diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index 0c8cf0d61..4881fe3a4 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -414,6 +414,11 @@ extra-source-files:
+                 test/pptx/footer/input.native
+                 test/pptx/footer/basic/*.pptx
+                 test/pptx/footer/fixed-date/*.pptx
+                 test/pptx/footer/higher-slide-number/*.pptx
+                 test/pptx/footer/no-title-slide/*.pptx
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
index 1431469d3..acfd446de 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
 {- |
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ data SlideLayoutsOf a = SlideLayouts
   , comparison :: a
   , contentWithCaption :: a
   , blank :: a
-  } deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+  } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
 data SlideLayout = SlideLayout
   { slElement :: Element
@@ -197,12 +198,14 @@ data WriterState = WriterState { stLinkIds :: M.Map Int (M.Map Int LinkTarget)
                                -- (FP, Local ID, Global ID, Maybe Mime)
                                , stMediaIds :: M.Map Int [MediaInfo]
                                , stMediaGlobalIds :: M.Map FilePath Int
+                               , stFooterInfo :: Maybe FooterInfo
                                } deriving (Show, Eq)
 instance Default WriterState where
   def = WriterState { stLinkIds = mempty
                     , stMediaIds = mempty
                     , stMediaGlobalIds = mempty
+                    , stFooterInfo = Nothing
 type P m = ReaderT WriterEnv (StateT WriterState m)
@@ -316,8 +319,14 @@ presentationToArchiveP p@(Presentation docProps slides) = do
         else id
   let newArch' = foldr f newArch slideLayouts
-  -- Update the master to make sure it includes any layouts we've just added
   master <- getMaster
+  refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
+  distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
+  presentationElement <- parseXml refArchive distArchive "ppt/presentation.xml"
+  modify (\s -> s {stFooterInfo =
+                   getFooterInfo slideLayouts master presentationElement})
+  -- Update the master to make sure it includes any layouts we've just added
   masterRels <- getMasterRels
   let (updatedMasterElem, updatedMasterRelElem) = updateMasterElems slideLayouts master masterRels
   updatedMasterEntry <- elemToEntry "ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml" updatedMasterElem
@@ -432,6 +441,56 @@ updateMasterElems layouts master masterRels = (updatedMaster, updatedMasterRels)
         getIdAttribute (Elem e) = findAttr (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) e
         getIdAttribute _ = Nothing
+data FooterInfo = FooterInfo
+  { fiDate :: SlideLayoutsOf (Maybe Element)
+  , fiFooter :: SlideLayoutsOf (Maybe Element)
+  , fiSlideNumber :: SlideLayoutsOf (Maybe Element)
+  , fiShowOnFirstSlide :: Bool
+  } deriving (Show, Eq)
+getFooterInfo :: SlideLayouts -> Element -> Element -> Maybe FooterInfo
+getFooterInfo layouts master presentation = do
+  let ns = elemToNameSpaces master
+  hf <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "hf") master
+  let fiDate = getShape "dt" hf . slElement <$> layouts
+      fiFooter = getShape "ftr" hf . slElement <$> layouts
+      fiSlideNumber = getShape "sldNum" hf . slElement <$> layouts
+      fiShowOnFirstSlide =
+        fromMaybe True
+        (getBooleanAttribute "showSpecialPlsOnTitleSld" presentation)
+  pure FooterInfo{..}
+    where
+      getShape t hf layout =
+        if fromMaybe True (getBooleanAttribute t hf)
+        then do
+          let ns = elemToNameSpaces layout
+          cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
+          spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld
+          let containsPlaceholder sp = fromMaybe False $ do
+                nvSpPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") sp
+                nvPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvPr") nvSpPr
+                ph <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "ph") nvPr
+                placeholderType <- findAttr (QName "type" Nothing Nothing) ph
+                pure (placeholderType == t)
+          listToMaybe (filterChildren containsPlaceholder spTree)
+        else Nothing
+      getBooleanAttribute t e =
+        (`elem` ["1", "true"]) <$>
+          (findAttr (QName t Nothing Nothing) e)
+footerElements ::
+  PandocMonad m =>
+  (forall a. SlideLayoutsOf a -> a) ->
+  P m [Content]
+footerElements layout = do
+  footerInfo <- gets stFooterInfo
+  pure
+    $ Elem <$>
+      (toList (footerInfo >>= layout . fiDate)
+       <> toList (footerInfo >>= layout . fiFooter)
+       <> toList (footerInfo >>= layout . fiSlideNumber))
 makeSlideIdMap :: Presentation -> M.Map SlideId Int
 makeSlideIdMap (Presentation _ slides) =
   M.fromList $ map slideId slides `zip` [1..]
