[Latex Reader] Fixing issues with \multirow and \multicolumn table cells (#6608)

* Added test to replicate (#6596)

* Table cell reader not consuming spaces correctly (#6596)

* Prevented wrong nesting of \multicolumn and \multirow table cells (#6603)

* Parse empty table cells (#6603)

* Support full prototype for multirow macro (#6603)

Closes #6603
This commit is contained in:
Laurent P. René de Cotret 2020-08-15 14:40:10 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3766e03c7d
commit 482a2e5079
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
2 changed files with 58 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -2383,16 +2383,26 @@ parseTableRow envname prefsufs = do
cells <- mapM (\ts -> setInput ts >> parseTableCell) rawcells
setInput oldInput
return $ Row nullAttr cells
-- Because of table normalization performed by Text.Pandoc.Builder.table,
-- we need to remove empty cells
return $ Row nullAttr $ filter (\c -> c /= emptyCell) cells
parseTableCell :: PandocMonad m => LP m Cell
parseTableCell = do
updateState $ \st -> st{ sInTableCell = True }
cell' <- parseMultiCell <|> parseSimpleCell
cell' <- ( multicolumnCell
<|> multirowCell
<|> parseSimpleCell
<|> parseEmptyCell
updateState $ \st -> st{ sInTableCell = False }
return cell'
-- The parsing of empty cells is important in LaTeX, especially when dealing
-- with multirow/multicolumn. See #6603.
parseEmptyCell = optional spaces >> return emptyCell <* optional spaces
cellAlignment :: PandocMonad m => LP m Alignment
cellAlignment = skipMany (symbol '|') *> alignment <* skipMany (symbol '|')
@ -2411,29 +2421,39 @@ plainify bs = case toList bs of
[Para ils] -> plain (fromList ils)
_ -> bs
parseMultiCell :: PandocMonad m => LP m Cell
parseMultiCell = (controlSeq "multirow" >> parseMultirowCell)
<|> (controlSeq "multicolumn" >> parseMulticolCell)
parseMultirowCell = parseMultiXCell RowSpan (const $ ColSpan 1)
parseMulticolCell = parseMultiXCell (const $ RowSpan 1) ColSpan
multirowCell :: PandocMonad m => LP m Cell
multirowCell = controlSeq "multirow" >> do
-- Full prototype for \multirow macro is:
-- \multirow[vpos]{nrows}[bigstruts]{width}[vmove]{text}
-- However, everything except `nrows` and `text` make
-- sense in the context of the Pandoc AST
_ <- optional $ symbol '[' *> cellAlignment <* symbol ']' -- vertical position
nrows <- fmap (fromMaybe 1 . safeRead . untokenize) braced
_ <- optional $ symbol '[' *> manyTill anyTok (symbol ']') -- bigstrut-related
_ <- symbol '{' *> manyTill anyTok (symbol '}') -- Cell width
_ <- optional $ symbol '[' *> manyTill anyTok (symbol ']') -- Length used for fine-tuning
content <- symbol '{' *> (plainify <$> blocks) <* symbol '}'
return $ cell AlignDefault (RowSpan nrows) (ColSpan 1) content
parseMultiXCell rowspanf colspanf = do
multicolumnCell :: PandocMonad m => LP m Cell
multicolumnCell = controlSeq "multicolumn" >> do
span' <- fmap (fromMaybe 1 . safeRead . untokenize) braced
alignment <- symbol '{' *> cellAlignment <* symbol '}'
-- Two possible contents: either a nested \multirow/\multicol, or content.
-- E.g. \multirow{1}{c}{\multicol{1}{c}{content}}
let singleCell = do
content <- plainify <$> blocks
return $ cell alignment (rowspanf span') (colspanf span') content
return $ cell alignment (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan span') content
-- Two possible contents: either a \multirow cell, or content.
-- E.g. \multicol{1}{c}{\multirow{2}{1em}{content}}
-- Note that a \multirow cell can be nested in a \multicolumn,
-- but not the other way around. See #6603
let nestedCell = do
(Cell _ _ (RowSpan rs) (ColSpan cs) bs) <- parseMultiCell
(Cell _ _ (RowSpan rs) _ bs) <- multirowCell
return $ cell
(RowSpan $ max span' rs)
(ColSpan $ max span' cs)
(RowSpan $ rs)
(ColSpan $ span')
(fromList bs)
symbol '{' *> (nestedCell <|> singleCell) <* symbol '}'

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@ -157,17 +157,26 @@ tests = [ testGroup "tokenization"
, "Table with multirow item" =:
T.unlines ["\\begin{tabular}{c}"
] =?>
table' [AlignCenter]
[ Row nullAttr [ cell AlignCenter (RowSpan 2) (ColSpan 1) (plain "One") ]
[ Row nullAttr [ cell AlignDefault (RowSpan 2) (ColSpan 1) (plain "One") ]
, Row nullAttr [ simpleCell (plain "Two") ]
, "Table with multirow item using full prototype" =:
T.unlines ["\\begin{tabular}{c}"
] =?>
table' [AlignCenter]
[ Row nullAttr [ cell AlignDefault (RowSpan 2) (ColSpan 1) (plain "One") ]
, Row nullAttr [ simpleCell (plain "Two") ]
, "Table with nested multirow/multicolumn item" =:
T.unlines [ "\\begin{tabular}{c c c}"
, "\\multirow{2}{c}{\\multicolumn{2}{c}{One}}&Two\\\\"
, "Three\\\\"
, "\\multicolumn{2}{c}{\\multirow{2}{5em}{One}}&Two\\\\"
, "& & Three\\\\"
, "Four&Five&Six\\\\"
, "\\end{tabular}"
] =?>