Update man page.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 133 additions and 203 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
.TH PANDOC 1 "January 7, 2018" "pandoc 2.1"
.TH PANDOC 1 "January 7, 2018" "pandoc 2.1.1"
pandoc - general markup converter
@ -307,28 +307,16 @@ If this option is not specified, the default user data directory will be
This is, in UNIX:
in Windows XP:
C:\\Documents\ And\ Settings\\USERNAME\\Application\ Data\\pandoc
C:And SettingsData
and in Windows Vista or later:
You can find the default user data directory on your system by looking
at the output of \f[C]pandoc\ \-\-version\f[].
@ -343,12 +331,8 @@ Generate a bash completion script.
To enable bash completion with pandoc, add this to your
\ eval\ "$(pandoc\ \-\-bash\-completion)"
eval "$(pandoc \-\-bash\-completion)"
.B \f[C]\-\-verbose\f[]
@ -462,20 +446,12 @@ The name of the output format will be passed to the filter as the first
pandoc\ \-\-filter\ ./caps.py\ \-t\ latex
pandoc \-\-filter ./caps.py \-t latex
is equivalent to
pandoc\ \-t\ json\ |\ ./caps.py\ latex\ |\ pandoc\ \-f\ json\ \-t\ latex
pandoc \-t json | ./caps.py latex | pandoc \-f json \-t latex
The latter form may be useful for debugging filters.
@ -517,20 +493,12 @@ creation.
It is always loaded into the script\[aq]s lua environment.
The following is an example lua script for macro\-expansion:
function\ expand_hello_world(inline)
\ \ if\ inline.c\ ==\ \[aq]{{helloworld}}\[aq]\ then
\ \ \ \ return\ pandoc.Emph{\ pandoc.Str\ "Hello,\ World"\ }
\ \ else
\ \ \ \ return\ inline
\ \ end
return\ {{Str\ =\ expand_hello_world}}
function expand_hello_world(inline) if inline.c ==
\[aq]{{helloworld}}\[aq] then return pandoc.Emph{ pandoc.Str "Hello,
World" } else return inline end end
return {{Str = expand_hello_world}}
.B \f[C]\-M\f[] \f[I]KEY\f[][\f[C]=\f[]\f[I]VAL\f[]], \f[C]\-\-metadata=\f[]\f[I]KEY\f[][\f[C]:\f[]\f[I]VAL\f[]]
@ -1010,6 +978,7 @@ for a file \f[C]reference.docx\f[] in the user data directory (see
If this is not found either, sensible defaults will be used.
To produce a custom \f[C]reference.docx\f[], first get a copy of the
default \f[C]reference.docx\f[]:
@ -1025,7 +994,6 @@ Definition Term, Definition, Caption, Table Caption, Image Caption,
Figure, Captioned Figure, TOC Heading; [character] Default Paragraph
Font, Body Text Char, Verbatim Char, Footnote Reference, Hyperlink;
[table] Table.
For best results, the reference ODT should be a modified version of an
@ -1037,6 +1005,7 @@ for a file \f[C]reference.odt\f[] in the user data directory (see
If this is not found either, sensible defaults will be used.
To produce a custom \f[C]reference.odt\f[], first get a copy of the
default \f[C]reference.odt\f[]:
@ -1044,7 +1013,6 @@ default \f[C]reference.odt\f[]:
Then open \f[C]custom\-reference.odt\f[] in LibreOffice, modify the
styles as you wish, and save the file.
.B \f[C]\-\-epub\-cover\-image=\f[]\f[I]FILE\f[]
Use the specified image as the EPUB cover.
@ -1061,13 +1029,8 @@ Look in the specified XML file for metadata for the EPUB.
The file should contain a series of Dublin Core elements.
For example:
\ <dc:rights>Creative\ Commons</dc:rights>
\ <dc:language>es\-AR</dc:language>
Creative Commons es\-AR
By default, pandoc will include the following metadata elements:
\f[C]<dc:title>\f[] (from the document title), \f[C]<dc:creator>\f[]
@ -1092,36 +1055,16 @@ being interpreted by the shell.
