Docx reader: Use TeXMath to write math
The new version of TeXMath can translate from its type system into LaTeX. So instead of writing the LaTeX ourself, we write to the TeXMath `Exp` type, and let TeXMath do the rest.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 312 additions and 174 deletions
@ -82,17 +82,17 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Parse
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Lists
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Reducible
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.TexChar
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (insertMedia, MediaBag)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.List (delete, stripPrefix, (\\), intercalate, intersect)
import Data.List (delete, stripPrefix, (\\), intersperse, intersect)
import Data.Monoid
import Text.TeXMath (writeTeX)
import qualified Text.TeXMath.Types as TM
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Text.Printf (printf)
readDocx :: ReaderOptions
-> B.ByteString
@ -381,158 +381,192 @@ parPartToInlines (ExternalHyperLink target runs) = do
ils <- concatMapM runToInlines runs
return [Link ils (target, "")]
parPartToInlines (PlainOMath omath) = do
s <- oMathToTexString omath
return [Math InlineMath s]
e <- oMathToExps omath
return [Math InlineMath (writeTeX e)]
oMathToTexString :: OMath -> DocxContext String
oMathToTexString (OMath omathElems) = do
ss <- mapM oMathElemToTexString omathElems
return $ intercalate " " ss
oMathElemToTexString :: OMathElem -> DocxContext String
oMathElemToTexString (Accent style base) | Just c <- accentChar style = do
baseString <- baseToTexString base
return $ case lookupTexChar c of
s@('\\' : _) -> printf "%s{%s}" s baseString
_ -> printf "\\acute{%s}" baseString -- we default.
oMathElemToTexString (Accent _ base) =
baseToTexString base >>= (\s -> return $ printf "\\acute{%s}" s)
oMathElemToTexString (Bar style base) = do
baseString <- baseToTexString base
oMathToExps :: OMath -> DocxContext [TM.Exp]
oMathToExps (OMath oMathElems) = concatMapM oMathElemToExps oMathElems
oMathElemToExps :: OMathElem -> DocxContext [TM.Exp]
oMathElemToExps (Accent style base) = do
baseExp <- baseToExp base
let chr = case accentChar style of
Just c -> c
Nothing -> '\180' -- default to acute.
return [TM.EOver False baseExp (TM.ESymbol TM.Accent [chr])]
oMathElemToExps(Bar style base) = do
baseExp <- baseToExp base
return $ case barPos style of
Top -> printf "\\overline{%s}" baseString
Bottom -> printf "\\underline{%s}" baseString
oMathElemToTexString (Box base) = baseToTexString base
oMathElemToTexString (BorderBox base) =
baseToTexString base >>= (\s -> return $ printf "\\boxed{%s}" s)
oMathElemToTexString (Delimiter dPr bases) = do
let beg = fromMaybe '(' (delimBegChar dPr)
Top -> [TM.EOver False baseExp (TM.ESymbol TM.Accent "\175")]
Bottom -> [TM.EUnder False baseExp (TM.ESymbol TM.Accent "\818")]
oMathElemToExps (Box base) =
(\e -> return [e]) =<< baseToExp base
oMathElemToExps (BorderBox base) =
-- TODO: This should be "\\boxed" somehow
(\e -> return [e]) =<< baseToExp base
oMathElemToExps (Delimiter dPr bases) = do
baseExps <- mapM baseToExp bases
let inDelimExps = map Right baseExps
beg = fromMaybe '(' (delimBegChar dPr)
end = fromMaybe ')' (delimEndChar dPr)
sep = fromMaybe '|' (delimSepChar dPr)
left = "\\left" ++ lookupTexChar beg
right = "\\right" ++ lookupTexChar end
mid = "\\middle" ++ lookupTexChar sep
