1.  Autonumber.
 2.  More.
     1.  Nested.
 Should not be a list item:
 M.A. 2007
 B. Williams
 * * * * *
 # Definition Lists
@@ -307,7 +283,6 @@ orange
   ~ yellow fruit
 Multiple blocks with italics:
@@ -322,7 +297,6 @@ Multiple blocks with italics:
     > orange block quote
 Multiple definitions, tight:
@@ -344,7 +318,6 @@ orange
   ~ bank
 Blank line after term, indented marker, alternate markers:
@@ -358,7 +331,6 @@ orange
     1.  sublist
     2.  sublist
 # HTML Blocks
 Simple block on one line:
@@ -470,7 +442,6 @@ Hr’s:
 <hr class="foo" id="bar">
 * * * * *
 # Inline Markup
@@ -497,9 +468,8 @@ Superscripts: a^bc^d a^*hello*^ a^hello there^.
 Subscripts: H~2~O, H~23~O, H~many of them~O.
-These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the
-unescaped spaces: a\^b c\^d, a\~b c\~d.
+These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the unescaped
+spaces: a\^b c\^d, a\~b c\~d.
 * * * * *
@@ -513,8 +483,8 @@ unescaped spaces: a\^b c\^d, a\~b c\~d.
 ‘He said, “I want to go.”’ Were you alive in the 70’s?
-Here is some quoted ‘`code`’ and a
-“[quoted link](”.
+Here is some quoted ‘`code`’ and a “[quoted
 Some dashes: one—two — three—four — five.
@@ -522,7 +492,6 @@ Dashes between numbers: 5–7, 255–66, 1987–1999.
 * * * * *
 # LaTeX
@@ -535,14 +504,13 @@ Ellipses…and…and….
 -   $p$-Tree
 -   Here’s some display math:
     $$\frac{d}{dx}f(x)=\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$$
--   Here’s one that has a line break in it:
-    $\alpha + \omega \times x^2$.
+-   Here’s one that has a line break in it: $\alpha + \omega \times x^2$.
 These shouldn’t be math:
 -   To get the famous equation, write `$e = mc^2$`.
--   $22,000 is a *lot* of money. So is $34,000. (It worked if “lot”
-    is emphasized.)
+-   $22,000 is a *lot* of money. So is $34,000. (It worked if “lot” is
+    emphasized.)
 -   Shoes ($20) and socks ($5).
 -   Escaped `$`: $73 *this should be emphasized* 23$.
@@ -554,7 +522,6 @@ Dog    & 2      \\
 Cat    & 1      \\ \hline
 * * * * *
 # Special Characters
@@ -609,7 +576,6 @@ Plus: +
 Minus: -
 * * * * *
 # Links
@@ -662,8 +628,7 @@ Foo [biz](/url/ "Title with "quote" inside").
 ## With ampersands
-Here’s a
-[link with an ampersand in the URL](
+Here’s a [link with an ampersand in the URL](
 Here’s a link with an amersand in the link text:
 [AT&T]( "AT&T").
@@ -688,7 +653,6 @@ Auto-links should not occur here: `<>`
     or here: <>
 * * * * *
 # Images
@@ -699,44 +663,37 @@ From “Voyage dans la Lune” by Georges Melies (1902):
 Here is a movie ![movie](movie.jpg) icon.
 * * * * *
 # Footnotes
-Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^2] This should
-*not* be a footnote reference, because it contains a space.[\^my
-note] Here is an inline note.[^3]
+Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^2] This should *not* be a
+footnote reference, because it contains a space.[\^my note] Here is an inline
 > Notes can go in quotes.[^4]
 1.  And in list items.[^5]
-This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not
+This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.
-    Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote
-    reference. It need not be placed at the end of the document.
+[^1]: Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote reference.
+    It need not be placed at the end of the document.
-    Here’s the long note. This one contains multiple blocks.
+[^2]: Here’s the long note. This one contains multiple blocks.
-    Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the
-    footnote (as with list items).
+    Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the footnote
+    (as with list items).
           { <code> }
-    If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy
-    and just indent the first line of each block.
+    If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy and just
+    indent the first line of each block.