@@ -1372,13 +1431,14 @@ contentToElement layout hdrShape shapes
       (shapeId, element) <- nonBodyTextToElement layout [PHType "title"] hdrShape
       let hdrShapeElements = [Elem element | not (null hdrShape)]
           contentHeaderId = if null hdrShape then Nothing else shapeId
-      content <- local
+      content' <- local
                          (\env -> env {envPlaceholder = Placeholder ObjType 0})
                          (shapesToElements layout shapes)
-      let contentContentIds = mapMaybe fst content
-          contentElements = snd <$> content
+      let contentContentIds = mapMaybe fst content'
+          contentElements = snd <$> content'
+      footer <- footerElements content
       return ( Just ContentShapeIds{..}
-             , buildSpTree ns spTree (hdrShapeElements <> contentElements)
+             , buildSpTree ns spTree (hdrShapeElements <> contentElements <> footer)
 contentToElement _ _ _ = return (Nothing, mknode "p:sp" [] ())
@@ -1412,10 +1472,11 @@ twoColumnToElement layout hdrShape shapesL shapesR
           contentElementsR = snd <$> contentR
       -- let contentElementsL' = map (setIdx ns "1") contentElementsL
       --     contentElementsR' = map (setIdx ns "2") contentElementsR
+      footer <- footerElements twoColumn
         $ (Just TwoColumnShapeIds{..}, )
         $ buildSpTree ns spTree
-        $ hdrShapeElements <> contentElementsL <> contentElementsR
+        $ hdrShapeElements <> contentElementsL <> contentElementsR <> footer
 twoColumnToElement _ _ _ _ = return (Nothing, mknode "p:sp" [] ())
 data ComparisonShapeIds = ComparisonShapeIds
@@ -1456,6 +1517,7 @@ comparisonToElement layout hdrShape (shapesL1, shapesL2) (shapesR1, shapesR2)
                          (shapesToElements layout shapesR2)
       let comparisonRightContentIds = mapMaybe fst contentR2
           contentElementsR2 = snd <$> contentR2
+      footer <- footerElements comparison
         $ (Just ComparisonShapeIds{..}, )
         $ buildSpTree ns spTree
@@ -1464,7 +1526,7 @@ comparisonToElement layout hdrShape (shapesL1, shapesL2) (shapesR1, shapesR2)
                   , contentElementsL2
                   , contentElementsR1
                   , contentElementsR2
-                  ]
+                  ] <> footer
 comparisonToElement _ _ _ _= return (Nothing, mknode "p:sp" [] ())
 data ContentWithCaptionShapeIds = ContentWithCaptionShapeIds
@@ -1495,13 +1557,14 @@ contentWithCaptionToElement layout hdrShape textShapes contentShapes
                        (shapesToElements layout contentShapes)
       let contentWithCaptionContentIds = mapMaybe fst content
           contentElements = snd <$> content
+      footer <- footerElements contentWithCaption
         $ (Just ContentWithCaptionShapeIds{..}, )
         $ buildSpTree ns spTree
         $ mconcat [ hdrShapeElements
                   , textElements
                   , contentElements
-                  ]
+                  ] <> footer
 contentWithCaptionToElement _ _ _ _ = return (Nothing, mknode "p:sp" [] ())
 blankToElement ::
@@ -1511,8 +1574,8 @@ blankToElement ::
 blankToElement layout
   | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
   , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
-  , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
-      return $ buildSpTree ns spTree []
+  , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld =
+      buildSpTree ns spTree <$> footerElements blank
 blankToElement _ = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
 newtype TitleShapeIds = TitleShapeIds
@@ -1531,7 +1594,10 @@ titleToElement layout titleElems
       (shapeId, element) <- nonBodyTextToElement layout [PHType "title", PHType "ctrTitle"] titleElems
       let titleShapeElements = [Elem element | not (null titleElems)]
           titleHeaderId = if null titleElems then Nothing else shapeId
-      return $ (Just TitleShapeIds{..}, ) $ buildSpTree ns spTree titleShapeElements
+      footer <- footerElements title
+      return
+        $ (Just TitleShapeIds{..}, )
+        $ buildSpTree ns spTree (titleShapeElements <> footer)
 titleToElement _ _ = return (Nothing, mknode "p:sp" [] ())
 data MetadataShapeIds = MetadataShapeIds
@@ -1561,13 +1627,20 @@ metadataToElement layout titleElems subtitleElems authorsElems dateElems
           metadataTitleId = if null titleElems then Nothing else titleId
           subtitleShapeElements = [subtitleElement | not (null subtitleAndAuthorElems)]
           metadataSubtitleId = if null subtitleAndAuthorElems then Nothing else subtitleId
-          dateShapeElements = [dateElement | not (null dateElems)]
+      footerInfo <- gets stFooterInfo
+      footer <- (if maybe False fiShowOnFirstSlide footerInfo
+                 then id
+                 else const []) <$> footerElements metadata
+      let dateShapeElements = [dateElement
+                              | not (null dateElems
+                                || isJust (footerInfo >>= metadata . fiDate))
+                              ]
           metadataDateId = if null dateElems then Nothing else dateId
         $ (Just MetadataShapeIds{..}, )
         $ buildSpTree ns spTree
-        $ map Elem
-        $ titleShapeElements <> subtitleShapeElements <> dateShapeElements
+        $ map Elem (titleShapeElements <> subtitleShapeElements <> dateShapeElements)
+        <> footer
 metadataToElement _ _ _ _ _ = return (Nothing, mknode "p:sp" [] ())
 slideToElement :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> P m Element
diff --git a/test/Tests/Writers/Powerpoint.hs b/test/Tests/Writers/Powerpoint.hs
