From 425df8fff435c105590986e1b85efbcca8986931 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Albert Krewinkel <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 22:57:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Use lua constructors to push meta values

 data/pandoc.lua                       |  42 ++++++
 src/Text/Pandoc/Lua.hs                |   4 +-
 src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/StackInstances.hs | 178 +++++++++++++++++++++-----
 test/Tests/Lua.hs                     |   8 +-
 4 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/pandoc.lua b/data/pandoc.lua
index 8d4d89bcd..6e434d1e7 100644
--- a/data/pandoc.lua
+++ b/data/pandoc.lua
@@ -163,6 +163,48 @@ function M.Doc(blocks, meta)
+-- MetaValue
+-- @section MetaValue
+M.MetaValue = Element:make_subtype{}
+M.MetaValue.__call = function(t, ...)
+  return t:new(...)
+--- Meta blocks
+-- @function MetaBlocks
+-- @tparam {Block,...} blocks blocks
+--- Meta inlines
+-- @function MetaInlines
+-- @tparam {Inline,...} inlines inlines
+--- Meta list
+-- @function MetaList
+-- @tparam {MetaValue,...} meta_values list of meta values
+--- Meta boolean
+-- @function MetaBool
+-- @tparam boolean bool boolean value
+--- Meta map
+-- @function MetaMap
+-- @tparam table a string-index map of meta values
+--- Meta string
+-- @function MetaString
+-- @tparam string str string value
+M.meta_value_types = {
+  "MetaBlocks",
+  "MetaBool",
+  "MetaInlines",
+  "MetaList",
+  "MetaMap",
+  "MetaString"
+for i = 1, #M.meta_value_types do
+  M[M.meta_value_types[i]] = M.MetaValue:create_constructor(
+    M.meta_value_types[i],
+    function(content)
+      return {c = content}
+    end
+  )
 --- Inline element class
 -- @type Inline
 M.Inline = Element:make_subtype{}
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua.hs
index ccd820682..95bc1ef35 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua.hs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Pandoc lua utils.
-module Text.Pandoc.Lua ( runLuaFilter ) where
+module Text.Pandoc.Lua ( runLuaFilter, pushPandocModule ) where
 import Control.Monad ( (>=>), when )
 import Control.Monad.Trans ( MonadIO(..) )
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import Data.Text.Encoding ( decodeUtf8 )
 import Scripting.Lua ( LuaState, StackValue(..) )
 import Scripting.Lua.Aeson ( newstate )
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition ( Block(..), Inline(..), Pandoc(..) )
-import Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocModule
+import Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocModule ( pushPandocModule )
 import Text.Pandoc.Lua.StackInstances ()
 import Text.Pandoc.Walk
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/StackInstances.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/StackInstances.hs
index 690557788..5387f94e5 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/StackInstances.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/StackInstances.hs
@@ -35,16 +35,19 @@ StackValue instances for pandoc types.
 module Text.Pandoc.Lua.StackInstances () where
+import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) )
 import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), Result(..), Value, fromJSON )
 import Scripting.Lua
   ( LTYPE(..), LuaState, StackValue(..)
-  , gettable, newtable, pop, rawgeti, rawset, rawseti, settable
+  , call, getglobal2, gettable, ltype, newtable, next, objlen
+  , pop, pushnil, rawgeti, rawset, rawseti, settable
 import Scripting.Lua.Aeson ()
 import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-  ( Block(..), Inline(..), Meta(..), Pandoc(..)
+  ( Block(..), Inline(..), Meta(..), MetaValue(..), Pandoc(..)
