Add openURL and readFileStrict to PandocMonad.

Removed fetchItem and fetchItem'.
Provide fetchItem in PandocMonad (it uses openURL and readFileStrict).


- PandocPure instance for openURL.
- Fix places where fetchItem is used so that we trap the
  exception instead of checking for a Left value.  (At least
  in the places where we want a warning rather than a failure.)
This commit is contained in:
John MacFarlane 2016-12-11 23:10:46 +01:00
parent be140ab496
commit 4cb124d147

View file

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Class ( PandocMonad(..)
, getMediaBag
, setMediaBag
, insertMedia
, fetchItem
, getInputFiles
, getOutputFile
, PandocIO(..)
@ -64,27 +65,28 @@ import qualified System.Random as IO (newStdGen)
import Codec.Archive.Zip (Archive, fromArchive, emptyArchive)
import Data.Unique (hashUnique)
import qualified Data.Unique as IO (newUnique)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Shared as IO ( fetchItem
, fetchItem'
, readDataFile
, warn)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Shared as IO ( readDataFile
, warn
, openURL )
import Text.Pandoc.Compat.Time (UTCTime)
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing (ParserT, SourcePos)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Compat.Time as IO (getCurrentTime)
import Text.Pandoc.MIME (MimeType, getMimeType)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX ( utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds
, posixSecondsToUTCTime
, POSIXTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeZone, ZonedTime, utcToZonedTime, utc)
import Network.URI ( escapeURIString, nonStrictRelativeTo,
unEscapeString, parseURIReference, isAllowedInURI,
parseURI, URI(..) )
import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as IO (getCurrentTimeZone)
import Text.Pandoc.MIME (MimeType, getMimeType)
import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (MediaBag)
import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (MediaBag, lookupMedia)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.MediaBag as MB
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified System.Environment as IO (lookupEnv)
import System.FilePath.Glob (match, compile)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeExtension, dropExtension)
import qualified System.FilePath.Glob as IO (glob)
import qualified System.Directory as IO (getModificationTime)
import Control.Monad as M (fail)
@ -106,17 +108,12 @@ class (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m, MonadError PandocError m)
getCurrentTimeZone :: m TimeZone
newStdGen :: m StdGen
newUniqueHash :: m Int
openURL :: String -> m (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType)
readFileLazy :: FilePath -> m BL.ByteString
readFileStrict :: FilePath -> m B.ByteString
readDataFile :: Maybe FilePath
-> FilePath
-> m B.ByteString
fetchItem :: Maybe String
-> String
-> m (Either E.SomeException (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType))
fetchItem' :: MediaBag
-> Maybe String
-> String
-> m (Either E.SomeException (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType))
glob :: String -> m [FilePath]
getModificationTime :: FilePath -> m UTCTime
getCommonState :: m CommonState
@ -213,19 +210,28 @@ instance PandocMonad PandocIO where
getCurrentTimeZone = liftIO IO.getCurrentTimeZone
newStdGen = liftIO IO.newStdGen
newUniqueHash = hashUnique <$> (liftIO IO.newUnique)
openURL u = do
eitherRes <- liftIO $ (tryIOError $ IO.openURL u)
case eitherRes of
Right (Right res) -> return res
Right (Left _) -> throwError $ PandocFileReadError u
Left _ -> throwError $ PandocFileReadError u
readFileLazy s = do
eitherBS <- liftIO (tryIOError $ BL.readFile s)
case eitherBS of
Right bs -> return bs
Left _ -> throwError $ PandocFileReadError s
readFileStrict s = do
eitherBS <- liftIO (tryIOError $ B.readFile s)
case eitherBS of
Right bs -> return bs
Left _ -> throwError $ PandocFileReadError s
-- TODO: Make this more sensitive to the different sorts of failure
readDataFile mfp fname = do
eitherBS <- liftIO (tryIOError $ IO.readDataFile mfp fname)
case eitherBS of
Right bs -> return bs
Left _ -> throwError $ PandocFileReadError fname
fetchItem ms s = liftIO $ IO.fetchItem ms s
fetchItem' mb ms s = liftIO $ IO.fetchItem' mb ms s
glob = liftIO . IO.glob
getModificationTime fp = do
eitherMtime <- liftIO (tryIOError $ IO.getModificationTime fp)
@ -235,6 +241,64 @@ instance PandocMonad PandocIO where
getCommonState = PandocIO $ lift get
putCommonState x = PandocIO $ lift $ put x
-- | Specialized version of parseURIReference that disallows
-- single-letter schemes. Reason: these are usually windows absolute
-- paths.