index 6e676dc37..b2df80e5f 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Writers/Powerpoint.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Writers/Powerpoint.hs
@@ -61,187 +61,216 @@ groupPptxTests pairs =
 tests :: [TestTree]
-tests = groupPptxTests [ pptxTests "Inline formatting"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/inline-formatting/input.native"
-                         "pptx/inline-formatting/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "Slide breaks (default slide-level)"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/slide-breaks/input.native"
-                         "pptx/slide-breaks/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "slide breaks (slide-level set to 1)"
-                         def{ writerSlideLevel = Just 1 }
-                         "pptx/slide-breaks/input.native"
-                         "pptx/slide-breaks-slide-level-1/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "lists"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/lists/input.native"
-                         "pptx/lists/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "start ordered list at specified num"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/start-numbering-at/input.native"
-                         "pptx/start-numbering-at/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "tables"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/tables/input.native"
-                         "pptx/tables/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "table of contents"
-                         def{ writerTableOfContents = True }
-                         "pptx/slide-breaks/input.native"
-                         "pptx/slide-breaks-toc/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "end notes"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/endnotes/input.native"
-                         "pptx/endnotes/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "end notes, with table of contents"
-                         def { writerTableOfContents = True }
-                         "pptx/endnotes/input.native"
-                         "pptx/endnotes-toc/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "images"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/images/input.native"
-                         "pptx/images/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "two-column layout"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/two-column/all-text/input.native"
-                         "pptx/two-column/all-text/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "two-column (not comparison)"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/two-column/text-and-image/input.native"
-                         "pptx/two-column/text-and-image/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "speaker notes"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/speaker-notes/input.native"
-                         "pptx/speaker-notes/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "speaker notes after a separating block"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/speaker-notes-afterseps/input.native"
-                         "pptx/speaker-notes-afterseps/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "speaker notes after a separating header"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/speaker-notes-afterheader/input.native"
-                         "pptx/speaker-notes-afterheader/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "speaker notes after metadata"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/speaker-notes-after-metadata/input.native"
-                         "pptx/speaker-notes-after-metadata/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "remove empty slides"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/remove-empty-slides/input.native"
-                         "pptx/remove-empty-slides/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "raw ooxml"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/raw-ooxml/input.native"
-                         "pptx/raw-ooxml/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "metadata, custom properties"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/document-properties/input.native"
-                         "pptx/document-properties/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "metadata, short description"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/document-properties-short-desc/input.native"
-                         "pptx/document-properties-short-desc/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "inline code and code blocks"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/code/input.native"
-                         "pptx/code/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "inline code and code blocks, custom formatting"
-                         def { writerVariables = Context $ M.fromList
-                                 [(pack "monofont", toVal $ pack "Consolas")] }
-                         "pptx/code/input.native"
-                         "pptx/code-custom/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("Using slide level 0, if the first thing on "
-                                    <> "a slide is a h1 it's used as the "
-                                    <> "slide title")
-                         def { writerSlideLevel = Just 0 }
-                         "pptx/slide-level-0/h1-with-image/input.native"
-                         "pptx/slide-level-0/h1-with-image/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("Using slide level 0, if the first thing on "