baseStrings <- mapM baseToTexString bases
return $ printf "%s %s %s"
(intercalate (" " ++ mid ++ " ") baseStrings)
oMathElemToTexString (EquationArray bases) = do
baseStrings <- mapM baseToTexString bases
inSub <- gets docxInTexSubscript
return $
if inSub
printf "\\substack{%s}" (intercalate "\\\\ " baseStrings)
(intercalate "\\\\\n" baseStrings)
oMathElemToTexString (Fraction num denom) = do
numString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString num
denString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString denom
return $ printf "\\frac{%s}{%s}" numString denString
oMathElemToTexString (Function fname base) = do
fnameString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString fname
baseString <- baseToTexString base
return $ printf "%s %s" fnameString baseString
oMathElemToTexString (Group style base)
| Just c <- groupChr style
, grouper <- lookupTexChar c
, notElem grouper ["\\overbrace", "\\underbrace"]
= do
baseString <- baseToTexString base
return $ case groupPos style of
Just Top -> printf "\\overset{%s}{%s}" grouper baseString
_ -> printf "\\underset{%s}{%s}" grouper baseString
oMathElemToTexString (Group style base) = do
baseString <- baseToTexString base
return $ case groupPos style of
Just Top -> printf "\\overbrace{%s}" baseString
_ -> printf "\\underbrace{%s}" baseString
oMathElemToTexString (LowerLimit base limElems) = do
baseString <- baseToTexString base
lim <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString limElems
-- we want to make sure to replace the `\rightarrow` with `\to`
let arrowToTo :: String -> String
arrowToTo "" = ""
arrowToTo s | Just s' <- stripPrefix "\\rightarrow" s =
"\\to" ++ arrowToTo s'
arrowToTo (c:cs) = c : arrowToTo cs
lim' = arrowToTo lim
return $ case baseString of
"lim" -> printf "\\lim_{%s}" lim'
"max" -> printf "\\max_{%s}" lim'
"min" -> printf "\\min_{%s}" lim'
_ -> printf "\\operatorname*{%s}_{%s}" baseString lim'
oMathElemToTexString (UpperLimit base limElems) = do
baseString <- baseToTexString base
lim <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString limElems
-- we want to make sure to replace the `\rightarrow` with `\to`
let arrowToTo :: String -> String
arrowToTo "" = ""
arrowToTo s | Just s' <- stripPrefix "\\rightarrow" s =
"\\to" ++ arrowToTo s'
arrowToTo (c:cs) = c : arrowToTo cs
lim' = arrowToTo lim
return $ case baseString of
"lim" -> printf "\\lim^{%s}" lim'
"max" -> printf "\\max^{%s}" lim'
"min" -> printf "\\min^{%s}" lim'
_ -> printf "\\operatorname*{%s}^{%s}" baseString lim'
oMathElemToTexString (Matrix bases) = do
let rowString :: [Base] -> DocxContext String
rowString bs = liftM (intercalate " & ") (mapM baseToTexString bs)
exps = intersperse (Left [sep]) inDelimExps
return [TM.EDelimited [beg] [end] exps]
oMathElemToExps (EquationArray bases) = do
let f b = do bs <- baseToExp' b
return [bs]
baseExps <- mapM f bases
return [TM.EArray [] baseExps]
oMathElemToExps (Fraction num denom) = do
numExp <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps num >>= (return . TM.EGrouped)
denExp <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps denom >>= (return . TM.EGrouped)
return [TM.EFraction TM.NormalFrac numExp denExp]
oMathElemToExps (Function fname base) = do
-- We need a string for the fname, but omml gives it to us as a
-- series of oMath elems. We're going to filter out the oMathRuns,
-- which should work for us most of the time.
