compiling paragraphs
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 124 additions and 55 deletions
@ -30,19 +30,20 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Conversion of man to 'Pandoc' document.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Man (readMan) where
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Man (readMan, testFile) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Data.Default (Default)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Data.Map (insert)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, catMaybes)
import Data.List (intersperse, intercalate)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad(..))
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad(..), runPure, runIOorExplode)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError (PandocParsecError))
import Text.Pandoc.Logging (LogMessage(..))
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ data MacroKind = KTitle
| KCodeBlEnd
| KTab
| KTabEnd
deriving Show
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ManToken = MStr String FontKind
| MLine [(String, FontKind)]
@ -95,23 +96,67 @@ instance HasLogMessages ManState where
addLogMessage lm mst = mst {pState = addLogMessage lm (pState mst)}
getLogMessages mst = getLogMessages $ pState mst
testStrr :: [Char] -> Either PandocError Pandoc
testStrr s = runPure $ readMan def (T.pack s)
printPandoc :: Pandoc -> [Char]
printPandoc (Pandoc m content) =
let ttl = "Pandoc: " ++ (show $ unMeta m)
cnt = intercalate "\n" $ map show content
in ttl ++ "\n" ++ cnt
strrepr :: Either PandocError Pandoc -> [Char]
strrepr obj = case obj of
Right x -> printPandoc x
Left y -> show y
testFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
testFile fname = do
cont <- readFile fname
pand <- runIOorExplode $ readMan def (T.pack cont)
putStrLn $ printPandoc pand
-- | Read man (troff) from an input string and return a Pandoc document.
readMan :: PandocMonad m => ReaderOptions -> T.Text -> m Pandoc
readMan opts txt = do
let state = ManState { pState = def{ stateOptions = opts }, rState = def}
parsed <- readWithM parseMan state (T.unpack $ crFilter txt)
case parsed of
Right result -> return result
eithertokens <- readWithM parseMan state (T.unpack $ crFilter txt)
case eithertokens of
Right tokenz -> do
eitherdoc <- readWithMTokens compileMan state tokenz
case eitherdoc of
Right doc -> return doc
Left e -> throwError e
Left e -> throwError e
readWithMTokens :: PandocMonad m
=> ParserT [ManToken] ManState m a -- ^ parser
-> ManState -- ^ initial state
-> [ManToken] -- ^ input
-> m (Either PandocError a)
readWithMTokens parser state input =
mapLeft (PandocParsecError . concat $ show <$> input) `liftM` runParserT parser state "source" input
mapLeft :: (a -> c) -> Either a b -> Either c b
mapLeft f (Left x) = Left $ f x
mapLeft _ (Right r) = Right r
-- String -> ManToken function
parseMan :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Pandoc
parseMan = do
tokens <- many (parseMacro <|> parseLine <|> parseEmptyLine)
let blocks = []
parseMan :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m [ManToken]
parseMan = many (parseMacro <|> parseLine <|> parseEmptyLine)
compileMan :: PandocMonad m => ManCompiler m Pandoc
compileMan = do
let compilers = [compileTitle, compilePara, compileSkippedContent]
blocks <- many $ choice compilers
parserst <- pState <$> getState
return $ Pandoc (stateMeta parserst) blocks
@ -145,26 +190,6 @@ parseMacro = do
macroTitle :: PandocMonad m => String -> ManParser m Block
macroTitle mantitle = do
modifyState (changeTitle mantitle)
if null mantitle
then return Null
else return $ Header 1 nullAttr [Str mantitle]
changeTitle title mst@ManState{ pState = pst} =
let meta = stateMeta pst
metaUp = Meta $ insert "title" (MetaString title) (unMeta meta)
mst { pState = pst {stateMeta = metaUp} }
macroCodeBlock :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> ManParser m ()
macroCodeBlock insideCB = modifyRoffState (\rst -> rst{inCodeBlock = insideCB}) >> return ()
macroBR :: String -> Bool -> Block
macroBR txt inCode | inCode = Plain [Code nullAttr txt]
| otherwise = fromMaybe (Plain [Strong [Str txt]]) (linkToMan txt)
linkToMan :: String -> Maybe Block
linkToMan txt = case runParser linkParser () "" txt of
Right lnk -> Just $ Plain [lnk]