-                                    <> "a slide is a h2 it's used as the "
-                                    <> "slide title")
-                         def { writerSlideLevel = Just 0 }
-                         "pptx/slide-level-0/h2-with-image/input.native"
-                         "pptx/slide-level-0/h2-with-image/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("Using slide level 0, if the first thing on "
-                                    <> "a slide is a heading it's used as the "
-                                    <> "slide title (works with a table)")
-                         def { writerSlideLevel = Just 0 }
-                         "pptx/slide-level-0/h1-with-table/input.native"
-                         "pptx/slide-level-0/h1-with-table/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("Using slide level 0, if the first thing on "
-                                    <> "a slide is a heading it's used as the "
-                                    <> "slide title (content with caption layout)")
-                         def { writerSlideLevel = Just 0 }
-                         "pptx/slide-level-0/h1-h2-with-table/input.native"
-                         "pptx/slide-level-0/h1-h2-with-table/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("comparison layout used when two columns "
-                                    <> "contain text plus non-text")
-                         def
-                         "pptx/comparison/both-columns/input.native"
-                         "pptx/comparison/both-columns/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("comparison layout used even when only one "
-                                    <> "column contains text plus non-text")
-                         def
-                         "pptx/comparison/one-column/input.native"
-                         "pptx/comparison/one-column/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("extra text in one column in comparison "
-                                    <> "layout gets overlaid")
-                         def
-                         "pptx/comparison/extra-text/input.native"
-                         "pptx/comparison/extra-text/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("extra image in one column in comparison "
-                                   <> "layout gets overlaid")
-                         def
-                         "pptx/comparison/extra-image/input.native"
-                         "pptx/comparison/extra-image/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "comparison not used if the non-text comes first"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/comparison/non-text-first/input.native"
-                         "pptx/comparison/non-text-first/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("Heading, text and an image on the same "
-                                    <> "slide uses the Content with Caption "
-                                    <> "layout")
-                         def
-                         "pptx/content-with-caption/heading-text-image/input.native"
-                         "pptx/content-with-caption/heading-text-image/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("Text and an image on the same "
-                                    <> "slide uses the Content with Caption "
-                                    <> "layout")
-                         def
-                         "pptx/content-with-caption/text-image/input.native"
-                         "pptx/content-with-caption/text-image/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("If the image comes first, Content with "
-                                    <> "Caption is not used")
-                         def
-                         "pptx/content-with-caption/image-text/input.native"
-                         "pptx/content-with-caption/image-text/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("If a slide contains only speaker notes, the "
-                                    <> "Blank layout is used")
-                         def
-                         "pptx/blanks/just-speaker-notes/input.native"
-                         "pptx/blanks/just-speaker-notes/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("If a slide contains only an empty heading "
-                                    <> "with a body of only non-breaking spaces"
-                                    <> ", the Blank layout is used")
-                         def
-                         "pptx/blanks/nbsp-in-body/input.native"
-                         "pptx/blanks/nbsp-in-body/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("If a slide contains only a heading "
-                                    <> "containing only non-breaking spaces, "
-                                    <> "the Blank layout is used")
-                         def
-                         "pptx/blanks/nbsp-in-heading/input.native"
-                         "pptx/blanks/nbsp-in-heading/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("Incremental lists are supported")
-                         def { writerIncremental = True }
-                         "pptx/incremental-lists/with-flag/input.native"
-                         "pptx/incremental-lists/with-flag/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests ("One-off incremental lists are supported")
-                         def
-                         "pptx/incremental-lists/without-flag/input.native"
-                         "pptx/incremental-lists/without-flag/output.pptx"
-                       , pptxTests "Background images"
-                         def