parseURIReference' :: String -> Maybe URI
parseURIReference' s =
case parseURIReference s of
Just u
| length (uriScheme u) > 2 -> Just u
| null (uriScheme u) -> Just u -- protocol-relative
_ -> Nothing
-- | Fetch an image or other item from the local filesystem or the net.
-- Returns raw content and maybe mime type.
fetchItem :: PandocMonad m
=> Maybe String
-> String
-> m (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType)
fetchItem sourceURL s = do
mediabag <- getMediaBag
case lookupMedia s mediabag of
Just (mime, bs) -> return $ (BL.toStrict bs, Just mime)
Nothing ->
case (sourceURL >>= parseURIReference' .
ensureEscaped, ensureEscaped s) of
(Just u, s') -> -- try fetching from relative path at source
case parseURIReference' s' of
Just u' -> openURL $ show $ u' `nonStrictRelativeTo` u
Nothing -> openURL s' -- will throw error
(Nothing, s'@('/':'/':_)) -> -- protocol-relative URI
case parseURIReference' s' of
Just u' -> openURL $ show $ u' `nonStrictRelativeTo` httpcolon
Nothing -> openURL s' -- will throw error
(Nothing, s') ->
case parseURI s' of -- requires absolute URI
-- We don't want to treat C:/ as a scheme:
Just u' | length (uriScheme u') > 2 -> openURL (show u')
Just u' | uriScheme u' == "file:" ->
readLocalFile $ dropWhile (=='/') (uriPath u')
_ -> readLocalFile fp -- get from local file system
where readLocalFile f = do
cont <- readFileStrict f
return (cont, mime)
httpcolon = URI{ uriScheme = "http:",
uriAuthority = Nothing,
uriPath = "",
uriQuery = "",
uriFragment = "" }
dropFragmentAndQuery = takeWhile (\c -> c /= '?' && c /= '#')
fp = unEscapeString $ dropFragmentAndQuery s
mime = case takeExtension fp of
".gz" -> getMimeType $ dropExtension fp
".svgz" -> getMimeType $ dropExtension fp ++ ".svg"
x -> getMimeType x
ensureEscaped = escapeURIString isAllowedInURI . map convertSlash
convertSlash '\\' = '/'
convertSlash x = x
data PureState = PureState { stStdGen :: StdGen
, stWord8Store :: [Word8] -- should be
-- inifinite,
@ -332,33 +396,29 @@ instance PandocMonad PandocPure where
modifyPureState $ \st -> st { stUniqStore = us }
return u
_ -> "uniq store ran out of elements"
openURL _ = undefined -- TODO
readFileLazy fp = do
fps <- getsPureState stFiles
case infoFileContents <$> getFileInfo fp fps of
Just bs -> return (BL.fromStrict bs)
Nothing -> throwError $ PandocFileReadError fp
readFileStrict fp = do
fps <- getsPureState stFiles
case infoFileContents <$> getFileInfo fp fps of
Just bs -> return bs
Nothing -> throwError $ PandocFileReadError fp
readDataFile Nothing "reference.docx" = do
(B.concat . BL.toChunks . fromArchive) <$> getsPureState stReferenceDocx
readDataFile Nothing "reference.odt" = do
(B.concat . BL.toChunks . fromArchive) <$> getsPureState stReferenceODT
readDataFile Nothing fname = do
let fname' = if fname == "MANUAL.txt" then fname else "data" </> fname
BL.toStrict <$> (readFileLazy fname')
readFileStrict fname'
readDataFile (Just userDir) fname = do
userDirFiles <- getsPureState stUserDataDir
case infoFileContents <$> (getFileInfo (userDir </> fname) userDirFiles) of
Just bs -> return bs
Nothing -> readDataFile Nothing fname
fetchItem _ fp = do
fps <- getsPureState stFiles
