diff --git a/changelog.md b/changelog.md
index b42a54968..a7d2e8be2 100644
--- a/changelog.md
+++ b/changelog.md
@@ -1,5 +1,45 @@
 # Revision history for pandoc
+## pandoc (2020-10-20)
+  * Use latest citeproc (closes #6765). This fixes a problem with
+    author-in-text citations for references including both an author
+    and an editor. Previously, both were included in the text, but only
+    the author should be.
+  * With `--citeproc`, ensure that the final period is removed when
+    citations that occur in notes in note-based styles get put in
+    parentheses.  See jgm/citeproc#20.
+  * Normalize rewritten image paths with `--extract-media` (#6761).
+    This change will avoid mixed paths like this one when
+    `--extract-media` is used with a Word file:
+    `![](C:\Git\TIJ4\Markdown/media/image30.wmf)`.  Instead we'll get
+    `![](C:\Git\TIJ4\Markdown`media`image30.wmf)`.
+  * Modify `--version` output.  Use space more efficiently and report the
+    citeproc and ipynb versions, along with skylighting, texmath, and
+    pandoc-types.  Drop the word default before "user data directory."
+  * DocBook reader: bibliomisc and anchor support (#6754, Nils Carlson).
+    Also ensure that bibliodiv without a title no longer results in
+    an empty Header.
+  * ConTeXt template: adds `\setupinterlinespace` to fonts larger
+    than normal (#6763, Denis Maier).
+  * LaTeX template: Do not load amssymb if not needed (#6469, Angelo Peronio).
+    See <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/549938>.
+  * Relax upper bound on hslua, allow hslua-1.3.* (Albert Krewinkel).
+  * MANUAL:
+    + Improve explanation of "indent" variable (#6767, Cyrus Yip).
+    + Remove org from list of input formats supporting raw_tex (#6753,
+      Nick Fleisher).
 ## pandoc (2020-10-15)
   * Fix handling of `xdata` in bibtex/biblatex bibliographies (#6752).
diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index f11119c9f..b4eef9662 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 cabal-version:   2.2
 name:            pandoc
 build-type:      Simple
 license:         GPL-2.0-or-later
 license-file:    COPYING.md