Removed unneeded try's in RST reader; also minor code cleanup.
git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 17 additions and 23 deletions
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ lineBlock = try $ do
para = paraBeforeCodeBlock <|> paraNormal <?> "paragraph"
codeBlockStart = try $ string "::" >> blankline >> blankline
codeBlockStart = string "::" >> blankline >> blankline
-- paragraph that ends in a :: starting a code block
paraBeforeCodeBlock = try $ do
@ -260,16 +260,14 @@ singleHeader = try $ do
-- hrule block
hruleWith chr = try $ do
count 4 (char chr)
hrule = try $ do
chr <- oneOf underlineChars
count 3 (char chr)
skipMany (char chr)
return HorizontalRule
hrule = choice (map hruleWith underlineChars) <?> "hrule"
-- code blocks
@ -325,7 +323,7 @@ rawLaTeXBlock = try $ do
-- block quotes
blockQuote = try $ do
blockQuote = do
raw <- indentedBlock True
-- parse the extracted block, which may contain various block elements:
contents <- parseFromString parseBlocks $ raw ++ "\n\n"
@ -344,9 +342,7 @@ definitionListItem = try $ do
contents <- parseFromString parseBlocks $ raw ++ "\n\n"
return (normalizeSpaces term, contents)
definitionList = try $ do
items <- many1 definitionListItem
return $ DefinitionList items
definitionList = many1 definitionListItem >>= return . DefinitionList
-- parses bullet list start and returns its length (inc. following whitespace)
bulletListStart = try $ do
@ -378,7 +374,7 @@ indentWith num = do
(try (char '\t' >> count (num - tabStop) (char ' '))) ]
-- parse raw text for one list item, excluding start marker and continuations
rawListItem start = try $ do
rawListItem start = do
markerLength <- start
firstLine <- manyTill anyChar newline
restLines <- many (listLine markerLength)
@ -408,16 +404,14 @@ listItem start = try $ do
updateState (\st -> st {stateParserContext = oldContext})
return parsed
orderedList = try $ do
orderedList = do
(start, style, delim) <- lookAhead (anyOrderedListMarker >>~ spaceChar)
items <- many1 (listItem (orderedListStart style delim))
let items' = compactify items
return $ OrderedList (start, style, delim) items'
bulletList = try $ do
items <- many1 (listItem bulletListStart)
let items' = compactify items
return $ BulletList items'
bulletList = many1 (listItem bulletListStart) >>=
return . BulletList . compactify
-- unknown directive (e.g. comment)
@ -439,7 +433,7 @@ referenceKey =
choice [imageKey, anonymousKey, regularKeyQuoted, regularKey] >>~
optional blanklines
targetURI = try $ do
targetURI = do
optional newline
contents <- many1 (try (many spaceChar >> newline >>
@ -492,7 +486,7 @@ inline = choice [ link
, escapedChar
, symbol ] <?> "inline"
hyphens = try $ do
hyphens = do
result <- many1 (char '-')
option Space endline
-- don't want to treat endline after hyphen or dash as a space
@ -538,7 +532,7 @@ endline = try $ do
notFollowedBy blankline
-- parse potential list-starts at beginning of line differently in a list:
st <- getState
if ((stateParserContext st) == ListItemState)
if (stateParserContext st) == ListItemState
then notFollowedBy (anyOrderedListMarker >> spaceChar) >>
notFollowedBy' bulletListStart
else return ()
@ -595,7 +589,7 @@ uri = try $ do
identifier <- many1 (noneOf " \t\n")
return $ scheme ++ identifier
autoURI = try $ do
autoURI = do
src <- uri
return $ Link [Str src] (src, "")
@ -611,12 +605,12 @@ emailAddress = try $ do
domainChar = alphaNum <|> char '-'
domain = try $ do
domain = do
first <- many1 domainChar
dom <- many1 (try (do{ char '.'; many1 domainChar }))
return $ joinWithSep "." (first:dom)
autoEmail = try $ do
autoEmail = do
src <- emailAddress
return $ Link [Str src] ("mailto:" ++ src, "")
Add table
Reference in a new issue