let f :: OMathElem -> String
f (OMathRun _ run) = runToString run
f _ = ""
fnameString = concatMap f fname
baseExp <- baseToExp base
return [TM.EMathOperator fnameString, baseExp]
oMathElemToExps (Group style base)
| Just Top <- groupPos style = do
baseExp <- baseToExp base
let chr = case groupChr style of
Just c -> c
Nothing -> '\65079' -- default to overbrace
return [TM.EOver False baseExp (TM.ESymbol TM.Accent [chr])]
| otherwise = do
baseExp <- baseToExp base
let chr = case groupChr style of
Just c -> c
Nothing -> '\65080' -- default to underbrace
return [TM.EUnder False baseExp (TM.ESymbol TM.Accent [chr])]
oMathElemToExps (LowerLimit base limElems) = do
baseExp <- baseToExp base
lim <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps limElems >>= (return . TM.EGrouped)
return [TM.EUnder True lim baseExp]
oMathElemToExps (UpperLimit base limElems) = do
baseExp <- baseToExp base
lim <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps limElems >>= (return . TM.EGrouped)
return [TM.EOver True lim baseExp]
oMathElemToExps (Matrix bases) = do
rows <- mapM (mapM (\b -> baseToExp' b)) bases
return [TM.EArray [TM.AlignCenter] rows]
oMathElemToExps (NAry style sub sup base) = do
subExps <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps sub
supExps <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps sup
baseExp <- baseToExp base
let opChar = case nAryChar style of
Just c -> c
-- default to integral
Nothing -> '\8747'
return [ TM.ESubsup
(TM.ESymbol TM.Op [opChar])
(TM.EGrouped subExps)
(TM.EGrouped supExps)
, baseExp]
oMathElemToExps (Phantom base) =
(\e -> return [TM.EPhantom e]) =<< baseToExp base
oMathElemToExps (Radical degree base) = do
degExps <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps degree
baseExp <- baseToExp base
return $ case degExps of
[] -> [TM.ESqrt baseExp]
ds -> [TM.ERoot (TM.EGrouped ds) baseExp]
oMathElemToExps (PreSubSuper sub sup base) = do
subExps <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps sub
supExps <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps sup
baseExp <- baseToExp base
return [ TM.ESubsup
(TM.EIdentifier "") (TM.EGrouped subExps) (TM.EGrouped supExps)
, baseExp]
oMathElemToExps (Sub base sub) = do
baseExp <- baseToExp base
subExps <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps sub
return [TM.ESub baseExp (TM.EGrouped subExps)]
oMathElemToExps (SubSuper base sub sup) = do
baseExp <- baseToExp base
subExps <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps sub
supExps <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps sup
return [TM.ESubsup baseExp (TM.EGrouped subExps) (TM.EGrouped supExps)]
oMathElemToExps (Super base sup) = do
baseExp <- baseToExp base
supExps <- concatMapM oMathElemToExps sup
return [TM.ESuper baseExp (TM.EGrouped supExps)]
oMathElemToExps (OMathRun sty run@(Run _ _))
| NoStyle <- oMathRunTextStyle sty =
return $ [TM.EIdentifier $ runToString run]
| Nothing <- oMathRunStyleToTextType sty =
return $ [TM.EIdentifier $ runToString run]
| Just textType <- oMathRunStyleToTextType sty =
return $ if oMathLit sty
then [TM.EText textType (runToString run)]
else [TM.EStyled textType [TM.EIdentifier $ runToString run]]
oMathElemToExps (OMathRun _ _) = return []
s <- liftM (intercalate " \\\\\n")(mapM rowString bases)
return $ printf "\\begin{matrix}\n%s\n\\end{matrix}" s
oMathElemToTexString (NAry style sub sup base) | Just c <- nAryChar style = do
subString <- withDState (\s -> s{docxInTexSubscript = True}) $
concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sub
supString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sup
baseString <- baseToTexString base
return $ case M.lookup c uniconvMap of
Just s@('\\':_) -> printf "%s_{%s}^{%s}{%s}"
s subString supString baseString
_ -> printf "\\operatorname*{%s}_{%s}^{%s}{%s}"
[c] subString supString baseString
oMathElemToTexString (NAry _ sub sup base) = do
subString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sub
supString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sup
baseString <- baseToTexString base
return $ printf "\\int_{%s}^{%s}{%s}"
subString supString baseString
oMathElemToTexString (Phantom base) = do
baseString <- baseToTexString base
return $ printf "\\phantom{%s}" baseString