To use the embedded fonts, you will need to add declarations like the
following to your CSS (see \f[C]\-\-css\f[]):
\@font\-face\ {
font\-family:\ DejaVuSans;
font\-style:\ normal;
font\-weight:\ normal;
\@font\-face\ {
font\-family:\ DejaVuSans;
font\-style:\ normal;
font\-weight:\ bold;
\@font\-face\ {
font\-family:\ DejaVuSans;
font\-style:\ italic;
font\-weight:\ normal;
\@font\-face\ {
font\-family:\ DejaVuSans;
font\-style:\ italic;
font\-weight:\ bold;
body\ {\ font\-family:\ "DejaVuSans";\ }
\@font\-face { font\-family: DejaVuSans; font\-style: normal;
font\-weight: normal; src:url("DejaVuSans\-Regular.ttf"); } \@font\-face
{ font\-family: DejaVuSans; font\-style: normal; font\-weight: bold;
src:url("DejaVuSans\-Bold.ttf"); } \@font\-face { font\-family:
DejaVuSans; font\-style: italic; font\-weight: normal;
src:url("DejaVuSans\-Oblique.ttf"); } \@font\-face { font\-family:
DejaVuSans; font\-style: italic; font\-weight: bold;
src:url("DejaVuSans\-BoldOblique.ttf"); } body { font\-family:
"DejaVuSans"; }
.B \f[C]\-\-epub\-chapter\-level=\f[]\f[I]NUMBER\f[]
@ -1306,14 +1249,10 @@ The resulting HTML can then be processed by gladTeX to produce images of
the typeset formulas and an HTML file with links to these images.
So, the procedure is:
pandoc\ \-s\ \-\-gladtex\ input.md\ \-o\ myfile.htex
gladtex\ \-d\ myfile\-images\ myfile.htex
#\ produces\ myfile.html\ and\ images\ in\ myfile\-images
pandoc \-s \-\-gladtex input.md \-o myfile.htex gladtex \-d
myfile\-images myfile.htex # produces myfile.html and images in
.B \f[C]\-\-mimetex\f[][\f[C]=\f[]\f[I]URL\f[]]
@ -1346,20 +1285,12 @@ Ignore command\-line arguments (for use in wrapper scripts).
Regular pandoc options are not ignored.
Thus, for example,
pandoc\ \-\-ignore\-args\ \-o\ foo.html\ \-s\ foo.txt\ \-\-\ \-e\ latin1
pandoc \-\-ignore\-args \-o foo.html \-s foo.txt \-\- \-e latin1
is equivalent to
pandoc\ \-o\ foo.html\ \-s
pandoc \-o foo.html \-s
@ -1413,18 +1344,13 @@ source and destination filenames, as given on the command line.
files, or empty if input is from stdin.
You can use the following snippet in your template to distinguish them:
\f[I]e\f[]\f[I]l\f[]\f[I]s\f[]\f[I]e\f[] (stdin)
Similarly, \f[C]outputfile\f[] can be \f[C]\-\f[] if output goes to the
@ -1436,16 +1362,6 @@ Included in PDF metadata through LaTeX and ConTeXt.
These can be set through a pandoc title block, which allows for multiple
authors, or through a YAML metadata block:
\-\ Aristotle
\-\ Peter\ Abelard
.B \f[C]subtitle\f[]
@ -1487,7 +1403,7 @@ specified
.B \f[C]toc\-title\f[]
title of table of contents (works only with EPUB, opendocument, odt,
docx, pptx)
@ -1524,23 +1440,12 @@ stored in the additional variables \f[C]babel\-lang\f[],
\f[C]polyglossia\-lang\f[] (LaTeX) and \f[C]context\-lang\f[] (ConTeXt).
Native pandoc \f[C]span\f[]s and \f[C]div\f[]s with the lang attribute
(value in BCP 47) can be used to switch the language in that range.
.B \f[C]otherlangs\f[]
a list of other languages used in the document in the YAML metadata,
according to BCP 47.
For example: \f[C]otherlangs:\ [en\-GB,\ fr]\f[].