-                         "pptx/background-image/input.native"
-                         "pptx/background-image/output.pptx"
-                       ]
+tests = let
+  regularTests =
+    groupPptxTests [ pptxTests "Inline formatting"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/inline-formatting/input.native"
+                     "pptx/inline-formatting/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "Slide breaks (default slide-level)"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/slide-breaks/input.native"
+                     "pptx/slide-breaks/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "slide breaks (slide-level set to 1)"
+                     def{ writerSlideLevel = Just 1 }
+                     "pptx/slide-breaks/input.native"
+                     "pptx/slide-breaks-slide-level-1/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "lists"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/lists/input.native"
+                     "pptx/lists/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "start ordered list at specified num"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/start-numbering-at/input.native"
+                     "pptx/start-numbering-at/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "tables"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/tables/input.native"
+                     "pptx/tables/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "table of contents"
+                     def{ writerTableOfContents = True }
+                     "pptx/slide-breaks/input.native"
+                     "pptx/slide-breaks-toc/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "end notes"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/endnotes/input.native"
+                     "pptx/endnotes/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "end notes, with table of contents"
+                     def { writerTableOfContents = True }
+                     "pptx/endnotes/input.native"
+                     "pptx/endnotes-toc/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "images"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/images/input.native"
+                     "pptx/images/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "two-column layout"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/two-column/all-text/input.native"
+                     "pptx/two-column/all-text/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "two-column (not comparison)"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/two-column/text-and-image/input.native"
+                     "pptx/two-column/text-and-image/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "speaker notes"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/speaker-notes/input.native"
+                     "pptx/speaker-notes/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "speaker notes after a separating block"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/speaker-notes-afterseps/input.native"
+                     "pptx/speaker-notes-afterseps/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "speaker notes after a separating header"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/speaker-notes-afterheader/input.native"
+                     "pptx/speaker-notes-afterheader/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "speaker notes after metadata"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/speaker-notes-after-metadata/input.native"
+                     "pptx/speaker-notes-after-metadata/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "remove empty slides"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/remove-empty-slides/input.native"
+                     "pptx/remove-empty-slides/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "raw ooxml"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/raw-ooxml/input.native"
+                     "pptx/raw-ooxml/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "metadata, custom properties"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/document-properties/input.native"
+                     "pptx/document-properties/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "metadata, short description"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/document-properties-short-desc/input.native"
+                     "pptx/document-properties-short-desc/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "inline code and code blocks"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/code/input.native"
+                     "pptx/code/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "inline code and code blocks, custom formatting"
+                     def { writerVariables = Context $ M.fromList
+                             [(pack "monofont", toVal $ pack "Consolas")] }
+                     "pptx/code/input.native"
+                     "pptx/code-custom/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("Using slide level 0, if the first thing on "
+                                <> "a slide is a h1 it's used as the "
+                                <> "slide title")
+                     def { writerSlideLevel = Just 0 }
+                     "pptx/slide-level-0/h1-with-image/input.native"
+                     "pptx/slide-level-0/h1-with-image/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("Using slide level 0, if the first thing on "
+                                <> "a slide is a h2 it's used as the "
+                                <> "slide title")
+                     def { writerSlideLevel = Just 0 }
