Code cleanup in RTF writer.
git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 17 additions and 18 deletions
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ import Data.Char ( ord, isDigit )
-- | Convert Pandoc to a string in rich text format.
writeRTF :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
writeRTF options (Pandoc meta blocks) =
let head = if writerStandalone options
then rtfHeader (writerHeader options) meta
else ""
let head' = if writerStandalone options
then rtfHeader (writerHeader options) meta
else ""
toc = if writerTableOfContents options
then tableOfContents $ filter isHeaderBlock blocks
else ""
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ writeRTF options (Pandoc meta blocks) =
body = writerIncludeBefore options ++
concatMap (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault) blocks ++
writerIncludeAfter options
in head ++ toc ++ body ++ foot
in head' ++ toc ++ body ++ foot
-- | Construct table of contents from list of header blocks.
tableOfContents :: [Block] -> String
@ -84,10 +84,6 @@ stringToRTF = handleUnicode . escapeSpecial
codeStringToRTF :: String -> String
codeStringToRTF str = joinWithSep "\\line\n" $ lines (stringToRTF str)
-- | Deal with raw LaTeX.
latexToRTF :: String -> String
latexToRTF str = "{\\cf1 " ++ (stringToRTF str) ++ "\\cf0 }"
-- | Make a paragraph with first-line indent, block indent, and space after.
rtfParSpaced :: Int -- ^ space after (in twips)
-> Int -- ^ block indent (in twips)
@ -122,22 +118,25 @@ rtfCompact :: Int -- ^ block indent (in twips)
rtfCompact = rtfParSpaced 0
-- number of twips to indent
indentIncrement :: Int
indentIncrement = 720
listIncrement :: Int
listIncrement = 360
-- | Returns appropriate bullet list marker for indent level.
bulletMarker :: Int -> String
bulletMarker indent = case indent `mod` 720 of
0 -> "\\bullet "
otherwise -> "\\endash "
0 -> "\\bullet "
_ -> "\\endash "
-- | Returns appropriate (list of) ordered list markers for indent level.
orderedMarkers :: Int -> ListAttributes -> [String]
orderedMarkers indent (start, style, delim) =
if style == DefaultStyle && delim == DefaultDelim
then case indent `mod` 720 of
0 -> orderedListMarkers (start, Decimal, Period)
otherwise -> orderedListMarkers (start, LowerAlpha, Period)
0 -> orderedListMarkers (start, Decimal, Period)
_ -> orderedListMarkers (start, LowerAlpha, Period)
else orderedListMarkers (start, style, delim)
-- | Returns RTF header.
@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ blockToRTF indent alignment (BlockQuote lst) =
concatMap (blockToRTF (indent + indentIncrement) alignment) lst
blockToRTF indent _ (CodeBlock _ str) =
rtfPar indent 0 AlignLeft ("\\f1 " ++ (codeStringToRTF str))
blockToRTF _ _ (RawHtml str) = ""
blockToRTF _ _ (RawHtml _) = ""
blockToRTF indent alignment (BulletList lst) = spaceAtEnd $
concatMap (listItemToRTF alignment indent (bulletMarker indent)) lst
blockToRTF indent alignment (OrderedList attribs lst) = spaceAtEnd $ concat $
@ -238,7 +237,7 @@ listItemToRTF alignment indent marker list =
listMarker ++ dropWhile isDigit xs
insertListMarker (x:xs) =
x : insertListMarker xs
insertListmarker [] = []
insertListMarker [] = []
-- insert the list marker into the (processed) first block
in insertListMarker first ++ concat rest
@ -276,14 +275,14 @@ inlineToRTF EnDash = "\\u8211-"
inlineToRTF (Code str) = "{\\f1 " ++ (codeStringToRTF str) ++ "}"
inlineToRTF (Str str) = stringToRTF str
inlineToRTF (Math str) = inlineListToRTF $ readTeXMath str
inlineToRTF (TeX str) = ""
inlineToRTF (HtmlInline str) = ""
inlineToRTF (TeX _) = ""
inlineToRTF (HtmlInline _) = ""
inlineToRTF (LineBreak) = "\\line "
inlineToRTF Space = " "
inlineToRTF (Link text (src, tit)) =
inlineToRTF (Link text (src, _)) =
"{\\field{\\*\\fldinst{HYPERLINK \"" ++ (codeStringToRTF src) ++
"\"}}{\\fldrslt{\\ul\n" ++ (inlineListToRTF text) ++ "\n}}}\n"
inlineToRTF (Image alternate (source, tit)) =
inlineToRTF (Image _ (source, _)) =
"{\\cf1 [image: " ++ source ++ "]\\cf0}"
inlineToRTF (Note contents) =
"{\\super\\chftn}{\\*\\footnote\\chftn\\~\\plain\\pard " ++
Add table
Reference in a new issue