-    This is *easier* to type. Inline notes may contain
+[^3]: This is *easier* to type. Inline notes may contain
     [links]( and `]` verbatim characters, as well as
     [bracketed text].
-    In quote.
+[^4]: In quote.
-    In list.
+[^5]: In list.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 59f27acfc..642b2a3ef 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 #+AUTHOR: John MacFarlane; Anonymous
 #+DATE: July 17, 2006
-This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from
-John Gruber's markdown test suite.
+This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from John Gruber's
+markdown test suite.
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ with no blank line
 Here's a regular paragraph.
-In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a
-list item. Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph
-looked like a list item.
+In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a list item.
+Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph looked like a list
 Here's one with a bullet. * criminey.
@@ -51,17 +51,11 @@ here.
 E-mail style:
   This is a block quote. It is pretty short.
   Code in a block quote:
@@ -69,31 +63,21 @@ E-mail style:
           print "working";
   A list:
   1. item one
   2. item two
   Nested block quotes:
 This should not be a block quote: 2 > 1.
@@ -108,20 +92,22 @@ Code:
     ---- (should be four hyphens)
     sub status {
         print "working";
     this code block is indented by one tab
         this code block is indented by two tabs
     These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \> \[ \{
 * Lists
@@ -130,121 +116,99 @@ And:
 Asterisks tight:
 -  asterisk 1
 -  asterisk 2
 -  asterisk 3
 Asterisks loose:
 -  asterisk 1
 -  asterisk 2
 -  asterisk 3
 Pluses tight:
 -  Plus 1
 -  Plus 2
 -  Plus 3
 Pluses loose:
 -  Plus 1
 -  Plus 2
 -  Plus 3
 Minuses tight:
 -  Minus 1
 -  Minus 2
 -  Minus 3
 Minuses loose:
 -  Minus 1
 -  Minus 2
 -  Minus 3
 ** Ordered
 1. First
 2. Second
 3. Third
 1. One
 2. Two
 3. Three
 Loose using tabs:
 1. First
 2. Second
 3. Third
 and using spaces:
 1. One
 2. Two
 3. Three
 Multiple paragraphs:
 1. Item 1, graf one.
-   Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's
-   back.
+   Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back.
 2. Item 2.
 3. Item 3.
 ** Nested
 -  Tab
    -  Tab
       -  Tab
 Here's another:
 1. First
 2. Second:
    -  Fee
    -  Fie
    -  Foe
@@ -253,72 +217,55 @@ Here's another:
 Same thing but with paragraphs:
 1. First
 2. Second:
    -  Fee
    -  Fie
    -  Foe
 3. Third
 ** Tabs and spaces
 -  this is a list item indented with tabs
 -  this is a list item indented with spaces
    -  this is an example list item indented with tabs
    -  this is an example list item indented with spaces
 ** Fancy list markers
+2) begins with 2
+3) and now 3
-(2) begins with 2
-(3) and now 3
-    with a continuation
-    iv. sublist with roman numerals, starting with 4
-    v.  more items
-        (A) a subsublist
-        (B) a subsublist
+   with a continuation
+   4. sublist with roman numerals, starting with 4
+   5. more items
+      1) a subsublist
+      2) a subsublist
+1. Upper Alpha
-A. Upper Alpha
-   I. Upper Roman.
-      (6) Decimal start with 6
-          c) Lower alpha with paren
+   1. Upper Roman.
+      6) Decimal start with 6
+         3) Lower alpha with paren
 1. Autonumber.
 2. More.
-   1. Nested.
+   1. Nested.