+                     "pptx/slide-level-0/h2-with-image/input.native"
+                     "pptx/slide-level-0/h2-with-image/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("Using slide level 0, if the first thing on "
+                                <> "a slide is a heading it's used as the "
+                                <> "slide title (works with a table)")
+                     def { writerSlideLevel = Just 0 }
+                     "pptx/slide-level-0/h1-with-table/input.native"
+                     "pptx/slide-level-0/h1-with-table/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("Using slide level 0, if the first thing on "
+                                <> "a slide is a heading it's used as the "
+                                <> "slide title (content with caption layout)")
+                     def { writerSlideLevel = Just 0 }
+                     "pptx/slide-level-0/h1-h2-with-table/input.native"
+                     "pptx/slide-level-0/h1-h2-with-table/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("comparison layout used when two columns "
+                                <> "contain text plus non-text")
+                     def
+                     "pptx/comparison/both-columns/input.native"
+                     "pptx/comparison/both-columns/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("comparison layout used even when only one "
+                                <> "column contains text plus non-text")
+                     def
+                     "pptx/comparison/one-column/input.native"
+                     "pptx/comparison/one-column/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("extra text in one column in comparison "
+                                <> "layout gets overlaid")
+                     def
+                     "pptx/comparison/extra-text/input.native"
+                     "pptx/comparison/extra-text/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("extra image in one column in comparison "
+                               <> "layout gets overlaid")
+                     def
+                     "pptx/comparison/extra-image/input.native"
+                     "pptx/comparison/extra-image/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "comparison not used if the non-text comes first"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/comparison/non-text-first/input.native"
+                     "pptx/comparison/non-text-first/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("Heading, text and an image on the same "
+                                <> "slide uses the Content with Caption "
+                                <> "layout")
+                     def
+                     "pptx/content-with-caption/heading-text-image/input.native"
+                     "pptx/content-with-caption/heading-text-image/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("Text and an image on the same "
+                                <> "slide uses the Content with Caption "
+                                <> "layout")
+                     def
+                     "pptx/content-with-caption/text-image/input.native"
+                     "pptx/content-with-caption/text-image/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("If the image comes first, Content with "
+                                <> "Caption is not used")
+                     def
+                     "pptx/content-with-caption/image-text/input.native"
+                     "pptx/content-with-caption/image-text/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("If a slide contains only speaker notes, the "
+                                <> "Blank layout is used")
+                     def
+                     "pptx/blanks/just-speaker-notes/input.native"
+                     "pptx/blanks/just-speaker-notes/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("If a slide contains only an empty heading "
+                                <> "with a body of only non-breaking spaces"
+                                <> ", the Blank layout is used")
+                     def
+                     "pptx/blanks/nbsp-in-body/input.native"
+                     "pptx/blanks/nbsp-in-body/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("If a slide contains only a heading "
+                                <> "containing only non-breaking spaces, "
+                                <> "the Blank layout is used")
+                     def
+                     "pptx/blanks/nbsp-in-heading/input.native"
+                     "pptx/blanks/nbsp-in-heading/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("Incremental lists are supported")
+                     def { writerIncremental = True }
+                     "pptx/incremental-lists/with-flag/input.native"
+                     "pptx/incremental-lists/with-flag/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests ("One-off incremental lists are supported")
+                     def
+                     "pptx/incremental-lists/without-flag/input.native"
+                     "pptx/incremental-lists/without-flag/output.pptx"
+                   , pptxTests "Background images"
+                     def
+                     "pptx/background-image/input.native"
+                     "pptx/background-image/output.pptx"
+                   ]
+  referenceSpecificTests =
+    [ ooxmlTest
+      writePowerpoint
+      "Basic footer"
+      def { writerReferenceDoc = Just "pptx/footer/basic/reference.pptx"}
+      "pptx/footer/input.native"
+      "pptx/footer/basic/output.pptx"
+    , ooxmlTest
+      writePowerpoint