   , Citation(..), CitationMode(..), Format(..), MathType(..), QuoteType(..) )
+import qualified Data.Map as M
 import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
 maybeFromJson :: (FromJSON a) => Maybe Value -> Maybe a
@@ -55,8 +58,8 @@ maybeFromJson mv = fromJSON <$> mv >>= \case
 instance StackValue Pandoc where
   push lua (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
     newtable lua
-    setField lua (-1) "blocks" blocks
-    setField lua (-1) "meta"   meta
+    addKeyValue lua "blocks" blocks
+    addKeyValue lua "meta"   meta
   peek lua idx = do
     blocks <- getField lua idx "blocks"
     meta   <- getField lua idx "meta"
@@ -64,10 +67,58 @@ instance StackValue Pandoc where
   valuetype _ = TTABLE
 instance StackValue Meta where
-  push lua = push lua . toJSON
-  peek lua = fmap maybeFromJson . peek lua
+  push lua (Meta mmap) = push lua mmap
+  peek lua idx = fmap Meta <$> peek lua idx
   valuetype _ = TTABLE
+instance StackValue MetaValue where
+  push lua = \case
+    MetaBlocks blcks  -> pushViaConstructor lua "MetaBlocks" blcks
+    MetaBool b        -> pushViaConstructor lua "MetaBool" b
+    MetaInlines inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "MetaInlines" inlns
+    MetaList metalist -> pushViaConstructor lua "MetaList" metalist
+    MetaMap metamap   -> pushViaConstructor lua "MetaMap" metamap
+    MetaString cs     -> pushViaConstructor lua "MetaString" cs
+  peek lua idx = do
+    luatype <- ltype lua idx
+    case luatype of
+      TBOOLEAN -> fmap MetaBool <$> peek lua idx
+      TSTRING  -> fmap MetaString <$> peek lua idx
+      TTABLE   -> do
+        tag <- push lua "t"
+               *> gettable lua (idx `adjustIndexBy` 1)
+               *> peek lua (-1)
+               <* pop lua 1
+        case tag of
+          Just "MetaBlocks"  -> fmap MetaBlocks  <$> peekContent lua idx
+          Just "MetaBool"    -> fmap MetaBool    <$> peekContent lua idx
+          Just "MetaMap"     -> fmap MetaMap     <$> peekContent lua idx
+          Just "MetaInlines" -> fmap MetaInlines <$> peekContent lua idx
+          Just "MetaList"    -> fmap MetaList    <$> peekContent lua idx
+          Just "MetaString"  -> fmap MetaString  <$> peekContent lua idx
+          Nothing -> do
+            len <- objlen lua idx
+            if len <= 0
+              then fmap MetaMap <$> peek lua idx
+              else  (fmap MetaInlines <$> peek lua idx)
+                    <|> (fmap MetaBlocks <$> peek lua idx)
+                    <|> (fmap MetaList <$> peek lua idx)
+          _        -> return Nothing
+      _        -> return Nothing
+  valuetype = \case
+    MetaBlocks _  -> TTABLE
+    MetaBool _    -> TBOOLEAN
+    MetaInlines _ -> TTABLE
+    MetaList _    -> TTABLE
+    MetaMap _     -> TTABLE
+    MetaString _  -> TSTRING
+peekContent :: StackValue a => LuaState -> Int -> IO (Maybe a)
+peekContent lua idx = do
+  push lua "c"
+  gettable lua (idx `adjustIndexBy` 1)
+  peek lua (-1) <* pop lua 1
 instance StackValue Block where
   push lua = \case
     BlockQuote blcks  -> pushTagged  lua "BlockQuote" blcks
@@ -77,6 +128,7 @@ instance StackValue Block where
     Null              -> pushTagged' lua "Null"
     Para blcks        -> pushTagged  lua "Para" blcks
     Plain blcks       -> pushTagged  lua "Plain" blcks