 Should not be a list item:
@@ -350,155 +297,123 @@ Loose:
 -  banana :: yellow fruit
 Multiple blocks with italics:
 -  /apple/ :: red fruit
-              contains seeds, crisp, pleasant to taste
+   contains seeds, crisp, pleasant to taste
 -  /orange/ :: orange fruit
-               #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE
-                   { orange code block }
-               #+END_EXAMPLE
-                 orange block quote
+       { orange code block }
+     orange block quote
 Multiple definitions, tight:
 -  apple :: red fruit
-            computer
+   computer
 -  orange :: orange fruit
-             bank
+   bank
 Multiple definitions, loose:
 -  apple :: red fruit
-            computer
+   computer
 -  orange :: orange fruit
-             bank
+   bank
 Blank line after term, indented marker, alternate markers:
 -  apple :: red fruit
-            computer
+   computer
 -  orange :: orange fruit
-             1. sublist
-             2. sublist
+   1. sublist
+   2. sublist
 * HTML Blocks
 Simple block on one line:
 And nested without indentation:
 Interpreted markdown in a table:
 This is /emphasized/
 And this is *strong*
-  <script type="text/javascript">document.write('This *should not* be interpreted as markdown');</script>
+  <script type="text/javascript">document.write('This *should not* be interpreted as markdown');</script>
 Here's a simple block:
 This should be a code block, though:
@@ -508,56 +423,47 @@ This should be a code block, though:
 As should this:
 Now, nested:
 This should just be an HTML comment:
   <!-- Comment -->
       This is another comment.
 Code block:
@@ -565,13 +471,11 @@ Code block:
     <!-- Comment -->
 Just plain comment, with trailing spaces on the line:
   <!-- foo -->   
@@ -579,29 +483,27 @@ Code:
     <hr />
-  <hr />
-  <hr />
-  <hr>   
-  <hr />  
-  <hr /> 
-  <hr class="foo" id="bar" />
-  <hr class="foo" id="bar" />
-  <hr class="foo" id="bar">
+  <hr />
+  <hr />
+  <hr>   
+  <hr />  
+  <hr /> 
+  <hr class="foo" id="bar" />
+  <hr class="foo" id="bar" />
+  <hr class="foo" id="bar">
@@ -630,8 +532,8 @@ Superscripts: a^{bc}d a^{/hello/} a^{hello there}.
 Subscripts: H_{2}O, H_{23}O, H_{many of them}O.
-These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the
-unescaped spaces: a\^b c\^d, a~b c~d.
+These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the unescaped
+spaces: a\^b c\^d, a~b c~d.
@@ -645,8 +547,8 @@ unescaped spaces: a\^b c\^d, a~b c~d.
 'He said, "I want to go."' Were you alive in the 70's?
-Here is some quoted '=code=' and a
-"[[][quoted link]]".
+Here is some quoted '=code=' and a "[[][quoted
 Some dashes: one---two --- three---four --- five.
@@ -658,7 +560,6 @@ Ellipses...and...and....
 * LaTeX
 -  \cite[22-23]{smith.1899}
 -  $2+2=4$
 -  $x \in y$
@@ -667,15 +568,13 @@ Ellipses...and...and....
 -  $p$-Tree
 -  Here's some display math:
    $$\frac{d}{dx}f(x)=\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$$
--  Here's one that has a line break in it:
-   $\alpha + \omega \times x^2$.
+-  Here's one that has a line break in it: $\alpha + \omega \times x^2$.
 These shouldn't be math:
 -  To get the famous equation, write =$e = mc^2$=.
--  $22,000 is a /lot/ of money. So is $34,000. (It worked if "lot"
-   is emphasized.)
+-  $22,000 is a /lot/ of money. So is $34,000. (It worked if "lot" is
+   emphasized.)
 -  Shoes ($20) and socks ($5).
 -  Escaped =$=: $73 /this should be emphasized/ 23$.
@@ -693,7 +592,6 @@ Cat    & 1      \\ \hline
 Here is some unicode:
 -  I hat: Î
 -  o umlaut: ö
 -  section: §
@@ -789,17 +687,17 @@ This should [not][] be a link.
     [not]: /url
 Foo [[/url/][bar]].
 Foo [[/url/][biz]].
 ** With ampersands
-Here's a
-[[][link with an ampersand in the URL]].
+Here's a [[][link with an ampersand in the
-Here's a link with an amersand in the link text:
+Here's a link with an amersand in the link text: [[][AT&T]].
 Here's an [[/script?foo=1&bar=2][inline link]].
@@ -809,20 +707,14 @@ Here's an [[/script?foo=1&bar=2][inline link in pointy braces]].
 With an ampersand: [[]]
 -  In a list?
 -  [[]]
 -  It should.
-An e-mail address:
+An e-mail address: [[][]]
   Blockquoted: [[]]
 Auto-links should not occur here: =<>=
@@ -830,6 +722,7 @@ Auto-links should not occur here: =<>=
     or here: <>
 * Images
@@ -845,41 +738,36 @@ Here is a movie [[movie.jpg]] icon.
