More API documentation.

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John MacFarlane 2017-10-26 10:52:44 -07:00
parent 57277efaf5
commit 456148fe7e

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@ -351,16 +351,69 @@ remove emphasis, or replace specially marked code blocks with
images). To make this easier and more efficient, `pandoc-types`
includes a module [Text.Pandoc.Walk].
walk and query, with examples
including RawBlock
Here's the essential documentation:
# Filters
class Walkable a b where
-- | @walk f x@ walks the structure @x@ (bottom up) and replaces every
-- occurrence of an @a@ with the result of applying @f@ to it.
walk :: (a -> a) -> b -> b
walk f = runIdentity . walkM (return . f)
-- | A monadic version of 'walk'.
walkM :: (Monad m, Functor m) => (a -> m a) -> b -> m b
-- | @query f x@ walks the structure @x@ (bottom up) and applies @f@
-- to every @a@, appending the results.
query :: Monoid c => (a -> c) -> b -> c
These make it easy for users to add their own transformations.
two types: json and lua.
Filters: see,
`Walkable` instances are defined for most combinations of
Pandoc types. For example, the `Walkable Inline Block`
instance allows you to take a function `Inline -> Inline`
and apply it over every inline in a `Block`. And
`Walkable [Inline] Pandoc` allows you to take a function
`[Inline] -> [Inline]` and apply it over every maximal
list of `Inline`s in a `Pandoc`.
applyFilters, applyLuaFilters from Text.Pandoc.App.
Here's a simple example of a function that promotes
the levels of headers:
promoteHeaderLevels :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
promoteHeaderLevels = walk promote
where promote :: Block -> Block
promote (Header lev attr ils) = Header (lev + 1) attr ils
promote x = x
`walkM` is a monadic version of `walk`; it can be used, for
example, when you need your transformations to perform IO
operations, use PandocMonad operations, or update internal
state. Here's an example using the State monad to add unique
identifiers to each code block:
addCodeIdentifiers :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
addCodeIdentifiers doc = evalState (walkM addCodeId doc) 1
where addCodeId :: Block -> State Int Block
addCodeId (CodeBlock (_,classes,kvs) code) = do
curId <- get
put (curId + 1)
return $ CodeBlock (show curId,classes,kvs) code
addCodeId x = return x
`query` is used to collect information from the AST.
Its argument is a query function that produces a result
in some monoidal type (e.g. a list). The results are
concatenated together. Here's an example that returns a
list of the URLs linked to in a document:
listURLs :: Pandoc -> [String]
listURLs = query urls
where urls (Link _ _ (src, _)) = [src]
urls _ = []
# Creating a PDF