Powerpoint writer: Set notes slide number correctly

Previously, this hadn't been aware of a metadata slide. We also
clarify the logic for setting the startnumber of different slide
sections correctly.
This commit is contained in:
Jesse Rosenthal 2018-01-12 10:00:59 -05:00
parent 53c48dd2c9
commit 4ce07c20d7

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@ -679,20 +679,18 @@ getMetaSlide = do
blocksToPresentation :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> P m Presentation
blocksToPresentation blks = do
metadataslide <- getMetaSlide
let bodyStartNum = case metadataslide of
Just _ -> 2
Nothing -> 1
metadataslides <- maybeToList <$> getMetaSlide
let bodyStartNum = length metadataslides + 1
blksLst <- splitBlocks blks
slides <- mapM
(\(bs, n) -> local (\st -> st{envCurSlideId = n}) (blocksToSlide bs))
(zip blksLst [bodyStartNum..])
let noteSlidesNum = length blksLst + 1
noteSlides <- local (\st -> st {envCurSlideId = noteSlidesNum}) makeNotesSlides
bodyslides <- mapM
(\(bs, n) -> local (\st -> st{envCurSlideId = n}) (blocksToSlide bs))
(zip blksLst [bodyStartNum..])
let noteStartNum = bodyStartNum + length bodyslides
noteSlides <- local (\st -> st {envCurSlideId = noteStartNum}) makeNotesSlides
presSize <- asks envPresentationSize
return $
Presentation presSize $
(maybeToList metadataslide) ++ slides ++ noteSlides
metadataslides ++ bodyslides ++ noteSlides