RST writer: tweaks to header normalization.
These changes are intended to make the writer more useful to people who are processing small fragments, which may for example look like this: ### third level header from previous section ## second level header Previously such fragments got turned into two headers of the same level. The new algorithm avoids doing any normalization until we hit the minimal-level header in the fragment (here, the second level header). Closes #2394.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 22 additions and 4 deletions
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ pandocToRST (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
(fmap (trimr . render colwidth) . inlineListToRST)
$ deleteMeta "title" $ deleteMeta "subtitle" meta
let minLev = findMinHeadingLevel Nothing blocks
body <- blockListToRST' True $ normalizeHeadings minLev blocks
body <- blockListToRST' True $ normalizeHeadings minLev 0 blocks
notes <- liftM (reverse . stNotes) get >>= notesToRST
-- note that the notes may contain refs, so we do them first
refs <- liftM (reverse . stLinks) get >>= refsToRST
@ -102,12 +102,30 @@ pandocToRST (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
then return $ renderTemplate' (writerTemplate opts) context
else return main
normalizeHeadings lev (Header l a i:bs) = Header lev a i:normalizeHeadings (lev+1) cont ++ normalizeHeadings lev bs'
-- Partial normalization:
-- We use the underline scheme appropriate for the lowest
-- header level found, and we don't normalize headers
-- until we've hit the first header with minimum header
-- level in the fragment.
-- This is intended to help with the problems noted in
-- #2079, while still being flexible enough for use
-- with fragments that might not include the base
-- header level, and might start halfway through a section
-- (see #2394).
normalizeHeadings minLev lev (Header l a i:bs) =
let lev' = if lev == 0 && l == minLev
then minLev
else lev
in if lev' == 0 -- we haven't hit minLev yet
then Header l a i : normalizeHeadings minLev 0 cont ++
normalizeHeadings minLev 0 bs'
else Header lev' a i : normalizeHeadings minLev (lev' + 1) cont ++
normalizeHeadings minLev lev' bs'
where (cont,bs') = break (headerLtEq l) bs
headerLtEq level (Header l' _ _) = l' <= level
headerLtEq _ _ = False
normalizeHeadings lev (b:bs) = b:normalizeHeadings lev bs
normalizeHeadings _ [] = []
normalizeHeadings minLev lev (b:bs) = b : normalizeHeadings minLev lev bs
normalizeHeadings _ _ [] = []
findMinHeadingLevel Nothing (Header l _a _i:bs) = findMinHeadingLevel (Just l) bs
findMinHeadingLevel (Just ol) (Header l _a _i:bs) =
findMinHeadingLevel (Just $ if ol>l then l else ol) bs
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