Docx writer: Continue lists after interruption.
Docx expects that lists will continue where they left off after an interruption and introduces a new id if a list is starting again. So we keep track of the state of lists and use them to define a "start" attribute, if necessary. Closes #4025
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 22 additions and 15 deletions
@ -121,6 +121,9 @@ data DState = DState { docxAnchorMap :: M.Map String String
, docxMediaBag :: MediaBag
, docxDropCap :: Inlines
, docxWarnings :: [String]
-- keep track of (numId, lvl) values for
-- restarting
, docxListState :: M.Map (String, String) Integer
instance Default DState where
@ -128,6 +131,7 @@ instance Default DState where
, docxMediaBag = mempty
, docxDropCap = mempty
, docxWarnings = []
, docxListState = M.empty
data DEnv = DEnv { docxOptions :: ReaderOptions
@ -539,22 +543,25 @@ bodyPartToBlocks (Paragraph pPr parparts)
then return mempty
else return $ parStyleToTransform pPr $ para ils'
bodyPartToBlocks (ListItem pPr numId lvl (Just levelInfo) parparts) = do
kvs = case levelInfo of
(_, fmt, txt, Just start) -> [ ("level", lvl)
, ("num-id", numId)
, ("format", fmt)
, ("text", txt)
, ("start", show start)
(_, fmt, txt, Nothing) -> [ ("level", lvl)
, ("num-id", numId)
, ("format", fmt)
, ("text", txt)
-- We check whether this current numId has previously been used,
-- since Docx expects us to pick up where we left off.
listState <- gets docxListState
let startFromState = M.lookup (numId, lvl) listState
(_, fmt,txt, startFromLevelInfo) = levelInfo
start = case startFromState of
Just n -> n + 1
Nothing -> case startFromLevelInfo of
Just n' -> n'
Nothing -> 1
kvs = [ ("level", lvl)
, ("num-id", numId)
, ("format", fmt)
, ("text", txt)
, ("start", show start)
modify $ \st -> st{ docxListState = M.insert (numId, lvl) start listState}
blks <- bodyPartToBlocks (Paragraph pPr parparts)
return $ divWith ("", ["list-item"], kvs) blks
return $ divWith ("", ["list-item"], kvs) blks
bodyPartToBlocks (ListItem pPr _ _ _ parparts) =
let pPr' = pPr {pStyle = "ListParagraph": pStyle pPr}
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