@ -180,13 +205,6 @@ parseMacro = do
-- assuming man pages are generated from Linux-like repository
let manurl pagename section = "../"++section++"/"++pagename++"."++section
return $ Link nullAttr [Str txt] (manurl mpage [mansect], mpage)
unkownMacro :: PandocMonad m => String -> ManParser m Block
unkownMacro mname = do
pos <- getPosition
logMessage $ SkippedContent ("Unknown macro: " ++ mname) pos
return Null
parseArgs :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m [String]
parseArgs = do
@ -235,29 +253,30 @@ escapeParser = do
, string "[]" >> return Regular
, char '[' >> many1 letter >> char ']' >> return Regular
modifyRoffState (\r -> RoffState {fontKind = font})
modifyRoffState (\r -> r {fontKind = font})
return $ EFont font
parseLine :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m ManToken
parseLine = do
lnparts <- many1 (esc <|> linePart)
return $ MLine lnparts
return $ MLine $ catMaybes lnparts
esc :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m (String, FontKind)
esc :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m (Maybe (String, FontKind))
esc = do
someesc <- escapeParser
font <- currentFont
let rv = case someesc of
EChar c -> ([c], font)
_ -> ("", font)
EChar c -> Just ([c], font)
_ -> Nothing
return rv
linePart :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m (String, FontKind)
linePart :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m (Maybe (String, FontKind))
linePart = do
lnpart <- many1 $ noneOf "\n\\"
font <- currentFont
return (lnpart, font)
return $ Just (lnpart, font)
currentFont :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m FontKind
currentFont = do
@ -273,11 +292,10 @@ parseEmptyLine = char '\n' >> return MEmptyLine
msatisfy :: (Show t, Stream s m t) => (t -> Bool) -> ParserT s st m t
msatisfy pred = tokenPrim show nextPos testTok
msatisfy predic = tokenPrim show nextPos testTok
posFromTok (pos,t) = pos
testTok t = if pred t then Just t else Nothing
nextPos pos x xs = updatePosString pos (show x)
testTok t = if predic t then Just t else Nothing
nextPos pos x _xs = updatePosString pos (show x)
mstr :: PandocMonad m => ManCompiler m ManToken
mstr = msatisfy isMStr where
@ -304,9 +322,10 @@ mheader = msatisfy isMHeader where
isMHeader (MHeader _ _) = True
isMHeader _ = False
mmacro :: PandocMonad m => ManCompiler m ManToken
mmacro = msatisfy isMMacro where
isMMacro (MMacro _ _) = True
mmacro :: PandocMonad m => MacroKind -> ManCompiler m ManToken
mmacro mk = msatisfy isMMacro where
isMMacro (MMacro mk' _) | mk == mk' = True
| otherwise = False
isMMacro _ = False
munknownMacro :: PandocMonad m => ManCompiler m ManToken
@ -323,6 +342,56 @@ mcomment = msatisfy isMComment where
-- ManToken -> Block functions
compileHeader :: PandocMonad m => ManCompiler m Block
compileHeader = undefined --do
compileTitle :: PandocMonad m => ManCompiler m Block
compileTitle = do
(MMacro _ args) <- mmacro KTitle
if null args
then return Null
else do
let mantitle = head args
modifyState (changeTitle mantitle)
return $ Header 1 nullAttr [Str mantitle]
changeTitle title mst@ManState{ pState = pst} =
let meta = stateMeta pst
metaUp = Meta $ insert "title" (MetaString title) (unMeta meta)
mst { pState = pst {stateMeta = metaUp} }
compileSkippedContent :: PandocMonad m => ManCompiler m Block
compileSkippedContent = do
tok <- munknownMacro <|> mcomment <|> memplyLine
onToken tok
return Null
onToken :: PandocMonad m => ManToken -> ManCompiler m ()
onToken (MUnknownMacro mname _) = do
pos <- getPosition
logMessage $ SkippedContent ("Unknown macro: " ++ mname) pos
onToken _ = return ()
strToInline :: String -> FontKind -> Inline
strToInline s Regular = Str s
strToInline s Italic = Emph [Str s]
strToInline s Bold = Strong [Str s]
strToInline s ItalicBold = Strong [Emph [Str s]]
compilePara :: PandocMonad m => ManCompiler m Block
compilePara = do
inls <- many1 (strInl <|> lineInl)
let withspaces = intersperse [Str " "] inls
return $ Para (concat withspaces)
strInl :: PandocMonad m => ManCompiler m [Inline]
strInl = do
(MStr str fk) <- mstr
return [strToInline str fk]
lineInl :: PandocMonad m => ManCompiler m [Inline]
lineInl = do
(MLine fragments) <- mline
return $ fmap (\(s,f) -> strToInline s f) fragments
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