This is automatically generated from the \f[C]lang\f[] attributes in all
\f[C]span\f[]s and \f[C]div\f[]s but can be overridden.
Currently only used by LaTeX through the generated
\f[C]babel\-otherlangs\f[] and \f[C]polyglossia\-otherlangs\f[]
The LaTeX writer outputs polyglossia commands in the text but the
\f[C]babel\-newcommands\f[] variable contains mappings for them to the
corresponding babel.
Native pandoc Spans and Divs with the lang attribute (value in BCP 47)
can be used to switch the language in that range.
In LaTeX output, \f[C]babel\-otherlangs\f[] and
\f[C]polyglossia\-otherlangs\f[] variables will be generated
automatically based on the \f[C]lang\f[] attributes of Spans and Divs in
the document.
.B \f[C]dir\f[]
@ -2360,6 +2265,12 @@ to Emacs Muse markup.
Some aspects of Pandoc\[aq]s Markdown citation syntax are also accepted
in \f[C]org\f[] input.
.SS Extension: \f[C]ntb\f[]
In the \f[C]context\f[] output format this enables the use of Natural
Tables (TABLE) instead of the default Extreme Tables (xtables).
Natural tables allow more fine\-grained global customization but come at
a performance penalty compared to extreme tables.
Pandoc understands an extended and slightly revised version of John
@ -2677,9 +2588,9 @@ For example,
\ \ \ \ if\ (a\ >\ 3)\ {
\ \ \ \ \ \ moveShip(5\ *\ gravity,\ DOWN);
\ \ \ \ }
if\ (a\ >\ 3)\ {
\ \ moveShip(5\ *\ gravity,\ DOWN);
@ -2736,7 +2647,7 @@ using this syntax:
~~~~\ {#mycode\ .haskell\ .numberLines\ startFrom="100"}
qsort\ []\ \ \ \ \ =\ []
qsort\ (x:xs)\ =\ qsort\ (filter\ (<\ x)\ xs)\ ++\ [x]\ ++
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ qsort\ (filter\ (>=\ x)\ xs)
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ qsort\ (filter\ (>=\ x)\ xs)
@ -2898,12 +2809,12 @@ marker.
\ \ *\ First\ paragraph.
\ \ \ \ Continued.
\ \ *\ Second\ paragraph.\ With\ a\ code\ block,\ which\ must\ be\ indented
\ \ \ \ eight\ spaces:
eight\ spaces:
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {\ code\ }
\ \ \ \ {\ code\ }
@ -2929,8 +2840,8 @@ character after the list marker of the containing list item.
*\ fruits
\ \ +\ apples
\ \ \ \ \-\ macintosh
\ \ \ \ \-\ red\ delicious
\-\ macintosh
\-\ red\ delicious
\ \ +\ pears
\ \ +\ peaches
*\ vegetables
@ -2952,7 +2863,7 @@ item.
+\ Another\ one;\ this\ looks
bad\ but\ is\ legal.
\ \ \ \ Second\ paragraph\ of\ second
Second\ paragraph\ of\ second
list\ item.
@ -3017,9 +2928,9 @@ numerals:
\ 9)\ \ Ninth
10)\ \ Tenth
11)\ \ Eleventh
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ i.\ subone
\ \ \ \ \ \ ii.\ subtwo
\ \ \ \ \ iii.\ subthree
\ \ \ i.\ subone
\ \ ii.\ subtwo
\ iii.\ subthree
@ -3061,9 +2972,9 @@ Term\ 2\ with\ *inline\ markup*
:\ \ \ Definition\ 2
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {\ some\ code,\ part\ of\ Definition\ 2\ }
\ \ \ \ {\ some\ code,\ part\ of\ Definition\ 2\ }
\ \ \ \ Third\ paragraph\ of\ definition\ 2.
Third\ paragraph\ of\ definition\ 2.
@ -3087,7 +2998,7 @@ Term\ 1
:\ \ \ Definition
with\ lazy\ continuation.
\ \ \ \ Second\ paragraph\ of\ the\ definition.