 * Footnotes
-Here is a footnote reference, [1] and another. [2] This should
-/not/ be a footnote reference, because it contains a space.[\^my
-note] Here is an inline note. [3]
+Here is a footnote reference, [1] and another. [2] This should /not/ be a
+footnote reference, because it contains a space.[\^my note] Here is an inline
+note. [3]
   Notes can go in quotes. [4]
 1. And in list items. [5]
-This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not
+This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.
-[1] Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote
-    reference. It need not be placed at the end of the document.
+[1] Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote reference. It
+    need not be placed at the end of the document.
 [2] Here's the long note. This one contains multiple blocks.
-    Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the
-    footnote (as with list items).
+    Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the footnote
+    (as with list items).
           { <code> }
-    If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy
-    and just indent the first line of each block.
+    If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy and just
+    indent the first line of each block.
 [3] This is /easier/ to type. Inline notes may contain
-    [[][links]] and =]= verbatim characters, as well
-    as [bracketed text].
+    [[][links]] and =]= verbatim characters, as well as
+    [bracketed text].
 [4] In quote.
diff --git a/tests/writer.plain b/tests/writer.plain
index bc6d25467..cc61916d2 100644
--- a/tests/writer.plain
+++ b/tests/writer.plain
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@ Pandoc Test Suite
 John MacFarlane; Anonymous
 July 17, 2006
-This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from
-John Gruber’s markdown test suite.
+This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from John Gruber’s
+markdown test suite.
 * * * * *
@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@ Level 2
 with no blank line
 * * * * *
@@ -43,16 +41,15 @@ Paragraphs
 Here’s a regular paragraph.
-In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a
-list item. Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph
-looked like a list item.
+In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a list item.
+Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph looked like a list
 Here’s one with a bullet. * criminey.
 There should be a hard line break  
 * * * * *
 Block Quotes
@@ -63,27 +60,26 @@ E-mail style:
   This is a block quote. It is pretty short.
   Code in a block quote:
       sub status {
           print "working";
   A list:
   1.  item one
   2.  item two
   Nested block quotes:
 This should not be a block quote: 2 > 1.
 And a following paragraph.
 * * * * *
 Code Blocks
@@ -92,19 +88,18 @@ Code Blocks
     ---- (should be four hyphens)
     sub status {
         print "working";
     this code block is indented by one tab
         this code block is indented by two tabs
-    These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \> \[ \{
+    These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \> \[ \{
 * * * * *
@@ -128,7 +123,6 @@ Asterisks loose:
 -   asterisk 3
 Pluses tight:
 -   Plus 1
@@ -143,7 +137,6 @@ Pluses loose:
 -   Plus 3
 Minuses tight:
 -   Minus 1
@@ -158,7 +151,6 @@ Minuses loose:
 -   Minus 3
@@ -182,7 +174,6 @@ Loose using tabs:
 3.  Third
 and using spaces:
 1.  One
@@ -191,19 +182,16 @@ and using spaces:
 3.  Three
 Multiple paragraphs:
 1.  Item 1, graf one.
-    Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’s
-    back.
+    Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’s back.
 2.  Item 2.
 3.  Item 3.
@@ -211,8 +199,6 @@ Nested
     -   Tab
         -   Tab
 Here’s another:
 1.  First
@@ -235,7 +221,6 @@ Same thing but with paragraphs:
 3.  Third
 Tabs and spaces
@@ -247,8 +232,6 @@ Tabs and spaces
     -   this is an example list item indented with spaces
 Fancy list markers
@@ -262,8 +245,6 @@ Fancy list markers
         (A) a subsublist
         (B) a subsublist
 A.  Upper Alpha
@@ -271,23 +252,18 @@ A.  Upper Alpha
         (6) Decimal start with 6
             c)  Lower alpha with paren
 1.  Autonumber.
 2.  More.
     1.  Nested.
 Should not be a list item:
 M.A. 2007
 B. Williams
 * * * * *
 Definition Lists
@@ -322,7 +298,6 @@ orange
     yellow fruit
 Multiple blocks with italics:
@@ -337,7 +312,6 @@ orange
       orange block quote
 Multiple definitions, tight:
@@ -359,7 +333,6 @@ orange
 Blank line after term, indented marker, alternate markers:
@@ -373,7 +346,6 @@ orange
     1.  sublist
     2.  sublist
 HTML Blocks
@@ -420,7 +392,6 @@ Code:
 * * * * *
 Inline Markup
@@ -448,9 +419,8 @@ Superscripts: abcd ahello ahello there.