oMathElemToTexString (Radical degree base) = do
degString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString degree
baseString <- baseToTexString base
return $ case trim degString of
"" -> printf "\\sqrt{%s}" baseString
_ -> printf "\\sqrt[%s]{%s}" degString baseString
oMathElemToTexString (PreSubSuper sub sup base) = do
subString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sub
supString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sup
baseString <- baseToTexString base
return $ printf "_{%s}^{%s}%s" subString supString baseString
oMathElemToTexString (Sub base sub) = do
baseString <- baseToTexString base
subString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sub
return $ printf "%s_{%s}" baseString subString
oMathElemToTexString (SubSuper base sub sup) = do
baseString <- baseToTexString base
subString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sub
supString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sup
return $ printf "%s_{%s}^{%s}" baseString subString supString
oMathElemToTexString (Super base sup) = do
baseString <- baseToTexString base
supString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sup
return $ printf "%s^{%s}" baseString supString
oMathElemToTexString (OMathRun _ run) = return $ stringToTex $ runToString run
oMathRunStyleToTextType :: OMathRunStyle -> Maybe TM.TextType
oMathRunStyleToTextType mrPr
| Normal <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr =
Just $ TM.TextNormal
| Styled scr sty <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
,Just OBold <- sty
, Just OSansSerif <- scr =
Just $ TM.TextSansSerifBold
| Styled scr sty <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
, Just OBoldItalic <- sty
, Just OSansSerif <- scr =
Just $ TM.TextSansSerifBoldItalic
| Styled scr sty <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
, Just OBold <- sty
, Just OScript <- scr =
Just $ TM.TextBoldScript
| Styled scr sty <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
, Just OBold <- sty
, Just OFraktur <- scr =
Just $ TM.TextBoldFraktur
| Styled scr sty <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
, Just OItalic <- sty
, Just OSansSerif <- scr =
Just $ TM.TextSansSerifItalic
| Styled _ sty <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
, Just OBold <- sty =
Just $ TM.TextBold
| Styled _ sty <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
, Just OItalic <- sty =
Just $ TM.TextItalic
| Styled scr _ <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
, Just OMonospace <- scr =
Just $ TM.TextMonospace
| Styled scr _ <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
, Just OSansSerif <- scr =
Just $ TM.TextSansSerif
| Styled scr _ <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
, Just ODoubleStruck <- scr =
Just $ TM.TextDoubleStruck
| Styled scr _ <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
, Just OScript <- scr =
Just $ TM.TextDoubleStruck
| Styled scr _ <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
, Just OFraktur <- scr =
Just $ TM.TextFraktur
| Styled _ sty <- oMathRunTextStyle mrPr
, Just OBoldItalic <- sty =
Just $ TM.TextBoldItalic
| otherwise = Nothing
baseToTexString :: Base -> DocxContext String
baseToTexString (Base mathElems) =
concatMapM oMathElemToTexString mathElems
baseToExp :: Base -> DocxContext TM.Exp
baseToExp (Base mathElems) =
concatMapM oMathElemToExps mathElems >>= (return . TM.EGrouped)
-- an ungrouped version of baseToExp
baseToExp' :: Base -> DocxContext [TM.Exp]
baseToExp' (Base mathElems) =
concatMapM oMathElemToExps mathElems
isAnchorSpan :: Inline -> Bool
@ -659,9 +693,10 @@ bodyPartToBlocks (Tbl cap _ look (r:rs)) = do
return [Table caption alignments widths hdrCells cells]
bodyPartToBlocks (OMathPara _ maths) = do
omaths <- mapM oMathToTexString maths
return [Para $ map (\s -> Math DisplayMath s) omaths]
omaths <- mapM oMathToExps maths
return [Para $
map (\m -> Math DisplayMath (writeTeX m))
-- replace targets with generated anchors.
rewriteLink :: Inline -> DocxContext Inline
@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Parse ( Docx(..)
, NAryStyle(..)
, DelimStyle(..)
, GroupStyle(..)
, OMathRunStyle(..)
, OMathRunTextStyle(..)
, OMathTextScript(..)
, OMathTextStyle(..)
, Run(..)
, RunElem(..)