Second\ paragraph\ of\ the\ definition.
@ -3165,9 +3076,9 @@ Consider this source:
+\ \ \ First
+\ \ \ Second:
\ \ \ \ \-\ \ \ Fee
\ \ \ \ \-\ \ \ Fie
\ \ \ \ \-\ \ \ Foe
\-\ \ \ Fee
\-\ \ \ Fie
\-\ \ \ Foe
+\ \ \ Third
@ -3196,7 +3107,7 @@ What if you want to put an indented code block after a list?
\-\ \ \ item\ one
\-\ \ \ item\ two
\ \ \ \ {\ my\ code\ block\ }
{\ my\ code\ block\ }
@ -3215,7 +3126,7 @@ any format:
<!\-\-\ end\ of\ list\ \-\->
\ \ \ \ {\ my\ code\ block\ }
{\ my\ code\ block\ }
@ -3270,9 +3181,9 @@ Simple tables look like this:
\ \ Right\ \ \ \ \ Left\ \ \ \ \ Center\ \ \ \ \ Default
\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \ \ \ \ \-\-\-\-\-\-\ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \ \ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-
\ \ \ \ \ 12\ \ \ \ \ 12\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 12\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 12
\ \ \ \ 123\ \ \ \ \ 123\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 123\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 123
\ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1
\ 12\ \ \ \ \ 12\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 12\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 12
123\ \ \ \ \ 123\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 123\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 123
\ \ 1\ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1
Table:\ \ Demonstration\ of\ simple\ table\ syntax.
@ -3304,9 +3215,9 @@ For example:
\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \ \ \ \ \-\-\-\-\-\-\ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \ \ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-
\ \ \ \ \ 12\ \ \ \ \ 12\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 12\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 12
\ \ \ \ 123\ \ \ \ \ 123\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 123\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 123
\ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1
\ 12\ \ \ \ \ 12\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 12\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 12
123\ \ \ \ \ 123\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 123\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 123
\ \ 1\ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1
\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \ \ \ \ \-\-\-\-\-\-\ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \ \ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-
@ -3329,11 +3240,11 @@ Here is an example:
\ \ Header\ \ \ \ Aligned\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Aligned\ Aligned
\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
\ \ \ First\ \ \ \ row\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 12.0\ Example\ of\ a\ row\ that
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ spans\ multiple\ lines.
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ spans\ multiple\ lines.
\ \ Second\ \ \ \ row\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 5.0\ Here\[aq]s\ another\ one.\ Note
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ the\ blank\ line\ between
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rows.
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ the\ blank\ line\ between
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rows.
Table:\ Here\[aq]s\ the\ caption.\ It,\ too,\ may\ span
@ -3362,11 +3273,11 @@ Headers may be omitted in multiline tables as well as simple tables:
\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
\ \ \ First\ \ \ \ row\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 12.0\ Example\ of\ a\ row\ that
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ spans\ multiple\ lines.
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ spans\ multiple\ lines.
\ \ Second\ \ \ \ row\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 5.0\ Here\[aq]s\ another\ one.\ Note
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ the\ blank\ line\ between
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rows.
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ the\ blank\ line\ between
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rows.
\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
:\ Here\[aq]s\ a\ multiline\ table\ without\ headers.
@ -3714,6 +3625,23 @@ $endif$
Raw content to include in the document\[aq]s header may be specified
using \f[C]header\-includes\f[]; however, it is important to mark up
this content as raw code for a particular output format, using the
\f[C]raw_attribute\f[] extension), or it will be interpreted as
For example:
\-\ ```{=latex}
\ \ \\let\\oldsection\\section
\ \ \\renewcommand{\\section}[1]{\\clearpage\\oldsection{#1}}
\ \ ```
.SS Backslash escapes
.SS Extension: \f[C]all_symbols_escapable\f[]
@ -4157,13 +4085,15 @@ $\\tuple{a,\ b,\ c}$
In LaTeX output, the macro definitions will not be passed through as raw
Note that LaTeX macros will not be applied if they occur inside inside a
raw span or block marked with the \f[C]raw_attribute\f[] extension.
