From 48d5919331723af909872fc0e3e3de9d8dd8988d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: fiddlosopher <fiddlosopher@788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b>
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 19:00:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Renamed web/code.txt -> code.text. Deleted code.text from
 top-level directory.

git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
 web/code.txt | 45 ---------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 45 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 web/code.txt

diff --git a/web/code.txt b/web/code.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c15ccfc9b..000000000
--- a/web/code.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-% Code with syntax highlighting
-Here's what a delimited code block looks like:
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.haskell}
-    -- | Inefficient quicksort in haskell.
-    qsort :: (Enum a) => [a] -> [a]
-    qsort []     = []
-    qsort (x:xs) = qsort (filter (< x) xs) ++ [x] ++
-                   qsort (filter (>= x) xs) 
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-And here's how it looks after syntax highlighting:
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.haskell}
--- | Inefficient quicksort in haskell.
-qsort :: (Enum a) => [a] -> [a]
-qsort []     = []
-qsort (x:xs) = qsort (filter (< x) xs) ++ [x] ++
-               qsort (filter (>= x) xs) 
-Here's some python, with numbered lines (specify `{.python .numberLines}`):
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.python .numberLines}
-class FSM(object):
-"""This is a Finite State Machine (FSM).
-def __init__(self, initial_state, memory=None):
-    """This creates the FSM. You set the initial state here. The "memory"
-    attribute is any object that you want to pass along to the action
-    functions. It is not used by the FSM. For parsing you would typically
-    pass a list to be used as a stack. """
-    # Map (input_symbol, current_state) --> (action, next_state).
-    self.state_transitions = {}
-    # Map (current_state) --> (action, next_state).
-    self.state_transitions_any = {}
-    self.default_transition = None
-    ...