 Subscripts: H2O, H23O, Hmany of themO.
-These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the
-unescaped spaces: a^b c^d, a~b c~d.
+These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the unescaped
+spaces: a^b c^d, a~b c~d.
 * * * * *
@@ -473,7 +443,6 @@ Dashes between numbers: 5–7, 255–66, 1987–1999.
 * * * * *
@@ -487,22 +456,18 @@ LaTeX
 -   p-Tree
 -   Here’s some display math:
     \frac{d}{dx}f(x)=\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}
--   Here’s one that has a line break in it:
-    \alpha + \omega \times x^2.
+-   Here’s one that has a line break in it: \alpha + \omega \times x^2.
 These shouldn’t be math:
 -   To get the famous equation, write $e = mc^2$.
--   $22,000 is a lot of money. So is $34,000. (It worked if “lot”
-    is emphasized.)
+-   $22,000 is a lot of money. So is $34,000. (It worked if “lot” is
+    emphasized.)
 -   Shoes ($20) and socks ($5).
 -   Escaped $: $73 this should be emphasized 23$.
 Here’s a LaTeX table:
 * * * * *
 Special Characters
@@ -558,7 +523,6 @@ Plus: +
 Minus: -
 * * * * *
@@ -640,7 +604,6 @@ Auto-links should not occur here: <>
     or here: <>
 * * * * *
@@ -648,48 +611,41 @@ Images
 From “Voyage dans la Lune” by Georges Melies (1902):
-Here is a movie icon.
+Here is a movie [movie] icon.
 * * * * *
-Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^2] This should not
-be a footnote reference, because it contains a space.[^my note]
-Here is an inline note.[^3]
+Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^2] This should not be a
+footnote reference, because it contains a space.[^my note] Here is an inline
   Notes can go in quotes.[^4]
 1.  And in list items.[^5]
-This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not
+This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.
-    Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote
-    reference. It need not be placed at the end of the document.
+[^1]: Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote reference.
+    It need not be placed at the end of the document.
-    Here’s the long note. This one contains multiple blocks.
+[^2]: Here’s the long note. This one contains multiple blocks.
-    Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the
-    footnote (as with list items).
+    Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the footnote
+    (as with list items).
           { <code> }
-    If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy
-    and just indent the first line of each block.
+    If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy and just
+    indent the first line of each block.
-    This is easier to type. Inline notes may contain links and ]
-    verbatim characters, as well as [bracketed text].
+[^3]: This is easier to type. Inline notes may contain links and ] verbatim
+    characters, as well as [bracketed text].
-    In quote.
+[^4]: In quote.
-    In list.
+[^5]: In list.
diff --git a/tests/writer.rst b/tests/writer.rst
index dff04bc81..79d989915 100644
--- a/tests/writer.rst
+++ b/tests/writer.rst
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ Pandoc Test Suite
 .. role:: math(raw)
    :format: html latex
-This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from
-John Gruber’s markdown test suite.
+This is a set of tests for pandoc. Most of them are adapted from John Gruber’s
+markdown test suite.
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ Paragraphs
 Here’s a regular paragraph.
-In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a
-list item. Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph
-looked like a list item.
+In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier. Version 8. This line turns into a list item.
+Because a hard-wrapped line in the middle of a paragraph looked like a list
 Here’s one with a bullet. \* criminey.
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ E-mail style:
     This is a block quote. It is pretty short.
     Code in a block quote:
@@ -81,7 +80,6 @@ E-mail style:
     A list:
     1. item one
     2. item two
@@ -89,11 +87,8 @@ E-mail style:
 This should not be a block quote: 2 > 1.
 And a following paragraph.