When \f[C]latex_macros\f[] is disabled, the macro definitions will be
passed through as raw LaTeX, and the raw LaTeX and math will not have
macros applied.
When \f[C]latex_macros\f[] is disabled, the raw LaTeX and math will not
have macros applied.
This is usually a better approach when you are targeting LaTeX or PDF.
Whether or not \f[C]latex_macros\f[] is enabled, the macro definitions
will still be passed through as raw LaTeX.
.SS Links
Markdown allows links to be specified in several ways.
@ -4359,7 +4289,7 @@ One way to do this is to insert a nonbreaking space after the image:
![This\ image\ won\[aq]t\ be\ a\ figure](/url/of/image.png)\\\
![This\ image\ won\[aq]t\ be\ a\ figure](/url/of/image.png)\\
@ -4501,14 +4431,14 @@ Here\ is\ a\ footnote\ reference,[^1]\ and\ another.[^longnote]
[^longnote]:\ Here\[aq]s\ one\ with\ multiple\ blocks.
\ \ \ \ Subsequent\ paragraphs\ are\ indented\ to\ show\ that\ they
Subsequent\ paragraphs\ are\ indented\ to\ show\ that\ they
belong\ to\ the\ previous\ footnote.
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {\ some.code\ }
\ \ \ \ {\ some.code\ }
\ \ \ \ The\ whole\ paragraph\ can\ be\ indented,\ or\ just\ the\ first
\ \ \ \ line.\ \ In\ this\ way,\ multi\-paragraph\ footnotes\ work\ like
\ \ \ \ multi\-paragraph\ list\ items.
The\ whole\ paragraph\ can\ be\ indented,\ or\ just\ the\ first
line.\ \ In\ this\ way,\ multi\-paragraph\ footnotes\ work\ like
multi\-paragraph\ list\ items.
This\ paragraph\ won\[aq]t\ be\ part\ of\ the\ note,\ because\ it
isn\[aq]t\ indented.
@ -4687,16 +4617,16 @@ references:
\ \ id:\ WatsonCrick1953
\ \ author:
\ \ \-\ family:\ Watson
\ \ \ \ given:\ J.\ D.
given:\ J.\ D.
\ \ \-\ family:\ Crick
\ \ \ \ given:\ F.\ H.\ C.
given:\ F.\ H.\ C.
\ \ issued:
\ \ \ \ date\-parts:
\ \ \ \ \-\ \-\ 1953
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ 4
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ 25
\-\ \-\ 1953
\ \ \-\ 4
\ \ \-\ 25
\ \ title:\ \[aq]Molecular\ structure\ of\ nucleic\ acids:\ a\ structure\ for\ deoxyribose
\ \ \ \ nucleic\ acid\[aq]
nucleic\ acid\[aq]
\ \ title\-short:\ Molecular\ structure\ of\ nucleic\ acids
\ \ container\-title:\ Nature
\ \ volume:\ 171
@ -4926,7 +4856,7 @@ Title:\ \ \ My\ title
Author:\ \ John\ Doe
Date:\ \ \ \ September\ 1,\ 2008
Comment:\ This\ is\ a\ sample\ mmd\ title\ block,\ with
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a\ field\ spanning\ multiple\ lines.
\ \ \ \ \ a\ field\ spanning\ multiple\ lines.
@ -4962,7 +4892,7 @@ extension.
This\ is\ a\ reference\ ![image][ref]\ with\ multimarkdown\ attributes.
[ref]:\ http://path.to/image\ "Image\ title"\ width=20px\ height=30px
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ id=myId\ class="myClass1\ myClass2"
\ \ \ id=myId\ class="myClass1\ myClass2"
.SS Extension: \f[C]mmd_header_identifiers\f[]
@ -5495,7 +5425,7 @@ For example:
<audio\ controls="1">
\ \ <source\ src="http://example.com/music/toccata.mp3"
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ data\-external="1"\ type="audio/mpeg">
\ \ \ \ \ \ data\-external="1"\ type="audio/mpeg">
\ \ </source>
Add table
Reference in a new issue