Change notes to a smaller size.
This will allow more to fit on a single slide, and will probably look better.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 22 additions and 5 deletions
@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ data WriterEnv = WriterEnv { envMetadata :: Meta
, envPresentationSize :: PresentationSize
, envSlideHasHeader :: Bool
, envInList :: Bool
, envInNoteSlide :: Bool
deriving (Show)
@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ instance Default WriterEnv where
, envPresentationSize = def
, envSlideHasHeader = False
, envInList = False
, envInNoteSlide = False
data MediaInfo = MediaInfo { mInfoFilePath :: FilePath
@ -548,12 +550,18 @@ blocksToSlide' lvl ((Header n _ ils) : blks)
return $ TitleSlide {titleSlideHeader = hdr}
| n == lvl = do
hdr <- inlinesToParElems ils
shapes <- blocksToShapes blks
inNoteSlide <- asks envInNoteSlide
shapes <- if inNoteSlide
then forceFontSize noteSize $ blocksToShapes blks
else blocksToShapes blks
return $ ContentSlide { contentSlideHeader = hdr
, contentSlideContent = shapes
blocksToSlide' _ (blk : blks) = do
shapes <- blocksToShapes (blk : blks)
inNoteSlide <- asks envInNoteSlide
shapes <- if inNoteSlide
then forceFontSize noteSize $ blocksToShapes (blk : blks)
else blocksToShapes (blk : blks)
return $ ContentSlide { contentSlideHeader = []
, contentSlideContent = shapes
@ -574,6 +582,11 @@ makeNoteEntry n blks =
(Para ils : blks') -> (Para $ enum : Space : ils) : blks'
_ -> (Para [enum]) : blks
forceFontSize :: PandocMonad m => Pixels -> P m a -> P m a
forceFontSize px x = do
rpr <- asks envRunProps
local (\r -> r {envRunProps = rpr{rPropForceSize = Just px}}) x
-- Right now, there's no logic for making more than one slide, but I
-- want to leave the option open to make multiple slides if we figure
-- out how to guess at how much space the text of the notes will take
@ -582,13 +595,14 @@ makeNoteEntry n blks =
-- `blocksToPresentation` function (since we can just add an empty
-- list without checking the state).
makeNotesSlides :: PandocMonad m => P m [Slide]
makeNotesSlides = do
makeNotesSlides = local (\env -> env{envInNoteSlide=True}) $ do
noteIds <- gets stNoteIds
if M.null noteIds
then return []
else do let hdr = Header 2 nullAttr [Str "Notes"]
blks = concatMap (\(n, bs) -> makeNoteEntry n bs) $
M.toList noteIds
blks <- return $
concatMap (\(n, bs) -> makeNoteEntry n bs) $
M.toList noteIds
sld <- blocksToSlide $ hdr : blks
return [sld]
@ -1094,6 +1108,9 @@ makePicElement mInfo attr = do
blockQuoteSize :: Pixels
blockQuoteSize = 20
noteSize :: Pixels
noteSize = 18
paraElemToElement :: PandocMonad m => ParaElem -> P m Element
paraElemToElement Break = return $ mknode "a:br" [] ()
paraElemToElement (Run rpr s) = do
Add table
Reference in a new issue