@@ -108,11 +103,11 @@ Code:
     ---- (should be four hyphens)
     sub status {
         print "working";
     this code block is indented by one tab
@@ -120,7 +115,7 @@ And:
         this code block is indented by two tabs
     These should not be escaped:  \$ \\ \> \[ \{
@@ -133,123 +128,101 @@ Unordered
 Asterisks tight:
 -  asterisk 1
 -  asterisk 2
 -  asterisk 3
 Asterisks loose:
 -  asterisk 1
 -  asterisk 2
 -  asterisk 3
 Pluses tight:
 -  Plus 1
 -  Plus 2
 -  Plus 3
 Pluses loose:
 -  Plus 1
 -  Plus 2
 -  Plus 3
 Minuses tight:
 -  Minus 1
 -  Minus 2
 -  Minus 3
 Minuses loose:
 -  Minus 1
 -  Minus 2
 -  Minus 3
 1. First
 2. Second
 3. Third
 1. One
 2. Two
 3. Three
 Loose using tabs:
 1. First
 2. Second
 3. Third
 and using spaces:
 1. One
 2. Two
 3. Three
 Multiple paragraphs:
 1. Item 1, graf one.
-   Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’s
-   back.
+   Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’s back.
 2. Item 2.
 3. Item 3.
 -  Tab
    -  Tab
       -  Tab
 Here’s another:
 1. First
 2. Second:
    -  Fee
    -  Fie
    -  Foe
@@ -258,74 +231,57 @@ Here’s another:
 Same thing but with paragraphs:
 1. First
 2. Second:
    -  Fee
    -  Fie
    -  Foe
 3. Third
 Tabs and spaces
 -  this is a list item indented with tabs
 -  this is a list item indented with spaces
    -  this is an example list item indented with tabs
    -  this is an example list item indented with spaces
 Fancy list markers
 (2) begins with 2
 (3) and now 3
     with a continuation
     iv. sublist with roman numerals, starting with 4
     v.  more items
         (A) a subsublist
         (B) a subsublist
 A. Upper Alpha
    I. Upper Roman.
       (6) Decimal start with 6
           c) Lower alpha with paren
 #. Autonumber.
 #. More.
-   #. Nested.
+   #. Nested.
 Should not be a list item:
@@ -367,7 +323,6 @@ orange
     yellow fruit
 Multiple blocks with italics:
@@ -384,8 +339,6 @@ Multiple blocks with italics:
         orange block quote
 Multiple definitions, tight:
@@ -407,7 +360,6 @@ orange
 Blank line after term, indented marker, alternate markers:
@@ -418,36 +370,32 @@ apple
     orange fruit
     1. sublist
     2. sublist
 HTML Blocks
 Simple block on one line:
 .. raw:: html
 .. raw:: html
 And nested without indentation:
 .. raw:: html
 .. raw:: html
@@ -455,30 +403,29 @@ foo
 .. raw:: html
-Interpreted markdown in a table:
+Interpreted markdown in a table:
 .. raw:: html
 This is *emphasized*
 .. raw:: html
 And this is **strong**
 .. raw:: html
@@ -486,23 +433,22 @@ And this is **strong**
-   <script type="text/javascript">document.write('This *should not* be interpreted as markdown');</script>
-Here’s a simple block:
+   <script type="text/javascript">document.write('This *should not* be interpreted as markdown');</script>
+Here’s a simple block:
 .. raw:: html
 .. raw:: html
 This should be a code block, though:
@@ -519,14 +465,13 @@ As should this:
 Now, nested:
 .. raw:: html
 .. raw:: html
@@ -534,16 +479,14 @@ foo
-This should just be an HTML comment:
+This should just be an HTML comment:
 .. raw:: html
    <!-- Comment -->
 .. raw:: html
@@ -551,11 +494,11 @@ Multiline:
        This is another comment.
 Code block:
@@ -564,11 +507,10 @@ Code block:
 Just plain comment, with trailing spaces on the line:
 .. raw:: html
    <!-- foo -->   
@@ -577,27 +519,26 @@ Code:
 .. raw:: html
    <hr />
    <hr />
    <hr />  
    <hr /> 
    <hr class="foo" id="bar" />
    <hr class="foo" id="bar" />
    <hr class="foo" id="bar">
 Inline Markup
@@ -621,14 +562,12 @@ This is code: ``>``, ``$``, ``\``, ``\$``, ``<html>``.