+    RawBlock f cs     -> pushTagged  lua "RawBlock" (f, cs)
     -- fall back to conversion via aeson's Value
     x                 -> push lua (toJSON x)
   peek lua i = peekBlock lua i
@@ -109,12 +161,12 @@ instance StackValue Inline where
 instance StackValue Citation where
   push lua c = do
     newtable lua
-    setField lua (-1) "citationId" (citationId c)
-    setField lua (-1) "citationPrefix" (citationPrefix c)
-    setField lua (-1) "citationSuffix" (citationSuffix c)
-    setField lua (-1) "citationMode" (citationMode c)
-    setField lua (-1) "citationNoteNum" (citationNoteNum c)
-    setField lua (-1) "citationHash" (citationHash c)
+    addKeyValue lua "citationId" (citationId c)
+    addKeyValue lua "citationPrefix" (citationPrefix c)
+    addKeyValue lua "citationSuffix" (citationSuffix c)
+    addKeyValue lua "citationMode" (citationMode c)
+    addKeyValue lua "citationNoteNum" (citationNoteNum c)
+    addKeyValue lua "citationHash" (citationHash c)
   peek lua idx = do
     id' <- getField lua idx "citationId"
     prefix <- getField lua idx "citationPrefix"
@@ -186,11 +238,11 @@ instance StackValue [Char] where
 instance (StackValue a, StackValue b) => StackValue (a, b) where
   push lua (a, b) = do
     newtable lua
-    setIntField lua (-1) 1 a
-    setIntField lua (-1) 2 b
+    addIndexedValue lua 1 a
+    addIndexedValue lua 2 b
   peek lua idx = do
-    a <- getIntField lua idx 1
-    b <- getIntField lua idx 2
+    a <- getIndexedValue lua idx 1
+    b <- getIndexedValue lua idx 2
     return $ (,) <$> a <*> b
   valuetype _ = TTABLE
@@ -199,24 +251,82 @@ instance (StackValue a, StackValue b, StackValue c) =>
   push lua (a, b, c) = do
     newtable lua
-    setIntField lua (-1) 1 a
-    setIntField lua (-1) 2 b
-    setIntField lua (-1) 3 c
+    addIndexedValue lua 1 a
+    addIndexedValue lua 2 b
+    addIndexedValue lua 3 c
   peek lua idx = do
-    a <- getIntField lua idx 1
-    b <- getIntField lua idx 2
-    c <- getIntField lua idx 3
+    a <- getIndexedValue lua idx 1
+    b <- getIndexedValue lua idx 2
+    c <- getIndexedValue lua idx 3
     return $ (,,) <$> a <*> b <*> c
   valuetype _ = TTABLE
+instance (Ord a, StackValue a, StackValue b) =>
+         StackValue (M.Map a b) where
+  push lua m = do
+    newtable lua
+    mapM_ (uncurry $ addKeyValue lua) $ M.toList m
+  peek lua idx = fmap M.fromList <$> keyValuePairs lua idx
+  valuetype _ = TTABLE
+-- | Try reading the value under the given index as a list of key-value pairs.
+keyValuePairs :: (StackValue a, StackValue b)
+         => LuaState -> Int -> IO (Maybe [(a, b)])
+keyValuePairs lua idx = do
+  pushnil lua
+  sequence <$> remainingPairs
+ where
+  remainingPairs = do
+    res <- nextPair
+    case res of
+      Nothing -> return []
+      Just a  -> (a:) <$> remainingPairs
+  nextPair :: (StackValue a, StackValue b) => IO (Maybe (Maybe (a,b)))
+  nextPair = do
+    hasNext <- next lua (idx `adjustIndexBy` 1)
+    if hasNext
+      then do
+        val <- peek lua (-1)
+        key <- peek lua (-2)
+        pop lua 1 -- removes the value, keeps the key
+        return $ Just <$> ((,) <$> key <*> val)
+      else do
+        return Nothing
+-- | Helper class for pushing a single value to the stack via a lua function.
+-- See @pushViaCall@.