+      "Footer with fixed date, replaced by meta block date"
+      def { writerReferenceDoc = Just "pptx/footer/fixed-date/reference.pptx"}
+      "pptx/footer/input.native"
+      "pptx/footer/fixed-date/output.pptx"
+    , ooxmlTest
+      writePowerpoint
+      "Footer not shown on title slide"
+      def { writerReferenceDoc = Just "pptx/footer/no-title-slide/reference.pptx"}
+      "pptx/footer/input.native"
+      "pptx/footer/no-title-slide/output.pptx"
+    , ooxmlTest
+      writePowerpoint
+      "Footer with slide number starting from 3"
+      def { writerReferenceDoc = Just "pptx/footer/higher-slide-number/reference.pptx"}
+      "pptx/footer/input.native"
+      "pptx/footer/higher-slide-number/output.pptx"
+    ]
+  in regularTests <> referenceSpecificTests
diff --git a/test/pptx/footer/basic/output.pptx b/test/pptx/footer/basic/output.pptx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db8814418
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/pptx/footer/basic/output.pptx differ
diff --git a/test/pptx/footer/basic/reference.pptx b/test/pptx/footer/basic/reference.pptx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61f926fa6
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/pptx/footer/basic/reference.pptx differ
diff --git a/test/pptx/footer/fixed-date/output.pptx b/test/pptx/footer/fixed-date/output.pptx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85854a744
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/pptx/footer/fixed-date/output.pptx differ
diff --git a/test/pptx/footer/fixed-date/reference.pptx b/test/pptx/footer/fixed-date/reference.pptx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78bd3ce0d
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/pptx/footer/fixed-date/reference.pptx differ
diff --git a/test/pptx/footer/higher-slide-number/output.pptx b/test/pptx/footer/higher-slide-number/output.pptx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5bc3d047
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/pptx/footer/higher-slide-number/output.pptx differ
diff --git a/test/pptx/footer/higher-slide-number/reference.pptx b/test/pptx/footer/higher-slide-number/reference.pptx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ada45399
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/pptx/footer/higher-slide-number/reference.pptx differ
diff --git a/test/pptx/footer/input.native b/test/pptx/footer/input.native
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c0ae5c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pptx/footer/input.native
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaInlines [Str "Me"]),("date",MetaInlines [Str "14/09/1995"]),("title",MetaInlines [Str "Slides"])]})
+[Header 2 ("slide-1",[],[]) [Str "Slide",Space,Str "1"]
+,Para [Str "Hello",Space,Str "there"]
+,Header 1 ("layouts",[],[]) [Str "Layouts"]
+,Header 2 ("slide-3",[],[]) [Str "Slide",Space,Str "3"]
+,Para [Str "Does",Space,Str "it",Space,Str "work",Space,Str "on",Space,Str "other",Space,Str "layouts?"]
+,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+ [])
+ [(AlignDefault,ColWidth 5.555555555555555e-2)
+ ,(AlignDefault,ColWidth 5.555555555555555e-2)]
+ (TableHead ("",[],[])
+ [])
+ [(TableBody ("",[],[]) (RowHeadColumns 0)
+  []
+  [Row ("",[],[])
+   [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
+    [Plain [Str "1"]]
+   ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
+    [Plain [Str "2"]]]])]
+ (TableFoot ("",[],[])
+ [])
+,Header 2 ("slide-4",[],[]) [Str "Slide",Space,Str "4"]
+,Div ("",["columns"],[])
+ [Div ("",["column"],[])
+  [Para [Str "hello",Space,Str "hello"]]
+ ,Div ("",["column"],[])
+  [Para [Str "goood",Space,Str "bye"]]]
+,Header 2 ("slide-5",[],[]) [Str "Slide",Space,Str "5"]
+,Div ("",["columns"],[])
+ [Div ("",["column"],[])
+  [Para [Str "Hello",Space,Str "there"]
+  ,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+   [])
+   [(AlignDefault,ColWidth 5.555555555555555e-2)
+   ,(AlignDefault,ColWidth 5.555555555555555e-2)]
+   (TableHead ("",[],[])
+   [])
+   [(TableBody ("",[],[]) (RowHeadColumns 0)
+    []
+    [Row ("",[],[])
+     [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
+      [Plain [Str "1"]]
+     ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
+      [Plain [Str "2"]]]])]
+   (TableFoot ("",[],[])
+   [])]
+ ,Div ("",["column"],[])
+  [Para [Str "oh",Space,Str "wait"]
+  ,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
+   [])
+   [(AlignDefault,ColWidth 5.555555555555555e-2)
+   ,(AlignDefault,ColWidth 5.555555555555555e-2)]
+   (TableHead ("",[],[])
+   [])
+   [(TableBody ("",[],[]) (RowHeadColumns 0)
+    []
+    [Row ("",[],[])
+     [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
+      [Plain [Str "1"]]
+     ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
+      [Plain [Str "2"]]]])]
+   (TableFoot ("",[],[])
+   [])]]
+,Header 2 ("section",[],[]) []
+,Div ("",["notes"],[])
+ [Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "blank",Space,Str "slide:",Space,Str "does",Space,Str "it",Space,Str "have",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "footer?"]]]
diff --git a/test/pptx/footer/no-title-slide/output.pptx b/test/pptx/footer/no-title-slide/output.pptx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d1475bf1f
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/pptx/footer/no-title-slide/output.pptx differ
diff --git a/test/pptx/footer/no-title-slide/reference.pptx b/test/pptx/footer/no-title-slide/reference.pptx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecd524a9b
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/pptx/footer/no-title-slide/reference.pptx differ