 [STRIKEOUT:This is *strikeout*.]
-Superscripts: a\ :sup:`bc`\ d a\ :sup:`*hello*`\ 
-a\ :sup:`hello there`\ .
+Superscripts: a\ :sup:`bc`\ d a\ :sup:`*hello*`\  a\ :sup:`hello there`\ .
-Subscripts: H\ :sub:`2`\ O, H\ :sub:`23`\ O,
-H\ :sub:`many of them`\ O.
+Subscripts: H\ :sub:`2`\ O, H\ :sub:`23`\ O, H\ :sub:`many of them`\ O.
-These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the
-unescaped spaces: a^b c^d, a~b c~d.
+These should not be superscripts or subscripts, because of the unescaped
+spaces: a^b c^d, a~b c~d.
@@ -643,8 +582,8 @@ Smart quotes, ellipses, dashes
 ‘He said, “I want to go.”’ Were you alive in the 70’s?
-Here is some quoted ‘``code``’ and a
-“`quoted link <>`_”.
+Here is some quoted ‘``code``’ and a “`quoted
+link <>`_”.
 Some dashes: one—two — three—four — five.
@@ -657,7 +596,6 @@ Ellipses…and…and….
 -  :math:`$2+2=4$`
 -  :math:`$x \in y$`
@@ -671,17 +609,14 @@ LaTeX
 These shouldn’t be math:
 -  To get the famous equation, write ``$e = mc^2$``.
--  $22,000 is a *lot* of money. So is $34,000. (It worked if “lot”
-   is emphasized.)
+-  $22,000 is a *lot* of money. So is $34,000. (It worked if “lot” is
+   emphasized.)
 -  Shoes ($20) and socks ($5).
 -  Escaped ``$``: $73 *this should be emphasized* 23$.
 Here’s a LaTeX table:
 Special Characters
@@ -689,7 +624,6 @@ Special Characters
 Here is some unicode:
 -  I hat: Î
 -  o umlaut: ö
 -  section: §
@@ -796,11 +730,10 @@ Foo `biz </url/>`_.
 With ampersands
-Here’s a
-`link with an ampersand in the URL <>`_.
+Here’s a `link with an ampersand in the
+URL <>`_.
-Here’s a link with an amersand in the link text:
-`AT&T <>`_.
+Here’s a link with an amersand in the link text: `AT&T <>`_.
 Here’s an `inline link </script?foo=1&bar=2>`_.
@@ -811,7 +744,6 @@ Autolinks
 With an ampersand:
 -  In a list?
 -  It should.
@@ -820,7 +752,6 @@ An e-mail address:
 Auto-links should not occur here: ``<>``
@@ -837,9 +768,8 @@ From “Voyage dans la Lune” by Georges Melies (1902):
 .. figure:: lalune.jpg
    :align: center
    :alt: Voyage dans la Lune
-   lalune
+   lalune
 Here is a movie |movie| icon.
@@ -847,40 +777,37 @@ Here is a movie |movie| icon.
-Here is a footnote reference, [1]_ and another. [2]_ This should
-*not* be a footnote reference, because it contains a space.[^my
-note] Here is an inline note. [3]_
+Here is a footnote reference, [1]_ and another. [2]_ This should *not* be a
+footnote reference, because it contains a space.[^my note] Here is an inline
+note. [3]_
     Notes can go in quotes. [4]_
 1. And in list items. [5]_
-This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not
+This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.
 .. [1]
-   Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote
-   reference. It need not be placed at the end of the document.
+   Here is the footnote. It can go anywhere after the footnote reference. It
+   need not be placed at the end of the document.
 .. [2]
    Here’s the long note. This one contains multiple blocks.
-   Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the
-   footnote (as with list items).
+   Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the footnote (as
+   with list items).
          { <code> }
-   If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy
-   and just indent the first line of each block.
+   If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be lazy and just
+   indent the first line of each block.
 .. [3]
    This is *easier* to type. Inline notes may contain
-   `links <>`_ and ``]`` verbatim characters, as well
-   as [bracketed text].
+   `links <>`_ and ``]`` verbatim characters, as well as
+   [bracketed text].
 .. [4]
    In quote.