Docx writer: fix alignment for cells.
This fixes a regression introduced with the in the colspan/rowspan changes that caused column alignments to be ignored. The column alignment is used only if a default alignment is specified at the cell level; otherwise the cell-level alignment takes precedence.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 20 additions and 14 deletions
@ -38,13 +38,14 @@ tableToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML gridTable = do
let (Caption _maybeShortCaption captionBlocks) = caption
let captionStr = stringify captionBlocks
let aligns = map fst $ elems colspecs
captionXml <- if null captionBlocks
then return []
else withParaPropM (pStyleM "Table Caption")
$ blocksToOpenXML captionBlocks
head' <- cellGridToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML HeadRow thead
bodies <- mapM (cellGridToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML BodyRow) tbodies
foot' <- cellGridToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML FootRow tfoot
head' <- cellGridToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML HeadRow aligns thead
bodies <- mapM (cellGridToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML BodyRow aligns) tbodies
foot' <- cellGridToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML FootRow aligns tfoot
let hasHeader = not . null . indices . partRowAttrs $ thead
let hasFooter = not . null . indices . partRowAttrs $ tfoot
@ -110,12 +111,14 @@ tableLayout specs =
cellGridToOpenXML :: PandocMonad m
=> ([Block] -> WS m [Content])
-> RowType
-> [Alignment]
-> Part
-> WS m [Element]
cellGridToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML rowType part@(Part _ _ rowAttrs) =
cellGridToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML rowType aligns part@(Part _ _ rowAttrs) =
if null (indices rowAttrs)
then return mempty
else mapM (rowToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML) $ partToRows rowType part
else mapM (rowToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML) $
partToRows rowType aligns part
data OOXMLCell
= OOXMLCell Attr Alignment RowSpan ColSpan [Block]
@ -123,13 +126,17 @@ data OOXMLCell
data OOXMLRow = OOXMLRow RowType Attr [OOXMLCell]
partToRows :: RowType -> Part -> [OOXMLRow]
partToRows rowType part =
partToRows :: RowType -> [Alignment] -> Part -> [OOXMLRow]
partToRows rowType aligns part =
toOOXMLCell :: RowIndex -> ColIndex -> GridCell -> [OOXMLCell]
toOOXMLCell ridx cidx = \case
toOOXMLCell :: Alignment -> RowIndex -> ColIndex -> GridCell -> [OOXMLCell]
toOOXMLCell columnAlign ridx cidx = \case
ContentCell attr align rowspan colspan blocks ->
[OOXMLCell attr align rowspan colspan blocks]
-- Respect non-default, cell specific alignment.
let align' = case align of
AlignDefault -> columnAlign
_ -> align
in [OOXMLCell attr align' rowspan colspan blocks]
ContinuationCell idx'@(ridx',cidx') | ridx /= ridx', cidx == cidx' ->
case (partCellArray part)!idx' of
(ContentCell _ _ _ colspan _) -> [OOXMLCellMerge colspan]
@ -138,7 +145,9 @@ partToRows rowType part =
_ -> mempty
mkRow :: (RowIndex, Attr) -> OOXMLRow
mkRow (ridx, attr) = OOXMLRow rowType attr
. concatMap (uncurry $ toOOXMLCell ridx)
. mconcat
. zipWith (\align -> uncurry $ toOOXMLCell align ridx)
. assocs
. rowArray ridx
$ partCellArray part
@ -155,9 +164,6 @@ rowToOpenXML blocksToOpenXML (OOXMLRow rowType _attr cells) = do
[mknode "w:tblHeader" [("w:val", "true")] ()] :)
BodyRow -> id
FootRow -> id
-- let align' = case align of
-- AlignDefault -> colAlign
-- _ -> align
return $ mknode "w:tr" [] (addTrPr xmlcells)
ooxmlCellToOpenXML :: PandocMonad m
Add table
Reference in a new issue