+class PushViaCall a where
+  pushViaCall' :: LuaState -> String -> IO () -> Int -> a
+instance PushViaCall (IO ()) where
+  pushViaCall' lua fn pushArgs num = do
+    getglobal2 lua fn
+    pushArgs
+    call lua num 1
+instance (StackValue a, PushViaCall b) => PushViaCall (a -> b) where
+  pushViaCall' lua fn pushArgs num x =
+    pushViaCall' lua fn (pushArgs *> push lua x) (num + 1)
+-- | Push an value to the stack via a lua function. The lua function is called
+-- with all arguments that are passed to this function and is expected to return
+-- a single value.
+pushViaCall :: PushViaCall a => LuaState -> String -> a
+pushViaCall lua fn = pushViaCall' lua fn (return ()) 0
+-- | Call a pandoc element constructor within lua, passing all given arguments.
+pushViaConstructor :: PushViaCall a => LuaState -> String -> a
+pushViaConstructor lua pandocFn = pushViaCall lua ("pandoc." ++ pandocFn)
 -- | Push a value to the lua stack, tagged with a given string. This currently
 -- creates a structure equivalent to what the JSONified value would look like
 -- when pushed to lua.
 pushTagged :: StackValue a => LuaState -> String -> a -> IO ()
 pushTagged lua tag value = do
   newtable lua
-  setField lua (-1) "t" tag
-  setField lua (-1) "c" value
+  addKeyValue lua "t" tag
+  addKeyValue lua "c" value
 pushTagged' :: LuaState -> String -> IO ()
 pushTagged' lua tag = do
@@ -296,21 +406,29 @@ getField lua idx key = do
   peek lua (-1) <* pop lua 1
 -- | Set value for key for table at the given index
-setField :: (StackValue a, StackValue b) => LuaState -> Int -> a -> b -> IO ()
-setField lua idx key value = do
+setKeyValue :: (StackValue a, StackValue b) => LuaState -> Int -> a -> b -> IO ()
+setKeyValue lua idx key value = do
   push lua key
   push lua value
   settable lua (idx `adjustIndexBy` 2)
+-- | Add a key-value pair to the table at the top of the stack
+addKeyValue :: (StackValue a, StackValue b) => LuaState -> a -> b -> IO ()
+addKeyValue lua = setKeyValue lua (-1)
 -- | Get value behind key from table at given index.
-getIntField :: StackValue a => LuaState -> Int -> Int -> IO (Maybe a)
-getIntField lua idx key =
+getIndexedValue :: StackValue a => LuaState -> Int -> Int -> IO (Maybe a)
+getIndexedValue lua idx key =
   rawgeti lua idx key
   *> peek lua (-1)
   <* pop lua 1
 -- | Set numeric key/value in table at the given index
-setIntField :: StackValue a => LuaState -> Int -> Int -> a -> IO ()
-setIntField lua idx key value = do
+setIndexedValue :: StackValue a => LuaState -> Int -> Int -> a -> IO ()
+setIndexedValue lua idx key value = do
   push lua value
   rawseti lua (idx `adjustIndexBy` 1) key
+-- | Set numeric key/value in table at the top of the stack.
+addIndexedValue :: StackValue a => LuaState -> Int -> a -> IO ()
+addIndexedValue lua = setIndexedValue lua (-1)
diff --git a/test/Tests/Lua.hs b/test/Tests/Lua.hs
index 64c35b298..4196ff4b7 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Lua.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Lua.hs
@@ -64,10 +64,14 @@ roundtripEqual x = (x ==) <$> roundtripped
   roundtripped :: (Lua.StackValue a) => IO a
   roundtripped = do
     lua <- Lua.newstate
+    Lua.openlibs lua
+    pushPandocModule lua
+    Lua.setglobal lua "pandoc"
+    oldSize <- Lua.gettop lua
     Lua.push lua x
     size <- Lua.gettop lua
-    when (size /= 1) $
-      error ("not exactly one element on the stack: " ++ show size)
+    when ((size - oldSize) /= 1) $
+      error ("not exactly one additional element on the stack: " ++ show size)
     res <- Lua.peek lua (-1)
     retval <- case res of
                 Nothing -> error "could not read from stack"