, Notes
@ -93,13 +97,14 @@ maybeToD :: Maybe a -> D a
maybeToD (Just a) = return a
maybeToD Nothing = throwError DocxError
mapD :: (a -> D b) -> [a] -> D [b]
mapD _ [] = return []
mapD f (x:xs) = do
y <- (f x >>= (\z -> return [z])) `catchError` (\_ -> return [])
ys <- mapD f xs
return $ y ++ ys
concatMapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
concatMapM f xs = liftM concat (mapM f xs)
mapD :: (a -> D b) -> [a] -> D [b]
mapD f xs =
let handler x = (f x >>= (\y-> return [y])) `catchError` (\_ -> return [])
concatMapM handler xs
type NameSpaces = [(String, String)]
@ -128,6 +133,7 @@ type Level = (String, String, String, Maybe Integer)
data Relationship = Relationship (RelId, Target)
deriving Show
data Notes = Notes NameSpaces
(Maybe (M.Map String Element))
(Maybe (M.Map String Element))
@ -223,6 +229,30 @@ data NAryStyle = NAryStyle { nAryChar :: Maybe Char
, nAryLimLoc :: LimLoc}
deriving Show
data OMathRunStyle = OMathRunStyle { oMathLit :: Bool
, oMathRunTextStyle :: OMathRunTextStyle }
deriving Show
data OMathRunTextStyle = NoStyle
| Normal
| Styled { oMathScript :: Maybe OMathTextScript
, oMathStyle :: Maybe OMathTextStyle }
deriving Show
data OMathTextScript = ORoman
| OScript
| OFraktur
| ODoubleStruck
| OSansSerif
| OMonospace
deriving (Show, Eq)
data OMathTextStyle = OPlain
| OBold
| OItalic
| OBoldItalic
deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultNAryStyle :: NAryStyle
defaultNAryStyle = NAryStyle { nAryChar = Nothing -- integral, in practice
, nAryLimLoc = SubSup }
@ -246,9 +276,6 @@ data GroupStyle = GroupStyle { groupChr :: Maybe Char
defaultGroupStyle :: GroupStyle
defaultGroupStyle = GroupStyle {groupChr = Nothing, groupPos = Nothing}
type OMathRunStyle = [String]
data Run = Run RunStyle [RunElem]
| Footnote [BodyPart]
| Endnote [BodyPart]
@ -596,6 +623,75 @@ elemToBase ns element | isElem ns "m" "e" element =
(\es -> return $ Base es)
elemToBase _ _ = throwError WrongElem
-- TODO: The right way to do this is to use the ampersand to break the
-- text lines into multiple columns. That's tricky, though, and this
-- will get us most of the way for the time being.
filterAmpersand :: OMathElem -> OMathElem
filterAmpersand (OMathRun mrPr (Run wrPr elems)) =
let f (TextRun s) = TextRun $ filter ('&' /=) s
f re = re
OMathRun mrPr $ Run wrPr (map f elems)
filterAmpersand e = e
elemToBaseNoAmpersand :: NameSpaces -> Element -> D Base
elemToBaseNoAmpersand ns element | isElem ns "m" "e" element =
(\e -> (elemToMathElem ns e >>= (return . filterAmpersand)))
(elChildren element) >>=
(\es -> return $ Base es)
elemToBaseNoAmpersand _ _ = throwError WrongElem
elemToOMathRunStyle :: NameSpaces -> Element -> OMathRunStyle
elemToOMathRunStyle ns element =
let lit =
findChild (elemName ns "m" "lit") element >>=
findAttr (elemName ns "m" "val")
Just "on" -> True
_ -> False
OMathRunStyle { oMathLit = lit
, oMathRunTextStyle = (elemToOMathRunTextStyle ns element)
elemToOMathRunTextStyle :: NameSpaces -> Element -> OMathRunTextStyle
elemToOMathRunTextStyle ns element
| Just mrPr <- findChild (elemName ns "m" "rPr") element
, Just _ <- findChild (elemName ns "m" "nor") mrPr =
| Just mrPr <- findChild (elemName ns "m" "rPr") element =
let scr =
findChild (elemName ns "m" "scr") mrPr >>=
findAttr (elemName ns "m" "val")
Just "roman" -> Just ORoman
Just "script" -> Just OScript
Just "fraktur" -> Just OFraktur
Just "double-struck" -> Just ODoubleStruck
Just "sans-serif" -> Just OSansSerif
Just "monospace" -> Just OMonospace
_ -> Nothing
sty =
findChild (elemName ns "m" "sty") mrPr >>=
findAttr (elemName ns "m" "val")
Just "p" -> Just OPlain
Just "b" -> Just OBold
Just "i" -> Just OItalic
Just "bi" -> Just OBoldItalic
_ -> Nothing
Styled { oMathScript = scr, oMathStyle = sty }
| otherwise = NoStyle
elemToNAryStyle :: NameSpaces -> Element -> NAryStyle
elemToNAryStyle ns element