case infoFileContents <$> (getFileInfo fp fps) of
Just bs -> return (Right (bs, getMimeType fp))
Nothing -> return (Left $ E.toException $ PandocFileReadError fp)
fetchItem' media sourceUrl nm = do
case MB.lookupMedia nm media of
Nothing -> fetchItem sourceUrl nm
Just (mime, bs) -> return (Right (B.concat $ BL.toChunks bs, Just mime))
glob s = do
fontFiles <- getsPureState stFontFiles
@ -379,10 +439,10 @@ instance PandocMonad m => PandocMonad (ParserT s st m) where
getCurrentTimeZone = lift getCurrentTimeZone
newStdGen = lift newStdGen
newUniqueHash = lift newUniqueHash
openURL = lift . openURL
readFileLazy = lift . readFileLazy
readFileStrict = lift . readFileStrict
readDataFile mbuserdir = lift . readDataFile mbuserdir
fetchItem media = lift . fetchItem media
fetchItem' media sourceUrl = lift . fetchItem' media sourceUrl
glob = lift . glob
getModificationTime = lift . getModificationTime
getCommonState = lift getCommonState
@ -394,10 +454,10 @@ instance PandocMonad m => PandocMonad (ReaderT r m) where
getCurrentTimeZone = lift getCurrentTimeZone
newStdGen = lift newStdGen
newUniqueHash = lift newUniqueHash
openURL = lift . openURL
readFileLazy = lift . readFileLazy
readFileStrict = lift . readFileStrict
readDataFile mbuserdir = lift . readDataFile mbuserdir
fetchItem media = lift . fetchItem media
fetchItem' media sourceUrl = lift . fetchItem' media sourceUrl
glob = lift . glob
getModificationTime = lift . getModificationTime
getCommonState = lift getCommonState
@ -409,10 +469,10 @@ instance (PandocMonad m, Monoid w) => PandocMonad (WriterT w m) where
getCurrentTimeZone = lift getCurrentTimeZone
newStdGen = lift newStdGen
newUniqueHash = lift newUniqueHash
openURL = lift . openURL
readFileLazy = lift . readFileLazy
readFileStrict = lift . readFileStrict
readDataFile mbuserdir = lift . readDataFile mbuserdir
fetchItem media = lift . fetchItem media
fetchItem' media sourceUrl = lift . fetchItem' media sourceUrl
glob = lift . glob
getModificationTime = lift . getModificationTime
getCommonState = lift getCommonState
@ -424,10 +484,10 @@ instance (PandocMonad m, Monoid w) => PandocMonad (RWST r w st m) where
getCurrentTimeZone = lift getCurrentTimeZone
newStdGen = lift newStdGen
newUniqueHash = lift newUniqueHash
openURL = lift . openURL
readFileLazy = lift . readFileLazy
readFileStrict = lift . readFileStrict
readDataFile mbuserdir = lift . readDataFile mbuserdir
fetchItem media = lift . fetchItem media
fetchItem' media sourceUrl = lift . fetchItem' media sourceUrl
glob = lift . glob
getModificationTime = lift . getModificationTime
getCommonState = lift getCommonState
@ -439,10 +499,10 @@ instance PandocMonad m => PandocMonad (StateT st m) where
getCurrentTimeZone = lift getCurrentTimeZone
newStdGen = lift newStdGen
newUniqueHash = lift newUniqueHash
openURL = lift . openURL
readFileLazy = lift . readFileLazy
readFileStrict = lift . readFileStrict
readDataFile mbuserdir = lift . readDataFile mbuserdir
fetchItem media = lift . fetchItem media
fetchItem' media sourceUrl = lift . fetchItem' media sourceUrl
glob = lift . glob
getModificationTime = lift . getModificationTime
getCommonState = lift getCommonState