| Just narypr <- findChild (QName "naryPr" (lookup "m" ns) (Just "m")) element =
@ -618,13 +714,13 @@ elemToDelimStyle ns element
| Just dPr <- findChild (QName "dPr" (lookup "m" ns) (Just "m")) element =
let begChr = findChild (QName "begChr" (lookup "m" ns) (Just "m")) dPr >>=
findAttr (QName "val" (lookup "m" ns) (Just "m")) >>=
(\c -> if null c then Nothing else (Just $ head c))
(\c -> if null c then (Just ' ') else (Just $ head c))
sepChr = findChild (QName "sepChr" (lookup "m" ns) (Just "m")) dPr >>=
findAttr (QName "val" (lookup "m" ns) (Just "m")) >>=
(\c -> if null c then Nothing else (Just $ head c))
(\c -> if null c then (Just ' ') else (Just $ head c))
endChr = findChild (QName "endChr" (lookup "m" ns) (Just "m")) dPr >>=
findAttr (QName "val" (lookup "m" ns) (Just "m")) >>=
(\c -> if null c then Nothing else (Just $ head c))
(\c -> if null c then (Just ' ') else (Just $ head c))
DelimStyle { delimBegChar = begChr
, delimSepChar = sepChr
@ -647,9 +743,9 @@ elemToGroupStyle _ _ = defaultGroupStyle
elemToMathElem :: NameSpaces -> Element -> D OMathElem
elemToMathElem ns element | isElem ns "m" "acc" element = do
let accChar =
findChild (QName "accPr" (lookup "m" ns) (Just "m")) element >>=
findChild (QName "chr" (lookup "m" ns) (Just "m")) >>=
findAttr (QName "val" (lookup "m" ns) (Just "m")) >>=
findChild (elemName ns "m" "accPr") element >>=
findChild (elemName ns "m" "chr") >>=
findAttr (elemName ns "m" "val") >>=
Just . head
accPr = AccentStyle { accentChar = accChar}
base <-(maybeToD $ findChild (elemName ns "m" "e") element) >>=
@ -681,7 +777,7 @@ elemToMathElem ns element | isElem ns "m" "d" element =
mapD (elemToBase ns) (elChildren element) >>=
(\es -> return $ Delimiter style es)
elemToMathElem ns element | isElem ns "m" "eqArr" element =
mapD (elemToBase ns) (elChildren element) >>=
mapD (elemToBaseNoAmpersand ns) (elChildren element) >>=
(\es -> return $ EquationArray es)
elemToMathElem ns element | isElem ns "m" "f" element = do
num <- maybeToD $ findChild (elemName ns "m" "num") element
@ -763,12 +859,12 @@ elemToMathElem ns element | isElem ns "m" "sSup" element = do
elemToBase ns
sup <- maybeToD (findChild (elemName ns "m" "sup") element) >>=
(\e -> mapD (elemToMathElem ns) (elChildren e))
return $ Sub base sup
return $ Super base sup
elemToMathElem ns element | isElem ns "m" "r" element = do
let style = [] -- placeholder
rstyle = elemToRunStyle ns element
let mrPr = elemToOMathRunStyle ns element
wrPr = elemToRunStyle ns element
relems <- elemToRunElems ns element
return $ OMathRun style $ Run rstyle relems
return $ OMathRun mrPr $ Run wrPr relems
elemToMathElem _ _ = throwError WrongElem
lookupRelationship :: RelId -> [Relationship] -> Maybe Target
@ -832,6 +928,9 @@ elemToParPart ns element
return $ case lookupRelationship relId rels of
Just target -> ExternalHyperLink target runs
Nothing -> ExternalHyperLink "" runs
elemToParPart ns element
| isElem ns "m" "oMath" element =
elemToMath ns element >>= (return . PlainOMath)
elemToParPart _ _ = throwError WrongElem
lookupFootnote :: String -> Notes -> Maybe Element
@ -908,7 +1007,9 @@ elemToRunStyle _ _ = defaultRunStyle
elemToRunElem :: NameSpaces -> Element -> D RunElem
elemToRunElem ns element
| isElem ns "w" "t" element || isElem ns "w" "delText" element =
| isElem ns "w" "t" element
|| isElem ns "w" "delText" element
|| isElem ns "m" "t" element =
return $ TextRun $ strContent element
| isElem ns "w" "br" element = return LnBrk
| isElem ns "w" "tab" element = return Tab
@ -916,7 +1017,9 @@ elemToRunElem ns element
elemToRunElems :: NameSpaces -> Element -> D [RunElem]
elemToRunElems ns element
| isElem ns "w" "r" element = mapD (elemToRunElem ns) (elChildren element)
| isElem ns "w" "r" element
|| isElem ns "m" "r" element =
mapD (elemToRunElem ns) (elChildren element)
elemToRunElems _ _ = throwError WrongElem
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